Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Trinidad & Tobago Services Marked by a Mighty Outpouring of Miracles by Pastor Benny Hinn

Crusades in Trinidad
The exotic island Republic of Trinidad & Tobago is located between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, northeast of Venezuela. During recent services, held April 13 and 14 at the Hasely Crawford Stadium in the nation’s capital, Port of Spain, God moved mightily among the multitudes drawn from throughout the region.
Crowds estimated in excess of 20,000 people enthusiastically greeted Pastor Benny Hinn, and from that thrilling moment until the final “Amen,” the crowd sensed that this was a historic outpouring!

Praise, Worship, and Miracles Fill the Stadium
Colorful umbrellas, shielding people from the heat of the late afternoon sun, filled the massive Hasely Crawford sports grounds, originally called the National Stadium, but renamed in 2001 after the island nation’s Olympic gold medalist.
Each service moved into a time of glorious praise and worship. An ocean of uplifted hands filled the outdoor arena, making it a sanctuary of worship under the open skies with a backdrop of beautiful, picturesque hills and the azure waves of the Caribbean coast.
During the first service, the sun’s rays seemed to set the stage for the heartwarming moments as Pastor Benny shared how God had brought Suzanne and him back together.
From that message of restoration and recovery, an invitation was given to all who wanted to surrender their hearts and lives to Jesus Christ. The masses streamed forward, crowding as close as they could to the stage area, filling every available space. Thousands of precious souls responded by praying to ask Jesus Christ to be Savior and Lord!
Mighty Miracles
During each service, in addition to the greatest miracle—salvation—an outpouring of healing miracles flowed. Pastor Benny taught from a number of scriptures to illustrate how Jesus Christ came to redeem, forgive, and heal. His message challenged people to trust God for healing, and as faith grew, mighty miracles began to take place.
When he asked people who had been healed to come forward, multitudes came to share their testimonies, including these:
  • A woman, hurt in an automobile accident, had lived wracked in pain, but she was healed instantly!
  • A man came to the service with a pinched nerve in his neck, tingling radiating out from the injury, affecting his entire body. He shared how all the pain was gone and could bend over without contorting in pain!
  • Another woman was diagnosed recently with a pinched nerve. After the x-rays, the physician prescribed braces. “It got to the point that I couldn’t even close my hands,” she wept, “but God has touched me, and look! Even my hands are working!
  • A woman, her body filled with pain, was healed from a hernia. Suddenly the hernia and pain disappeared. “It felt like a pulling out,” she explained, “like something was drawing it out. And where the pain was, it’s gone!”
  • A man who had endured severe sinus problems for years struggled through tears to tell how he was suddenly able to breathe freely.
  • A lame woman came to the services, unable to walk unassisted. Suddenly her right knee was loosed miraculously, and she began moving around enthusiastically.
  • A woman who had been unable to hear for two years testified of hearing a pop, then instantly being able to hear. “I can hear you! I can hear you!” she repeated again and again!
  • A man who had suffered with heart problems for nearly two decades suddenly felt the stabbing pain in his left side vanish.
  • A woman told how she came to the service with heart problems. She said, “The pain suddenly left me! I could feel the power of God on me. It’s healed!”
  • A woman with scoliosis since infancy showed how she could stand straight, without pain.
  • As the procession continued, each person sharing how God had healed from illnesses and injuries, the stadium crowd broke out in resounding applause, celebrating each glorious miracle!

Because of the crush of each service’s crowd, many more testimonies of miracles—healing from diabetes, deafness, pain, sight problems, and more—throughout the audience did not even make it to the stage to testify of God’s healing touch. The anointing and power of the Holy Spirit for miracles was awesome. A great anointing was evident and the intensity of the service was unusual.
One especially dramatic moment came when Pastor Benny prayed for the choir, watching as all 150 fell right and left under God’s power, many crying and shaking as they fell!
The Outpouring Continues
Both services were remarkable and historic. In all, more than 2,500 came forward to ask Jesus Christ into their hearts.
"What an awesome time in Trinidad & Tobago,” Pastor Benny reported afterward. “There is such an openness throughout this region of the world today—so many people hungry for the Word of God. I believe the outpouring here is just the beginning, and only in eternity will we understand the total extent of what God has done here. I am so thankful for all my partners and ministry friends who give faithfully to make events like this possible, and I ask people all over the globe to pray that God will continue to move mightily in this island nation!"

Monday, April 29, 2013


Every week at The SCOAN provides another opportunity to thank God for His enduring mercy in the lives of His people. The Saturday and Sunday Services at The SCOAN on 20th and 21st of April were no exception. Filled with life-changing testimonies, powerful deliverance sessions, miraculous healing, pinpoint prophecies and inspiring messages, there are no natural words to describe it except to say, “Thank You, Jesus!”

