Monday, June 30, 2014


Spiritually insightful and prophetically life changing! That is how last Sunday service can perfectly be summarized. Speaking with power and inspired by the anointing of the Holy Spirit to share power-tools needed in effective prayer and spiritual utterances, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua ushered the congregation into a heavenly classroom, drawing a huge line between religious people and Christians in the way they hold themselves before God. He explained that knowing God is not only seeing His works but learning His ways. Addressing the awe-inspired congregation he said, “When you learn His ways, you will work with His projects and act with His projects. You will know God’s opinion about others. You will begin to know God’s opinion about yourself and others,” he stated.
He warned people against using the recently launched Faith Bracelet as religious people would. Religious people count their faith with their hands and talk with their mouth. But Christians count it with their hands but talk with their heart. Count your faith means, speak and meditate the language of the Bible you have just read. If you talk with your mouth, others will hear but God will not hear. We use our ears but God uses our heart. Only faith pleases God. Faith is of man’s heart. You have been talking with your mouth but the Faith Bracelet will teach you to talk with your heart.
Describing mankind as living in a ‘two-language world’ – the language of the Bible and the language of today. He said the language of the Bible God uses to create and save us, to heal and bless us, to judge and rule over us is what Christians must speak. The language of today people use to gossip, tell stories, do business, give direction, talk to their children.

The man of God then proceeded to minister at the prayer line where hundreds of visitors from all over the world gathered and, with the power of the Holy Spirit, they received their healing and deliverance as the Prophet prayed for and declared them free, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Earlier, Wise Man Racine gave an inspiring message titled: THE MIND OF CHRIST. According to him, “The mind of the Spirit of God is an independent mind; a mind that thinks for itself. It is a mind that is determined to find out the truth from God and not man”.


The story of Mr Osaretin Douglas is heartrending. For five long years, he suffered horrible back and waist pain. He could neither stand, bend or sit. To perform such simple tasks proved impossible. In search of root cause, he visited numerous hospitals and had numerous tests carried out on him. The doctors could not diagnose a thing let alone offer solution. It reached a point where he was lying down horizontal, not even able to sit up, completely dependent on others. In this state, he was carried to a hospital in Abuja where they recommended a lumbo sacral test for him. To conduct the test cost a huge sum of money which he could not afford. In desperation, he had to sell his only car. The test uncovered severe tuberculosis of the spine. He was told the only solution was an expensive and complicated operation. That aside, he was told that it was 50-50 chance of him coming out better or worse. As a temporary support, they offered him a lumbar corset but that could not banish the excruciating pain that got worse by the day.
Last Friday, as he was contemplating how he could raise the money for an operation, he switched on Emmanuel TV and there was a live Friday service going on. As he watched, the man of God Prophet TB Joshua praying for those at the prayer line, he fell asleep and had a vivid dream where he saw the Prophet praying for him at The SCOAN. As soon as he woke up, he told his wife that they needed to travel to The SCOAN immediately. By faith, they made the challenging journey due to his condition. Arriving late, they were told to sit at the overflow congregation. During the long hours of the service, he could not sit down and was trying to use his hand to suspend himself but his healing was just around the corner.

Towards the end of the service, when his strength was waning, evangelists moved around ministering the new Anointing Water. He positioned himself physically and spiritually and as the Anointing Water was ministered to him, he claimed his healing. Within seconds, he felt instant relief, stood up and started to walk. He joyfully asked his wife to remove the lumbar corset. Unsure if this was a wise thing to do considering the severity of his sickness, she unbuckled him only to see her husband maintain his standing stance and walk about – a thing he could not do before. Since then, he has been moving freely without pain. Because of Christ, one spray of the Anointing Water released him from the bondage of tuberculosis of the spine. Because of Christ, an operation is no longer necessary. Glory be to God!


What could shame a politician more than waking up one morning to discover he had bed wetted? Such was the horror Hon Tamaraudoubra Zimughan from Bayelsa State, Nigeria found himself in. One morning, three decades ago, a friend he was sharing a room with, pointed to his mattress that was wet. It was evident this was no ordinary water. He had bed wetted and he was not a small boy. He was gripped with shame and embarrassment that a friend had found out. What he thought was a once-off thing, proved stubborn and bound him in chains of shame and embarrassment for 30 years of private torture. He could not disclose his affliction to anyone for fear of stigma and continued to single handedly wrestle with it discreetly. No one in his family suffered from such a problem and this fact humiliated him so much. He spent all his nights sleepless, waking up at night to turn on the fan to dry his wet bedding. He would also iron his bed sheets before dawn. He tried to pray and fast. He even visited spiritualists all in a futile attempt to rid himself of this affliction that had dishonored him so much. One day, when his eyes were opened to the healing power of Jesus Christ, he came to The SCOAN, seeking total healing and deliverance.

Hon Tamaraudoubra Zimughan
He received the Anointing Water and quickly went back home where he ministered it to himself. What had humiliated him for almost three decades, surrendered to the power of God within a second! He testified that he no longer bed wets and feels comfortable when he travels and sleeps away from home. Thank You, Jesus!


At an early stage of life, all was well for Alhaji Kassim Ajisebata. Business was booming, prospects were looming and he had friends in high places. He was a well-known business man in Kaduna, Nigeria, well established and wealthy. But these good times ended all too soon as his life took a tragic twist. His business collapsed and his close associates flee. Having lost everything he had labored for, he found himself moving from one spiritualist to another, desperate for a way out. The ‘way out’ they offered him came in the form of charms and mysterious items. In one extreme desperation, he was taken to a stream and taught some diabolical incantations. He was also given various evil items supposedly to restore his fortunes but he discovered that they did the absolute opposite. The items included pots with sand inside, black soap, a sponge, oil and other strange substances. He was also given a cloth from the graveyard which he was told to keep under his pillow. These practices isolated him from normal life. His friends became the dead and his comfort was the graveyard. Both day and night, he would be tormented by dead people, following him and hunting him down. He was a dead man living. With his body plagued with sickness, he began in earnest to seek for deliverance. One night in a dream, he saw many elderly people coming towards him and then he heard a voice say, “Go to Prophet T.B. Joshua”. At that instant, he woke up and determined to visit The SCOAN.

