Monday, November 30, 2015


Mr Loly Shalishali is a DR Congo national residing in Canada. For fourteen years, he was stuck in alcoholism to the extent that he would use all of his salary to drink and later resort to regret. His drinking was daily; from Monday to Sunday. It was a destructive routine that sapped not only his finances but his spiritual life. He was defenceless in the hands of the spirit of alcoholism and had no idea how to set himself free. Unhappy with the perilous turn his life was taking, he became sober and started nurturing the urge to get close to God. A friend would eventually introduce him to Emmanuel TV.MR LOLY SHALISHALI
One day, after getting himself soaked in booze, he was at home watching Emmanuel TV and was moved by the prayers going on at that particular moment. The man of God said that distance was not a barrier and urged viewers all over the world to touch the screen of their TVs. As soon as he touched the screen of his TV, he found himself on the ground. After that experience, all efforts he made to drink did not go down well with him. Within weeks, the urge to drink had completely left him. As he continued to pray via Emmanuel TV, things he could not achieve in fourteen years came to him in a matter of months. His dream of travelling abroad came to fruition after the UN resettlement programme selected him to travel to Canada. His visa was granted without the usual hassles involved. By the time he arrived in Canada, he got an office job he never applied for through divine connection. His quest for another child also materialised after he ministered the Morning Water. His wife would subsequently deliver another baby boy to the glory of God. Mr Shalishali urged people all over the world, especially those struggling with any form of substance abuse, to seek God for their total freedom.

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