In his message on Sunday titled, ‘God’s Spirit’, Prophet T.B. Joshua said, “The challenges before us cannot be withstood without God’s Spirit. If you are truly born again with power, it was the Holy Spirit that convicted you of sin and drew you into a relationship with Jesus.”

After directing the congregation to the Book of Luke 24:49, he explained, “Jesus knew His followers could not fulfill the commission He had given them to take the Gospel to all nations until they were immersed, clothed with power that the Holy Spirit would bring.” He then added, “God’s purpose of sending the Holy Spirit was to empower Jesus’ followers. If you are not tarrying until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power, you are carrying out a dangerous mission.”

He concluded by saying, “When you act on the Word of God, you are acting in unison with God.  You and God are lifting the load together, walking together, facing persecution and trials together. His strength and ability becomes yours.”


On Sunday, Wise Man Racine preached an enlightening message about the need to run a straight race in life through God’s good grace. He explained, “The roadmap to your future success is not a bed of roses. Trouble and pain can stop the man without faith. But for a man of faith, the more sensibly he feels the pain, the better improved he becomes in his relationship with God.”

Talking about the temptations that can distract one from running the straight trace, he said, “Fleshly desires and spiritual desires are two different opposing masters. A focus on materialism can divert our devotion from God Almighty to the god of wealth.” He reminded the congregation on the importance of staying determined in life, irrespective of the situation they may be facing. “If God gives you a vision and it is challenged by men, do not reduce your vision, stay in the will of God. Every day you must stay true to your purpose in life despite snow and rain.” Wise Man Racine concluded his message by saying, “A resolve to do whatever proper thing it takes separates the weak from the strong… Nothing can keep you on the course like a deep love for Christ.”

By God’s grace, both the Saturday and Sunday services were filled with powerful testimonies from people who had received a life-changing touch from Jesus Christ. Here are just some of the testimonies:


Miss Delphine Ubanako had an addiction she couldn’t control. The Cameroonian was addicted to consuming alcohol at an alarming rate. What started as a casual glass of wine after meals soon graduated to drinking hard liquors to the point of ending in a stupor. Miss Ubanako would easily consume several bottles of alcohol on a daily basis including whiskey, wine and other spirits. The lust for liquor resulted in tragic scenarios unfolding in her health, career and marital life. Delphine’s fiancĂ© unceremoniously dumped her when she ended up urinating on the bed with him after drifting to sleep in a drunken state. She would usually arrive at work drunk and thus unable to discharge her duties, leading to her retrenchment on several occasions.
Miss Ubanako, who resides in Equatorial Guinea, had tried to stop on several occasions. She would often make up her mind to fast, praying that the spirit of alcoholism would be broken in her life. However, when the time to break her fast came, she would end up doing so with a bottle of whiskey, a force beyond her will pushing her to do so. Delphine explained that her problem originally began when her late father, who was also a notorious drunkard, fed her with alcohol from the age of nine and watched as she clumsily danced under its intoxicating influence. Realizing that stopping the debilitating addiction was beyond her power, she resolved to secretly come to The SCOAN without informing any of her family members of her plan lest they discourage her. Upon arriving, she was privileged to receive the Anointing Water. A single spray of the Anointing Water signaled the last alcoholic beverage she ever took! According to Delphine, she said that from that day forward, she became alcohol’s greatest enemy, the very sight and smell of it irritating her to the core. She has been free from taking alcohol for over two years now. Glory be to God!


When Mrs Kate Uzor got up to go to work, little did she know that a cunning plan was being hatched to kidnap her and hold her for ransom. The hostage taking was swiftly done. Before she knew it, armed men had surrounded her car, forced her out from the wheels and bundled her into the boot. As the car raced away, she realized her phone was still with her and immediately called her brother, telling him what had happened. Narrating her story, Mrs Uzor explained that after almost suffocating in the car boot for several hours, she was brought out and told a ransom of N20m was being demanded to secure her release. Bound hand and foot and masked, she said she was stowed away in a small room in the middle of a forest area, her captors checking on her every 10 minutes. She was warned that any untoward behaviour would result in a gunshot to the head. Without food and water and forced to urinate on her clothes, Mrs Uzor was in a dire condition.
That night, unbeknown to her, her brother had taken the Anointing Water he received at The SCOAN and ministered it on the picture of his sister on his iPad. It was at that point that the miracle unfolded! Mrs Uzor said she felt a strange sensation throughout her body and a still, soft voice telling her to look at the door of her ‘prison’. At that moment, the door, which she had seen heavily locked, opened by itself! As she looked at her escape route, the voice came again, urging her to run! Rushing out, she began sprinting down the forest track until she eventually found a small church where she was assisted. As her brother ministered the Anointing Water hundreds of miles away, God opened her prison doors and blinded the eyes of her captors to her miraculous escape!  Having never visited The SCOAN, she accompanied her brother to The SCOAN to give this powerful testimony.


