Friday, December 20, 2013


PROPHET T B  JOSHUALast Sunday service was another demonstration of God’s deep love for His people as the man of God Prophet T.B. Joshua ministered to the congregation at The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria. The auditorium was charged with the power of the Holy Spirit and what followed were wonders and miracles that are possible only with God.
The man of God said, “My job is my God” and further explained that we will live right not because we have money but because we have peace and tranquility. What are you doing that gives hope to the hopeless, love to the hated, joy to the sad, blessing to the poor, healing to the sick? What are you doing to transform people, to change lives, nations and the world? That is the job the man of God was talking about. Express God in your job. Your job should be your God. We do not see our job as our God that is why we are facing so many challenges today. Every professional career, you can use to transform the lives of others. If you see your job as your God, you will not go where God is not welcomed, where God will not be entertained.
“My job is my God because that is what God will judge me on the last day. What comes from God goes to God.” – Prophet T.B. Joshua
The manifestation of God’s authority was equally evident during the Prayer Line where Prophet T.B. Joshua ministered to people who had come from all over the world, setting them free from various afflictions, in the name of Jesus Christ. Those with sicknesses received their healing while those under the yoke of demons were delivered at the mention of the name, Jesus! The man of God also prophesied to the congregation, revealing hidden fundamental facts responsible for their unpleasant conditions of life thereby uprooting whatever is not of God in their lives.
Earlier during the service, Wise Man Harry preached on the need to maintain a Godly WISEMAN HARRYcharacter and living by the Word of God because ‘on the last day man will be judged not by the colour of their skin, nor by one’s handsomeness or speaking skills but by the content of one’s character’. He drew his proof text from Romans 5:1-5.
He emphasised that ‘Christians must reflect on their lives and ask how the Holy Spirit, given to them by God, has affected their lives.’ He cited love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control and humility as some of the good characteristics of a true Christian.
The service was not without testimonies that glorified the mighty name of God. Many people came to share their experiences on what God had done for them in their lives. Here are but a selected few.

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