Monday, November 30, 2015


The entire congregation of The SCOAN rose to their feet as a man dressed in a white native uniform and his sister took the stage. Mr Jude Oraka had suffered from a chronic skin disease for six horrible years. The disease had so warped and twisted the skin that it began to shatter, flake, peel and fall to the floor all over his body. The plague started from his back, crept onto his stomach and chest, moved down his legs then invaded his head, eyes and ears. They visited so many hospitals and herbal homes but the problem became a curse with no solution. People would start running from them, asking if he was a ghost or a human being. Fighting back the tears, his sister said she did not know that Jesus Christ was still alive and could bring her brother back to life until they set foot in the arena of liberty at The SCOAN. July 5th they came to The SCOAN with a problem beyond human understanding but not beyond God’s understanding.
Prior to their visit, the family had gathered to try and find a solution. Nobody had any until Jude’s sister voiced out that there was only one place where this problem could be overcome – The SCOAN of Prophet T.B. Joshua.
All his brothers had given up hope saying that their brother was already a walking corpse. They said he would die on the way to Lagos, but his sister said that they had to take the step of faith. “Because of the terrible condition, you could not touch him or support him because the skin would peel off his body and gum to you” his sister said.
To bring him to Lagos from their village was a long distance. They clothed every part of his body so that no one could see what was wrong and they paid a driver a lot of money to take them from Anambra to Lagos. His skin kept peeling all over the vehicles. Another driver accepted to charge them double to take them to Ikotun, near The SCOAN. There were a lot of hoteliers who usually came to get customers at the major bus stops but when they saw him, he was not the kind of customer they were looking for; they all ran away. They ended up standing by the road in an unfamiliar place for over an hour until a certain woman finally agreed to house them for double payment once again. Arriving during the week, before they went to The SCOAN, they first went to a hospital for treatment before the Sunday service. As they approached the reception, panic ensued and all the patients in that ward ran away. The doctors said they would only treat him outside the hospital. Sometimes, they would even use a broom to scratch the peeling skin off him to try and give him a little relief. Then, the glorious day came when they attended the Prayer Line service at The SCOAN. Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for him in the name of Jesus Christ and that was it. Prophesying that the cause of the fearsome affliction was poison he had taken, the man of God commanded the poison out of his life after which pronouncement, Mr Jude instantly began vomiting out slimy looking substances. In no time at all, everything was completely restored.
He said that during his affliction, his body felt hot like a radiator all day long and his skin was always itching and throbbing severely which caused a deadening irritation felt to the core. He needed an assistant to do everything, even to go to the toilet and it was his ‘lovely sister’ who did everything for him and stood by him when others were too afraid to. When people would see him walking, they would start running in terror that they might also be cursed with his affliction.
Mr Jude Oraka And Sister
Since his encounter with the man of God, he began to recover until this day in which he presented himself live in the church to testify to the goodness of God. He feels no pain anymore. When he came to the church for prayer, he could not even bend down but now, he can do everything a normal healthy human being can do. He advised everybody never to give up, no matter how dire their condition was and to trust in the goodness of God.
“For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” HABAKKUK 2:3 KJV
 Brethren, God is working out something for your good. To delay is not to deny.

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