Mr Pitang Manukibe was born with a terrible stigma. 43 years of his life had been plagued by a shameful affliction that tormented him on a nightly basis. Mr Manukibe was a bedwetter. Describing the severity of the situation, he said he would wake up ‘in a river’ of his own urine. His parents had sought treatment from several medical institutions and witchdoctors but the problem only got worse. The scourge affected him emotionally, shyness and shame overshadowing his resolve to make new relationships. The Togolese man, who is a resident of the USA, explained that even after getting married, the problem persisted. However, his wife encouraged him to believe that the problem had spiritual roots and would one day be over.
Mr Manukibe’s miracle came after a friend introduced him to Emmanuel TV. Whilst watching, he decided to join Prophet T.B. Joshua in prayer as the prayer for viewers was being ministered. That night, a Divine encounter unfolded. Mr Manukibe explained that he saw himself in The SCOAN arena in his dream with Prophet T.B. Joshua and the wise men. There, Prophet T.B. Joshua asked whether the wise men had prayed for him, to which they replied in the affirmative. That morning, he woke up to behold a wondrous sight. His bed was dry! Since 2010, Pitang has enjoyed a life free from bedwetting! In addition, after receiving the Anointing Water, he received a powerful breakthrough in his career, including getting his permanent residence approval that had been denied a number of times hitherto.


Marijuana and cigarettes were part of the fabric of Mrs Mercy Osazuwa’s life. She had been a chain smoker for close to 20 years, usually taking over a packet of cigarettes a day and more when stressed. The Nigerian who is a resident in Italy had been warned severally to stop the habit but the urge to continue overwhelmed any of the negative side effects and pleas from concerned friends and family. Aside from smoking, Mrs Osazuwa was also a regular visitor at Italian night clubs and parties, enjoying the wild and carefree lifestyle induced by the substances she was smoking. In an attempt to camouflage the habit, she would try to erase the smell of cigarettes in her house by spraying expensive perfume. However, it never crossed her mind that she would one day quit smoking, believing that she would smoke until the day of her death.
It was one day when Emmanuel TV was on in her house that a mighty miracle occurred for Mrs Osazuwa. Staying in the kitchen while Emmanuel TV was playing in her sitting room, she got out a cigarette, lit it and began smoking as usual. Suddenly, she heard Prophet T.B. Joshua praying, admonishing viewers that God would touch them anywhere they were, even in the kitchen! Shocked, she dropped the cigarette and went into the room where Emmanuel TV was playing. Deciding to join the prayer, she placed her hands on the screen of Emmanuel TV. Her hand began to tremble! Suddenly, she felt something leave her body. To her surprise, every desire for smoking disappeared from that point forward. Looking at the packet of cigarettes she had just smoked from, she felt disgusted and immediately throw them away. That was how Mrs Osazuwa miraculously stopped smoking! She advised all smokers to realize that quitting is not a matter of willpower but required God’s intervention. She further encouraged viewers of Emmanuel TV that God could touch them anywhere they were all over the world through the prayers of Prophet T.B. Joshua, as long as they joined him in faith!


Mrs Peace Madojiemu came to The SCOAN with the problem of an overdue pregnancy, the medical doctors stating that an operation was necessary for her to be able to deliver her baby. Being a secret viewer of Emmanuel TV, despite the skepticism of the church she worshipped at towards The SCOAN, she decided to come to The SCOAN upon receiving the doctor’s report. A dream she had the previous Thursday further strengthened her resolve as she heard a voice telling her to come to The SCOAN.
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Arriving this morning, the moment she entered the environment at the arena of liberty, she felt movement in her body and knew that a Divine operation was already unfolding. As Wise Man Christopher came to pray for her, he first gave the prophetic message he had received from Prophet T.B. Joshua that she would deliver a baby girl whose name should be Esther. Moments after Wise Man Christopher stretched forth his hands in prayer, she safely delivered her baby girl without any complication! We thank Jesus Christ for baby Esther’s miraculous entrance to the world!


Mrs Felicity Augustine came all the way from Taraba, Nigeria to The SCOAN after 14 long years of barrenness. Aside from this, Felicity was also heavily bleeding. Doctors confirmed that medically speaking, ovarian cysts and fibroids were behind her fruitlessness.

However, when coming to The SCOAN, she was privileged to receive the Anointing Water, which she ministered immediately while in the church. At that very moment, her bleeding of many months miraculously stopped! Several months later, Mrs Augustine was confirmed to be pregnant. Her tears of barrenness had been wiped away by the precious blood of Jesus Christ! Standing in The SCOAN, heavily pregnant, Felicity advised the congregation to have faith in God, stressing that nothing is impossible to His power.


