Saturday, December 14, 2013

The prophecy of 2014.

2014 is the year of Grace. We will see a great grace of God in the coming year Ephesians 2:8. Many people will be saved. We will see great revivals in the coming year.We will see the great manifestation of the Spirit miracles, signs and wonders. God will pour out His Spirit  and many people will be filled with the Spirit of God. We will see God is love in 2014. Joel 2:28“And afterward,I will pour out my Spirit on all people.Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions."We will hear some rumours of war, civil war, some disasters, terrorism but God will pass us when we pray. Let we pray for East Africa and their Leaders, Africa Asia, Arabic countries, Middle East, Europe and the whole world we need God intervention.Enjoy and Celebrate for the coming year 2014. Abundant grace is yours.Be blessed.
By Innocent Morris

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