Alhaji Kassim Ajisebata
Sitting in The SCOAN Sunday Service the previous week, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua pointed him out, prophesying that he had some mysterious objects in his house. Confirming the prophecy, he declared that it was 100 percent accurate. He went back home and returned last Sunday with his diabolical items. He displayed the mysterious diabolical items before the children of God, exposing what he had previously hidden, even from his own wife. Emphasizing that these items are now rendered powerless, Alhaji Kassim Ajisebata spoke of the freedom he had received in spirit, soul and body after receiving the prophecy. Now, he no longer has nightmares or sees dead people. He has peace and rest of mind and is free from diabetes and many other afflictions that had turned his body into an altar of sicknesses. He advised people to run to God and not away from Him. Short of words to express her joy at the freedom that has now taken over her once fetish home, his wife thanked God for delivering the family.
Alhaji Kassim Ajisebata


At an early stage of life, all was well for Alhaji Kassim Ajisebata. Business was booming, prospects were looming and he had friends in high places. He was a well-known business man in Kaduna, Nigeria, well established and wealthy. But these good times ended all too soon as his life took a tragic twist. His business collapsed and his close associates flee. Having lost everything he had labored for, he found himself moving from one spiritualist to another, desperate for a way out. The ‘way out’ they offered him came in the form of charms and mysterious items. In one extreme desperation, he was taken to a stream and taught some diabolical incantations. He was also given various evil items supposedly to restore his fortunes but he discovered that they did the absolute opposite. The items included pots with sand inside, black soap, a sponge, oil and other strange substances. He was also given a cloth from the graveyard which he was told to keep under his pillow. These practices isolated him from normal life. His friends became the dead and his comfort was the graveyard. Both day and night, he would be tormented by dead people, following him and hunting him down. He was a dead man living. With his body plagued with sickness, he began in earnest to seek for deliverance. One night in a dream, he saw many elderly people coming towards him and then he heard a voice say, “Go to Prophet T.B. Joshua”. At that instant, he woke up and determined to visit The SCOAN.

Alhaji Kassim Ajisebata
Sitting in The SCOAN Sunday Service the previous week, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua pointed him out, prophesying that he had some mysterious objects in his house. Confirming the prophecy, he declared that it was 100 percent accurate. He went back home and returned last Sunday with his diabolical items. He displayed the mysterious diabolical items before the children of God, exposing what he had previously hidden, even from his own wife. Emphasizing that these items are now rendered powerless, Alhaji Kassim Ajisebata spoke of the freedom he had received in spirit, soul and body after receiving the prophecy. Now, he no longer has nightmares or sees dead people. He has peace and rest of mind and is free from diabetes and many other afflictions that had turned his body into an altar of sicknesses. He advised people to run to God and not away from Him. Short of words to express her joy at the freedom that has now taken over her once fetish home, his wife thanked God for delivering the family.
Alhaji Kassim Ajisebata


Mr Christian Ekaplugh, a Nigerian Police cadet, was on a journey in a vehicle with 23 colleagues when they had a horrible accident. They were all trainee cadets at the national Police Academy and on their way for attachment in another state. For some time, the coaster they were travelling in had been cruising and at the same time sounding wobbly as if one wheel was loose. Just when they were about to point this out to the driver, the inevitable happened. The wheel flew off and the vehicle somersaulted several times before it caught fire. There was confusion as onlookers stood helpless and watched the roaring tongues leap into the air and threaten to consume the vehicle in one swoop. Trapped inside, the only option was to break the windows. It was in this process that he broke his leg, rupturing and shattering his bones. The driver was burnt to death right there while another passenger sustained serious injuries and burns to the head. None escaped unhurt.
Rushed to hospital, the doctors diagnosed a compound fracture. The damage to his leg was so severe that they decided that the only option was amputation. Refusing the amputation, the doctors attempted to fix the bones back together using an external metal fixation, causing excruciating pain and a ghastly sight to behold. Instead of healing, his leg started decaying.
A strong healthy young man suddenly found himself unable to use his legs or do anything without assistance. He remained in this state for one and a half years until he came to The SCOAN. Due to the severity of his condition, he was brought in a car. Unable to attend the prayer line, he received the Anointing Water, took it home and ministered it by faith. A short time later, he had a dream where the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, warned him not to go for an operation which doctors had recommended. He opted to follow the advice and kept on ministering the Anointing Water. The next day, the creepiest thing happened. He watched with horror as two live maggots crawled out of his leg. However, to his utmost relief, the severe pain and burning sensation stopped immediately. His appetite that was lost immediately returned and he demanded for food upon food which he ate like a hungry lion.

Mr Christian Ekaplugh
That moment proved to be the turning point. His leg continued to improve; for the first time, it responded to treatment and flesh started covering the wound. His shattered bones miraculously came together and the dead bone was formed again. He began to sleep peacefully and without pain.
“Thank You, Jesus!” He said and promised to commit the rest of his life for His service.


To Rauna Kakehongo, 29, from Namibia, the news that she had been diagnosed with stage 4 bone marrow cancer came like a ton of heavy bricks. Not even in her worst dreams could she have pictured herself faced with such a dreadful health dilemma at such a young age. For the first time in her life, she could see her vision of a great future – dream career and happy family, melt before her own eyes like a sweet dream that suddenly turns into a horrible nightmare.

