Monday, November 30, 2015


Ms Hannah Bazon from Sierra Leone was given a charm by her mother to use for her ‘success and protection’ yet since then, her life took a destructive turn. She became afflicted with violent spirits, including that of a lion which pushed her to do a tattoo on her hand. She suffered from severe anger and lust and was so violent to the extent that when she caught her only son stealing their neighbour’s meat, she thrust his hands up to the wrist in the flames the meat was cooking in. She would go around fighting even with men.
HANNAH BAZONMembers of her family would always call her to come and fight for them whenever they had quarrels with people. She lied against her stepfather, one of her greatest benefactors in order to take him out of her way because the spirit in her disliked the good works he was doing in her life. She also engaged in prostitution and had a special way of seducing men. She continued to wallow in her pitiable lifestyle until she succumbed to the power of God during Mass Prayer at The SCOAN Sunday service.
During the Mass Prayer, the demon in her spoke out as it crawled menacingly like a wild cat, confessing the many evils it had done to destroy her life and that of her son. Weeping profusely as a sign of regret for all the evil spirit had led her to do against her will, she thanked God for giving her a new beginning through deliverance and advised people, especially parents, to monitor their wards and watch the things they give to them.


Mr Alexander Johnson, a Liberian residing in Ghana was possessed by the spirit of a bush dog which tormented his life with ALEXANDAER JOHNSONseveral other spirits, including anger, lust and poverty. According to him, the genesis of his problem is traceable to his grandfather who was very traditional in nature and who took him to so many places. He recalled one occasion when his grandfather took him to a bush where he was given something that looked like palm wine to drink. Days after that experience, he found himself sleeping with a mentally impaired woman at the tender age of six. Since then, he had been lusting after young girls and elderly women alike. He also developed the spirit of anger after he saw a dog which was unable to bite him in his dream, appear and bite him in the leg the following day.
He had fathered three children from three different women and could not cater for them because he had nothing. The dog spirit also confessed to have been responsible for his poverty. Anytime he had sexual relationship with any woman, that woman’s progress depreciated. He impregnated many women and also helped them to abort the pregnancies. In all, he had aborted about twenty pregnancies. He would later be introduced to Emmanuel TV by a friend and was shocked when a prophecy by the man of God concerning Nigeria’s qualification for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa came to pass. After that experience, he made up his mind to visit The SCOAN.
Present in the church auditorium during a Sunday service, he manifested the dog spirit when authority was taken in the name of Jesus to pull down strongholds and wicked spirits as the Mass Prayer went on. Mr Johnson was eventually delivered and is now enjoying that inner peace and freedom associated with a soul that has found rest and restoration through Christ Jesus. He advised people to run to God whenever they notice strange things in their lives as events which seem ordinary may have extraordinary effects in the spirit.


MR& MRS EMMANUEL KOLO & CHILDRENMrs Kolo had come to The SCOAN with the problem of severe chest pain but received an entirely different prophecy from the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. Seated in the church auditorium, the man of God walked up to her and told her that there was a letter for her husband. At first she looked confused but eventually it dawned on her that the man of God was very correct with the prophetic message he had given her. Concerning her chest pain, all efforts by her husband who is a medical doctor, to treat her proved abortive as she had to be referred to a senior doctor. After several tests, nothing was found. The doctors, in their own human reasoning advised her not to get pregnant with the condition as it could threaten her life. She could not sleep at night and found it very difficult to drive. However, after her encounter with the man of God where after he had prayed for her, the pain disappeared. She now does those things she could not do before. She has even given birth to a baby girl to the glory of His name.
For Mr Kolo, the prophecy the man of God gave to his wife about a letter came to be fulfilled in multiple dimensions. Having prayed over the prophecy together with his wife amid ministration of the Morning Water, Mr Kolo received a letter after two weeks from the office of the Registrar, Bayero University Kano, confirming his promotion from the rank of Lecturer 1 to Senior Lecturer. Afterwards, he received a letter from the National Post Graduate Medical College of Nigeria appointing him as an Examiner even though he does not have the pre-requisite qualification. In the same vein, after one year, the West African College of Surgeons also appointed him as an Examiner without having the full qualification there either. In August 2015, he received another letter from the Registrar of Bayero University confirming that his papers have been submitted for consideration for promotion to the rank of Associate Professor.
Mr Kolo also received another letter from the Federal Government confirming him as one of the lucky applicants who won the YouWin grant for small scale businesses. In spite of all the challenges he encountered along the way, he was able to navigate his way out through the ministration of the Morning Water. He eventually got a letter affirming that he has been awarded a 10 million naira grant to start an ear, nose and throat clinic in Kano. Mr Kolo has dedicated his services mostly to the poor and less- privileged. He observed that his inspiration to help the poor and needy came from the counsels of the man of God who encourages people to reach out to the needy.
Finally, those who go the way of the Cross must understand that to a man of faith nothing is lacking while everything is necessary. God is concerned about you and the gracious call Christ gave to us to come to Him encourages our hope, that when we come to Him, we will receive freedom, power and grace, deliverance, healing and all of God’s blessings. May the Lord strengthen you to go the way of the Cross, in Jesus’ name.


EVANG. ANNE (1)The SCOAN Sunday service of November 1, 2015 reflected the generality of human experience across the world. The congregants sang and danced along with the church choir, irrespective of the harsh realities in the outside world. They seemed to suggest that once they are inside the Arena of Liberty, all their problems and challenges are gone forever. Evangelist Anne’s message titled THE PRESENTATION OF EVIL also captured the prevailing circumstances around the world. It echoed the deceptive realities that the devil has continued to use to pull many souls to his side. The façades called wealth and fame are good but, according to Evangelist Anne, a good Christian must not put them first before God. She summed up her admonition to Christians to be wary of satan and his chameleonic antics lest they begin to see the presentation of evil in good light: “If you are focused only on making money or acquiring possessions, a large slice of life will pass you by because a focus on materialism diverts our devotion from God Almighty to the god of wealth; distracts our mind and hinders our interest in the service of God. Though possessions are a useful support, we should not put our trust in them rather, they should be in reverence to God. Those with the most positive impact on society are not so much concerned with fame or fortune”.


MR MOSES MASENYAMr Moses Masenya had three different certificates, including two distinctions in Chemical Engineering and Production Management and yet could not lay his hands on a job. Even when he once had an opportunity to attend a job interview, he was told that he was over-qualified and therefore, could not be employed. At a time, he tried to conceal his qualifications in order to get a job but nothing was forthcoming. He became more and more confused and depressed as most of his mates were already working with big companies and cruising in flashy cars. Many people mocked him and rubbished all his educational qualifications. Even when he eventually got a job, it was one to ensure that he did not die of hunger as he lived from hand to mouth with very tight and insufficient finances.
As he faced the grim reality of hardship and stagnation, friends and family deserted him. He even became scared of associating with people because of his poverty. His visits to different prophets and prayer mountains did not yield any results. All encouragement by well-wishers seemed not to have any positive effect on him as he continued in his romance with hard times. His constant depression was not going down well with his wife who always encouraged him to socialise with friends in order to dispel the tension that had been causing the depression. It was on one of such socialisation visits to a family friend that he encountered Emmanuel TV. The teeming testimonies of people who had experienced the benevolent hands of God at The SCOAN encouraged him to believe that his case would not be an exception. He could not resist the alluring prospects of visiting The SCOAN.
When he finally arrived at The SCOAN, he received yoke-breaking prayers from Prophet T.B. Joshua and also got the Morning Water with which he returned to his country. Dedicated to his prayers and the ministration of the Morning Water, he continued to call on God to change the story of his life which had been at point zero. In a matter of months, his life was transformed in a manner that defied human reasoning. What he could not achieve in twenty years, came to him on God’s platter of gold, within one year. Today, he is the proud owner of an agro-allied business factory in Johannesburg with many staff under his employment. He also owns a fleet of exotic cars and has become benefactor to many including the less privileged in society. Thanking God for lifting him from zero to hero, he urged people all over the world to realise that life is full of tests that are meant to be passed before breakthroughs come.


