Monday, November 30, 2015


Mr Samuel Durojaiye, a Nigerian based in the UK, was embattled and confused, his career as a financial service provider hit by the then global economic melt-down. For five years, he was out of employment, barely managing to survive with his family. His wife discovered Emmanuel TV, Prophet T.B. Joshua and The SCOAN while researching on spiritual matters via the internet. Convinced from what he had seen of the man of God and his ministry on YouTube, Mr Durojaiye made up his mind to visit The SCOAN in search of solution.
After arriving in Nigeria after a 28 year absence, Mr Durojaiye visited The SCOAN on a Sunday and received a prophetic revelation from the man of God. Walking straight to him, Prophet T.B. Joshua asked him, “Have they shared the will?” He suddenly felt a mighty force coming towards him as the man of God prayed for him. The presence of God he felt after the prayer, gave him the assurance that his problems were over from that moment. Leaving The SCOAN, he visited his family home for the first time in almost three decades and was surprised to discover that an in-law had recently passed on and his will was being fought over – exactly as prophesied.
Back in the UK, he ministered the Morning Water to his family, house and documents. Shortly afterwards, Mr Durojaiye submitted an application to become a member of the Association of Certified Public Accountants in the UK and was accepted. With this advancement, he started his own firm and life began to take a promising turn. Business started flowing in from different angles as he placed the Morning Sticker placed on all the doors of his office. Distinguished professionals chased him with jobs. He became an accountant of choice and a mortgage adviser. He was subsequently appointed as an independent mortgage adviser for a UK firm with a fantastic remuneration package. He now manages more than 250 business portfolios and has embarked on a massive building project on the plots of land he had left lying fallow in Nigeria for many years. Mr. Durojaiye is full of gratitude to God for using Prophet T.B. Joshua and The SCOAN to bring substance and meaning into his once meaningless life.
Those who are rich in every sense of the Word of God understand that life is a learning experience.
When we accept adversity enduring every pain, then we will learn what we should know;
our grief will turn to gain.

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