Rauna Kakehongo
It all started when she was admitted to the ICU because her lungs had collapsed. She was placed on life support and her blood had thickened. Not long after she was discharged, she discovered dark brown spots sprouting all over her body. Before she knew it, she was admitted again and with her strength waning by the day, a wheelchair provided her only support and means of mobility. Numerous tests were employed and with each, the outcome was devastatingly no better. Doctors discovered that she had excessive fluid and blood. Her spleen had enlarged three times its normal size. In a haste to stabilize her fading state, blood transfusion was quickly conducted. As fate would have it, her blood platelets refused to return to their normal count. To find out the cause of this, doctors conducted a bone marrow biopsy. They were forced to stop in the process due to excess loss of blood. The second biopsy was conducted while she was conscious, causing excruciating pain. Though braced for the news, the results were too sickening to the ear. She was diagnosed with blood cancer and stage 4 bone marrow cancer. She was given just six months to live.
Desperate to cling to a strand of hope, she opted to go for the incredibly unpleasant chemotherapy treatment. This caused her to lose all her hair and her stomach ballooned. As her condition deteriorated, she resigned herself to her fate, tearfully contacting her insurance company for funeral arrangements; the date was fixed for April 9th, 2014.


Rauna Kakehongo At The Prayerline
It was in this pitiful and frail state that she found out about Emmanuel TV. Encouraged by the testimonies she watched, she grabbed onto faith having run out of rope. Even though her tunnel was so dark, she could see a flicker of hope at the end of it. She pulled out all stops and against all odds arrived at The SCOAN, Lagos, Nigeria. At this point, her left side was half-paralyzed and she could barely stand. When Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for her at the prayer line in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, she felt something was ejected out of her chest. That night, she slept peacefully for the first time since the onset of her sickness. The next day, to her surprise, her hair started to grow and her nails which had turned dark brown returned to a healthy pink – a confirmation of lifeblood flooding back to her strained form. As each day went past, she got stronger and felt better.
On her return to Namibia, she went back to the hospital for a test and the doctor confirmed that there is no cancer in her body. To prove beyond reasonable doubt, tests were conducted in four different hospitals, all confirming her healthy and cancer free. There is no amount of words and tears that can express her sincere gratitude to Jesus Christ, her Rescuer from death. Praise the Lord!
Rauna Kakehongo


Miss Genevive Anyama was aged nine when she had a bizarre dream. She saw herself under water in a deep sea. Straight from that dream, an evil spirit had entered her. She developed affection for women and visited lesbian pornographic sites on internet. She had no affection for men but desired fellow girls. She was then living in India with her sister, a nurse, who also was having her own nightmares – having affairs in dreams, masturbating and clubbing. Away from the watchful eye of her parents, Genevive started dating fellow girls and living as a lesbian. They never went to church let alone read the Bible. Discovering what their daughters were engaging into, her mother would call them and urge them to watch Emmanuel TV. They would laugh it off because, to them, there was nothing wrong with the life they were living. Her mother was left with no choice but to summon them back to Nigeria by tricking them with a promise to travel to America. Instead, they were told they had come to be prayed for and get delivered. They were implored to start watching Emmanuel TV but found everything ridiculous. They would laugh when they saw people manifest on Emmanuel TV. It was until they came to The SCOAN and were arranged at the prayer line that the severity of their spiritual life was exposed. In that mighty battle between light and darkness, the evil spirit that had taken residence in them spoke out and confessed to having been responsible for her indulgence in the illicit sexual relationships. The evil spirits were cast out and the Holy Spirit took over. Delivered and set free, she no longer desires fellow women. The Bible has become her close companion and she no longer listens to worldly music. They advised, “Smoking and clubbing are not the joy of life but praying!”


While at the Prayer Line, Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for Ngozi Nwokolo who had an overdue pregnancy due to a tight cervix. She was booked for an operation but had instead opted to come to The SCOAN for prayer, believing she would deliver her baby safely and naturally. A few moments after the prayer, she became incredibly uncomfortable and was rushed straight to the labour room. Within a twinkle of an eye, she delivered her baby safely and smoothly. Later in the service she and her husband came to testify to the extraordinary miracle Jesus Christ had done in their family. Glory be to God!
Ngozi Nwokolo
The service closed with Mass Prayer ministered by Prophet T.B. Joshua during which many people were set free from the bondage of the devil and received life anew in Christ Jesus!


PROPHET T The SCOAN, the Arena of Liberty has been a beehive of activities with worshippers pouring in from all corners of the world to fellowship with the Lord and mark a new dawn in their Christian lives. Coinciding with the birthday of the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua who was celebrating his 51st birthday on 12th June, The SCOAN was caught in a frenzy of celebration although the actual day of the prophet’s birthday was mild and moderate being a day dedicated to prayer for the nation, Nigeria and the world.Worshippers from all over the globe grabbed the opportunity to thank God for the life of the man of God who has selflessly served as a true patriot of the Lord’s kingdom.CROWD As part of the celebrations, the man of God held a special deliverance service on Friday for the thousands of international visitors who graced the occasion. The Saturday and Sunday services were also held and both demonstrated the beauty of depending on and serving the true and living God as the power of the Holy Spirit swept through the congregation to bring spiritual enrichment. The overriding authority of the name, Jesus Christ manifested itself through instant healings and deliverances. The man of God took the opportunity to introduce The New Anointing Water and Faith Bracelets which are yet to be made available to people for a more intimate relationship with God.   Earlier on, Wise Man Harry delivered the Word of God with a message titled: THE HEART WE POSSESS. WISEMAN HARRYThe wise man examined the way different hearts have their individual characteristics. He said, “We have different hearts with different ways of doing things. Hearts are not the same and thus the way they receive or resist the Word of God differs”. Adding more detail about the relationship between the heart and mouth, Wise Man Harry said, “Vain and idle talk is a product of a vain and idle heart because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”. His proof text was from Matthew 16:15 regarding the revelation of Peter acknowledging our Lord, Jesus Christ as the Son of God. He said that this was the kind of heart we should aspire to have that which is ever-believing, no matter the condition at hand.