MR & MRS PIUS ODIAKA OKOHOFor four years, Mrs Ijeoma Odiaka and her husband could not hear the cry of a child in their home. They had been declared barren due to certain infections. For Mrs Odiaka, it was candidiasis and hormonal imbalance while Mr Odiaka had low sperm count. Their inability to bear children was a pill too bitter to swallow as they faced the social embarrassment that follows such conditions. Last year, the couple visited The SCOAN and received prayer from Prophet T.B. Joshua. They also received the Morning Water. They continued to minister the Morning Water amid prayers while hoping expectantly for a miracle. Within one month, Mrs Odiaka was confirmed pregnant by her doctors.
Mr Odiaka confirmed that Prophet T.B. Joshua appeared in his dreams on several occasions and ensured that no complications arose from the pregnancy. According to him, the man of God always appeared in those dreams to adjust the baby whenever it was not positioned properly. After nine months, Mr and Mrs Odiaka welcomed their first baby christened Odiaka Happiness Chukwuemeka [‘God has done it’]. Testifying with joy radiating all over her face, Mrs Odiaka declared that the sorrow and tears they had experienced for those four years have been replaced by joy unspeakable in the mighty name of Jesus through the medium of the Morning Water and the Faith Bracelet. The couple reminded viewers all over the world that with God, all things are possible, while pledging to train the child in the way of the Lord.


Mr Moses Simone from Cameroon came from a poor background and was left to face the stark realities of a troubled world after he lost his parents in his childhood. Even though he was very brilliant in primary school, what he would later get from life was totally incongruous with his expectations. He took to the trade he had learnt in order to see himself through the uneasy journey of life. But he was soon to realise that not all that glitters is gold. As he would later discover, a woman he had taken as his own mother, unknowingly cast an evil spell on him and opened his soul to demonic possession with the spirit of a bush  pig and spiritual wife. She had picked an instrument and asked him to keep it in a basket inside his blacksmithing shop, only for him to discover that she had also placed a strange stone in the same place.MR MOSES SIMON
Moments after that episode, Mr Simone found himself covered with cobwebs. He would later dream that night of himself being chased menacingly by masquerades. Other evil dreams became a recurring decimal. He would either dream of climbing high mountains, having sex or sleeping in the midst of bush pigs. His life became terrible in reality. The spirit of womanising soon took over him. Even when he did not go for women, they came for him. His social life deteriorated and saw him father four children with four different women. The legion of demons that had taken over him soon ensured that he lost everything; he had lost hope and was only living like a kite tossed helter-skelter by the winds without the will power to take redemptive decisions.
During a Sunday service, while the evangelists were leading Mass Prayer, the anointing was so hot that Mr Simone could not stand the fire. He had tried to heed the advice of a voice which had told him to run away when the power of God located him. Like a bush pig sniffing through the gutters, Mr Simone manifested the demonic influence under which his life had been kept. The demons spoke through him in turns, explaining how they had ruined his life: “We are many…I met him at the shop side and destroyed him…his marriage has problems, problems everyday…” He was eventually delivered through the power in the name of Jesus Christ.
Testifying with an intermittent outbreak of uncontrollable tears, Mr Simone lamented the torment he suffered in the hands of those evil spirits and how they had almost destroyed himm if not for God’s intervention at The SCOAN. Radiating the inestimable joy of his new found freedom in Christ Jesus, he thanked God for his deliverance and redemption.


Mr Emitimi Akassa Stephen is not one that would step out of his house without praying and ministering the Morning Water on himself and his entire family. He also has the Morning Sticker on his vehicle’s windscreen at every point in time. While driving, in the company of five other passengers some days back, his brakes had failed on the highway and the devil was already celebrating the havoc that would befall them. In the face of that chaotic scenario, Mr Stephen summoned the courage to call on the God of Prophet T.B. Joshua to come to their rescue. As the vehicle sped on without a break, it somersaulted before crashing into another vehicle. But none of the passengers, including Mr Stephen, was hurt.
Testifying in company of his wife and expressing his gratitude to God for protecting them from danger, Mr Stephen observed that it was incredible the way God saved their lives, going by the magnitude of damage on both his vehicle and the one it crashed into. According to him, onlookers were shocked to discover that no one lost his life in an accident that looked so ghastly. He attributed the miracle to his constant ministration of the Morning Water and the use of the Morning Sticker on the windscreen of his vehicle. He urged everyone to believe in God and focus on Him as the only solution to their problems.


Mr Loly Shalishali is a DR Congo national residing in Canada. For fourteen years, he was stuck in alcoholism to the extent that he would use all of his salary to drink and later resort to regret. His drinking was daily; from Monday to Sunday. It was a destructive routine that sapped not only his finances but his spiritual life. He was defenceless in the hands of the spirit of alcoholism and had no idea how to set himself free. Unhappy with the perilous turn his life was taking, he became sober and started nurturing the urge to get close to God. A friend would eventually introduce him to Emmanuel TV.MR LOLY SHALISHALI
One day, after getting himself soaked in booze, he was at home watching Emmanuel TV and was moved by the prayers going on at that particular moment. The man of God said that distance was not a barrier and urged viewers all over the world to touch the screen of their TVs. As soon as he touched the screen of his TV, he found himself on the ground. After that experience, all efforts he made to drink did not go down well with him. Within weeks, the urge to drink had completely left him. As he continued to pray via Emmanuel TV, things he could not achieve in fourteen years came to him in a matter of months. His dream of travelling abroad came to fruition after the UN resettlement programme selected him to travel to Canada. His visa was granted without the usual hassles involved. By the time he arrived in Canada, he got an office job he never applied for through divine connection. His quest for another child also materialised after he ministered the Morning Water. His wife would subsequently deliver another baby boy to the glory of God. Mr Shalishali urged people all over the world, especially those struggling with any form of substance abuse, to seek God for their total freedom.


Mr and Mrs Marcel Anarah are Nigerians residing in Germany. For many years, they had suffered from the problem of barrenness due to some medical conditions. While her husband had low sperm count, Mrs Anarah was diagnosed with fibroid. As they continued to search for solutions without results, they were introduced to Emmanuel TV. Upon watching the channel, their faith was rekindled with the level of yoke-breaking miracles that they observed on the channel.MR & MRS MARCEL IFEANYI ANARAH Having been convinced that God is truly at The SCOAN, they came down to Nigeria to visit the Arena of Liberty.
At The SCOAN, they were placed on the Prayer Line where they received prayers and were given the Morning Water. On their return to Germany, husband and wife continued to minister the Morning Water while calling on the God of Prophet T.B. Joshua to answer their prayer. In a matter of months, Mrs Anarah became pregnant and went on to deliver a baby girl safely to the glory of the Most High. Testifying in high spirits and gratitude to God, the couple advised people all over the world to run to God no matter the level of their problems.


Mr Abuh Adama is a retired Assistant Director with the State Security Service of Nigeria. The Kogi state indigene is currently a Security Consultant to many state governments. By every world standard, he is an accomplished security expert with thirty five years experience. But he had serious spiritual issues to contend with in his family. His businesses suffered collapse. His son, who used to be a passionate Christian evangelist in school, suddenly became a drug and alcohol addict after graduation. The other son had graduated from school for ten years without a job to show it. His daughter’s graduation was marred by allegations from the university that she had carry-over courses to cover. The issue dragged on endlessly. Troubled by his children’s cases, Mr Adama decided to visit The SCOAN in the company of his children.MR ADAMS ABUH & FAMILY
Though the journey was almost truncated by the family idol which tried to discourage the father through his son’s careless utterances, Mr Adama ensured through prayer that he stepped into the Arena of Liberty. At The SCOAN, reprieve came the way of Mr Adama during the Morning Water ministration. As the Morning Water was being ministered in Jesus’ name, Mr Adama fell under the anointing and began to manifest the demon that had been tormenting his family. The demon identified itself as a family idol and confessed to be behind the family’s myriad problems. It confessed to be the one destroying the lives and careers of his children. The family idol also confessed to be the one behind his broken marriage and many sundry challenges facing the family. As the evangelist ministered the Morning Water on Mr Adama, the idol, which was apparently under bombardment from the fire of the Holy Ghost, succumbed and was cast out of Mr Adama.
After his deliverance, things have changed for Mr Adama and his children. The mighty hand of God has indeed wiped away the many tears of anguish he had wept in the past. His children’s jobs and careers have now been restored even as his own life has taken a promising turn for the best. Thanking God for redeeming his family from the wicked idol, Mr Adama urged people all over the world to put their trust in God.


