Monday, June 30, 2014

Supernatural Power of the Holy Spirit

Prophet TB Joshua
Prophet TB Joshua
The supernatural power of the Holy Spirit is incontestable and when the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua moved among the congregants last Sunday, calling upon the name Jesus to free them from the grip of satan, heaven opened, the Holy Spirit took charge and The SCOAN turned into a mighty battleground where light subdued darkness as chains fell off people’s lives. Commanding every demonic hold on people’s businesses, finances, careers and marriages to loose, the anointed man of God reminded the worshippers of their rightful position before God as His children and, therefore, deserving of excellence. What followed was the great manifestation of satan’s defeat with many people vomiting blood and poisonous substances – evidence that the wicked stranger in their lives had been banished and that the Holy Spirit had taken over residency. Just as many people had been healed and delivered through the new Anointing Water the day before; thousands were set free on Sunday as it was ministered to them. Prophet T.B. Joshua then proceeded to minister healing and deliverance at the prayer line where hundreds of people from all over the world had gathered in search of Divine intervention in various aspects of their lives. Shedding light on the Faith Bracelet, an evangelical item which is worn around the wrist and is due for release soon, Prophet T.B. Joshua said: “It is to help you confess who you are in Christ Jesus and reset the state of your heart. Your relationship with God depends on the state of your mind. You may not talk but your heart is talking all the time. All kinds of things go through your heart. When you are sitting in the church, you are supposed to keep busy. If your heart is disturbed, you can pray, ‘Oh God, reset my belief. I want to be stable. All doubt, fear and unbelief – flush it out, Lord. I want to be right. Renew my strength.’” Earlier, Wise Man Daniel preached an enriching message titled: BE CONSCIOUS OF CHRIST’S PRESENCE, a call on Christians not to listen to the temptation to act out of character but to identify their source – Jesus Christ – through positive thinking, talking and acting. Picking his proof text from Mark 14:37-38 and other scriptural references, he said:
Wiseman Daniel
Wiseman Daniel
“When Jesus Christ told His disciples to ‘watch and Pray’, He equally meant to tell them to let their minds rise and seek the things that are above. Without the active cooperation of the mind, the Spirit has no means of expressing itself. It means that the Spirit expresses itself through the mind. Remember, God’s Word refreshes our minds while God’s Spirit renews our strength and it is acting on the Word that builds faith in the heart of the believer. Therefore, if this mind must cooperate with the Spirit, it must be taught to concentrate upon things of the Spirit because our mind must be our servant and not our master. One thing is clear here, if you would have a strong and intelligent prayer life, your mind must be your servant and not your master because our communication in prayer is imperfect unless it is aided by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is most essential that the mind should be made spiritual in order for it to be alert at all times. In other words, the mind must be made spiritual in order for it to be conscious of Christ’s presence at all times.”

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