Friday, December 20, 2013


Mrs Patience from Ghana had all the valid reason to smile and shed a tear of joy when she stepped up to testify on Sunday. She explained how she had dropped her children at school one day and shortly after dropping them off, she received a phone call from the school, saying that she should rush back to see her son as he had swallowed a coin and could hardly breathe. They rushed him to the hospital and the doctor said that the coin was stuck in the throat. The doctors wanted to use a medical machine to force the coin out of his throat but when they took another x-ray, they noted that the coin had descended further from his throat to his chest. She was terrified! The doctor said that they should give it a few days and see whether her son would excrete it out with stools. After a few days of restlessness and agony, the coin had not come out as they had hoped. She took her son back to the doctor to take another x-ray. To her horror, the coin had moved into her son’s abdomen and was stuck! The doctors said that they had to operate the boy because the coin was stuck and would not move anymore. She refused the operation, believing that God would work a miracle in her son’s life. One day, as they watched Emmanuel TV and when Prophet T.B. Joshua was praying for the viewers, she instructed her son to place his tummy on the screen of the television and pray along with the man of God. Immediately after the prayer, her son complained that there was an unusual movement in his stomach and that he needed to go to the toilet. She provided him with a bucket to defecate in. To their astonishment, her son defecated out the coin that had required an operation to remove. She showed the boy’s x-rays of how the coin was stuck in his system as well as the same coin that was defecated. Said the boy when asked about his experience: “All the pain is gone, the coin came out after I prayed with T.B. Joshua as instructed by my mother”. What a wonderful God we serve!

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