Mrs Fatmata Kargbo is a civil servant from Sierra Leone. For over ten years, she had used glasses to read. One day while watching Emmanuel TV from her Freetown residence, she was impressed with the deliverance of a particular brother from Cameroon and decided to join the Mass Prayer from the comfort of her home by placing her hand on the screen of the TV. With a very strong faith, as soon as her hand touched the screen of the TV, she realised she could see well without glasses. Since that day in 2012, she has not used her glasses anymore.MRS FATMATA KAGBO
Mrs Kargbo returned to The SCOAN for thanksgiving and received the Morning Water. By the time she went back to her country, she continued to minister the Morning Water and to use her Morning Sticker. She also fasted on several occasions. Then, came the notice of examination for civil servants who were eyeing promotion to the next level. Before she went for the exams, she ministered the Morning Water and placed the Morning Sticker in her answer sheets. After the exams, she came out with flying colours and was promoted to the position of Permanent Secretary in the Sierra-Leonean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Thanking God for her healing and promotion, Mrs Kargbo also testified to the great works God did for her country through Prophet T.B. Joshua who sent a consignment of the Morning Water through a chartered jet to the Ebola-affected areas of Sierra Leone in August 2014. The man of God also made a cash donation of US$50,000. According to Mrs Kargbo, after the ministration of the Morning Water in the Ebola-affected regions, the disease disappeared finally from those regions to the glory of God.


Source by thetbjoshuafanclub
The SCOAN Sunday service of October 25, 2015 witnessed an outpouring of the Spirit of God in many significant ways. From the soul-lifting songs of the choir to the awe-inspiring testimonies of people who have experienced the power of God in the Arena of Liberty, it was obvious that with God, all things are possible. In her message titled YOUR TRUE PICTURE, evangelist Morenike reminded Christians on the need to look beyond present circumstances and focus more on the bigger picture of their future in God’s hand. According to her, every pain or sickness to the true believer could be his or her path to greatness in God’s divine purpose. She cited the story of Joseph and how, in spite of the pains he went through, still fulfilled God’s plan for his life. The following words from her message would guide us in our Christian walk to realise that a little discomfort is part of the race: “Everybody desires comfort whereas pain sometimes preserves us for a new level in life. Everybody desires good health whereas sickness sometimes preserves us for a new level in life. Everybody desires breakthrough whereas setback sometimes preserves us for a new level in life. Everybody desires freedom, whereas captivity sometimes preserves us for a new level in life.  Those who are capable of seeing beyond their immediate situation know what God says about their situation. They know that a believer’s trouble is not like others, for behind their troubles lie God’s promise for their life”.


Before she visited The SCOAN in 2012, Mrs Mazu Mazibuko from South Africa, suffered from business failure to the extent that she harboured suicidal thoughts. Life was very harsh on her; nothing seemed to work out. After she received her deliverance at The SCOAN, things soon took a prosperous turn. Her business picked up almost immediately after she found herself in a dream in which the man of God was putting some money into her wallet and assuring her of deliverance. After that experience, her business came back strongly. She even acquired a couple of cars.
By 2014, she had opened a new shop in Durban. In early 2015, she got another opportunity to work for an international travel agency and broke a record being the first person to be made a director within the space of one month of employment. She has been invited in company of her husband to Dallas, Texas in the US by the company to come and spend some time with its founders. Thanking God for expanding their business, Mr Mazibuko attributed their favour to prayers while acknowledging that they have been blessed financially. He advised people with the following words, “…don’t be discouraged whenever you face challenges. Hold unto God because what He says about you is what matters”.


An ardent worshipper with The SCOAN, Mr Chukwudi Onah, a worker with a Nigerian offshore oil company always had his Morning Sticker and Morning Water with him wherever he went. That fateful Morning when he was about to board the helicopter, he had the anointed materials in his pocket. He had even ministered the Morning Water as he always did every morning. The delay in the arrival of the aircraft might have been a premonition to the coming tragedy but he never took it to mind. However, when he eventually realised on board that the helicopter conveying him and eleven others to Lagos was nose-diving into the sea, a few metres away from the airport, he called on the God of T.B. Joshua to come to his rescue.
Trapped in the deep with the seat belt of the wrecked aircraft still around his waist and struggling to set himself free, God ministered two powerful words to him. First he heard, “Your seat belt” and thereafter, “Life jacket”. After loosening the seat belt and putting on the life jacket, he was lifted ashore and could behold the skies. From there, he found a life raft in which he took refuge in company of a colleague before fishermen paddled them to the land. The two persons who sat on either side of him in the helicopter lost their lives.
It would be recalled that the Nigerian and international media were awash with the famous helicopter crash that claimed four lives months ago. Thanking God in company of his family and a colleague with whom he boarded the ill-fated helicopter, Mr Onah advised people to realise that with God, all things are possible. He also thanked God for giving him the grace to witness God’s power at work through the great miracles that take place at The SCOAN.


Mrs Phamella Quku and her husband were birds of the same feather. They were both hooked on alcohol and suffered from severe poverty. They would even borrow money to satisfy their alcoholic appetites. They soon became famous for their unwholesome lifestyle. People declined offering them credit because of their debt profile. Their living conditions were abysmally poor. Instead of a clear cut apartment, they managed to sleep in a makeshift abode. Sometimes, Mr Quku would drink himself into a stupor and pass the night in the bush. This problem persisted for fourteen years. All attempts to find a solution yielded no result; not even the charms of herbalists. But Mrs Quku knew she had been initiated in drunkenness through traditional ceremonies observed in her family right from childhood.
After watching Emmanuel TV and witnessing the level of God’s power, they made up their minds to continue worshipping with the ministry. By January 2014, Mr Quku visited The SCOAN and received his deliverance. He was also fortunate to receive the Morning Water with which he prayed along with his wife once in South Africa. In a short while, change came. Firstly, their accumulated debt was cleared. Mr Quku’s salary was increased and the couple commenced and completed the construction of their own house within two months. Mrs Quku urged people to desist from fetish traditional ceremonies as they create more setbacks than progress.


Dr Emmanuel Kolo, a Kano-based medical doctor was faced with a precarious financial situation occasioned by the insecurity that pervaded the community in which he lived. By that time, only the wealthy who could afford to live in government reservation areas, enjoyed some level of safety and social security. Disturbed and distraught by his financial situation, Dr Kolo tried to relocate but was handicapped by lack of money. While grappling with the situation he had found himself in, he found a building to let but was taken aback by the exorbitant rent. The owner of the building had put the rent at 1.2 million naira per annum. Dr Kolo did not have that kind of money and only wished he could get a better deal.
A friend who had visited The SCOAN brought the Morning Water to him and inspired him into praying along with the man of God through Emmanuel TV. After ministering the Morning Water, praying and pasting his prayer requests on Emmanuel TV screen, the landlord who put his rent at 1.2 million naira, came back asking Dr Kolo to pay five hundred thousand naira. As soon as he paid for and relocated to his new house, things took a new turn. Within months of continuous ministration of the Morning Water and pasting of their prayer requests on the Emmanuel TV screen, Dr Kolo and his wife purchased a plot of land and started the construction of their own house.
In spite of the huge amount of money required for the construction of the building, Dr Kolo was able to carry on with the building through favours from people who supplied him building materials on credit and asking him to pay whenever he could. Even the building engineer who had initially looked down on him could not believe that the building would go at a very fast pace. Within twenty four months, Dr Kolo had roofed his house and is currently living there with his family. They enjoy a twenty four hour solar-backed electricity supply as well as a water-supplying borehole. In addition to the building, Dr Kolo has also acquired two other plots of land to be developed in the near future. Praising God for the transformation he has witnessed in his life, he advised people to dig deep and fight through when things are difficult.


