Monday, June 30, 2014


1+ 2+When Mrs Abisoye Sokoya tested positive to the deadly disease of HIV/AIDS 1 and 2, she concluded that the end had come. As the psychological shock of the diagnosis set in, so did the physical symptoms as Abisoye began emaciating and experiencing pain throughout her body. Fearing the worst, Mrs Sokoya knew that her case had gone beyond medical remedy; she decided to seek Divine intervention, having heard of The SCOAN. As Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for Abisoye, she uncontrollably began to move backwards and eventually fell to the ground under the power of God. It was as if new life was breathed into her frail body and immediately, the weakness and symptoms that characterised her sickness disappeared! Steadily regaining strength and basking in her newfound freedom, Mrs Sokoya boldly decided to return to the hospital several months after receiving prayer. The results confirmed what she already knew based on the radical transformation in her body – she was negative to the deadly virus of HIV/AIDS! Maintaining the mighty miracle for the last fifteen years, Abisoye advised people to be faithful to their spouses and to God, stressing that the first place we should prosper is in our spiritual lives!

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