 MR SAMSON LAWRENCE It must have felt funny when Mr Samson Lawrence Khumalo, a Zimbabwean living in Cape Town, South Africa, took his first sip of beer. Little did he know that down in the glass, a demon lurked who would turn his perceived joy into a total nightmare. It all started off in 1999 when he got shot at as a security officer. He realised that he should have come to God then but he went into drinking and mistook the ugly sneer of the devil for a smile. He used to compete with friends to see who could drink the most and still drive home. Sooner, his appetite became so appallingly strong that he soon became an addict. For 15 years, he walked from one joint to another futilely whetting the urge which never went. He would make plans but they would never see the light of the day. It affected him financially and those around him emotionally and socially. As a heavy drinker, he often would get hurt while consuming alcohol. Sometimes, he would discover that he had done something wrong like breaking a window or breaking a relationship. All these cost him dearly that he no longer found joy in anything alcoholic. He desired to quit but he found no magic wand to the problem. He got to the point of considering contacting Alcoholics Anonymous, a world renowned rehabilitation group. One day, he attended a family reunion where he saw his uncle, a well known drunkard, take only soft drinks and water. He was surprised because his uncle was a more notorious drinker than he was. Curious, he implored him to share his secret whereupon he was told about The SCOAN and the Anointing Water. Mr Khumalo began to watch Emmanuel TV. As he watched a mass prayer with his uncle, the uncle ministered the Anointing Water to him and, instantly, he felt a strange sensation run through his body and that marked the end to his agonising relationship with alcoholic substances. A man who could consume an entire bottle of whisky in one sitting, suddenly found alcohol repulsive and disgusting. He said the last beer he bought, several months ago, was still sitting in the fridge, unopened and untouched to the glory of God. Not that he nurses lingering temptations to go back to it but as evidence that when Jesus delivers you, you are delivered indeed


 Mr Joseph Matala and his dear wife found themselves squeezed between a rock and a hard place where only Jesus could save them. His wife had fibroids while he had a low sperm count, rendering the couple unable to have children for 17 years. A national of DR Congo but living in South Africa, Mr Matala and his wife had gone to even the most expensive specialists and Chinese herbalists to get a solution to their infertility but there was no change. It caused him so much trauma especially when one day, his biological mother told him that she would not die in peace because she had not seen his children. No assurance could calm his mother’s concerns. This was a bitter memory that lingered in the back of his mind, accompanying his unsavoury condition of barrenness. The repercussions followed him wherever he went. Anytime he was applying for things and had to fill out forms or take interviews, he would be asked questions like, “How old is your first child” which would send him on another downward spiral of depression. Tired of trying, he suggested to his wife that they went for adoption. His wife encouraged him that God was still alive and would give them a child. “When you have a problem and you become tired, it is then that the power of God is close to you,” he said. After all those challenges, the couple decided to partner with Emmanuel TV. To their greatest surprise, an Anointing Sticker was sent to them in the post. Unknown to him, this was how his story would begin to change. The Anointing Sticker meant so much to him and his wife that they cut it in two and each kept their own part on their person anywhere they went. They did this so that if either of them lost theirs, they would still have the other one to pray together with! They prayed to God to bless them so that one day, they too would go to the church to testify of how their problem had been solved. His wife then missed her period. He was happy but this had happened many times in their 17 year struggle without the corresponding result so he didn’t make too big a deal out of it. They went to do a pregnancy test and just like that, his wife was confirmed to be pregnant. Today, they have a two and half month old baby boy – Joseph Junior. He advised that the power of God in the Anointing Sticker is as powerful as that in the Anointing Water. In their case, they did not start heckling the headquarters that they had not received the Anointing Water, they just prayed with the Anointing Sticker, believing that it was God’s answer to the question of the barrenness in their lives.


 “I am healed. I can see, thank You, Jesus!” It was a cry of joy as Miss Charlie Alexis Richards from USA – once blind, finally received her full sight. It was a priceless thing to have happened to her considering the opposition she had encountered on her way to The SCOAN. The moment she made up her mind to come to The SCOAN to be prayed for after all medical help at leading hospitals in the USA had failed, people tried to discourage her. They told her she would just waste her money. Right at the airport in America, she discovered that her feet had become swollen. Not only that, her baggage was routed to a wrong destination. Everything appeared to be working against her trip. But her will to seek the face of God was so strong that she could not allow any detractors stop her. Her faith was not without reason. Before coming to The SCOAN, she had a dream. In that dream, she was in the church auditorium. Everything looked the same but there were no chairs. Then, she saw herself in a line of people. MISS CHALIE ALEXIS RICHARD[3The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua called her to come forward as she was late. She went forward to the front and what looked like a hospital came down upon her. Inside, she saw surgical tools of all kinds all around the walls. Afterwards, a man came to her and said she could see the screens in front of her. She instinctively replied that she could not but the man insisted that she could and when she tried, she found out that MISS CHALIE ALEXIS RICHARD[5]her blind eye could now see the objects in front of her. Finally, finding herself at the prayer line of The SCOAN that historical day last Saturday, she witnessed the launch of the New Anointing Water through which she was to be set free. She explained her experience under the power of the Holy Spirit: “As soon as the Anointing Water fell into my eye, I felt like something was moving in my blind eye. I lost control. I could not find a hand to hold and fell to the ground”. Unknown to the human eye and those that were in her vicinity, a divine operation was taking place just as MISS CHALIE ALEXIS RICHARDshe had experienced in her dream. After a few minutes, her eye popped open, darkness disappeared and to her inexpressible joy, she was able to see the man of God clearly for the first time. In the Book of Isaiah, it was foretold that when Jesus Christ would come to save us, the lame would walk, the dead would be raised and the eyes of the blind would see. The age of miracles has not passed; the Miracle Worker is still alive. His name is Jesus Christ