Mr Emmanuel Ojukwu made it a duty to always minister the Anointing Water to himself every morning before embarking on any journey. However, it was only when he encountred a group of armed robbers that he realized the value of the Anointing Water he had been daily ministering. The bandits commanded him to get out of his car and submit all of his possessions. He complied without question as they held him at gunpoint. When one of the robbers reached to collect money stuffed into his shirt pocket, he recoiled suddenly as if shocked by an electric wire. It was then Mr Ojukwu remembered that the Anointing Water was in that very pocket!
Seeing the reaction of the armed robber, he quickly brought out the Anointing Water and sprayed it in the air.  As commotion reigned within the criminals, Mr Ojukwu turned to run away from the scene. Suddenly, he heard a gunshot and an immediate sensation on his back. The gunmen had shot him from close range, directly into his lower back. However, to the glory of God and the shock of his assailants, the bullet didn’t penetrate into his flesh! Immediately, the armed robbers ran away! Truly, when God is with you, no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper! Several hours later, police called Mr Ojukwu that all his stolen items had been returned and were available for him to pick up from the station. Glory be to God!


Mrs Victoria came to The SCOAN with a spirit of drunkenness and smoking as well as a spiritual husband that pushed her to disappoint men. From a young age, the Motswana lady began clubbing and enjoyed flirting with men, especially those who were married. After getting entangled with married men and enjoying the financial benefits, the man in question would start quarreling with his wife, sometimes leading to a point of separation. She described herself as a ‘heart-breaker’ who would leave any man once he had fallen in love with her. The men would be sad and disappointed and she would be happy seeing them in such condition due to the spiritual husband that visited her nightly to sleep with her in her dreams.
Victoria also drank alcohol excessively, sometimes over 20 bottles of hard liquor in a single day. She would come home from night clubs bruised and drunk, not knowing what happened to her or how she made it home as she was too intoxicated by the alcohol. Victoria further explained how she used to drown her sorrows through watching television and films, explaining that the spiritual husband would appear in the form of her favourite actor or celebrity to sleep with her in the dream.

After one night of heavy drinking she was flicking through channels on TV and stumbled on to Emmanuel TV. She began watching other people’s deliverances and knew that she needed to come for her own deliverance as her problem had spiraled out of control. Upon coming to the church she encountered Wise Man Christopher. The spiritual husband manifested in her and confessed to being the cause of all her woes. She was delivered and the desire to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes and look for men has completely disappeared – all glory be to God!


The experience of Miss Sibongile, a 15 year old from South Africa, is shocking to say the least. It reminds us of the reality of the spiritual world and how serious we need to remain in our relationship with God. An innocent child, Sibongile was deprived of motherly love and care after her mother died in her tender years, leading to a life of isolation, loneliness and depression. These were the platforms satan utilized as an avenue to enter her life. Aged 12, Sibongile had a dream of a lady who claimed to be her spiritual mother, instructing her to follow.
She was led into a world underneath the water, a world bent on the destruction of human beings – the marine world. There, she was initiated, crowned a princess and endued with powers to enable her to seduce men and bring their sperm to the marine kingdom – the assignment she was sent to accomplish. From that day forward, Sibongile’s life dramatically changed. The powers in her eyes, breasts and legs enabled her to seduce any man she desired, irrespective of their age or status in society. After sleeping with them, she would physically collect their sperm and thereafter take it to the marine kingdom in her dreams and submit it to her ‘spiritual mother’. Such men’s lives would take a steady downward spiral – their marriages would crumble, finances dwindle and careers meet stagnation.

Sibongile explained that night clubs and parties were the easiest way of meeting and seducing such men, adding that she would take excessive alcohol, sometimes almost 50 bottles of alcohol in a single outing! She also smoked cigarettes and hard drugs such as cocaine and marijuana, all of which fuelled her wild and reckless lifestyle. She would usually sleep with up to four men in a day, lying to them that she was 25 years old just to deceive them into bed with her. Sibongile also was used to initiate many of her age-mates who envied her wild lifestyle. After introducing them to alcohol, she would report to her ‘spiritual mother’ that they were candidates for initiation. The next day, she would see her friends in the same marine kingdom, being given similar assignments of destruction. During this period, Sibongile was suspended from school three times as she would usually run away from both her school and house, sometimes for up to two weeks, staying in various men’s houses.

Her coming to The SCOAN was truly a Divine arrangement. Sibongile explained that she was told she would be flying to Nigeria for a visit to her aunt but no mention of The SCOAN was made to her. Once she arrived in Nigeria, her aunt met her at the airport and took her straight to The SCOAN, knowing that her case was beyond human control and required spiritual intervention. At The SCOAN, Sibongile received a mighty deliverance from Wise Man Christopher, the demons exposed and expelled in her life by the superior power of Jesus Christ. After her deliverance, she testified that all connections to the marine kingdom in her dreams have been severed and peace is now reigning in her heart. She further explained that all desire for alcohol, drugs and men have left her! Sibongile advised young people like herself to be serious with God as she said the youth were satan’s main targets. She further admonished men to stay true to their wives and not chase after other women as that would simply serve as a catalyst for their destruction.


