Monday, June 30, 2014


BEFORE PLACARDWithered, Mr Fabian Isaac Idika’s leg looked lifeless to the natural eye. That he was able to limp and hop, was only by the grace of God. Now a retired Assistant Superintendent of Police in the Nigerian Police Force, he was a victim of a gunshot that entered his leg and lodged there. He had been on duty on the fateful day when armed robbers opened fire on him and his colleagues. Some of his friends died on the spot while the impact of the shot sent knocked him to the ground. Everyone feared he was dead but, with a faint hope that there could be some slim chance of survival, he was rushed to the hospital where he was resuscitated. His leg hung limp under him and he felt a searing pain run through him. He watched his leg swell and even though he was discharged from hospital, he still had the bullet in his leg. The doctors had failed to remove it and the leg deteriorated into a full-blown leg ulcer. He could do nothing on his own even bathing was a dreadful ritual he could not handle. For 30 years, he carried the bullet in his leg with no hope that one day it would come out.
SCOAN Prayer Line
SCOAN Prayer Line
All medical and scientific solutions exhausted with no solution, he came to The SCOAN where the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, prayed for him at the prayer line and declared his healing in the name of Jesus Christ.
Back at the hotel where he was lodging, he ministered on himself the Anointing Water which he had received. Instantly, his leg started itching on the spot where the bullet had entered and to his utter surprise, the bullet and screws from a previous attempted medical operation fell out. TESTIMONY (1) TESTIMONY (2)Since that time, he has regained his strength and mobility. He is now blessed with a new job as a security officer with a private company, the problem that had ended his career, having surrendered to the healing power of Jesus Christ. Marching for God in front of the congregation, he advised people to trust in the healing power of Jesus Christ.

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