Monday, December 30, 2013

Support our library

Please saints our ministry want to establish a library in Tanzania. So please anybody who want to give us any christian materials like books, tracts, CDs, DVD etc. It can be a secondhand or a new one please inform us in my email:
or send to our postal address: Innocent Morris, P.O.Box 185, Sengerema, Mwanza, Tanzania. East Africa.

Friday, December 20, 2013


Last Sunday was another awe inspiring service that glorified the holiness, sovereignty and all-greatness of God. The auditorium was thronged with people from all walks of life. The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, taught and preached the Word with power, dwelling on the important theme of faith. Describing faith as the currency of Heaven, he said one can only access Heavenly blessings if he puts a demand with faith.Prophet T.B. Joshua
“Faith is a Heavenly currency we use to purchase and to receive Heavenly blessings. Healing, deliverance and salvation are Heavenly blessings. To receive this, faith is like a Heavenly currency,” he said, adding, “If you ask for something and you do not receive, that does not mean you do not have faith, but the measure of faith you need to receive that, you do not have.” He gave as an example the case of the father of the demon possessed boy who ran after Jesus and said: “I brought my son to Your disciples to deliver him; they could not because they did not have power to do that.” Jesus responded that it was not that the disciples did not have power but they lacked the measure of faith to release that power.
“You shouldn’t say because my prayer is not answered, I am not a child of God; because my prayer is not answered, God does not hear me – No! God hears your prayer but the faith, the Heavenly currency you need to purchase that blessing, you do not have. That you ask something from God, but you do not receive it does not make you an unbeliever. This is what satan is using. Anytime you ask God for something and the answer is not coming, he begins to talk to your heart,” he said.
The man of God’s proof text was from Luke 6:37 [Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven]. “That should be the weapon now. If we say, ‘Touch me, and let it be to me according to my faith’ means, if you forgive others, you will be forgiven. If you show mercy to others, you will also receive mercy. If I help others, I will receive help. The Bible says, ‘Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do to me’,” he explained. The Prophet then ministered prayer at the prayer line where the power of the Holy Spirit manifested the mightiness of God through deliverances, healings and prophesies, among others – in Jesus’ name.


Mr  Tein, a Nigerian working in the oil industry as an engineering service provider, his dream of owning an oil block came true, thanks to the grace of God and His infinite greatness! Mr Tein had been in business for 14 years but he was not the happiest. He had always wanted to do something sustainable. His dream was to own an oil block which he believed would rewrite his history. His brother invited him to come to The SCOAN to seek the face of God. At first he was reluctant. But on insistence from his brother, he came to The SCOAN where he prayed and received the Anointing Water and Anointing Sticker. After the visit, his attitude changed and things in his life started to transform as he started to be more focused on the things of God. One day, a friend told him that one of the giant oil companies, was looking for investors to run some of their facilities. He was excited but realised he did not have the connections. He decided to come to The SCOAN with his documents for prayer. Weeks after he had submitted the papers, he discovered that the oil giant was actually disposing of the said assets. When he called to make an offer of interest, he was told that he was too late. He remembered the Anointing Water he had received at The SCOAN and continued to pray with it, in Jesus’ name. After three weeks, he received a call that his company had been accepted to be one of the many companies that had shown interest to buy the facility. All this time, he did not have the finances. His company was not well known and had no international recognition.
JACK RICH TEINHe held on to the Word of God and the encouragement of Prophet T.B. Joshua and kept watching Emmanuel TV. To own an oil block, one needs to have a big company as well as connections in high places of government. The 25 companies that had submitted their letters of intent were among the biggest all over the world. Mr Tein kept praying with the Anointing Water and he was called and asked to submit a bid after successfully passing preliminary screening. However, they gave him a strict deadline to meet. He prayed over it again and was miraculously able to raise the requisite funds to put together a bid right on the dot of the deadline. While the big companies were negotiating their way, he spent his time at The SCOAN, praying. He met the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua and told him about his situation. To his surprise, Prophet T.B. Joshua simply gave him the Anointing water.
While he was still at The SCOAN, some people in the oil sector called and told him that he was just wasting his time praying because they were just about to clinch the deal. Instead of distracting him, this increased his grip on God.  He prayed that if the God who is worshipped at The SCOAN is a true God, He would qualify him despite his shortfalls. One day at home, he received a teleconference call while he was praying along with the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua on Emmanuel TV. He was told: “Your company was not the biggest of the bidders, your bid was not the highest and your technical documents were no better than the others; but you are successful!”
Today, Mr Tein’s company has become an oil and petroleum producing firm after seeing off stiff competition from the world’s big players. He promised to make a difference in Africa especially among the youth. He advised that everything is possible for one who believes and that the ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua is truly a ministry from God.


Standing elegantly in their immaculate black suits worn over starched white shirts, the seven young men and one young woman had an air of importance about them. When they introduced themselves as barristers, no one had any reason to doubt their credentials. The eight had come to say, “Thank You, Lord”. They represented a group of 21 students from the Nigerian Law School who came to The SCOAN in August to seek the face of God over spiritual warfares they were helplessly battling with. They had all been experiencing setbacks in their studies and decided to meet the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. One of the graduates, Paul Negedu – now a fully accredited lawyer, explained that they had all been facing evil attacks and that one student at the university had collapsed one day and died. Many were falling sick from unexplainable illnesses. In his own case, he had nightmares and would hear a voice tell him he would not make it. “It was like all the demons from my village had been mobilised to attack me,” said the 28-year old.NIGERIA LAW SCHOOL STUDENT 1
When they came to The SCOAN, they had the opportunity to meet with the man of God who gave them the Anointing Water. They all ministered it, in Jesus’ name and all 21 students passed their examinations. Two weeks ago, they were called to the bar! To prove that God was now fighting their battles, Barrister Negedu said that one night before he wrote his exam, he saw one of the wise men rescue him from a lion. A day before his examination, he said, he was in serious pain the source he could not explain. He ministered the Anointing Water and went to sleep. That night in his dream, he saw the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua tell him that he was free. Barrister Okou Sunny, another of the graduates, testified that he is now an advocate and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria, while barrister Erhiga Ibru testified that she has become the only graduate in her family of 11 children. “Believe in God; He will see you through,” she said.