Mr Mike Horsfall and sister came to The SCOAN for the first time on March 16th 2013. Facing numerous health challenges and an unfruitful search for breakthrough after 20 years of work in his company, he was shocked when Prophet T.B. Joshua walked up to him and prophesied that a document was on his table and he would return the following month on April 21st 2013 for a testimony. At that time, there was no document on his table he was aware of and there was no expectation that one would come.
Upon returning to his home a couple of weeks later, Mr Horsfall was shocked to see a letter on his table from his workplace, nominating him for an overseas course in United Kingdom with all expenses paid. He had no premonition whatsoever that such a letter would come and was shocked as it was a type of breakthrough he had been pursuing for over two decades without success. He decided to return to The SCOAN for testimony, realizing that the date of the testimony coincided exactly with the date Prophet T.B. Joshua had publicly and specifically prophesied last month – Sunday 21st April 2013! Indeed, no Word from God is void of fulfillment for God backs up each Word to perform it


The video clip of Prophet T.B. Joshua’s prophecy concerning the nation of America and the tragic event that occurred last week during the Boston marathon was replayed to the congregation. Prophet T.B. Joshua specifically instructed people to pray on Monday for USA, stating that he saw flames and something evil roaming about in the city and stressing that the issue of homeland security should be looked into. He further said that large gatherings should be avoided or well-secured. The prophecy was tragically confirmed when two bombs exploded near the finish line of the Boston marathon, killing three and injuring hundreds more in a shocking terrorist attack.

After playing the clip, Prophet T.B. Joshua reminded the congregation that we are living in perilous times. He explained that the more leaders opened their hearts to the Word of God, the clearer his prophetic messages would be.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Israel Tour — Special Event by Pastor Benny Hinn

Special Event

Oct 29 –Nov 7

Pastor Benny Hinn Announces Historic 2013 Tour of the Holy Land

Mark your calendar now for October 29-November 7
Join me for this extraordinary tour to the land of my birth! It will be the journey of a lifetime, and I want you to be part of this exclusive tour group! Visiting Israel is truly life-changing. You cannot remain the same once you have walked in the footsteps of the Son of God and the prophets of old.
The Bible calls Israel the "pleasant land," for there is no land like it anywhere in the world.
The Bible was written there. The Lord Jesus walked there. The New Testament church was birthed there. There is no place on earth like the land of Israel.
Imagine the experience of a lifetime as you...
  • Visit Jerusalem and stand on the Mount of Olives, from which the Lord Himself ascended to heaven and will return
  • Look at the city of Jerusalem and the golden gate, through which He will walk someday soon
  • See the Temple Mount and remember how the glory of God dwelt on it so long ago and will dwell on it again
  • Visit Golgotha, the site of our Lord's crucifixion
  • Participate in the glorious service in the Upper Room
  • Worship with newfound friends at a Garden Tomb communion service
  • Walk on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, taking a boat ride where Jesus calmed the storm
  • Visit the sites where the Lord Himself walked, taught, and healed the multitudes
  • Are baptized at the authentic site in the Jordan River where the Lord Himself was baptized and also where God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit came together on earth
  • Attend a precious, anointed service in the Upper Room
Spend four memorable nights in Jerusalem and three unforgettable nights in Tiberias, enjoying four-star hotels, sumptuous breakfasts and dinners, a highly experienced English-speaking guide, deluxe air-conditioned tour vehicles, a festive farewell dinner, and more!
Whatever you do, do not miss going to Israel with me this October 29 through November 7. I know deep in my heart this will be the greatest trip I've ever taken to the Holy Land.
It will be a time of refreshing, renewal, healing, and total restoration for all of us. The Holy Land is truly the land of miracles, so come anticipating the inevitable supernatural move of God in this historic land -- a trip like no other, a place like no other, where miracles happened and Jesus walked! Act quickly. I look forward to personally conducting this memorable tour and spending quality time with you. This is your year to visit the Holy Land!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tragedy in Boston

Pastor Benny Hinn Asks for Worldwide Prayer
Dozens of people have been seriously injured after at least two reported explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon shortly before 3 p.m. Eastern, and I am asking my partners and ministry friends to join me in praying for those who were injured, the families of those who have reportedly been killed by the blast, the emergency workers on the scene, and the medical personnel treating patients throughout the Boston area. I am in Trinidad & Tobago where we just finished Miracle Healing Services, and I received word from one of our board members, thankfully unhurt, who was standing literally yards away from the explosion site.
Please join with me as we intercede together for everyone involved in this unspeakable tragedy! This horrible tragedy is yet another example of the depravity of a society that has rejected God’s love and illustrates how we must preach the Gospel with all speed and intensity. Like never before the world needs Jesus, and Boston needs our prayers right now in a mighty way. Let’s all take a moment to pray for the injured, the families of the deceased, and those who are suffering as a result of this unspeakable tragedy.
Send your prayer request now


