Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Miss Tayo Akhamie, a lawyer by profession, had the problem of difficulty in walking due to a prolapsed disc and lumbar sacralization of the spine for two years. She had to wear a lumbar corset.  The nerves in her spine were severely compressed. Her muscles and organs only functioned at 40 percent. The nerves at the back of her neck were severely damaged and as a result of that, her whole body, including her skin was damaged.
She was admitted to hospital and all her work ground to a halt. Her condition became even worse. The family flew her to Scotland and the USA in search of solution. The doctors confirmed that there was no solution. There was even a time when she was unable to walk, move her legs or arms. She became completely bedridden. At that time, she was not able to communicate with her mouth. She could only blink her eyes as a form of communication. She was constantly injected with steroids. In order to assess the condition of her spine, the doctors used advanced machines which are usually used to test astronauts before they travel to space. Doctors who saw her test results were shocked that all the problems were for one person. All the doctors said that surgery was the only option to her survival, a delicate solution which the doctors themselves could not guarantee of its success. “I was dying slowly,” she said.
While at a medical institution in the USA with all hope lost, her family decided to bring her to The SCOAN because all medical attempts proved abortive. Her father could not recognise her because she had become so skinny and had rashes all over her body. When she came to The SCOAN, Prophet T.B. Joshua walked towards her at the Prayer Line, offered a hand and dragged her off the chair in the name of Jesus Christ. She fell to the ground. For a while, she said, she could not hear anything and then suddenly she heard a voice telling her to get up. Instantly, the pain in her body disappeared and strength returned to her body. Before the prayer of Prophet T.B. Joshua, she could not stand for one minute but now she can stand for hours and even dance freely. Miraculously, the rashes on her skin, as a result of the sickness have also disappeared and her beauty is back. Jesus Christ is the Master Healer. Doctors treat but God heals. Thank You, Jesus Christ for restoring her testimony in Jesus’ name!

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