Monday, November 30, 2015


At The SCOAN Sunday service of September 20, 2015, true worship was both demonstrated and elucidated.
While the choir got everyone on their feet in excellent praise and worship, Evangelist Yetunde took the congregation on an excursion into those things the true Christian must do to please God, irrespective of the prevailing circumstances.
According to her, “It is very important for us as Christians to always appreciate God in everything we do in life whether in good times or in hard times. When we succeed in life, we must give Him all the glory and on the other hand, if we fail, we must submit to His will. The law of life includes joy, peace, comfort and contentment that come from the Lord.
In life, man is given the opportunity to choose among many alternatives that surround him. The choice he makes determines who he is before God because the Bible makes it clear that the first place we are to prosper is in our spiritual life. The best antidote against the poison of sin is to walk in the Spirit because in the arena of liberty the key is not to suppress the flesh but the key is to walk in the Spirit”. True worship indeed, is in the Spirit and it pleases God.

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