Monday, June 30, 2014


What could shame a politician more than waking up one morning to discover he had bed wetted? Such was the horror Hon Tamaraudoubra Zimughan from Bayelsa State, Nigeria found himself in. One morning, three decades ago, a friend he was sharing a room with, pointed to his mattress that was wet. It was evident this was no ordinary water. He had bed wetted and he was not a small boy. He was gripped with shame and embarrassment that a friend had found out. What he thought was a once-off thing, proved stubborn and bound him in chains of shame and embarrassment for 30 years of private torture. He could not disclose his affliction to anyone for fear of stigma and continued to single handedly wrestle with it discreetly. No one in his family suffered from such a problem and this fact humiliated him so much. He spent all his nights sleepless, waking up at night to turn on the fan to dry his wet bedding. He would also iron his bed sheets before dawn. He tried to pray and fast. He even visited spiritualists all in a futile attempt to rid himself of this affliction that had dishonored him so much. One day, when his eyes were opened to the healing power of Jesus Christ, he came to The SCOAN, seeking total healing and deliverance.

Hon Tamaraudoubra Zimughan
He received the Anointing Water and quickly went back home where he ministered it to himself. What had humiliated him for almost three decades, surrendered to the power of God within a second! He testified that he no longer bed wets and feels comfortable when he travels and sleeps away from home. Thank You, Jesus!

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