Monday, June 30, 2014


MRS GABRIELLA FILAK[3] Mrs Gabriella Filak, from Hungary in Eastern Europe, suffered excruciating pain with which she woke up with tears every morning. It started when she was born that the doctors said she was unlikely to survive as she only weighed just over a kilo. When she was very young, she fell on a rock with her hip and the pain started from there. She had to use a metal frame to move around. The doctors were able to diagnose that she had tuberculosis in her hip and spine. She went for an operation whereby the doctors intentionally broke her leg to try and reattach the leg properly to the hip but the operation was not a success. Over the years, the situation became worse. She was no longer able to lift up or play with the children where she worked in a nursery school because of her painful condition.MRS GABRIELLA FILAK[2] She had suffered this for 46 years. It got to a point that the doctors told her that there was nothing more they could do for her. One of her sisters who speaks English told her about the ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua and encouraged her to come to The SCOAN to receive her healing.MRS GABRIELLA FILAK She was filled with faith and came in the name of the Lord. When she was at the Prayer Line, Prophet T.B. Joshua touched her three times and told her she was free to walk. She immediately began to walk and even burst into a run as she discovered that all the pain which usually hindered her movement had vanished. She described the experience as if it had been God Himself embracing her. At last, 46 years of crippling pain have been ended by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ. During the service, when the New Anointing Water was ministered to her, she felt like her entire body was being stretched and straightened out as she fell on the floor and vomited. Now, she feels new and refreshed and can walk like a normal person. She explained that previously she felt like her body was twisted and had to drag her left leg behind her as she walked but that was all a thing of the past since the prayer of Prophet T.B. Joshua. It was an amazingly glorious service day which ended with mass prayers where every demonic based problem was exposed by the light of God to the joy of all!   Emmanuel – God with us

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