Mrs Khomotso Legavha from South Africa was all smiles when she appeared before The SCOAN congregation on Sunday to testify the greatness of God for setting her free from the shackles of poverty and elevating her to financial greatness. She had been facing poverty, hardship, limitation and disappointment. KHOMOTSO LEGAVHA [BREAKTHROUGH TESTIMONY]The poverty was so severe that she was not even able to pay for her children’s school fees. Buying a car was a luxury she could not even afford to think of. It was in the midst of such financial woes that she decided to sell their house. No one would buy it even at a reduced price. She watched Emmanuel TV and marvelled at the great miracles God was performing. She decided to come to The SCOAN, the Arena of Liberty. Her husband borrowed money to finance the trip. When she came to The SCOAN, she received the Anointing Water which she ministered, in Jesus’ name. What happened after that was a real miracle only possible with God – the house she had been struggling to dispose of, was sold at its original price. She is now the owner of a car and has built a new, bigger executive house. She advised people facing similar challenges to learn to wait for God’s time.


MARIA DANIELLE COLAS [TESTIMONY LOSS OF HEARING]Mrs Marie Danielle Colas, a qualified nurse from New York, USA, came to The SCOAN with the problem of loss of hearing. She had been suffering from the problem since birth and for eight years, she had been using hearing aids.  Doctors had told her that the hearing devices were the only solution available. This affected her job as she could not communicate well or assess her patients properly. She came to The SCOAN last week and was prayed for by the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua at the prayer line. Immediately after the prayer she received from Prophet T.B. Joshua, she was able to hear without the hearing aids. Thank You, Jesus!


There, indeed, is enough available anointing and all it needs is for one to use faith to put a demand. Such has been the case with Nigerian professional footballer, Dumaka Francis Ifeanyi, who plies his trade in Thailand. For three years, the skilled footballer who plays behind the main striker had suffered an injury to his leg, which hindered his ability to perform to expectation. He could not notch a single goal for the whole season and this did not please his manager who called him aside and told him he would be paid off. He was confused and the threat did not help matters on the pitch. Luckily for him, another team invited him to play for them although they had reservations over his ability due to his goal-draught-form. One day, he was watching the game between Nigeria and South Africa. He saw one of his friends score two goals. He called him and asked what his secret was and what God he was serving. DUMAKA FRANCIS IFEANYI [FOOTBALLER]The friend gave him a link to watch Emmanuel TV. Dumaka Francis Ifeanyi then prayed along with Prophet T.B. Joshua. After praying, he said, he had a dream where he saw himself defeat an enemy and when he woke up, he had great energy and relief. Previously, he would have so many thoughts going through his mind that he would be confused. That day, he gained his manager’s favour to play. He told the congregants: “No matter how I played on the field, the ball would always end up coming back to me. I scored a goal, equalising for my club to win an important point.”
That marked his comeback as he went on to the prowl of a star-studded performance, scoring seven goals in a row and helping his team to a league victory. Not only that; he won the top goal-scorer and most valuable player of the season award. He showed clips of him scoring sensational goals for his club. He advised, “Believe in God and even your opponent will favour you.”


Mr Tony Akoma from Delta State, Nigeria was experiencing setbacks in his job. People owed him huge sums of money and were not paying him back. However, instead of being told about his financial hardships when he came to The SCOAN, he received a prophecy from the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua that there was a controversy over a car. When he got back home, he prayed with the Anointing Water and ministered it on his company documents in Jesus’ name. Soon, people who owed him money, started to call and pay him back. With the money, he started to build a house. He explained that before his visit to The SCOAN, he had given a friend a large sum of money to get him a car. The friend told him it would take three weeks. It did not happen. TONY AKOMA [FULFILMENT OF DADDY'S PROPHECY]The friend kept making excuses. The saga lasted over a year. He had actually forgotten about the car. This was the controversy that fulfilled the prophecy of the man of God. However, the prophecy came with a solution. He received a call that his car was ready and he should go and collect it.
He is now the owner of a Land Rover Jeep. Due to the new lease of life he is experiencing, Mr Akoma decided to share his joy with others in his community by sponsoring a football club. They registered for the Delta State Division One League and they were the least of the 52 clubs that had registered. The club was formed six months before the tournament. They won the league and became champions of the Delta State League. He had promised God that if they won, he would bring the trophy to The SCOAN. On Sunday, they came to dedicate the trophy to God and to testify the fulfilment of the prophecy from the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua.


PROPHET T B  JOSHUALast Sunday service was another demonstration of God’s deep love for His people as the man of God Prophet T.B. Joshua ministered to the congregation at The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria. The auditorium was charged with the power of the Holy Spirit and what followed were wonders and miracles that are possible only with God.
The man of God said, “My job is my God” and further explained that we will live right not because we have money but because we have peace and tranquility. What are you doing that gives hope to the hopeless, love to the hated, joy to the sad, blessing to the poor, healing to the sick? What are you doing to transform people, to change lives, nations and the world? That is the job the man of God was talking about. Express God in your job. Your job should be your God. We do not see our job as our God that is why we are facing so many challenges today. Every professional career, you can use to transform the lives of others. If you see your job as your God, you will not go where God is not welcomed, where God will not be entertained.
“My job is my God because that is what God will judge me on the last day. What comes from God goes to God.” – Prophet T.B. Joshua
The manifestation of God’s authority was equally evident during the Prayer Line where Prophet T.B. Joshua ministered to people who had come from all over the world, setting them free from various afflictions, in the name of Jesus Christ. Those with sicknesses received their healing while those under the yoke of demons were delivered at the mention of the name, Jesus! The man of God also prophesied to the congregation, revealing hidden fundamental facts responsible for their unpleasant conditions of life thereby uprooting whatever is not of God in their lives.
Earlier during the service, Wise Man Harry preached on the need to maintain a Godly WISEMAN HARRYcharacter and living by the Word of God because ‘on the last day man will be judged not by the colour of their skin, nor by one’s handsomeness or speaking skills but by the content of one’s character’. He drew his proof text from Romans 5:1-5.
He emphasised that ‘Christians must reflect on their lives and ask how the Holy Spirit, given to them by God, has affected their lives.’ He cited love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control and humility as some of the good characteristics of a true Christian.
The service was not without testimonies that glorified the mighty name of God. Many people came to share their experiences on what God had done for them in their lives. Here are but a selected few.


