Monday, November 30, 2015


An ardent worshipper with The SCOAN, Mr Chukwudi Onah, a worker with a Nigerian offshore oil company always had his Morning Sticker and Morning Water with him wherever he went. That fateful Morning when he was about to board the helicopter, he had the anointed materials in his pocket. He had even ministered the Morning Water as he always did every morning. The delay in the arrival of the aircraft might have been a premonition to the coming tragedy but he never took it to mind. However, when he eventually realised on board that the helicopter conveying him and eleven others to Lagos was nose-diving into the sea, a few metres away from the airport, he called on the God of T.B. Joshua to come to his rescue.
Trapped in the deep with the seat belt of the wrecked aircraft still around his waist and struggling to set himself free, God ministered two powerful words to him. First he heard, “Your seat belt” and thereafter, “Life jacket”. After loosening the seat belt and putting on the life jacket, he was lifted ashore and could behold the skies. From there, he found a life raft in which he took refuge in company of a colleague before fishermen paddled them to the land. The two persons who sat on either side of him in the helicopter lost their lives.
It would be recalled that the Nigerian and international media were awash with the famous helicopter crash that claimed four lives months ago. Thanking God in company of his family and a colleague with whom he boarded the ill-fated helicopter, Mr Onah advised people to realise that with God, all things are possible. He also thanked God for giving him the grace to witness God’s power at work through the great miracles that take place at The SCOAN.

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