Monday, June 30, 2014


 He came carrying his nebuliser machine in his bag. Much as it sustained his life during sleep in those hours of difficulty in breathing, he detested the whole idea of having to strap a mask over his face for the rest of his life. Without it, he ran the risk of sleeping and not waking up again. His wife rightly called it the ‘intruder’ for its inconvenience during intimacy. So, Mr Kwasi Tete Asiedu, a Ghanaian living in the UK, carried the MR KWASI TETE ASIEDU[3]intruder all the way to The SCOAN, praying that Jesus Christ would relieve him of the burden and hand him and his wife a new lease of life. For 12 years, he had suffered sleep apnoea – a potentially fatal sleeping disorder. He would have difficulty taking in oxygen and would snore loudly. In the morning, he would be too tired to carry out his daily activities. In recent months, he was introduced to Emmanuel TV and saw other people receiving healing of similar problems. MR KWASI TETE ASIEDUThat put faith in his heart to come to The SCOAN to receive his own touch. He was arranged on the prayer line and was very privileged to be one of the first few people to receive a spray of the New Anointing Water. Under the instruction of Prophet T.B. Joshua, one of the evangelists ministered it to him, in Jesus’ name. For the last time, he removed the nebuliser machine’s mask from his face. His breathing became completely normal. Since then, he sleeps like a baby without using the machine. “If you are sick, come to Jesus; He is the Healer,” he said, now free from wearing a mask to bed.

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