MR. NICODEMUS OBUYANever a problem Jesus cannot solve, however big and insurmountable it may look to the natural eye. Mr Nicodemus Obuya, a Kenyan living in the United States of America (USA) exemplified this. God has turned what appeared to be impossibility in his life to a real possibility and he came to The SCOAN to glorify God for that. Mr Obuya was having many financial problems in his life. He was facing the reality of having to file for bankruptcy and was in danger of losing his home and everything he owned. Things were so bad that he was tempted to blame his wife for their deplorable conditions.
One day, in search of a word of comfort, he started to browse the internet for religious channels. He saw some videos on YouTube where Prophet T.B. Joshua was praying for people and his hope was rekindled when he listened to testimonies of breakthroughs and restorations. He took this as a habit and would always watch the man of God on the internet and pray with him. One night, he had a dream. He saw that The SCOAN was a big pool of water where many filthy people came to be cleansed of their dirt. He also saw himself being cleansed by the water in the pool. He made up his mind and told his wife that their solution was God. He left everything in the United States and travelled to The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria where he received the Anointing Water and the Anointing Sticker.
Upon his return to the USA, he prayed and ministered the Anointing Water on all his bank documents and prayed that his home would not be taken away from him. He ministered more Anointing Water in his office in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and pasted the Anointing Sticker on the main entrance of his house. God heard his prayer and His answer was instant. The bank softened its conditions on his property. Mr Obuya was given lower interest rates based on a proposal he had submitted to the bank following the ministration of the Anointing Water. His lawyer was surprised that such a strict bank could respond so positively. His business took off and he was able to settle all his bank debts and he never declared bankruptcy. God’s blessings continued to flow on his household to the extent that he is at the point of completing a one storey house in Kenya which he and his father had failed to complete in two years because they lacked money.
He also testified how his wife was miraculously healed from a serious health problem. She had a hole in her heart and had to be rushed to the hospital many times without a lasting solution. Together, they prayed and ministered the Anointing Water on her, in Jesus’ name and within a short period of time, she gained her strength and her heart problem was cured. Mr Obuya testified how they are now so blessed that they have started a ministry to take care of the widows and orphans back in Kenya to appreciate what God has done for them. Thank You, Jesus Christ!


Mrs Patience from Ghana had all the valid reason to smile and shed a tear of joy when she stepped up to testify on Sunday. She explained how she had dropped her children at school one day and shortly after dropping them off, she received a phone call from the school, saying that she should rush back to see her son as he had swallowed a coin and could hardly breathe. They rushed him to the hospital and the doctor said that the coin was stuck in the throat. The doctors wanted to use a medical machine to force the coin out of his throat but when they took another x-ray, they noted that the coin had descended further from his throat to his chest. She was terrified! The doctor said that they should give it a few days and see whether her son would excrete it out with stools. After a few days of restlessness and agony, the coin had not come out as they had hoped. She took her son back to the doctor to take another x-ray. To her horror, the coin had moved into her son’s abdomen and was stuck! The doctors said that they had to operate the boy because the coin was stuck and would not move anymore. She refused the operation, believing that God would work a miracle in her son’s life. One day, as they watched Emmanuel TV and when Prophet T.B. Joshua was praying for the viewers, she instructed her son to place his tummy on the screen of the television and pray along with the man of God. Immediately after the prayer, her son complained that there was an unusual movement in his stomach and that he needed to go to the toilet. She provided him with a bucket to defecate in. To their astonishment, her son defecated out the coin that had required an operation to remove. She showed the boy’s x-rays of how the coin was stuck in his system as well as the same coin that was defecated. Said the boy when asked about his experience: “All the pain is gone, the coin came out after I prayed with T.B. Joshua as instructed by my mother”. What a wonderful God we serve!


Mr Izuchukwu testified how the Almighty God recovered his truck and goods estimated at 47 million naira. He had hired the truck to ferry clients’ goods when it suddenly disappeared off the surface of the earth. Neither the driver nor the truck could not be traced. It later transpired that the owner of the truck had conspired with the driver to divert and steal the goods in it. He was panic stricken and at that point, he remembered his Anointing Water. He prayed and ministered it, in Jesus’ name, asking ‘the God of T.B. Joshua to intervene for him’. That night, when he went to sleep, he had a dream: he saw Prophet T.B. Joshua telling him that he should not worry and that he would testify. When he woke up in the morning, he saw that he had many missed calls on his phone. He returned the call, and behold, it was from the authorities who told him that they had found the vehicle and the goods in a bush. When he went to inspect his lost-but-found truck in the bush where it had been abandoned, he discovered that the thieves had changed the colour of the container from blue to white. He reclaimed the container and the goods were delivered to the client. Glory to God!


Mrs De Goeiji came all the way from Holland to The SCOAN with the problem of severe loss of hearing. She could not hear anything without the use of hearing aids. She was placed at the prayer line where Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for her in the power of the Holy Spirit. Instantly, she could hear everything loud and clear without using her hearing aids! Mrs De Goeiji testified with her brother live in the service of her miraculous healing last Sunday and how she can now even hear people’s footsteps. She told the congregation, “If Jesus can do this for me, He can do it for you”.
The SCOAN Sunday service, broadcast live on Emmanuel TV, ended with a powerful Mass Prayer ministered in the name of Jesus Christ by the Wise Men where captives were set free, chains were loosed and bondages were broken, to the glory to God!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The prophecy of 2014.

