Tuesday, December 3, 2013


The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, on Sunday congratulated those that had responded to God’s voice to support victims of the Typhoon Haiyan which ravaged the Philippines three weeks ago, killing people, destroying property and leaving thousands homeless. Addressing the congregation that consisted people from all over the world and nationals from the Philippines, the man of God said helping people in their time of need, is a practical example of being a Christian. The Prophet, who had predicted the storm way back, had during the last two Sunday services called on well wishers worldwide to exercise an act of love which is the greatest Law that Jesus Christ taught, by reaching out to the survivors of the tragedy with relief support. On its part; The Synagogue, Church of All Nations through its relief arm, led by example to show love by ferrying assorted relief items to the people affected by the tragedy. “Love does not choose who to help and does not consider one’s religious or social affiliation,” he said, adding, “If you want to help your brother, you don’t need to ask: ‘are you a Christian or are you a member of my church?’ No, that is not faith,” he said.
                                            Prophet T.B. Joshua
Prophet T.B. Joshua also glorified God over the overwhelming response the Anointing Water Revival that took place in the UK last week had received. The man of God, four weeks ago, sent a group of evangelists to minister to people in London, where God manifested Himself through healings and deliverances in the name of Jesus Christ working through the medium of the Anointing Water.
“They [people] came from all over and took over the hall,” he observed as a clip of the program was shown to the congregation. The man of God then ministered to the congregation by the power of the Holy Ghost, setting people free from chains of the devil and declared them free, in the name of Jesus Christ. As usual, the service was replete with testimonies, prophecies, healings and deliverances all of which glorified the mighty power of God. He also announced two evangelical items that would soon be introduced by the Ministry – a new Anointing Sticker and a Wrist Band to be known as Faith Builder.
Earlier, Wise Man Christopher preached the Word of God to the congregation on the topic: ‘The Victory Through Christ Jesus’. The message dwelled on the authority given to those that are commissioned by Christ to carry out His duties and how Christians are saved through His blood. His proof text was from the book of Mark 16:17-18. He said, “Christianity is the great confession because it uses God’s Word, and that by His name; demons come out and the people get delivered, forgiven, sanctified, healed, blessed and saved.”
 “Our confession is the thing that challenges the world. It is the thing that causes them to venture in the faith life. We confess Christ before the world; we confess the fullness of His grace; we confess the integrity of the revelation. God’s Word is integrity itself and the final authority settling all questions and problems,” he further stated.
According to him, Christians should always confess their supremacy over satan, adding that: “he knows that he cannot rule you any longer.”
He also preached about faith in God, stressing that “The goal and purpose of life sees beyond money, pleasure, fame and popularity as they are just but a small slice of life.”
Making a reference to what the Bible says, the Wise Man said that the same satan or enemy that overcomes them [Christians] with temptations, would also overcome them with his punishment, terror, destruction and fear. “If satan keeps a person sinning, he has authority over the person, and the prisons are overcrowded with people who are too weak to stand against satan,” he said.
He taught that worship must be pure and the requirements of purity must be kept by not only lifting up clean hands to God in worship, but also a pure heart.
He stressed: “Whatever you bind here on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose here on earth will also be loosed in heaven. The way to the throne or the kingdom of God is not a bed of roses but of thorns, snakes and scorpions, pointing us to troubles and problems. Trouble comes not because we have taken any wrong step but because we are in a complex and contradictory world,” he said, citing 1 Corinthians 10:13.
                                           Wise Man Christopher
The energetic preacher who held his listeners spell-bound also stated that “Champions are not crowned for desiring to be champions but they are crowned because they have fought their enemies and defeated them” noting that “Satan is our common enemy but Jesus is the One who defeated the devil at Calvary; and it is His victory that gives us victory over the devil.” He added that Jesus’ victory was much more than a natural one; it was a supernatural and spiritual victory. He emphasized that, “Victory through Christ Jesus is the victory indeed, the rest is history.”

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