Friday, December 20, 2013


Last Sunday was another awe inspiring service that glorified the holiness, sovereignty and all-greatness of God. The auditorium was thronged with people from all walks of life. The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, taught and preached the Word with power, dwelling on the important theme of faith. Describing faith as the currency of Heaven, he said one can only access Heavenly blessings if he puts a demand with faith.Prophet T.B. Joshua
“Faith is a Heavenly currency we use to purchase and to receive Heavenly blessings. Healing, deliverance and salvation are Heavenly blessings. To receive this, faith is like a Heavenly currency,” he said, adding, “If you ask for something and you do not receive, that does not mean you do not have faith, but the measure of faith you need to receive that, you do not have.” He gave as an example the case of the father of the demon possessed boy who ran after Jesus and said: “I brought my son to Your disciples to deliver him; they could not because they did not have power to do that.” Jesus responded that it was not that the disciples did not have power but they lacked the measure of faith to release that power.
“You shouldn’t say because my prayer is not answered, I am not a child of God; because my prayer is not answered, God does not hear me – No! God hears your prayer but the faith, the Heavenly currency you need to purchase that blessing, you do not have. That you ask something from God, but you do not receive it does not make you an unbeliever. This is what satan is using. Anytime you ask God for something and the answer is not coming, he begins to talk to your heart,” he said.
The man of God’s proof text was from Luke 6:37 [Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven]. “That should be the weapon now. If we say, ‘Touch me, and let it be to me according to my faith’ means, if you forgive others, you will be forgiven. If you show mercy to others, you will also receive mercy. If I help others, I will receive help. The Bible says, ‘Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do to me’,” he explained. The Prophet then ministered prayer at the prayer line where the power of the Holy Spirit manifested the mightiness of God through deliverances, healings and prophesies, among others – in Jesus’ name.

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