Monday, November 30, 2015


Mrs Joy Peters from South Africa had tasted poverty at the most extreme level. She was retrenched from work in the private sector and left to wallow in abject penury and indebtedness. Her creditors kept calling to recover their money but how could she pay those debts when even finding coins to buy bread was almost impossible? Her cars, the most significant assets she had, were on the verge of being repossessed by her creditors. However, a visit to The SCOAN would become the precursor to her restoration. There, she received prayer from Prophet T.B. Joshua and the Morning Water.
Mrs Peters returned to her country in high hopes, believing that the much desired change was just a moment away. Ministering the Morning Water and saturating herself in prayer and the Word of God, she prepared her mind for the approaching glory. Barely two months after her visit to The SCOAN, she received a call that propelled her to an executive position in the second highest office in South Africa. The caller stated that she was being appointed as a ministerial spokesperson. The improbability of her story is a testament to God’s incomprehensibility – for He uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. It is ordinarily unimaginable that a woman who could hardly feed herself ends up as the spokesperson of an important national minister. It can only be God!
The position in which she was placed is usually given to highly experienced government officials, as confirmed by her colleagues who marvelled at the mystery surrounding her employment. They further wondered at the grace of God which enabled her to carry out her responsibilities with excellence. Apart from receiving a brand new luxury car, Mrs Peters was also blessed with a six room home, rent-free for as long as she desired. She agreed that her restoration was miraculous while thanking God for making her smile once more. She advised people to believe in the deliverance taking place at The SCOAN.

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