Ms Lydia Twala, a South African nurse, remained on the same spot for six years without promotion or any form of elevation. She did not like the way things were happening to her career. All attempts to free herself from that yoke of stagnation remained futile. Even when she had an opportunity to attend an interview for a new role, the questions that were thrown at her by the panel forced her to go back home and cry out to God for help. She knew pretty well that it was only God who could help her out of the bottomless abyss her career had plunged into.
While watching Emmanuel TV one day, she was inspired by Prophet T.B. Joshua’s directive on extending love and care to the relations of the martyrs of faith and decided to embark on a weekly visit to such families. Not quite long after she had started visiting the relations of the martyrs of faith, another job opening came up from her head office. This time, the position advertised was higher than the previous one. Ministering the Morning Water, she prepared and went for the interview. At the interview venue, most of the people she met were more qualified than her. But somehow, she was only asked simple questions and told to describe herself.
After the interview, she continued to thank God. After a short while, she received a phone call informing her of her promotion from a nurse to an Operational Manager for HIV/AIDS Programme for the Johannesburg region. Her remuneration is now doubled with other fringe benefits such as car allowance. Appreciating God before The SCOAN congregation, she urged people to always remember that they are blessed in order to bless others.


Mrs Ndidiamaka Oguamalan is a Chief Superintendent with the Nigerian police. For twenty years, she suffered from a leg ailment that had left her incapacitated and unable to walk freely. While she suffered from the ailment, she was taken to many herbal homes in search of a remedy but only ended up wasting her money as all the concoctions given to her could not bring about any relief. One day while having her hair done in a salon and watching Emmanuel TV, she had come across the kind gesture of Prophet T.B. Joshua towards a police officer who was shot by armed robbers. Moved by the level of love shown to the police officer, she reckoned she would have to visit The SCOAN.
As soon as she visited The SCOAN and received the Morning Water, she went back to Anambra and continued to minister it on her ailing legs. Within a short while, the ailing legs returned to their normal state and no longer posed a problem to her. Today, she can walk freely and does the things she could not do in the past. Thanking God for His unending mercies, CSP Oguamalam also praised God for rescuing her from imminent stagnation through the medium of the Morning Water.
A career threatening query that had put her promotion on hold was withdrawn after she had ministered the Morning Water, just before facing a panel that was set up to look into her matter. As soon as she stepped into the boardroom, she was asked to take a bow and go. She was subsequently sent a letter of exoneration, showing that she was innocent of every allegation levelled against her. CSP Oguamalam also revealed how she had encountered Prophet T.B. Joshua in her dream. According to her, since that experience, she has become totally free from all the nightmares, eating and sex in the dream that had ravaged her life. She advised people to receive and use the Morning Water in faith.


Professor Mrs Goski Alabi and her husband had come to The SCOAN to thank God for granting them the rare privilege of getting their Open University approved in Ghana when the Almighty God surprised the couple by healing the wife of deafness in the right ear. For over forty years, she had to live with that problem. Oftentimes, during serious meetings where people had to whisper into her ears, she would always nod in the affirmative to pretend that he had heard them when in actual fact, she never heard anything they had said. All efforts to get medical attention were abortive. The amount of money and time invested in trying to get her to hear with the right ear are unquantifiable. But her healing was remarkable in the sense that it took place without anyone touching her or praying for her. She reckoned that her healing is a proof that God is everywhere in the
Arena of Liberty – The SCOAN.
Aside the healing Professor Mrs Alabi experienced inside The SCOAN, their university project was blessed by the Lord to thrive exceedingly as the first of its kind in Ghana, after several attempts by both government and private efforts to establish an Open University in the country. Professor Mrs Alabi had, unknown to her husband, placed the university’s certificate of registration in her bag as they visited The SCOAN the last time. On arriving at The SCOAN, she had presented the document to the man of God who assured them not to worry. By the time she was writing the concept for the university, she ministered the Morning Water on both the certificate of registration and the concept itself. As soon as she submitted the documents, favours started locating them from different angles. Beginning with the certificate of authorisation and institutional accreditation from the government, their university attracted interests from international investors and collaborators like Franklin University, Columbus, Ohio who have been of immense benefit to the institution. Aside the collaborations, the university has also received donations of learning facilities from foreign interests. Husband and wife, filled with joy and the awe of God’s goodness in their lives, advised people to cherish the gifts God has given to this generation through the person of Prophet T.B. Joshua and the Morning Water.


Source by thetbjoshuafanclub
During The SCOAN Sunday service of October 18, 2015, the choir created the enabling environment for the Word to flourish in the minds of the congregants who danced their hearts out in praise and worship of the Most High God. Not minding the harsh economic and political situations around the world, every congregant exuded incomparable confidence in God’s ability to put smiles on their faces because “Jesus conquered the world and gave us victory. Victory, victory, Hallelujah”.
In her message titled FAITH CONFESSION, Evangelist Kemi admonished Christians to cling more unto the power of God to do all things through faith irrespective of the discouraging realities around the world. Speaking further, she said that by faith we please God and live in line with His will for us, “People of God, when we know thEVANGELIST KEMIat the Word is God speaking to us now, it is not difficult for us to act upon it now… God has given us the measure of faith, the Spirit of faith and the Word of faith we would require to live for Him here and now.” In other words, there is nothing a Christian will ask of God or decree with his mouth believing that it is done, that will not be done for him by Heaven. As custodians of God’s Word, Christians have been redeemed to receive their heart’s desires through faith in Christ Jesus.


Mr Zwindofhela Ratshikombo’s problem was hydra-headed. The young South African
MR ZWINDOFHELA PATSHIKOM  was labouring with the yoke of poverty and business failure. The twin morale destroyers were also accompanied by the spirit of lust, womanising and depression. In his desperate search for solution, he was told to go to the graveyard to worship the dead in order to break the yoke that was making his life miserable. But instead of making progress, his graveyard escapades resulted in worse conditions. It took the intervention of his mother for him to fully realise the vanity of his human thinking. A friend who was concerned about his life introduced him to Emmanuel TV through which he developed much passion for the marvellous works of God. Inspired to partake of the glory of God present at The SCOAN, he made up his mind to come to Nigeria. But the challenge was that he had no money to fund the journey. God in His infinite mercies, provided the travel fund through a good Samaritan.
When he got to The SCOAN, he was placed at the Prayer Line where the man of God laid hands on him and also gave him the Morning Water. As soon as he returned to South Africa and continued to minister the Morning Water, things took a glorious dimension in his life. His restaurant business thrived exceedingly even as the spirit of lust and womanising disappeared. He presently employs labour and has highly motivated staff. He owns an exotic car and plans to add a new one soon. Thanking God for his deliverance, he advised people, especially the youth to wait for God’s time.


Mrs Elizabeth Hawa Ellie came MRS ELIZABETH HAWA ELLIE all the way from Sierra Leone with the problem of limitation in progress and career stagnation. But today, it is a different story as she has been elevated to the position of a Permanent Secretary in the office of the Sierra Leonean President through God’s intervention. Prior to her promotion to this enviable position, she was stagnant in one position for a long time. For five years, she was Acting Deputy Secretary but as soon as she visited The SCOAN and received the Morning Water, she was promoted to Deputy Secretary and a short time after, she attained the position of Permanent Secretary. Her daughter also received her USA visa and green card breakthrough after she prayed along with Prophet T.B. Joshua on Emmanuel TV and ministered the Morning Water. Testifying with gratitude to God’s wondrous ways, she advised people to have faith in God.


