Monday, November 30, 2015


There are no mistakes in God’s plan for His children. What may seem a problem in our eyes may be the required ingredients God uses to catapult us to greatness.  Evangelist Elizabeth delved into the incomprehensibility of God’s will to human thinking, stressing that what we think about the delay in our miracles is not necessarily true. In a message tagged TO DELAY IS NOT TO DENY, she summed up the totality of our human conclusions (when things don’t seem to go our way) in the following words: “When sometimes in your effort to achieve something it seems like your speed, your motion is delayed. Sometimes when you pray it seems like you have been denied the answer or the answer is unnecessarily delayed. In this world God has purposely kept us in the dark concerning future events. The situation at hand may look like delay, but it is not. My father in the Lord, Prophet T.B. Joshua nicely sums it up that the slow movement of a tiger is not a mistake but a calculated accuracy. God makes our troubles work for our advancement. He makes our delay work for our advancement. As a Christian when your miracle is delayed you are about to receive the mother of miracles; I mean, a true Christian will know that to delay is not to deny.
Evangelist Elizabeth
With these thoughtful words written on marble coupled with the ministration of The SCOAN Choir, The SCOAN Sunday service of October 4, 2015 was a stirring occasion that created a platform for thanksgiving, testimony and repentance through Christ our Lord.

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