2014 is the year of Grace. We will see a great grace of God in the coming year Ephesians 2:8. Many people will be saved. We will see great revivals in the coming year.We will see the great manifestation of the Spirit miracles, signs and wonders. God will pour out His Spirit  and many people will be filled with the Spirit of God. We will see God is love in 2014. Joel 2:28“And afterward,I will pour out my Spirit on all people.Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions."We will hear some rumours of war, civil war, some disasters, terrorism but God will pass us when we pray. Let we pray for East Africa and their Leaders, Africa Asia, Arabic countries, Middle East, Europe and the whole world we need God intervention.Enjoy and Celebrate for the coming year 2014. Abundant grace is yours.Be blessed.
By Innocent Morris

Thursday, December 12, 2013

About God is word principle "study it, believe it, and act on it." Innocent Morris

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, last Sunday ministered to the congregation with power and boldly stated, “Time has come to take the Gospel to the people’. He was referring to the overwhelming response the recent Anointing Water Revival in the UK had received. The man of God early this month commissioned evangelists from the church’s headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria to England where they held two revivals at The Troxy Threatre two weeks ago and the New Bingley Hall in Birmingham last Sunday. Both venues, thronged with thousands of worshippers from all over Europe and the USA, experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit working through the medium of the Anointing Water and many people received God’s touch as manifested through various deliverances and healings, among others.
The man of God then taught on the need for Christians to learn to wait on the Lord, saying “Our God can make the wilderness a pool of water.” He later prophesied to the congregation before praying for the sick at The SCOAN Prayer Line.
Earlier, Wise Man Racine delivered a thought-provoking sermon. He spoke on the topic: ‘Make
It Happen’, an encapsulation of a critical spiritual call on Christians to be determined in the pursuance of their vision and not to be hesitant or easily discouraged by what they see or hear. He gave the example of Levi in Mark 2:14, saying when Jesus called him to follow Him, he immediately left his occupation as a tax collector and became Matthew ‘the great Apostle’.
He also cited Ruth, a Moabite married to a Jew in the Old Testament. He said that when told by her mother-in law [Naomi] to go back to her family following the death of her husband, rather than go back to her family, she decided that she would go with Naomi back to her Jewish land. Ruth knew that being a Moabite could make her face some tough challenges in Israel but she did not give up. That singular step of Ruth forever changed the history of her life.
Successful people don’t just drift to the top; it takes focused action, personal discipline and a lot of energy everyday to make things happen. Life never closes the door to opportunities. You can choose to walk away from wrong opportunities or from good opportunities. You are called to make a difference in your life! “MAKE IT HAPPEN!”


Rev Mrs Osayi Lato testified how God saved her from imminent imprisonment and rescued her orphanage from permanent closure after she was falsely accused of selling a child from her orphanage.
Reverend Lato opened an orphanage home a few years ago and all was going on well until one fateful day in August this year, when three officials from the government State Security Services (SSS) came to her house and summoned her to their office. When she reported to their office the following day, she was told that she had been reported for selling a child to an American woman for 900,000 naira. They told her that because of the charge against her, they had to arrest her but that she could look for someone who could bail her out. Reverend Lato told them that she did not know anyone. She was arrested and locked up.
But she always carried with her the Anointing Water. Knowing that she was innocent and that the devil was at work, the 77-year-old prayed in her heart that ‘the God of Prophet T.B. Joshua should release her from the prison immediately’. Miraculously, within a few minutes, she heard a woman’s voice frantically asking the prison wardens where the woman they had locked up was. She ordered them to release her immediately.

“I had never seen this woman before, she was a total stranger,” she said.

After her release, the case continued and the authorities closed Mrs Lato’s orphanage home and relocated the orphans to different orphanages without any investigation. She continued to use her Anointing Water and prayed that God should restore the orphanage home.
One day, she received a call saying that her troubles were over as the woman who had laid the false accusation against her had been removed from her position. One day, a newly elected Commissioner of Women Affairs was appointed and she made a surprise visit to the orphanage for inspection. She was so impressed and told her that it was the best orphanage home she had ever seen.
“She ordered that the place be re-opened with immediate effect and that all the orphans should be returned to the home,” she said, thanking God for letting justice reign.
She showed a picture of a child who was abandoned in front of the orphanage home in an extremely skinny and underfed condition. She explained how he was only one of the many other orphans she had nursed back to health.


Mr Nkain Valentine from Cameroon came to testify how Jesus Christ rescued him from abject poverty and blessed him with abundance. Mr Valentine lived as a photographer and nothing in his life was working. Actually, he could not even think of marrying for the same reason. In fact, his wife’s family refused their daughter to marry him because he was a poor man.
His fiancé, unwilling to give in without striking a blow and well aware that with God all things are possible, came to The SCOAN, received the Anointing Water, and returned to Cameroon. The two of them prayed and ministered the Anointing Water in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Not too long, his photography career started to flourish. He started travelling abroad to do business. Within a short period of time, his finances shot up and the man, who could not feed himself, was able to buy a fleet of cars and build his own house. He came back to The SCOAN later on to give his testimony and the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, told him that the blessings of God had only started and that he would soon build another house. Mr Valentine, overwhelmed with joy, narrated how when he returned to Cameroon, he was blessed with more just as Prophet T.B. Joshua had foretold and he was able to buy land and build a 90-room hostel and a jeep within a few months.
He advised, “Trust in Jesus Christ; He will do more for you than He has done for me.”


Mrs Mary Osubor testified how God had made the impossible possible in her life. She showed her identification card and medical report proving that she had the genotype ‘AS’, making it impossible for her to settle down and get married. With the genotype, she had the dreaded sickle cell trait. She narrated how she fell in love with a man who stated that he could not get married to his previous woman friend as she had the genotype ‘AS’. Mrs Mary Osubor was devastated and did not tell him the truth about her own genotype. She came to The SCOAN, received the Anointing Water, prayed and ministered it in Jesus’ name. The impossible became possible – God made a way where there seemed not to be a way. As a step of faith, she went to the laboratory the next day and miraculously the result showed that her genotype had changed from ‘AS’ to ‘AA’. Shocked at the result, she decided to go for a second blood test. The second blood test from a different laboratory confirmed that her genotype was now indeed ‘AA’. She proudly showed the two medical reports to the glory of God. She thanked God for changing her destiny and enabling her to get married. She advised that if one has faith in Jesus Christ, all things are possible!