MRS DAWN DJOKEY PAYNE & SON (ELOLO) Mrs Dawn Payne from the USA had a history of delivering premature babies. When she was pregnant with little Elolo, doctors had discovered that the unborn baby’s urine was refluxing to his kidneys. Having been born through a Caesarean Section, it was unthinkable that the new born would undergo three surgeries within a month to correct the problem caused by the refluxing urine. After the surgeries, there was rarely any improvement. She was perturbed to see her son with a catheter in his bladder.
The family made arrangements for the baby to be flown to Southampton in the UK for further care and examination. The doctors in the UK discovered that one of his kidneys had been damaged by the constant reflux of urine. The next option left to the doctors in the UK was to do another major surgery to enhance the free flow of urine, which she refused because of the complications that might arise despite all the threats from doctors who reckoned that she did not have the interest of her son at heart. The lad grew with this problem into primary school and was in and out of school due to infections emanating from his health condition. Having exhausted the different options to correct his condition, Mrs Payne resigned to prayer as it was clear that only God could heal her son.
In the midst of all the anguish and sleepless nights that came with her son’s travails, Mrs Payne continued to speak to her son about the Word of God and encouraged him to have an optimistic outlook on life, even though he went about with a catheter bag which seemed to mock the essence of his humanity.
One day, she discovered Prophet T.B. Joshua on YouTube and later attended a revival arranged by The SCOAN in the UK. She obtained the Morning Water which she ministered in Jesus’ name. While the man of God from The SCOAN service in Lagos, prayed for the congregation live during the revival, her son who was miles away from where she was received his healing. By the time she got home, she discovered he had removed his diapers, saying he did not need them anymore. For the first time in eight years, young Elolo told his mother that he wanted to urinate. After also doing the Water Therapy as introduced by Prophet T.B. Joshua, miraculously, he was able to pass a large volume of urine freely without the use of the catheter. On visiting the hospital, doctors discovered that the refluxing urine was no more and his kidneys and bladder had started to function normally. He now does the things he could not do before – he runs around, plays football and rugby and urinates as normal people do. She urged everyone to continue to believe in God even in the face of obstacles.


MR ABRAHAM SAINT Mr Abraham Saint, a gold miner, came all the way from Ghana with the problem of barrenness. He was diagnosed with low sperm count and hepatitis B while his wife was also diagnosed with sickle cell anaemia. For four years, they were not able to have a child. Mr Saint visited The SCOAN where he received life-changing prayer from Prophet T.B. Joshua, in Jesus’ name. After returning to Ghana, the couple met as husband and wife. She conceived and eventually gave birth to a baby boy christened Joshua. Mr Saint also got business connections that opened travelling doors for him. He is currently on the verge of travelling to China and Thailand to meet with investors. These blessings came on the heels of a dream he had in which he saw the man of God giving him the Morning Water and prophesying to him that investors would look for him for business. To God be the glory!


Leading the charge against the kingdom of darkness, evangelists instructed by Prophet T.B. Joshua, took authority in the name of Jesus Christ to pull down strongholds, set captives free and declare deliverance to the afflicted during a Mass Prayer that was intense in every sense of the word. Many unclean spirits were shown the exit door even as age-long yokes were broken with the demonstration and manifestation of God’s power.


The SCOAN Sunday service of October 11, 2015 was packed with incisive messages that came from different quarters. From the SCOAN Worship Team came songs of praise and worship that reminded congregants of the need to draw nearer to God in an era when the distractions of this world are so prevalent.
Consequently, Evangelist Annette, in her message titled FLIRTING WITH OTHER GODS summed up the vanity of chasing and mingling with entities which seem to take the place of God in our lives. It could be money, fame, beauty, education or even pride. Her deep message captured the universality of God’s supremacy over all His creation and His propensity to get jealous of our infidelity in His marriage with us. She stated, As Christians, the Bible warns us against flirting with other gods because as the children of Israel demonstrated in the Old Testament, flirting leads not only to immorality and unfaithfulness but also causes jealousy on the part of our God and the Book of Exodus 20:5 tells us that our God is a jealous God. In marital relationships, husbands and wives have a key responsibility to remain faithful to each other; likewise as Christians, we have a key responsibility to remain faithful to God”.


CHINONSO IGWEZE 4In a desperate bid to seek greener pastures, Mr Chinonso Igweze swore he would get an American visa at all costs. His desperation fuelled his vaulting ambition to the extent that a family member took him to a spiritualist in an obscure bush located around Badagry area of Lagos, Nigeria. After collecting his personal details, the spiritualist requested for his mother’s clothing. But scared of the consequences of his actions, he went home without returning. After some time, he began to see the spiritualist in his dreams. On certain occasions, the spirit would appear physically in the form of a human skeleton, opening the door to his room and scaring the life out of him.
As these strange realities unfolded around him, things became pretty precarious. His life nosedived from hope to hopelessness. He found himself caught up in a web of struggles. Feeding his family and paying his bills became cumbersome. In his search for solution, he also read a spiritual literature that had a great influence on his psyche. It was at the point when life became unbearable that he ran down to The SCOAN. Seated in the auditorium during a Sunday service, he was spotted by the man of God who reeled out prophetic insights about all his past activities, including the visit to the spiritualist as well as the reading of the spiritual book.
Having affirmed the prophecies of the man of God about his life, he received his deliverance. After his deliverance, he returned to South Africa. In a matter of months, his life took a promising turn. The clouds of hopelessness that dimmed his glory gave way to a brighter and newer beginning. He soon acquired a truck which he put on the road for haulage business.  In no time, he was able to acquire two buildings from the proceeds of his new venture. In his own words, “…after my deliverance at The SCOAN, my life changed positively and moved from lack to abundance”. He advised people all over the world to hold onto God and seek Him for deliverance.


CHIEF OJONG ROLANDChief Ojong Roland, a traditional ruler from Cameroon suffered very severe pains in his genitals. He found it difficult passing out urine. Whenever he was travelling from one state to the other within his country, he would draw the ire of other passengers anytime he alighted from the vehicle to ease himself because of the time it would take him to urinate. His condition was so bad that sometimes he would just abandon one vehicle only to board another in order to avoid offending other passengers. All medical examinations conducted on him showed no result even when they were narrowed down to sexually transmitted diseases. Eventually, doctors confirmed he had a swollen prostate.
Sleep became alien to him as he would stay awake all night battling with his bladder which struggled to pass out urine in batches. While his ordeal with the strange ailment lasted, one of his advisers in the palace introduced him to Emmanuel TV and encouraged him to try the power of God at The SCOAN. In 2013, he visited the Arena of Liberty where he received the Morning Water and returned to his country. On getting back to Cameroun, the pains reared their ugly heads once again. But convinced that the Morning Water is filled with the healing power of God, he ministered it to his lower abdomen, declaring that his situation would not escape the anointing of God. Within seconds, he felt the forceful urge to urinate and decided to do so into a bowl. As he emptied his bladder, a maggot dropped out!
Since that moment, he was delivered from the pains and the inability to urinate freely. When he returned for another medical examination after ministering the Morning Water, he was certified free from the swollen prostate that almost rendered him incomplete. Thanking God for his deliverance, he urged people to turn to God, irrespective of their social status as only Him can heal and deliver them.


