Monday, November 30, 2015


EVANG. ANNE (1)The SCOAN Sunday service of November 1, 2015 reflected the generality of human experience across the world. The congregants sang and danced along with the church choir, irrespective of the harsh realities in the outside world. They seemed to suggest that once they are inside the Arena of Liberty, all their problems and challenges are gone forever. Evangelist Anne’s message titled THE PRESENTATION OF EVIL also captured the prevailing circumstances around the world. It echoed the deceptive realities that the devil has continued to use to pull many souls to his side. The façades called wealth and fame are good but, according to Evangelist Anne, a good Christian must not put them first before God. She summed up her admonition to Christians to be wary of satan and his chameleonic antics lest they begin to see the presentation of evil in good light: “If you are focused only on making money or acquiring possessions, a large slice of life will pass you by because a focus on materialism diverts our devotion from God Almighty to the god of wealth; distracts our mind and hinders our interest in the service of God. Though possessions are a useful support, we should not put our trust in them rather, they should be in reverence to God. Those with the most positive impact on society are not so much concerned with fame or fortune”.

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