Monday, June 30, 2014


PROPHET T The SCOAN, the Arena of Liberty has been a beehive of activities with worshippers pouring in from all corners of the world to fellowship with the Lord and mark a new dawn in their Christian lives. Coinciding with the birthday of the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua who was celebrating his 51st birthday on 12th June, The SCOAN was caught in a frenzy of celebration although the actual day of the prophet’s birthday was mild and moderate being a day dedicated to prayer for the nation, Nigeria and the world.Worshippers from all over the globe grabbed the opportunity to thank God for the life of the man of God who has selflessly served as a true patriot of the Lord’s kingdom.CROWD As part of the celebrations, the man of God held a special deliverance service on Friday for the thousands of international visitors who graced the occasion. The Saturday and Sunday services were also held and both demonstrated the beauty of depending on and serving the true and living God as the power of the Holy Spirit swept through the congregation to bring spiritual enrichment. The overriding authority of the name, Jesus Christ manifested itself through instant healings and deliverances. The man of God took the opportunity to introduce The New Anointing Water and Faith Bracelets which are yet to be made available to people for a more intimate relationship with God.   Earlier on, Wise Man Harry delivered the Word of God with a message titled: THE HEART WE POSSESS. WISEMAN HARRYThe wise man examined the way different hearts have their individual characteristics. He said, “We have different hearts with different ways of doing things. Hearts are not the same and thus the way they receive or resist the Word of God differs”. Adding more detail about the relationship between the heart and mouth, Wise Man Harry said, “Vain and idle talk is a product of a vain and idle heart because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”. His proof text was from Matthew 16:15 regarding the revelation of Peter acknowledging our Lord, Jesus Christ as the Son of God. He said that this was the kind of heart we should aspire to have that which is ever-believing, no matter the condition at hand.

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