Mr Jonas Chukwuma, a Nigerian living in London, started smoking cigarettes since 1990 and continued the dirty habit until four years ago when he had an encounter with the power of God via Emmanuel TV. Then, he would wake up from sleep every morning with a stick of cigarette in his hand. He could not empty his bowels without lighting ‘the stick of destruction’. Sometimes, he smoked a packet or more in a day, depending on his mood. His finances suffered from the habit as he found it difficult to save money. He knew he had a problem and decided to seek solution.JONAS CHUKWUMA
A friend introduced him to Emmanuel TV and urged him to seek God’s intervention into his case through the channel. He eventually found the channel on the internet where he prayed along with Prophet T.B. Joshua right from his home in London. After the prayer, he felt uneasy all over his body and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower only to resume smoking after he had felt some calmness. As he smoked away, a voice declared, “…you are set free from the spirit of smoking from henceforth”.
From that moment till today, he has not returned to cigarette smoking. His business and financial fortunes have improved commendably. Thanking God for setting him free from a habit that held him hostage for many years, he encouraged people all over the world, to believe in God’s power.


DENNIS OGEGERE Mr Dennis Ogegere from Delta State, Nigeria, had applied for the position of a Fireman in the Delta State Civil Service but was erroneously offered the position of a driver. Accepting the offer physically, he decided to fight for his rightful position spiritually by coming down to The SCOAN to receive the Morning Water. The following year, he was informed of a promotion exam. As he prepared to go for the exam, he was told not to bother as his name was no longer included in the list of eligible candidates. But convinced that the God of T.B. Joshua would see him through, he ministered the Morning Water on his appointment letter.
Afterwards, he attended the interview much to the surprise of his friends who wondered how his name even came up when he never sat for the exam. After the interview, he was sent a corrective letter confirming his employment as Fireman instead of driver. After one year, his promotion was granted as he was elevated to the position of Leading Fireman. The following year, he also received promotion as Senior Fireman
He was subsequently promoted to Chief Fire Superintendent. Displaying his triple promotion letters to the admiration of The SCOAN congregation, he thanked God for lifting him up from oblivion to glory while urging people not to lose hope or get discouraged whenever they are facing challenges in life.


There are no mistakes in God’s plan for His children. What may seem a problem in our eyes may be the required ingredients God uses to catapult us to greatness.  Evangelist Elizabeth delved into the incomprehensibility of God’s will to human thinking, stressing that what we think about the delay in our miracles is not necessarily true. In a message tagged TO DELAY IS NOT TO DENY, she summed up the totality of our human conclusions (when things don’t seem to go our way) in the following words: “When sometimes in your effort to achieve something it seems like your speed, your motion is delayed. Sometimes when you pray it seems like you have been denied the answer or the answer is unnecessarily delayed. In this world God has purposely kept us in the dark concerning future events. The situation at hand may look like delay, but it is not. My father in the Lord, Prophet T.B. Joshua nicely sums it up that the slow movement of a tiger is not a mistake but a calculated accuracy. God makes our troubles work for our advancement. He makes our delay work for our advancement. As a Christian when your miracle is delayed you are about to receive the mother of miracles; I mean, a true Christian will know that to delay is not to deny.
Evangelist Elizabeth
With these thoughtful words written on marble coupled with the ministration of The SCOAN Choir, The SCOAN Sunday service of October 4, 2015 was a stirring occasion that created a platform for thanksgiving, testimony and repentance through Christ our Lord.


Engineer Stephen Kure worked so hard to make money but ended up wasting it all on booze. He drank himself to tatters and incurred the wrath of his wife who tried all within her means to put a stop to his unwholesome habit. For 36 years, it was all struggles with the yoke of alcoholism. All his earnings went down the drain as he could not point to one important thing he had done with his money. His immoral flair for women was also a thing of concern. After drinking, he would mess around with women, embarrassing his family, especially his wife.
One day, after watching Prophet T.B. Joshua’s demonstration of God’s power on Emmanuel TV, Engineer Kure asked himself some pertinent questions and decided to sneak down to Lagos to visit The SCOAN without the knowledge of his wife. On getting to The SCOAN, he received the Morning Water and returned to his base in Warri, Nigeria. Back home, he would minister the Morning Water, asking Jesus to help him out of his terrible habit. To his utmost surprise, the urge to drink and womanise disappeared within days of his ministering the Morning Water. Even his wife was amazed at the change that took over the life of her husband.
Engineer Stephen Kure And Wife
To God be all the praise and adoration, Engineer Kure is now a man of purpose as his life has taken a positive turn. Today, he is the proud owner of a guest house and has bought cars for himself and his wife. God has indeed restored to him what the caterpillar and locusts had eaten out of his life! Testifying in company of his wife, he advised people with similar challenges to seek God’s help just like he did.


Mr Tossa Francis was almost reduced to a debilitated state by a degenerated vertebrae that rendered him totally inactive for 5 years. He could not walk but depended on his wife and twin brother for mobility. Whenever he wanted to ease himself or take his bath, they would carry him to the toilet and bathroom, respectively. All quests for medical help failed as even the doctors insisted he had to undergo surgery abroad, particularly in France. Feelings of hopelessness and doom were already setting in even as he concluded he was going to die.
On the verge of his despondency, a glimmer of hope came. A friend introduced him to Emmanuel TV. Immediately, he installed the cable and began to watch and marvel at the undiluted display of God’s illimitable power. Convinced that his case would not escape the anointing he had seen on Emmanuel TV, he decided to send his twin brother down to The SCOAN to get him the Morning Water. His twin brother eventually received the Morning Water and returned home to minister it on his brother.
Mr Tossa Francis And Family
The result was almost instantaneous. After ministering the Morning Water on his back and mouth, he felt a sensation and the urge to urinate. When he got to the toilet, he passed out blood mixed with blackish substances. As soon as the urine ended, he heard a voice tell him to rise up and walk. In faith, he obeyed and walked unaided for the first time in a long while. There was jubilation in the family for the healing of Mr Francis. The blood of Jesus present in the Morning Water has wiped away the tears and pain in Mr Francis’ life. Thanking God in company of his wife and twin brother, Mr Francis urged people with similar cases to believe in God and in His servant, Prophet T.B. Joshua.


Mr Eze Cajetan experienced a lot of challenges that almost spurred him into the decision to seek greener pastures abroad. But his story would later change after an encounter with Emmanuel TV. A man who came to install Cable TV caught his attention when he tuned to Emmanuel TV. Mr Cajetan was impressed and inspired by the miracles he witnessed on the station. His wife was also moved by the miracles she saw. From that moment, Mr Cajetan started attending The SCOAN service and received the Morning Water which he ministered incessantly.
The first transformation he experienced was that his building projects which usually lasted over 1 year lasted only 5 months after he had ministered the Morning Water on the foundation. With the Morning Stickers placed all around his building, thieves who had been stealing his possessions without being caught did not find it business as usual anymore. On one occasion, he caught a thief at his building site lying down with stolen items, unable to escape. It took the confession of the thief and Mr Cajetan’s forgiveness for the intruder to be set free.
Mr Eze Cajetan And Wife
Mr Cajetan also thanked God for saving his family from armed robbers (whom his wife had dreamt about earlier) after they had prayed along with Prophet T.B. Joshua on Emmanuel TV, ministered the Morning Water and prayed with the Faith Bracelet. The couple advised people all over the world to remember to trust God in times of trouble and run to Him by coming to The SCOAN.


