Monday, November 30, 2015


Mrs Laura Westgate from South Africa, suffered from the yoke of gambling which had been a generational curse right from her grandfather. She would spend thousands of rands at the casino, gambling and trying to make more money. She was so engrossed in the habit that she would sneak out of the house at night just to go to the casino to gamble. At a time, she sold her car worth between 10 to 15 thousand rands for a paltry 250 rands just to satiate her gambling appetite.
She tried to stop the habit that ravaged her life for 25 years but could not. She visited many psychologists and even checked into Gambling Anonymous, a rehabilitation group for gambling addicts but all her efforts proved futile. One day, she visited The SCOAN and received the Morning Water. After ministering the Morning Water, the urge to gamble ceased almost immediately. Since then, she has not gambled till today. Thanking God for delivering her from the generational yoke, Mrs Westgate also thanked God for protecting the life of her daughter in-law during a car accident in which the car somersaulted three times. Mrs Westgate advised people to see the Morning Water as a medium through which God has instructed His servant to bring healing and breakthrough to the world. Meanwhile, Mr Westgate openly acknowledged the power of God at The SCOAN and repented of his induced misgivings about the ministry and the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, blaming them on the unfounded falsehood propagated by disgruntled persons, including some sections of the clergy.
Mrs Laura Westgate And Husband

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