Miss Tayo Akhamie, a lawyer by profession, had the problem of difficulty in walking due to a prolapsed disc and lumbar sacralization of the spine for two years. She had to wear a lumbar corset.  The nerves in her spine were severely compressed. Her muscles and organs only functioned at 40 percent. The nerves at the back of her neck were severely damaged and as a result of that, her whole body, including her skin was damaged.
She was admitted to hospital and all her work ground to a halt. Her condition became even worse. The family flew her to Scotland and the USA in search of solution. The doctors confirmed that there was no solution. There was even a time when she was unable to walk, move her legs or arms. She became completely bedridden. At that time, she was not able to communicate with her mouth. She could only blink her eyes as a form of communication. She was constantly injected with steroids. In order to assess the condition of her spine, the doctors used advanced machines which are usually used to test astronauts before they travel to space. Doctors who saw her test results were shocked that all the problems were for one person. All the doctors said that surgery was the only option to her survival, a delicate solution which the doctors themselves could not guarantee of its success. “I was dying slowly,” she said.
While at a medical institution in the USA with all hope lost, her family decided to bring her to The SCOAN because all medical attempts proved abortive. Her father could not recognise her because she had become so skinny and had rashes all over her body. When she came to The SCOAN, Prophet T.B. Joshua walked towards her at the Prayer Line, offered a hand and dragged her off the chair in the name of Jesus Christ. She fell to the ground. For a while, she said, she could not hear anything and then suddenly she heard a voice telling her to get up. Instantly, the pain in her body disappeared and strength returned to her body. Before the prayer of Prophet T.B. Joshua, she could not stand for one minute but now she can stand for hours and even dance freely. Miraculously, the rashes on her skin, as a result of the sickness have also disappeared and her beauty is back. Jesus Christ is the Master Healer. Doctors treat but God heals. Thank You, Jesus Christ for restoring her testimony in Jesus’ name!


Mr and Mrs Frankie Taylor from Ghana came to The SCOAN in search of solution to a devastating problem of drunkenness that affected the wife. She explained that she would sometimes go to the beer parlour and spend three days in a state of drunkenness before she would get herself and go home. She was often dead drunk and her husband would be looking for her.
Her husband, Mr Frankie Taylor, a radio presenter, an actor and a movie producer said that when he first met his wife, she was not drinking much but to his shock, the day they got married, she started to consume a lot of alcohol. Every time he had a big contract outside of his country, her drinking problem would start. As a public figure, who many look up to for advice and counseling through his programs, it was very embarrassing for him on several occasions when people would call him to come and pick up his drunken wife wallowing in public mess having drunk herself to a stupor.  She could get a hangover for three days before coming back to normalcy. Immediately, she became conscious of her shameful acts, she would promise never to do it again but before long, she would be drunk again. It had become a recurring decimal and woefully implacable and incorrigible! On several occasions, his wife wanted to commit suicide by attempting to hang herself or by drinking an overdose of tablets.
Everything that has a beginning must have an end. One day, they went to visit his cousin where they joined in watching Emmanuel TV. They became interested in what was happening at The SCOAN. They immediately installed Emmanuel TV in their house and soon they were hooked to the channel.
Mrs Taylor watched Emmanuel TV and saw another woman being set free from the spirit of drunkenness and decided to come to The SCOAN where they were placed at the prayer line. Prophet T.B. Joshua led by the power of the Holy Spirit, prophesied to her and asked where she and her husband met each other. He said, “I see the two of you in a place where people are dancing”. She was startled that Prophet T.B. Joshua could ask her where they met because they met in a night club and this was their best kept secret.
After Prophet T.B. Joshua delivered Mrs Taylor, the desire to drink alcohol is gone, she is no longer suicidal and she is able to sleep very well. Before, she said, she would wake up many times at night complaining of having nightmares. She now sleeps like a baby. Joyous Mr Frankie Taylor advised married couples not to give up on their marriage but to stand firm and have faith in God.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

South Africa's Nelson Mandela dies in Johannesburg

The announcement of Mandela's death was made by President Jacob Zuma
South Africa's first black president and anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela has died at the age of 95.
Mr Mandela led South Africa's transition from white-minority rule in the 1990s, after 27 years in prison for his political activities.
He had been receiving intensive medical care at home for a lung infection after spending three months in hospital.
Announcing the news on South African national TV, President Jacob Zuma said Mr Mandela was at peace.
"Our nation has lost its greatest son," Mr Zuma said.
Scenes from around the globe in the hours after Nelson Mandela's death, as world leaders, South Africans, and our own journalists react.
"Although we knew that this day would come, nothing can diminish our sense of a profound and enduring loss."
Mr Zuma said Mr Mandela - who is known affectionately by his clan name, Madiba - had died shortly before 21:00 local time (19:00 GMT). He said he would receive a full state funeral, and flags would be flown at half-mast.
Crowds have gathered outside the house where Mr Mandela died, some flying South African flags and wearing the shirts of the governing African National Congress, which Mr Mandela once led.
Nelson Mandela
1918 Born in the Eastern Cape
1943 Joined African National Congress
1956 Charged with high treason, but charges dropped after a four-year trial
1962 Arrested, convicted of incitement and leaving country without a passport, sentenced to five years in prison
1964 Charged with sabotage, sentenced to life
1990 Freed from prison
1993 Wins Nobel Peace Prize
1994 Elected first black president
1999 Steps down as leader
2001 Diagnosed with prostate cancer
2004 Retires from public life
2005 Announces his son has died of an HIV/Aids-related illness
The Nobel Peace Prize laureate was one of the world's most revered statesmen after preaching reconciliation despite being imprisoned for 27 years.
He had rarely been seen in public since officially retiring in 2004. He made his last public appearance in 2010, at the football World Cup in South Africa.
His fellow campaigner against apartheid, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, said he was "not only an amazing gift to humankind, he made South Africans and Africans feel good about being who we are. He made us walk tall. God be praised."
BBC correspondents say Mr Mandela's body will be moved to a mortuary in the capital, Pretoria, and the funeral is likely to take place next Saturday.
'Bid him farewell' Mr Zuma said in his statement that "what made Nelson Mandela great was precisely what made him human. We saw in him what we seek in ourselves.
"Fellow South Africans, Nelson Mandela brought us together and it is together that we will bid him farewell."