Prophet T.B.JoshuaJesus Christ gave newcomers, including viewers worldwide, plenty of evidence to believe in Him by His demonstration of love and power operating through the Prophet and the wise men during the Saturday and Sunday lives services at The SCOAN. The atmosphere was filled with faith and hope as people watched God’s power at The SCOAN prayer line, after which they listened to divinely inspired messages from Prophet T.B. Joshua and the wise men. This was followed by awesome testimonies of healing, deliverances and breakthrough before Prophet T.B. Joshua ministered prophetically to individual members of the congregation.
In his message titled, “Love Is The Greatest”, the prophet referred to Matthew 5:44 as his proof text. “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” He said that the challenges we are having can be likened to love and hatred and that he had never seen where hatred overcomes love. When you love, you overcome. Love is the most powerful weapon. Love does not allow us to kill our brothers, neighbours or even our enemies. Love becomes our protection against the hatred of the adversary. Hatred is powerless in the face of love’s power and armour. Love is the greatest. Let us act love; let us do love. We are sons and daughters of love; we are love’s products. Love brought us into being.
He stated that if you want to be a Christian, be a Christian. The challenges before us however is that no one can overcome without the Spirit of God. Who is a Christian? A Christian is someone who is lifting the load with God, walking with the Lord, facing persecution and trials with the Lord, in unison with God. If you want to be a Christian, be a Christian and stop deceiving yourself because the challenges before you will consume you. If God is joining you to carry something, is lifting the load, when you are facing persecution, God is facing it with you. The prophet’s reference to 1 Corinthians 12:3 seemed to sum up the key to overcome: No one can be a Christian without the Spirit of God. “Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:3)


WISEMAN CHRISTOPHERWise Man Christopher similarly encouraged people on the comfort they would find in God in his message titled, ‘We Have A Defender’. He said “We, people of God – men and women of faith, do not need to defend ourselves because we have a Defender. Every man or woman of faith is led by an indwelling spirit of grace, which is greater than he who dwells in the world. The God who created us now dwells within us in the living Word. Ask Prophet Elisha in 2 Kings 6:15-17 and he would tell you that our Defender is with us in the living Word. Whenever we are going through ordinary circumstances in life as Christians, we should always remember that we have no other refuge than this command of Jesus: ‘Only believe’. Whenever we truly believe, our hearts will be at rest; we will be connected to the Defender. We need no more than to open the eyes of our faith. The opening of our eyes of faith is the silencing of our fears.
Many who had experienced God’s grace and favour in their lives came forward to share their testimonies which left an indelible picture in the minds of many who were looking forward to receive their own miracle from the Great Provider, Jesus Christ.


DELIVERED FROM SPIRIT OF CATPastor John Joseph Ekoja’s forefathers served different types of gods, the effects of which rippled into his own life with a very strange demonic encounter. Every night, a cat would appear to him in his dreams to fight and chase him. His brother who experienced the same nightmares had died suddenly and the whole family found themselves under a curse of limitation nobody seemed able to rise above. While working in the ministry, he had a severe accident and fractured his tibia and fibula. After undergoing an operation to insert metal within his leg, Pastor Ekoja’s problems only seemed to persist as anyone who promised to assist him ended up withdrawing at the last moment. His mother advised him to visit The SCOAN for prayer but he was discouraged by people around him who told him the work of God at The SCOAN was not genuine.
A friend in Cotonou, Benin Republic testified to him that after coming to The SCOAN, he experienced a mighty business breakthrough. Finally convinced, he followed his friend to The SCOAN and was among those who received the new Anointing Sticker given out during the New Years Eve service. He put the Anointing Sticker under his pillow and miraculously stopped seeing the cat in his dreams! Confident in God’s power, he then put the Anointing Sticker on the door of his house. Sometime later, the demonic cat reappeared in his dream to attack him but Pastor Ejoka saw light emanate from the Anointing Sticker on his door and paralyse the cat. This physically manifested the following week when Pastor Ekoja awoke to discover the very same cat that had tormented his dreams for over 30 years lying alive but paralyzed below the Anointing Sticker on his door. He immediately decided to rush down to The SCOAN with the cat to give his testimony. Prophet T.B. Joshua said that his entire family had been set free through the deliverance and counselled him that the cat needed to undergo deliverance, stressing that it was the spirit within the cat that was operating, not the cat itself. After the deliverance, Prophet T.B. Joshua said the cat would live normally as a pet.


