Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Mr and Mrs Frankie Taylor from Ghana came to The SCOAN in search of solution to a devastating problem of drunkenness that affected the wife. She explained that she would sometimes go to the beer parlour and spend three days in a state of drunkenness before she would get herself and go home. She was often dead drunk and her husband would be looking for her.
Her husband, Mr Frankie Taylor, a radio presenter, an actor and a movie producer said that when he first met his wife, she was not drinking much but to his shock, the day they got married, she started to consume a lot of alcohol. Every time he had a big contract outside of his country, her drinking problem would start. As a public figure, who many look up to for advice and counseling through his programs, it was very embarrassing for him on several occasions when people would call him to come and pick up his drunken wife wallowing in public mess having drunk herself to a stupor.  She could get a hangover for three days before coming back to normalcy. Immediately, she became conscious of her shameful acts, she would promise never to do it again but before long, she would be drunk again. It had become a recurring decimal and woefully implacable and incorrigible! On several occasions, his wife wanted to commit suicide by attempting to hang herself or by drinking an overdose of tablets.
Everything that has a beginning must have an end. One day, they went to visit his cousin where they joined in watching Emmanuel TV. They became interested in what was happening at The SCOAN. They immediately installed Emmanuel TV in their house and soon they were hooked to the channel.
Mrs Taylor watched Emmanuel TV and saw another woman being set free from the spirit of drunkenness and decided to come to The SCOAN where they were placed at the prayer line. Prophet T.B. Joshua led by the power of the Holy Spirit, prophesied to her and asked where she and her husband met each other. He said, “I see the two of you in a place where people are dancing”. She was startled that Prophet T.B. Joshua could ask her where they met because they met in a night club and this was their best kept secret.
After Prophet T.B. Joshua delivered Mrs Taylor, the desire to drink alcohol is gone, she is no longer suicidal and she is able to sleep very well. Before, she said, she would wake up many times at night complaining of having nightmares. She now sleeps like a baby. Joyous Mr Frankie Taylor advised married couples not to give up on their marriage but to stand firm and have faith in God.

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