The greatest father there ever was: this is how South Africans will remember the man who brought an end to apartheid and delivered the nation from the brink of civil war.
Social networking sites are abuzz with messages of condolences and messages of gratitude to the late statesman. He had been in and out of hospital in recent years and had become increasingly frail but many South Africans had continued to express their unreadiness to lose him.
As he did in life, his passing has brought unity amongst South Africans as black and white speak of their love for him. Many here will be drawing on that same spirit for strength, that "Madiba magic" over the next few days and weeks as the nation left with the great burden of honouring Mr Mandela's legacy, mourns his passing but also celebrates his life.
Tributes have come in from around the world. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said he was "a giant for justice and a down-to-earth human inspiration".
"Many around the world were greatly influenced by his selfless struggle for human dignity, equality and freedom. He touched our lives in deeply personal ways."
US President Barack Obama said Mr Mandela achieved more than could be expected of any man.
"He no longer belongs to us - he belongs to the ages," he said, adding that Mr Mandela "took history in his hands and bent the arc of the moral universe towards justice".
Mr Obama, the first black president of the United States, said he was one of the millions who drew inspiration from Mr Mandela's life. He has ordered that the White House flag be flown at half-mast.
FW de Klerk, who as South Africa's last white president ordered Mr Mandela's release, called him a "unifier" and said he had "a remarkable lack of bitterness".

Start Quote

We are relieved that his suffering is over, but our relief is drowned by our grief”
Kofi Annan Chair of The Elders
He told the BBC Mr Mandela's greatest legacy "is that we are basically at peace with each other notwithstanding our great diversity, that we will be taking hands once again now around his death and around our common sadness and mourning".
The Elders - a group of global leaders set up by Mr Mandela to pursue peace and human rights - said they "join millions of people around the world who were inspired by his courage and touched by his compassion".
The group's chair, Kofi Annan, said the world had lost "a clear moral compass".
"While I mourn the loss of one of Africa's most distinguished leaders, Madiba's legacy beckons us to follow his example to strive for human rights, reconciliation and justice for all."
UK Prime Minister David Cameron said "a great light has gone out in the world".
Earlier this year, Mr Mandela spent nearly three months in hospital with a recurring lung infection.
He was moved to his home in the Houghton suburb of Johannesburg in September, where he continued to receive intensive care.
Robben Island Born in 1918, Nelson Mandela joined the African National Congress (ANC) in 1943, as a law student.
Woman outside Mandela's home in Johannesburg (5 Dec 2013) Many of those gathered outside the former leader's home were reduced to tears at the news
Lungi Morrison, granddaughter of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, at a memorial in London (6 Dec 2013) In London mourners placed flowers outside the African High Commission - among them the daughter of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Lungi Morrison
UN Security Council The UN Security Council in New York stood for a minute of silence
He and other ANC leaders campaigned against apartheid. Initially he campaigned peacefully but in the 1960s the ANC began to advocate violence, and Mr Mandela was made the commander of its armed wing.
He was arrested for sabotage and sentenced to life imprisonment in 1964, serving most of his sentence on Robben Island.
FW de Klerk: Mandela "was a great unifier"
It was forbidden to quote him or publish his photo, but he and other ANC leaders were able to smuggle out messages of guidance to the anti-apartheid movement.
He was released in 1990 as South Africa began to move away from strict racial segregation - a process completed by the first multi-racial elections in 1994.
Mr Mandela, who had been awarded the Nobel Prize in 1993 jointly with Mr de Klerk, was elected South Africa's first black president. He served a single term, stepping down in 1999.
After leaving office, he became South Africa's highest-profile ambassador, campaigning against HIV/Aids and helping to secure his country's right to host the 2010 football World Cup.
He was also involved in peace negotiations in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi and other countries in Africa and elsewhere.
A look back at the life of Nelson Mandela