Pastor Gladwin Solomon from South Africa came to The SCOAN with his wife. He had suffered from the spirits of lust and smoking from a young age and watched pornography through the internet and masturbated in secret. He said he made the decision to serve the Lord at the age of 18 but faced a lot of challenges, rendering him unable to do so. After getting married, the same problems of lust and pornography continued. He went to Bible College, believing that his spiritual life would grow but after spending four years there, the desire to watch pornography became even stronger. He said that the college had a lot of internet access points where they would watch pornography and he met other students there who were addicted to the same vice. It became severe to the point that it affected his affection with his wife. After leaving Bible College, he spent a lot more time masturbating, even at his office. One day his wife found out and he was very ashamed. She was not comfortable seeing him around the internet. He went on social networks, chatting with women to ease his urge. After starting his own ministry, he looked for a potential mentor but was too ashamed to tell them the problem and even when he did, they could not help him. His spiritual life deteriorated, including his prayer life. Reading the Word of God was overtaken by the spirit of lust. He said it was the most difficult thing to stand in front of people and preach. He would prepare a good message that people would think, “Wow what a good preacher” but behind it was a pain in his heart because of the deception. That thing was always at the back of his mind.
As the wise man was praying for him during his deliverance at The SCOAN, he felt something leave him and then immediately felt light. The urge to watch pornography, masturbate and lust after other women is gone! The urge to smoke has also gone. He advised, “Pastors wherever you are, come out. We know our problem but we are not coming out. The lesser is blessed by the greater. There are things we are not able to do that greater men of God can help us to do. Many times, men of God come looking for impartation. How can we have impartation when we are bound in sin? There is hope for you at The SCOAN”. He added that there needs to be an openness and willingness. His wife, who was also initiated into the same vice of pornography through the internet, received her deliverance and advised, “Deliverance is a willing thing. It is high time we are willing. Be willing to change and stop pretending. If you say you are a Christian, be a Christian and stand for what you believe”.
Speaking of pornographic sites, Pastor Solomon said, “It’s not innocent; the more you get into it, the more the picture grows inside of you. Avoid pornographic sites”.


Eseigbe Ejemen, a 16 year old girl, recounted her terrible ordeal as a ‘bedwetter’. As she put it candidly, “I would bedwet everywhere”.  As a teenager, she suffered the shame and disgrace of this ‘little talked about’ problem which is more common among teenagers and adults than one would think. Eseigbe went to a boarding school where she found it impossible to hide the humiliating problem. As she would sleep on the top bunk of the bed at the quarters, the person on the lower bunk would become wet with urine after her consistent episodes of bedwetting. She was nicknamed ‘Bedwetter’ and was sent out of the school as the condition refused to halt. The humiliation she received from classmates led to her lie  about her age, stating that she was only 13, presuming that she could win the sympathy of others if they believed she was a young girl. Her mum who had become burdened with her daughter’s problem made her way down to The SCOAN and received The Anointing Water and the Anointing Sticker. She would give her daughter the Anointing Sticker to place in her pants and also ministered the Anointing Water on her. Incredibly, after three days, the problem of bedwetting came to an end! It was more than she could dream of. The garment of shame had been lifted! After ministering the Anointing Water, she saw Prophet T.B. Joshua in her dreams with two bed covers, one wet, the other dry. He removed the wet bed cover and replaced it with the dry one – a confirmation that she had been delivered completely and effectually from bedwetting!


 _Mrs Queen
Mrs Queen suffered from the problem of barrenness for 12 years. After watching Emmanuel TV and being encouraged by the testimonies she saw, she came to The SCOAN and received a bottle of the Anointing Water. She went back home and ministered it in faith. She met with her husband and soon after, conceived. During her pregnancy, a scan revealed that the baby was in a breech position and doctors booked her for an operation. She rejected the idea of an operation and instead, came to The SCOAN for God’s intervention. In the course of the service at The SCOAN, Prophet T.B. Joshua came to her and gave her a prophetic message that she should not worry, that she would deliver her baby safely without an operation. If that was not enough to console her, he also specified the days she would deliver her baby, stating that she would deliver it on a Thursday/ Friday. She returned home with peace in her heart and to her amazement, she delivered her baby without an operation. The labour pain started on Thursday and she delivered on Friday, as prophesied by the man of God. The icing on the cake was that she delivered a double blessing of twins!


One distressing day, school authorities called Mrs Meg Abagu to come and take her son, Daniel out of school, stating that he could not see. For seven days, the young man remained blind and specialists determined that the cause was cataracts which had covered his eyes. An operation was recommended. While he was in his school hostel, his mum Mrs Meg Abagu who was far away, asked him to pray along with her through Emmanuel TV. She placed her fingers on her eyes as a point of contact and asked him to do the same where he was. As Prophet TB Joshua prayed on Emmanuel TV, she prayed along with him and asked her son, Daniel on the phone to say, ‘Amen’. She said that after the prayer, that same day, her son told her that he started to see stars and shortly afterwards, fully regained his sight! The pain he was experiencing in his eyes also disappeared after praying along with Prophet TB Joshua on Emmanuel TV. He was able to return to school and later sat for his exams, earning a spectacular result!
As Mrs Abagu said, “I went to get the report of God through Prophet T.B. Joshua on Emmanuel TV and the report of God opened the eyes of my son”.