MR EFFIONG EDET EFFIONG Mr Effiong Edet Effiong, now answering to the title ‘honourable’, perfectly described his former life as one that had been ‘manhandled, ruffled and squeezed not just by poverty but abject poverty’ which bread anger, frustration and aggression. He was a motorbike rider, riding a jalopy assembled in a makeshift fashion by various roadside mechanics. He would leave home in the morning and after working all day in the blistering sun, come home with nothing, day after day. Most of the money he gained, he would have to spend on repairing the bad motorbike. Like many making a hard living on the unfriendly streets, he developed the bad habit of smoking. As a rider carrying people from one place to another, he heard so many stories, some of them strange. One of them was about Prophet T.B. Joshua, the man whom people said was performing miracles.  Some said negative things about him. He was confused and one day decided to ask his wife if she had heard anything about the prophet. Her answer was an emphatic, “Yes” and that she had actually seen him preach on Emmanuel TV through the black-and-white television in his house. His wife insisted he came to The SCOAN despite any nasty or discouraging stories he might have heard. He resignedly agreed and came to The SCOAN using money borrowed from various friends. So desperate was he that as he was coming, he said to himself, “I will roll on the floor outside the church if necessary just to get seen by the man of God.” He knew that he would get solution and was not ready to go back with the same problems. He sat in the canopy and “sang louder, danced faster and prayed harder than anybody else.” Such was his belief that this was the end of his life of hardship. Having received the Anointing Water and Stickers, on his way back to his state, he prayed to God, “If You are the One who created the Heavens and earth, please, do not let me continue riding on this bike again”. Mighty miracles started happening. His state launched a poverty alleviation project and he was one of the lucky few given a brand new vehicle for business. His joy was so much that he slept for two days in the car before going home. The same man from the state Governor’s Office called him for a big contract not long after and he was able through this venture to register a company. He enrolled at school and successfully passed his OND and HND qualifications which were far off dreams for him to achieve in his former position of poverty. One contract after another came his way and he was able to buy a property. He is now a proud home owner and the employer of 14 staff. He stopped his wife from selling fish and bought her a personal car. His influence in the state became prominent and was encouraged by a friend that as God was with him, he should stand for election in his local government. He won the position. A few weeks later, the chairman of his local government gave him the gift of another brand new car. “I came to share this testimony to give others hope that if a motorbike rider could be elevated to the position of an honourable member of the local government, your position would soon change as long as you continue to believe and trust in God!” He testified.


 From a human and scientific view, Mrs Onuche Mariam was not to ever have children. She had barrenness that had humiliated her for five years. This was as a result of an ectopic pregnancy during which led to the removal of her fallopian tubes. This scientifically made it impossible for her to get pregnant. As a lecturer, she loved children but would be troubled to see that she did not have her own. Still, she believed in God that one day she would conceive. Her brother told her not to believe man’s opinion but to seek God’s. He collected her medical report and took it to The SCOAN for prayers. When he returned home, he gave it back to her and said, “God has changed your report!” Meanwhile, she was introduced to Emmanuel TV and, during the Candlelight Service crossing over from 2013 to 2014, she prayed along with Prophet T.B. Joshua. That night, she had a dream in which the man of God told her she would come for a testimony. The following month, she discovered that she was pregnant. Now, she came to give that testimony and standing with her brother before the congregation, she displayed her six-month pregnancy to the glory of God who had re-written her medical report and made possible what doctors had said could not happen


 He came carrying his nebuliser machine in his bag. Much as it sustained his life during sleep in those hours of difficulty in breathing, he detested the whole idea of having to strap a mask over his face for the rest of his life. Without it, he ran the risk of sleeping and not waking up again. His wife rightly called it the ‘intruder’ for its inconvenience during intimacy. So, Mr Kwasi Tete Asiedu, a Ghanaian living in the UK, carried the MR KWASI TETE ASIEDU[3]intruder all the way to The SCOAN, praying that Jesus Christ would relieve him of the burden and hand him and his wife a new lease of life. For 12 years, he had suffered sleep apnoea – a potentially fatal sleeping disorder. He would have difficulty taking in oxygen and would snore loudly. In the morning, he would be too tired to carry out his daily activities. In recent months, he was introduced to Emmanuel TV and saw other people receiving healing of similar problems. MR KWASI TETE ASIEDUThat put faith in his heart to come to The SCOAN to receive his own touch. He was arranged on the prayer line and was very privileged to be one of the first few people to receive a spray of the New Anointing Water. Under the instruction of Prophet T.B. Joshua, one of the evangelists ministered it to him, in Jesus’ name. For the last time, he removed the nebuliser machine’s mask from his face. His breathing became completely normal. Since then, he sleeps like a baby without using the machine. “If you are sick, come to Jesus; He is the Healer,” he said, now free from wearing a mask to bed.


PRINCESS FELIAN ASSAM Princess Felian Assam Czesnat, a Cameroonian residing in Germany, was chatting with her brother on Skype one day when he alerted her to a trace of blood running from her eye. Unsuspecting of anything serious, she went to the mirror and horror stared back at her. Pure blood was running down her eye. She called an ambulance but when they got to the hospital, the doctors did not see anything wrong with her yet she could not see, walk or write. The eye kept bleeding. At a point, the eye started coming out and they had to give her an eye patch to keep the eye firmly in place and from getting contaminated. Then, it was discovered that the problem was from the nerves in her eye. Alerted to her scary predicament, her father bought her a ticket to come to The SCOAN. Her case had deteriorated so much that she couldn’t see even the time or date of the flight on the ticket; all she knew was she was travelling to Nigeria from Germany. Arriving at The SCOAN, she listened to a testimony of a lady healed from blindness after receiving a spray of the New Anointing Water. The testifier had told of how during the ministration into her eye, she had felt a warm sensation and something like a worm moving in it. However, when the New Anointing Water was sprayed on Ms Czesnat, she did not feel the same. In fact, only a few drops had landed on her face. She considered this not to be enough. Her sister assured her to believe and put her faith to work. Back at the hotel the following morning, her sister alerted her to the fact that her eyes were no longer bloody as they had been the previous day before the Anointing Water was sprayed on her. “Leave me alone, I am a blind woman,” she shouted back. However, on her sister’s insistence, she called for a mirror and behold; the eye that was once full of blood and completely blind, was clear and she could see. She confessed her healing and when she was given a book to read, Ms Czesnat did so convincingly. Unlike the first time when she came to The SCOAN led by her sister, she came without any assistance. She walked by herself and faced the camera, smiling.