Mrs Laura Westgate from South Africa, suffered from the yoke of gambling which had been a generational curse right from her grandfather. She would spend thousands of rands at the casino, gambling and trying to make more money. She was so engrossed in the habit that she would sneak out of the house at night just to go to the casino to gamble. At a time, she sold her car worth between 10 to 15 thousand rands for a paltry 250 rands just to satiate her gambling appetite.
She tried to stop the habit that ravaged her life for 25 years but could not. She visited many psychologists and even checked into Gambling Anonymous, a rehabilitation group for gambling addicts but all her efforts proved futile. One day, she visited The SCOAN and received the Morning Water. After ministering the Morning Water, the urge to gamble ceased almost immediately. Since then, she has not gambled till today. Thanking God for delivering her from the generational yoke, Mrs Westgate also thanked God for protecting the life of her daughter in-law during a car accident in which the car somersaulted three times. Mrs Westgate advised people to see the Morning Water as a medium through which God has instructed His servant to bring healing and breakthrough to the world. Meanwhile, Mr Westgate openly acknowledged the power of God at The SCOAN and repented of his induced misgivings about the ministry and the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, blaming them on the unfounded falsehood propagated by disgruntled persons, including some sections of the clergy.
Mrs Laura Westgate And Husband


Mrs Florence Atam, a staff of the Ministry of Telecommunications in Cameroon was involved in an accident that left her with a broken ankle and dislocated leg bone. She managed to move around with crutches. Doctors recommended an operation but she rejected the idea and preferred to come to The SCOAN where she believed strongly that she would get total healing. Coming all the way from Cameroon with crutches, she arrived at The SCOAN and was placed at the Prayer Line where the man of God laid hands on her. As soon as the man of God touched her, she dropped her crutches and walked on her feet. According to her, something left her body.
Mrs Florence Atam
Mrs Atam also thanked God for giving her a very good eye sight at 69. She testified that her continued ministration of the Morning Water on her eyes made them very sharp and sound. She reads without using glasses. Ministration of the Morning Water also enabled her to get a one year American visa after several previous failed attempts. The same Morning Water helped to restore and redeem the lives of her children abroad. Filled with joy and a thankful heart, Mrs Atam urged Nigerians to cherish the gifts God has given them in the person of Prophet T.B. Joshua and The SCOAN.


Diagnosed with an internal hernia that triggered other discomforting experiences, Mr Rhyan Monteiro from South Africa, searched for lasting medical solution but found none. As he battled with all the discomfort that came with the internal hernia, his case became akin to jumping from frying pan to fire. Doctors discovered he also suffered from an incurable ear disease. With all options exhausted, he reckoned that his problem would be solved only by God and thus decided to visit The SCOAN where the man of God laid hands on him and restored his health to its normal state. According to him, since that encounter with the man of God, everything that troubled his life has disappeared.
Mr Monteiro
Mr Monteiro further testified to the deliverance and glory that overtook his life after that encounter with Prophet T.B. Joshua. He was delivered from the spirit of lust, graduated from school as one of the best students and was blessed financially with a multi-million rand contract. He confessed that prior to visiting The SCOAN, his life was a statement of sorrow punctuated by sickness, hardship and lack. Today, he rejoices in the glory of restoration and redemption. He advised people to keep faith in God as He alone is capable of doing great things that no one else can do for them.


Mr Bobby Yawson’s problems started when as a young boy, his mother took him to consult a witch doctor that ended up falling in love with him. After that fetish association, he would always find the witch doctor in his dream, making love with him. His life became contaminated as he found himself behaving completely out of sync with himself. He would do things he never wanted to do and eventually became a habitat for disappointments and all sorts of negative experiences. Matters came to a head when he testified against himself in a court case and landed in prison.
Right inside the prison, he would stay back to watch Emmanuel TV while other inmates go to play football. It was while praying along with the man of God via Emmanuel TV that his redemption came. After stretching his hand to the screen to pray along with the man of God, an order came from the court requesting his immediate release, having realised that he testified against himself ignorantly. After his release, he searched for The SCOAN in Ghana and met a member who encouraged him to visit Nigeria. To do this, he had to sell some of his properties to finance his trip to Nigeria but by his reckoning, it was well worth it.
When he arrived at The SCOAN, he received the Morning Water and returned to his native Ghana, ministering it in prayer. Almost immediately, his life began to change. Businesses started coming in while finances improved. He went on business trips to China and received favour from a kind-hearted stranger who accommodated him without demanding for a dime. Today, he owns a joint venture company dealing in Solar Energy in which he enjoys a higher 60 percent stake. He is also the owner of a fleet of exotic cars and is currently building an estate. He advised people who are experiencing what he went through to wait for God’s time for their own breakthrough.
Mr Bobby Yawson


A professional footballer, Mr Trabi Jean-Maurice’s career was characterised by setback at the point of breakthrough; whenever he was about to take a step forward in his career, something terrible would happen and threaten his career. While undergoing trials in a big football club that wanted to sign him, he broke his ankle and had to be dressed in POP for days. After the POP was removed, his ankle became swollen and put an end to his dream of playing football at the highest level.
As he battled with the pain and discomfort, a family member introduced him to The SCOAN and advised him to come to Nigeria. He arrived in Nigeria and was accompanied to The SCOAN by his uncle. At The SCOAN, he received the Morning Water which his uncle ministered on his broken ankle. When he woke up in the morning, the broken and swollen ankle was healed completely. He was overtaken by joy as he ran around the house in awe of the miracle. Testifying before The SCOAN congregation, juggling a football, he observed that God is the answer to all troubles.
Mr Trabi Jean-Maurice


The entire congregation of The SCOAN rose to their feet as a man dressed in a white native uniform and his sister took the stage. Mr Jude Oraka had suffered from a chronic skin disease for six horrible years. The disease had so warped and twisted the skin that it began to shatter, flake, peel and fall to the floor all over his body. The plague started from his back, crept onto his stomach and chest, moved down his legs then invaded his head, eyes and ears. They visited so many hospitals and herbal homes but the problem became a curse with no solution. People would start running from them, asking if he was a ghost or a human being. Fighting back the tears, his sister said she did not know that Jesus Christ was still alive and could bring her brother back to life until they set foot in the arena of liberty at The SCOAN. July 5th they came to The SCOAN with a problem beyond human understanding but not beyond God’s understanding.
Prior to their visit, the family had gathered to try and find a solution. Nobody had any until Jude’s sister voiced out that there was only one place where this problem could be overcome – The SCOAN of Prophet T.B. Joshua.
All his brothers had given up hope saying that their brother was already a walking corpse. They said he would die on the way to Lagos, but his sister said that they had to take the step of faith. “Because of the terrible condition, you could not touch him or support him because the skin would peel off his body and gum to you” his sister said.
To bring him to Lagos from their village was a long distance. They clothed every part of his body so that no one could see what was wrong and they paid a driver a lot of money to take them from Anambra to Lagos. His skin kept peeling all over the vehicles. Another driver accepted to charge them double to take them to Ikotun, near The SCOAN. There were a lot of hoteliers who usually came to get customers at the major bus stops but when they saw him, he was not the kind of customer they were looking for; they all ran away. They ended up standing by the road in an unfamiliar place for over an hour until a certain woman finally agreed to house them for double payment once again. Arriving during the week, before they went to The SCOAN, they first went to a hospital for treatment before the Sunday service. As they approached the reception, panic ensued and all the patients in that ward ran away. The doctors said they would only treat him outside the hospital. Sometimes, they would even use a broom to scratch the peeling skin off him to try and give him a little relief. Then, the glorious day came when they attended the Prayer Line service at The SCOAN. Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for him in the name of Jesus Christ and that was it. Prophesying that the cause of the fearsome affliction was poison he had taken, the man of God commanded the poison out of his life after which pronouncement, Mr Jude instantly began vomiting out slimy looking substances. In no time at all, everything was completely restored.
He said that during his affliction, his body felt hot like a radiator all day long and his skin was always itching and throbbing severely which caused a deadening irritation felt to the core. He needed an assistant to do everything, even to go to the toilet and it was his ‘lovely sister’ who did everything for him and stood by him when others were too afraid to. When people would see him walking, they would start running in terror that they might also be cursed with his affliction.
Mr Jude Oraka And Sister
Since his encounter with the man of God, he began to recover until this day in which he presented himself live in the church to testify to the goodness of God. He feels no pain anymore. When he came to the church for prayer, he could not even bend down but now, he can do everything a normal healthy human being can do. He advised everybody never to give up, no matter how dire their condition was and to trust in the goodness of God.
“For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” HABAKKUK 2:3 KJV
 Brethren, God is working out something for your good. To delay is not to deny.


