Friday, December 20, 2013


MR. NICODEMUS OBUYANever a problem Jesus cannot solve, however big and insurmountable it may look to the natural eye. Mr Nicodemus Obuya, a Kenyan living in the United States of America (USA) exemplified this. God has turned what appeared to be impossibility in his life to a real possibility and he came to The SCOAN to glorify God for that. Mr Obuya was having many financial problems in his life. He was facing the reality of having to file for bankruptcy and was in danger of losing his home and everything he owned. Things were so bad that he was tempted to blame his wife for their deplorable conditions.
One day, in search of a word of comfort, he started to browse the internet for religious channels. He saw some videos on YouTube where Prophet T.B. Joshua was praying for people and his hope was rekindled when he listened to testimonies of breakthroughs and restorations. He took this as a habit and would always watch the man of God on the internet and pray with him. One night, he had a dream. He saw that The SCOAN was a big pool of water where many filthy people came to be cleansed of their dirt. He also saw himself being cleansed by the water in the pool. He made up his mind and told his wife that their solution was God. He left everything in the United States and travelled to The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria where he received the Anointing Water and the Anointing Sticker.
Upon his return to the USA, he prayed and ministered the Anointing Water on all his bank documents and prayed that his home would not be taken away from him. He ministered more Anointing Water in his office in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and pasted the Anointing Sticker on the main entrance of his house. God heard his prayer and His answer was instant. The bank softened its conditions on his property. Mr Obuya was given lower interest rates based on a proposal he had submitted to the bank following the ministration of the Anointing Water. His lawyer was surprised that such a strict bank could respond so positively. His business took off and he was able to settle all his bank debts and he never declared bankruptcy. God’s blessings continued to flow on his household to the extent that he is at the point of completing a one storey house in Kenya which he and his father had failed to complete in two years because they lacked money.
He also testified how his wife was miraculously healed from a serious health problem. She had a hole in her heart and had to be rushed to the hospital many times without a lasting solution. Together, they prayed and ministered the Anointing Water on her, in Jesus’ name and within a short period of time, she gained her strength and her heart problem was cured. Mr Obuya testified how they are now so blessed that they have started a ministry to take care of the widows and orphans back in Kenya to appreciate what God has done for them. Thank You, Jesus Christ!

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