 Honourable Ladi Oko from Benue, Nigeria suffered from multiple fractures of the ankle after an accident. She had to use a pair of crutches to be able to move around. She could not carry out her daily activities.HON LADI OKO Her family members had to help her to the bathroom before she could have her bath. She went to many hospitals and herbalists in search of solution but could not find any. The doctor even said that she would need an operation but the doctor was not sure how the operation would affect her leg. The family decided to bring her to The SCOAN where she was placed in the prayer line and Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for her in the power of the Holy Spirit. Immediately after the prayer, she felt a sensation in her body and was able to walk freely without the crutches to the glory of God! Now, she can do everything by herself, drive her car, walk around and even run for the glory of God! The family advised viewers to trust in God Almighty.


MRS GABRIELLA FILAK[3] Mrs Gabriella Filak, from Hungary in Eastern Europe, suffered excruciating pain with which she woke up with tears every morning. It started when she was born that the doctors said she was unlikely to survive as she only weighed just over a kilo. When she was very young, she fell on a rock with her hip and the pain started from there. She had to use a metal frame to move around. The doctors were able to diagnose that she had tuberculosis in her hip and spine. She went for an operation whereby the doctors intentionally broke her leg to try and reattach the leg properly to the hip but the operation was not a success. Over the years, the situation became worse. She was no longer able to lift up or play with the children where she worked in a nursery school because of her painful condition.MRS GABRIELLA FILAK[2] She had suffered this for 46 years. It got to a point that the doctors told her that there was nothing more they could do for her. One of her sisters who speaks English told her about the ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua and encouraged her to come to The SCOAN to receive her healing.MRS GABRIELLA FILAK She was filled with faith and came in the name of the Lord. When she was at the Prayer Line, Prophet T.B. Joshua touched her three times and told her she was free to walk. She immediately began to walk and even burst into a run as she discovered that all the pain which usually hindered her movement had vanished. She described the experience as if it had been God Himself embracing her. At last, 46 years of crippling pain have been ended by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ. During the service, when the New Anointing Water was ministered to her, she felt like her entire body was being stretched and straightened out as she fell on the floor and vomited. Now, she feels new and refreshed and can walk like a normal person. She explained that previously she felt like her body was twisted and had to drag her left leg behind her as she walked but that was all a thing of the past since the prayer of Prophet T.B. Joshua. It was an amazingly glorious service day which ended with mass prayers where every demonic based problem was exposed by the light of God to the joy of all!   Emmanuel – God with us

Supernatural Power of the Holy Spirit

Prophet TB Joshua
Prophet TB Joshua
The supernatural power of the Holy Spirit is incontestable and when the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua moved among the congregants last Sunday, calling upon the name Jesus to free them from the grip of satan, heaven opened, the Holy Spirit took charge and The SCOAN turned into a mighty battleground where light subdued darkness as chains fell off people’s lives. Commanding every demonic hold on people’s businesses, finances, careers and marriages to loose, the anointed man of God reminded the worshippers of their rightful position before God as His children and, therefore, deserving of excellence. What followed was the great manifestation of satan’s defeat with many people vomiting blood and poisonous substances – evidence that the wicked stranger in their lives had been banished and that the Holy Spirit had taken over residency. Just as many people had been healed and delivered through the new Anointing Water the day before; thousands were set free on Sunday as it was ministered to them. Prophet T.B. Joshua then proceeded to minister healing and deliverance at the prayer line where hundreds of people from all over the world had gathered in search of Divine intervention in various aspects of their lives. Shedding light on the Faith Bracelet, an evangelical item which is worn around the wrist and is due for release soon, Prophet T.B. Joshua said: “It is to help you confess who you are in Christ Jesus and reset the state of your heart. Your relationship with God depends on the state of your mind. You may not talk but your heart is talking all the time. All kinds of things go through your heart. When you are sitting in the church, you are supposed to keep busy. If your heart is disturbed, you can pray, ‘Oh God, reset my belief. I want to be stable. All doubt, fear and unbelief – flush it out, Lord. I want to be right. Renew my strength.’” Earlier, Wise Man Daniel preached an enriching message titled: BE CONSCIOUS OF CHRIST’S PRESENCE, a call on Christians not to listen to the temptation to act out of character but to identify their source – Jesus Christ – through positive thinking, talking and acting. Picking his proof text from Mark 14:37-38 and other scriptural references, he said:
Wiseman Daniel
Wiseman Daniel
“When Jesus Christ told His disciples to ‘watch and Pray’, He equally meant to tell them to let their minds rise and seek the things that are above. Without the active cooperation of the mind, the Spirit has no means of expressing itself. It means that the Spirit expresses itself through the mind. Remember, God’s Word refreshes our minds while God’s Spirit renews our strength and it is acting on the Word that builds faith in the heart of the believer. Therefore, if this mind must cooperate with the Spirit, it must be taught to concentrate upon things of the Spirit because our mind must be our servant and not our master. One thing is clear here, if you would have a strong and intelligent prayer life, your mind must be your servant and not your master because our communication in prayer is imperfect unless it is aided by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is most essential that the mind should be made spiritual in order for it to be alert at all times. In other words, the mind must be made spiritual in order for it to be conscious of Christ’s presence at all times.”