The SCOAN Sunday Service of September 27, 2015 was an epic experience at the Arena of Liberty.
Evang Dupe
Evang Dupe
Evangelist Dupe’s message blended well with the resilience of the entire congregation who expressed themselves in praise and worship as the Emmanuel Singers provided the musical impetus for the spiritual edification of all present. With the instructive words taken from her thoughtful message titled THE RACE OF LIFE, Evangelist Dupe said, Instead of magnifying the causes of your fears, you ought to arm yourself with the thoughts of God, His sovereignty and invisible world. The quality of faith is not measured by our attitude to God when things are good but when times are hard – I mean, when our fate seems to hang in the balance. Don’t forget our Lord’s prayer to Simon in Luke 22:32. Jesus said to him, ‘I pray your faith will not fail’. Don’t abandon your faith in trials. Trials are the soil in which faith flourishes. Real faith thrives on a test. In the face of life’s uncertainties, don’t give up; keep calm and be determined. You with God are majority. No matter what life brings, no matter what happens, you are under His eyes”.


Mrs Joy Peters from South Africa had tasted poverty at the most extreme level. She was retrenched from work in the private sector and left to wallow in abject penury and indebtedness. Her creditors kept calling to recover their money but how could she pay those debts when even finding coins to buy bread was almost impossible? Her cars, the most significant assets she had, were on the verge of being repossessed by her creditors. However, a visit to The SCOAN would become the precursor to her restoration. There, she received prayer from Prophet T.B. Joshua and the Morning Water.
Mrs Peters returned to her country in high hopes, believing that the much desired change was just a moment away. Ministering the Morning Water and saturating herself in prayer and the Word of God, she prepared her mind for the approaching glory. Barely two months after her visit to The SCOAN, she received a call that propelled her to an executive position in the second highest office in South Africa. The caller stated that she was being appointed as a ministerial spokesperson. The improbability of her story is a testament to God’s incomprehensibility – for He uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. It is ordinarily unimaginable that a woman who could hardly feed herself ends up as the spokesperson of an important national minister. It can only be God!
The position in which she was placed is usually given to highly experienced government officials, as confirmed by her colleagues who marvelled at the mystery surrounding her employment. They further wondered at the grace of God which enabled her to carry out her responsibilities with excellence. Apart from receiving a brand new luxury car, Mrs Peters was also blessed with a six room home, rent-free for as long as she desired. She agreed that her restoration was miraculous while thanking God for making her smile once more. She advised people to believe in the deliverance taking place at The SCOAN.


Honourable Habila Timothy from Taraba, Nigeria was a successful civil servant cajoled into politics by his local community who felt he had all it took to lead them. They wanted him to run for a seat in the Taraba State House of Assembly. In his first attempt in 2010, he lost by an atrocious margin. Not only was the campaign lost but so was his wealth. Life suddenly became difficult as he found it increasingly difficult to pay his bills. He even went to the extent of selling some of his property in order to make ends meet.
Sitting in a hotel room in the north central city of Jos, Nigeria, he came across Emmanuel TV and was impressed with what he saw. By the time he returned to his family, he convinced his wife about the power of God at The SCOAN and concluded it was imperative to visit the Arena of Liberty. He installed the Emmanuel TV cable in his house and continued to watch the power of God on display with members of his family. When he eventually visited The SCOAN, he was arranged for the prayer line where the man of God prayed for him and gave him the Faith Bracelet and Morning Water. According to Honourable Habila, “Something left me and I felt light after the man of God laid hands on me”. He continued to use the anointed materials together with his family.
In 2014, another call from his people saw him revisiting his political ambition. Even though he was not financially buoyant, he was able to raise enough money to purchase the nomination form. Unfortunately, he did not win the primaries. His people advised him to join another party in hopes that he could still win. Heeding their advice, he joined an unknown party and surprisingly won the primaries. Stunned, his opponents took him to court, seeking a nullification of his election on spurious grounds.
While the legal battle raged, he called the Emmanuel TV prayer and counselling line and prayed with one of the prayer warriors. To his great joy, after the prayer, he learned that the petition against him had been struck out by the court in his favour. He was legally declared the rightful candidate for the seat he occupied in the Taraba State House of Assembly. Apart from being a member of his state’s House of Assembly, he also doubles as the Deputy Minority Leader of the House. To God be the glory!


Mr Samuel Durojaiye, a Nigerian based in the UK, was embattled and confused, his career as a financial service provider hit by the then global economic melt-down. For five years, he was out of employment, barely managing to survive with his family. His wife discovered Emmanuel TV, Prophet T.B. Joshua and The SCOAN while researching on spiritual matters via the internet. Convinced from what he had seen of the man of God and his ministry on YouTube, Mr Durojaiye made up his mind to visit The SCOAN in search of solution.
After arriving in Nigeria after a 28 year absence, Mr Durojaiye visited The SCOAN on a Sunday and received a prophetic revelation from the man of God. Walking straight to him, Prophet T.B. Joshua asked him, “Have they shared the will?” He suddenly felt a mighty force coming towards him as the man of God prayed for him. The presence of God he felt after the prayer, gave him the assurance that his problems were over from that moment. Leaving The SCOAN, he visited his family home for the first time in almost three decades and was surprised to discover that an in-law had recently passed on and his will was being fought over – exactly as prophesied.
Back in the UK, he ministered the Morning Water to his family, house and documents. Shortly afterwards, Mr Durojaiye submitted an application to become a member of the Association of Certified Public Accountants in the UK and was accepted. With this advancement, he started his own firm and life began to take a promising turn. Business started flowing in from different angles as he placed the Morning Sticker placed on all the doors of his office. Distinguished professionals chased him with jobs. He became an accountant of choice and a mortgage adviser. He was subsequently appointed as an independent mortgage adviser for a UK firm with a fantastic remuneration package. He now manages more than 250 business portfolios and has embarked on a massive building project on the plots of land he had left lying fallow in Nigeria for many years. Mr. Durojaiye is full of gratitude to God for using Prophet T.B. Joshua and The SCOAN to bring substance and meaning into his once meaningless life.
Those who are rich in every sense of the Word of God understand that life is a learning experience.
When we accept adversity enduring every pain, then we will learn what we should know;
our grief will turn to gain.


At The SCOAN Sunday service of September 20, 2015, true worship was both demonstrated and elucidated.
While the choir got everyone on their feet in excellent praise and worship, Evangelist Yetunde took the congregation on an excursion into those things the true Christian must do to please God, irrespective of the prevailing circumstances.
According to her, “It is very important for us as Christians to always appreciate God in everything we do in life whether in good times or in hard times. When we succeed in life, we must give Him all the glory and on the other hand, if we fail, we must submit to His will. The law of life includes joy, peace, comfort and contentment that come from the Lord.
In life, man is given the opportunity to choose among many alternatives that surround him. The choice he makes determines who he is before God because the Bible makes it clear that the first place we are to prosper is in our spiritual life. The best antidote against the poison of sin is to walk in the Spirit because in the arena of liberty the key is not to suppress the flesh but the key is to walk in the Spirit”. True worship indeed, is in the Spirit and it pleases God.


Mr Christopher Okoroafor tasted poverty in its most dehumanising form. Life was merely a shadow as he begged to survive. His mosquito net business yielded nothing but empty pockets. All ends refused to meet in his favour as nightmares stole the comfort of his sleep. He continued to drag on with his life until he came to The SCOAN and had an encounter with the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. Seated in the congregation during a Sunday service, the man of God walked up to him and told him to thank God for not being convicted for a crime he was innocent of. He immediately affirmed the prophecy by narrating his unpalatable ordeal with a young man who committed suicide and almost implicated him. After confirming the prophecy, he received prayer and the Morning Water from the man of God. Since then, things took a positive turn. He started a textile business, importing materials from China.
Today, he owns a magnificent building and exotic cars. Thanking God for the transformation of his life, he spared no words in expressing his appreciation for another miracle in which the Morning Sticker in his warehouse prevented loss of lives and property when a trailer rammed into it. Mr Okoroafor advised people to run to God whenever situations go beyond their ability.