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, on Sunday congratulated those that had responded to God’s voice to support victims of the Typhoon Haiyan which ravaged the Philippines three weeks ago, killing people, destroying property and leaving thousands homeless. Addressing the congregation that consisted people from all over the world and nationals from the Philippines, the man of God said helping people in their time of need, is a practical example of being a Christian. The Prophet, who had predicted the storm way back, had during the last two Sunday services called on well wishers worldwide to exercise an act of love which is the greatest Law that Jesus Christ taught, by reaching out to the survivors of the tragedy with relief support. On its part; The Synagogue, Church of All Nations through its relief arm, led by example to show love by ferrying assorted relief items to the people affected by the tragedy. “Love does not choose who to help and does not consider one’s religious or social affiliation,” he said, adding, “If you want to help your brother, you don’t need to ask: ‘are you a Christian or are you a member of my church?’ No, that is not faith,” he said.
                                            Prophet T.B. Joshua
Prophet T.B. Joshua also glorified God over the overwhelming response the Anointing Water Revival that took place in the UK last week had received. The man of God, four weeks ago, sent a group of evangelists to minister to people in London, where God manifested Himself through healings and deliverances in the name of Jesus Christ working through the medium of the Anointing Water.
“They [people] came from all over and took over the hall,” he observed as a clip of the program was shown to the congregation. The man of God then ministered to the congregation by the power of the Holy Ghost, setting people free from chains of the devil and declared them free, in the name of Jesus Christ. As usual, the service was replete with testimonies, prophecies, healings and deliverances all of which glorified the mighty power of God. He also announced two evangelical items that would soon be introduced by the Ministry – a new Anointing Sticker and a Wrist Band to be known as Faith Builder.
Earlier, Wise Man Christopher preached the Word of God to the congregation on the topic: ‘The Victory Through Christ Jesus’. The message dwelled on the authority given to those that are commissioned by Christ to carry out His duties and how Christians are saved through His blood. His proof text was from the book of Mark 16:17-18. He said, “Christianity is the great confession because it uses God’s Word, and that by His name; demons come out and the people get delivered, forgiven, sanctified, healed, blessed and saved.”
 “Our confession is the thing that challenges the world. It is the thing that causes them to venture in the faith life. We confess Christ before the world; we confess the fullness of His grace; we confess the integrity of the revelation. God’s Word is integrity itself and the final authority settling all questions and problems,” he further stated.
According to him, Christians should always confess their supremacy over satan, adding that: “he knows that he cannot rule you any longer.”
He also preached about faith in God, stressing that “The goal and purpose of life sees beyond money, pleasure, fame and popularity as they are just but a small slice of life.”
Making a reference to what the Bible says, the Wise Man said that the same satan or enemy that overcomes them [Christians] with temptations, would also overcome them with his punishment, terror, destruction and fear. “If satan keeps a person sinning, he has authority over the person, and the prisons are overcrowded with people who are too weak to stand against satan,” he said.
He taught that worship must be pure and the requirements of purity must be kept by not only lifting up clean hands to God in worship, but also a pure heart.
He stressed: “Whatever you bind here on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose here on earth will also be loosed in heaven. The way to the throne or the kingdom of God is not a bed of roses but of thorns, snakes and scorpions, pointing us to troubles and problems. Trouble comes not because we have taken any wrong step but because we are in a complex and contradictory world,” he said, citing 1 Corinthians 10:13.
                                           Wise Man Christopher
The energetic preacher who held his listeners spell-bound also stated that “Champions are not crowned for desiring to be champions but they are crowned because they have fought their enemies and defeated them” noting that “Satan is our common enemy but Jesus is the One who defeated the devil at Calvary; and it is His victory that gives us victory over the devil.” He added that Jesus’ victory was much more than a natural one; it was a supernatural and spiritual victory. He emphasized that, “Victory through Christ Jesus is the victory indeed, the rest is history.”


The scriptures say satan comes but to kill, steal and destroy. And how destructive he can be! Pastor Victoria Joseph came to testify how the devil had almost ruined her life and career as a minister of God until Jesus Christ snatched her from his [satan’s] filthy claws. The pastor had been bedwetting for 33 years, a situation which had become a big embarrassment for her as a minister of God. It gave her sleepless nights and caused great distress and disgrace, affecting her work so much that she would refuse any invitation to evangelism events that involved sleeping over. In addition, she always refused the temptation of drinking any water before going to bed for fear of the inevitable. Explaining her nightmare, she said every time before bed-wetting, she would first see herself in a dream in the midst of people where she would feel pressed and then excuse herself to go to the toilet; and when she did that, it would happen simultaneously in the physical. One day, as she was watching Emmanuel TV, she saw someone who had a case similar to hers, giving testimony of how God had delivered her through the medium of the Anointing Water. Something snapped in her and she hurried to The SCOAN where she received her own bottle of Anointing Water.
Pastor Victoria Joseph
She ministered and prayed with it in Jesus’ name. That night, when she was about to bed-wet as was always the case, something tapped her; she woke up, and rushed to the bathroom! Since then, she has not been bedwetting. The disgrace is gone and she can now attend to God’s work with peace of mind. Praise God!


At the time he was coming to The SCOAN, he was Dr. Godwin Agbor and life was not as fluid for him as he would have loved, given his qualifications. That was then. Next time you meet him, call him Professor – Professor Agbor. The gentleman, who works for Ebonyi State University in Nigeria, came to testify the goodness of God in his life. Initially, the professor and his wife had been suffering from the problem of barrenness which had haunted them for many years. They visited many hospitals, herbal homes and native doctors but all efforts proved abortive. This was the problem that brought them to The SCOAN in their search for solution after discovering Emmanuel TV. On his visit to The SCOAN, he received the Anointing Water. Back home, he and his wife prayed together and ministered it, calling upon Jesus Christ to intervene. Just within two weeks, an unexpected miracle happened – he received an appointment and was promoted from Senior Lecturer directly to the rank of Professor, an amazing vertical mobility which saw his salary shoot four times up. Not only that, another miracle was knocking on his door! Within nine months, he became a proud owner of a big storey house; and today, his wife is also pregnant. It is a rain of blessing! What a miracle working God we serve; thank you Jesus!
Dr. Godwin Agbor


When Engineer Ramoni Okeowo from Ogun State, Nigeria appeared before the congregation to testify on Sunday, he could no longer suppress his joy. He ruptured and when he shouted the name Jesus, it was with a face lit with happiness. Engineer Okeowo had been suffering from a hearing loss for 12 years due to an accident. The problem had affected his daily activities as Chief Executive Officer of a group of companies based in the United Kingdom, United States of America and Nigeria. His case became so severe that he could no longer work and was booked for an operation in the United States of America which he paid for in advance. Meanwhile, he started using a hearing aid, without which, he could not hear at all. One of his staff advised him to come to The SCOAN. [This was not to be his first time coming, though. Sometime back, he had come and received his miracle when someone who owed him the sum of three million Naira, called and paid him immediately, while he was still sitting down at The SCOAN.] Heeding his friend’s advice, he decided to bring his problem before God. He came to The SCOAN Thursday last week and Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for him at the prayer line in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. An air of divinity blew in his ears and cast the sickness out. Instantly, his hearing was restored and began to respond to questions, a thing he could not do before. Mr Okeowo is now completely free; he can hear clearly without the help of any hearing aid.
                                                                     Engineer Ramoni Okeowo