Isaac Lenity
Isaac Lenity
Isaac Lenity was brought by his mother Agnes to The SCOAN in a terrible condition. He had a severely swollen jaw which caused the young boy excruciating pain and discomfort. Unable to sleep and barely able to eat because of the rapidly increasing swelling in his jaw, Agnes desperately took her son to various hospitals. The prognosis was grim: at his tender age, Isaac needed to undergo an operation. It was at this point that Agnes decided to bring her young son to The SCOAN for prayer. The results were extraordinary!
SCOAN Prayer Line
SCOAN Prayer Line
As Wise Man Racine prayed for Isaac, the intense pain immediately disappeared. Within three days, the swelling had miraculously reduced and Isaac was back to his playful, boisterous self. He began eating, sleeping and living freely! Isaac’s sister Deborah explained more about the severity of her young brother’s condition, adding that the family could not even touch the affected area as it was so sore.TESTIMONY (2) Immediately after prayer at The SCOAN, she testified that the pain her brother was passing through daily, disappeared, the swelling following suit shortly afterwards. The jubilant family encouraged people to put their trust in Jesus Christ, knowing that there is no mountain He cannot move.
What a God we have to worship; what a Son we have to praise; what a future lies before us!


Mrs Emelda Mbewe & husband
Mrs Emelda Mbewe & husband
Mrs Emelda Mbewe and her husband suffered massive problems. For two years she had severe abdominal pain while the husband was addicted to drinking alcohol for 21 years. The pain in her was so awful that she had to run from one hospital to another but could find no solution. This affected her job as a social worker. She could not do house visits to her clients. Many scans were done on her but nothing was identified as the cause of the mysterious illness. Meanwhile her husband was passing through severe problems of alcohol addiction, consuming between 28 and 48 bottles in a day. This made him angry most of the time. His wife was always in tears when there seemed to be no solution to the addiction in her husband’s life while she was at the same time having an inexplicable illness. She was a woman squeezed between a rock and a hard place. After everything had failed, the couple decided to come to The SCOAN, believing that only God could set them free. They were prayed for and given the Anointing Water. Soon after ministering the Anointing Water, she felt a sharp pain and when she went to the rest room, a massive and strange object fell out of her. She also vomited for about 30 minutes. Just then, the pain left her and she became well again, the problem having been flushed out of her system. While she was celebrating, her husband who had also ministered the same Anointing Water, woke up the following morning feeling light and with no feelings to go and take alcohol. Since that time, he has been free from alcoholism, all the urge having disappeared. To his wife, he is now the man she had always wanted him to be. They came to share that great testimony of how they received their deliverance and healing through the medium of the Anointing Water. Praise God!


1+ 2+When Mrs Abisoye Sokoya tested positive to the deadly disease of HIV/AIDS 1 and 2, she concluded that the end had come. As the psychological shock of the diagnosis set in, so did the physical symptoms as Abisoye began emaciating and experiencing pain throughout her body. Fearing the worst, Mrs Sokoya knew that her case had gone beyond medical remedy; she decided to seek Divine intervention, having heard of The SCOAN. As Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for Abisoye, she uncontrollably began to move backwards and eventually fell to the ground under the power of God. It was as if new life was breathed into her frail body and immediately, the weakness and symptoms that characterised her sickness disappeared! Steadily regaining strength and basking in her newfound freedom, Mrs Sokoya boldly decided to return to the hospital several months after receiving prayer. The results confirmed what she already knew based on the radical transformation in her body – she was negative to the deadly virus of HIV/AIDS! Maintaining the mighty miracle for the last fifteen years, Abisoye advised people to be faithful to their spouses and to God, stressing that the first place we should prosper is in our spiritual lives!


Princess Rose Nwady who studied Business Administration was facing a severe case of business failure such that she could not boast of even having 500 naira to her name. Her once flourishing business suddenly collapsed.
Princess Rose Nwady
Princess Rose Nwady
She was virtually living from hand to mouth; begging from friends and relatives to survive even though people around her thought she had a lot of money working as a Petroleum Marketer who was once known for her opulence. She incurred a lot of debts, making her life miserable! Having tried her hands in several spheres of spiritualism to no avail, she decided to come to The SCOAN where she received the Anointing Water and Anointing Stickers from the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. On leaving The SCOAN, God gave her the inspiration to start a new line of business – road construction; and without much ado, contracts started flowing in! She placed the Anointing Stickers on the concrete mixers and trucks while constructing the roads. She also ministered the Anointing Water. Amazingly, she won six new contracts for road construction. As a result of God’s blessings in her life, she was able to build a three storey building and shopping mall! Now she has contracts worth millions of naira and is blessed to bless others. She now buys clothes for widows and helps the poor and needy. Praise God!


Mrs Lydia Joseph
Mrs Lydia Joseph
Doctors had written off Mrs Lydia Joseph’s case as irresolvable. The abdominal pains she was experiencing were so severe and yet, when she got to the hospital with all hopes for solution, all the doctors told her was that her case was unredeemable and that she had to live with the problem for the rest of her life. A scan had established a pancreatic cyst. She was forced to stay away from many daily jobs, including household chores. Everything was being handled and done by her husband, an evangelist. It was in the midst of this huge dilemma that the two decided to seek higher power, power from above – the Almighty God. They came to The SCOAN where they received the Anointing Water. Back home in India, they ministered it and prayed in the name of Jesus Christ and behold, the pain simply eased and disappeared completely. Another medical checkup at the hospital confirmed that her pancreas had been restored while the disease was destroyed miraculously to the shock of the medical doctors! It was nothing other than the medium of the Anointing Water which she applied daily on her body! She encouraged people to have faith, that the moment they stepped their feet in The SCOAN, their solution was as good as guaranteed.


