Monday, June 30, 2014


Madam Agnes Njabili
Madam Agnes Njabili
Madam Agnes Njabili knows what it takes to live in pain. The Professor of Education, who is currently lecturing at the University of Dar-Es-Salaam in Tanzania, suffered from rheumatoid arthritis and hypertension for 12 horrible years. Taking a daily cocktail of drugs to try and subside the numbing pain, her teaching career was severely inhibited by the steadily deteriorating condition in her body. Forced to leave her post at the University of Namibia due to the adverse weather conditions that aggravated her condition, she returned to her base in Tanzania. As a lecturer, Prof Agnes was unable to actively interact with her students because of the pain and even relied on the support of her students to climb up stairs to where her office was located. A blood pressure machine was her daily companion as she constantly had to check her levels, especially before doing any public presentation.
However, Prof Agnes’ story changed when she decided to seek the face of God and visit The SCOAN. She described a remarkable experience in the prayer line.
SCOAN Prayer Line
SCOAN Prayer Line
As Prophet T.B. Joshua approached her, he used his leg to physically lift up her own leg and a soothing heat radiated throughout her body. Strength entered her body as she stood up and began to run! In a miraculous moment, God healed her completely from the rheumatoid arthritis and hypertension.
Prof Agnes explained that ever since that Divine encounter, her blood pressure has been normal and all the pains associated with her arthritic condition have disappeared! She has fully resumed her professorial duties without any hindrance from her health! She advised people worldwide to trust in God.

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