Pastor Henry Mark Pepple from Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria testified how he came to The SCOAN and got healed from mental disorder. He said he had gone to a church conference in Abuja for a youth camp where the mental problem hit him while in prayer. He and others had been casting out demons ‘violently’ when he discovered that he was ‘acting funny’. He became violent and began to utter things that did not make sense. People were dumbfounded. When news reached his home church, they sent for him and went into prayers. They also went to the hospital but it did not help either. They then decided to come to The SCOAN where the 25-year-old was placed at the prayer line. He was still aggressive and could only be restrained with chains. Wise Man Racine prayed for him, in the name of Jesus Christ and was instantly delivered from his affliction. It was after he had regained his old self that he learnt what had happened to him; that he was mad and was brought to The SCOAN where he was prayed for. He said, “I am now okay and doing my work as youth pastor.” A senior pastor who came with him, showed a letter from the hospital stating that he was now normal. Pastor Pepple’s father displayed the chains that were used for restraining his son from violence on his way from Abuja to Port Harcourt and later to The SCOAN where he received his deliverance. “I have nothing to do with these chains any longer. I am leaving them here,” said the father, relieved and awe-struck at the power of Jesus Christ.
                                                                                 Pastor Henry Mark Pepple
 The Sunday Service, broadcast live on Emmanuel TV, ended with the Mass Prayer ministered by the Wise Men during which many souls were saved, chains of bondage were broken and blessings restored in Jesus’ name! Join us again on our official telecast next Sunday morning for prayers that will change the course of your spiritual life to the glory of God.

Trinity Broadcasting Network Announces Televised Celebration of Life of Dr. Paul Crouch as Pastors, Ministry Leaders Honor Memory of TBN Founder

LOS ANGELES (December 2, 2013) — Remembrances and condolences have poured in to Trinity Broadcasting Network, the world's largest Christian broadcaster, in the days since the passing of TBN founder Dr. Paul Crouch, who died November 30th at the age of 79 following a decade-long battle with degenerative heart disease.

TBN will broadcast a special celebration of Dr. Paul Crouch's life and legacy Sunday, December 8th, at 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. (Pacific) and Monday, December 9th, at 2 p.m. (Pacific). 

Following are a few of the honors offered by pastors and ministry leaders who have partnered with Dr. Crouch and TBN over the past forty years:

-- “Everyone at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association extend our condolences to the family of Paul Crouch, Sr., who, along with his wife, Jan, founded the Trinity Broadcast Network in 1973.... He and the TBN family have been longtime friends and supporters of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse.”

-- “I was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Paul Crouch, who was a friend for decades. Paul was a pioneer in Christian television; the channels and studios that Paul built around the world are an incredible achievement and will live on as a permanent legacy.” – Pat Robertson, Christian Broadcasting Network

-- “Paul truly was a pioneer with a powerful vision for delivering the Gospel in a manner that reached millions around the world. He understood the power of the Gospel. His ministry and broadcast operations touched the lives of many in this country and abroad — including all of us at the ACLJ. Paul will be deeply missed.” – Jay Sekulow, American Center for Law and Justice

-- “Paul Crouch was a giant amongst men whose trail blazed television ministry for the 21st century. His brilliant faith and business acumen brought Christ to many who wouldn't have been otherwise exposed. His legacy lives on through his family, TBN partners everywhere, and the many people that he gave an opportunity. I am numbered amongst those beneficiaries.” – Bishop T.D. Jakes

-- “Paul was a true man of God and through TBN led millions to Jesus.... I'll miss my friend, but there is joy in heaven where millions of people are thanking him for sharing Jesus with them.” – Evangelist Arthur Blessitt

-- “'Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints' (Psalm 116:15). Certainly this is true for Dr. Paul Crouch, a man who helped open doors for me and many other ministers, as founder of the Trinity Broadcasting Network.
 Today my heart is sad, yet I am thankful to God for nearly four decades of a special, life-changing bond with this giant in the faith.”
– Pastor Benny Hinn

-- “Dr. Paul Crouch and his lovely wife Jan saw something in this young Pentecostal preacher decades ago that perhaps I didn’t even realize myself. I will always be grateful that they found a place for Breakthrough and for me on their vast network.... Without Dr. Crouch’s faith in me, this ministry simply would not have the national and worldwide influence it has today, and for that I will always be grateful to him and to Jan.” – Pastor Rod Parsley

-- “My dad loved Paul Crouch and Paul loved my dad. So it is like losing a family member. I can imagine my dad and Paul now sitting at Jesus' feet together.” – BeBe Winans, award-winning gospel music recording artist

Media Contact
Colby May, E-Mail:; Tel: 972-313-9500

Monday, December 2, 2013

Trinity Broadcasting Network Statement on the Passing of TBN Founder Dr. Paul Crouch

Trinity Broadcasting Network Statement on the Passing of TBN Founder Dr. Paul Crouch

LOS ANGELES (November 30, 2013) — Trinity Broadcasting Network issued the following statement on the passing of TBN founder and President Dr. Paul Crouch:

Today Dr. Paul Crouch, founder and president of the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), was called home to live in eternity with Christ. Dr. Crouch was 79 years old. His passing followed a decade-long fight with degenerative heart disease.

Paul’s first love, the call he received as a young man, why he and his wife Jan founded TBN in 1973, and his life’s work, was the Great Commission first given by Jesus to his disciples in the Gospel of Matthew 28:18-20:

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, [even] unto the end of the world.

Today heaven is a loud and joyous place where Paul has been greeted by the countless souls he lead, and helped so many others to lead, to Christ. He hated cant, insincerity, and giving less than one’s all. Paul never tried to be anyone else, but was just himself in all his rugged reality, frankness, and humor. He loved mankind, and longed to introduce everyone to the Best Friend he and humanity ever had, Christ Jesus. We mourn Paul’s passing and he will be greatly missed. But we know, as the old hymn reminds us, soon enough we will see him again in that great “meeting in the air.”

During Paul’s last days, TBN, Jan, and the Crouch family have been humbled and comforted by the innumerable words of prayer and expressions of support and love they received. As we noted when we first announced Paul had been taken to the hospital, God is truly manifest through love, and the love and kindness so many have expressed has been a great blessing.

Thank you, and may God bless each one of you.

Media Contact
Colby May, E-Mail:; Tel: 972-313-9500

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