Theatrics! That was what Mr Sebastien Kanga Kamdem thought of Emmanuel TV upon his initial viewing. He scoffed at the deliverances and healings he witnessed, perceiving them to be akin to film acting. However, a time came when T.B. Joshua was praying on Emmanuel TV and Sebastien decided to pray along and see for himself what would transpire. To his greatest shock, Mr Kamdem began coughing up some poisonous substances. What he saw happening on Emmanuel TV had now manifested in his own bedroom!
Sebastien Kanga Kamdem
Sebastien Kanga Kamdem
Skepticism gave way to faith and the Cameroonian forestry engineer decided to visit The SCOAN, accompanied by his sick mother. A touch from God at The SCOAN revived his mother’s frail condition and her healing further solidified his faith. Before then, despite his PhD credentials and vast experience, Sebastien had been experiencing stagnation and limitation in his career as an engineer. Twenty one years without promotion weighed heavily on his heart. Receiving the Anointing Water, he returned to his base in Gabon and began ministering it. Shortly afterwards, a remarkable job opportunity came up for a highly coveted position in his country. Despite no political weight behind his application, something he thought was essential to even be considered for the position, Mr Kamdem and two others were narrowed down from a shortlist of 32 candidates. The final three candidates went before a panel of 17 judges who overwhelmingly voted in favour of Sebastien! He proudly declared that he is now the Executive Secretary for the Network of Protected Area of Central Africa, a position that puts him in charge of ecological governance in eight African countries. He advised people to watch Emmanuel TV with the eyes of faith and not allow cynicism or skepticism to stand in the way of the blessings God has in store for viewers worldwide.


Madam Agnes Njabili
Madam Agnes Njabili
Madam Agnes Njabili knows what it takes to live in pain. The Professor of Education, who is currently lecturing at the University of Dar-Es-Salaam in Tanzania, suffered from rheumatoid arthritis and hypertension for 12 horrible years. Taking a daily cocktail of drugs to try and subside the numbing pain, her teaching career was severely inhibited by the steadily deteriorating condition in her body. Forced to leave her post at the University of Namibia due to the adverse weather conditions that aggravated her condition, she returned to her base in Tanzania. As a lecturer, Prof Agnes was unable to actively interact with her students because of the pain and even relied on the support of her students to climb up stairs to where her office was located. A blood pressure machine was her daily companion as she constantly had to check her levels, especially before doing any public presentation.
However, Prof Agnes’ story changed when she decided to seek the face of God and visit The SCOAN. She described a remarkable experience in the prayer line.
SCOAN Prayer Line
SCOAN Prayer Line
As Prophet T.B. Joshua approached her, he used his leg to physically lift up her own leg and a soothing heat radiated throughout her body. Strength entered her body as she stood up and began to run! In a miraculous moment, God healed her completely from the rheumatoid arthritis and hypertension.
Prof Agnes explained that ever since that Divine encounter, her blood pressure has been normal and all the pains associated with her arthritic condition have disappeared! She has fully resumed her professorial duties without any hindrance from her health! She advised people worldwide to trust in God.


BEFORE PLACARDWithered, Mr Fabian Isaac Idika’s leg looked lifeless to the natural eye. That he was able to limp and hop, was only by the grace of God. Now a retired Assistant Superintendent of Police in the Nigerian Police Force, he was a victim of a gunshot that entered his leg and lodged there. He had been on duty on the fateful day when armed robbers opened fire on him and his colleagues. Some of his friends died on the spot while the impact of the shot sent knocked him to the ground. Everyone feared he was dead but, with a faint hope that there could be some slim chance of survival, he was rushed to the hospital where he was resuscitated. His leg hung limp under him and he felt a searing pain run through him. He watched his leg swell and even though he was discharged from hospital, he still had the bullet in his leg. The doctors had failed to remove it and the leg deteriorated into a full-blown leg ulcer. He could do nothing on his own even bathing was a dreadful ritual he could not handle. For 30 years, he carried the bullet in his leg with no hope that one day it would come out.
SCOAN Prayer Line
SCOAN Prayer Line
All medical and scientific solutions exhausted with no solution, he came to The SCOAN where the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, prayed for him at the prayer line and declared his healing in the name of Jesus Christ.
Back at the hotel where he was lodging, he ministered on himself the Anointing Water which he had received. Instantly, his leg started itching on the spot where the bullet had entered and to his utter surprise, the bullet and screws from a previous attempted medical operation fell out. TESTIMONY (1) TESTIMONY (2)Since that time, he has regained his strength and mobility. He is now blessed with a new job as a security officer with a private company, the problem that had ended his career, having surrendered to the healing power of Jesus Christ. Marching for God in front of the congregation, he advised people to trust in the healing power of Jesus Christ.


Mr Segun Omotosho
Mr Segun Omotosho
It is a man’s worse nightmare. The erection of Mr Segun Omotosho refused to descend and he had to lift up his loosely-worn trousers in his hands – a futile attempt at creating some comfort that never came. Excruciating is the best word to describe the pain the married man was passing through. After several days without any respite, Segun felt there must be a spiritual element to his embarrassing condition. Resolving to visit The SCOAN, a word of prophecy exposed the unusual circumstances behind this bizarre case. Prophesying before the congregation, Prophet T.B. Joshua revealed his exact problem, adding that this problem started after Mr Omotosho cheated on his wife with a light skinned lady. He received prayer in Jesus’ name and fell to the ground. As he fell, so did his manhood! Following the prophecy and prayer, Mr Segun confirmed that the permanent erection became a thing of the past. He tacitly advised married couples to be faithful to their spouses, acknowledging that it was the act of adultery that opened the door for satan to afflict him. Mrs Omotosho joyfully testified that her husband was a new man after his deliverance at The SCOAN. He had previously accused her of infidelity, even insisting she swore an oath of innocence! She was shocked, upon coming to The SCOAN, to prophetically learn that her husband was in the fact the one who had been unfaithful! The testimony was capped off by Mr Omotosho’s mother singing in her local dialect, praising God for her son’s miraculous recovery! The service closed with mass prayer from the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, during which he also prophesied to individuals and nations.