DELIVERED FROM ANCIENT BEASTA clip was replayed in the service of an astonishing deliverance that had occurred the previous week. An evil spirit claiming to be a high ranking demon and ancient beast who had existed even before the creation of the world was exposed during an electrifying encounter with Wise Man Daniel. The demon touted itself as being seated at the left hand of satan, stating that it had last entered the earth over two millennia ago when it was defeated by Jesus Christ. It had destroyed the bright destiny of the young man it had possessed since birth and its intention was to warn Prophet T.B. Joshua and the Wise Men, whose activities were disturbing the kingdom of darkness. The demon exposed diverse satanic strategies and tactics through which it had ensnared so many people into a hellish existence and eternity before the final encounter ensued with the Wise Man. Shouting in a strange language, the demon grabbed onto Wise Man Daniel’s arm, screaming for his master in hell to send more power as the Wise Man commanded the demon to leave in the name and blood of Jesus Christ. At long last, the demon was defeated and the young man declared free!
Coming forward, Mr Alem Njoku accompanied by his parents, a sibling and close friend, shared a traumatizing experience that can only be described as hellish. The young Cameroonian explained that he hailed from a royal background, his father being the chief of a community that traditionally worshipped the skulls of their ancestors. It was this ancestral worship that provided the platform for the ancient demon to enter the young man’s life.
With a childhood plagued by strange demonic dreams, unusual bouts of sickness leading to an operation to remove his spleen, an uncontrollable urge for masturbation, a lonely existence of isolation and scholastic setback despite academic brilliance, Alem knew that something was wrong somewhere. However, it was only four months prior, in December 2012 that the demon behind Alem’s troubles revealed itself in the most alarming form. Lying on his bed, he physically saw a giant beast appear from his wall, trumpeting that it was sent from hell to destroy his life, stating that it was the ‘god’ he must serve and worship.
From that day forward, the 23 year olds life became enslaved completely to this ancient demon that would appear physically to him over 20 times every single day. Whenever Alem slept or just closed his eyes, he would find his spirit in the fiery depths of hell, seeing its horrors and the unimaginable torment being meted out to those condemned to live there. He also saw himself as a commander of an immeasurable amount of demonic soldiers, leading them in the battle against Christians and angelic forces. He said the demon invested powers within his hands and legs and forced him to crawl on his knees for several hours whenever he dared disobey any of his instructions. Whilst in hell, he saw his name being cancelled on a sheet of paper, signifying his spiritual death and the beginning of the satanic assignment they planned for him. As the spiritual attacks intensified, so did Alem’s desire to visit The SCOAN for deliverance, explaining that he saw the disastrous effect the prophet’s prayers had on satan’s kingdom as it erupted like lightning bolts within hell.
At this point, the demon who said it was ‘Dakunba’, declared that it would accompany him to The SCOAN as it had ‘a warning’ to give to Prophet T.B. Joshua. The day before the Saturday service where Alem received his deliverance, he explained that hundreds of other demons entered his body to reinforce him with powers for the ‘battle’ ahead. As Wise Man Daniel prayed for him, Alem described how he remarkably witnessed the encounter from the confines of hell where his spirit was chained. He said the ancient language spoken by the demon was a battle cry to draw all other demons in the area to come and fight. At a point where the demon grew weak, he said he saw satan stand up from his throne to send part of himself to The SCOAN where his shadow enveloped the street opposite The SCOAN, sending more powers to his agent in an attempt to defeat Wise Man Daniel. However, the demon was finally conquered by the superior power of Jesus Christ, and as the demon roared in anger, Alem saw his spirit suddenly lifted from the pits of hell and reenter his body on the floor of The SCOAN. He had been rescued by the power of the Holy Spirit!
After his deliverance, the young man said he had slept peacefully for the first time in his life and had no more encounters with the demonic beings that had possessed him since birth. Embittered, he even disclosed that the spirit had pushed him to sleep with hens, as well as causing him to be a bedwetter. Prophet T.B. Joshua told him to call the name of Jesus Christ which he said would be his refuge from this day forward. As Alem did so, his body began shaking and he fell to the ground under the power in Christ’s name. What a remarkable transformation! We thank Jesus Christ for this powerful deliverance which serves as an eye-opener to the reality of the spiritual world and the seriousness with which we must view our spiritual walk and warfare.


As we reflect on all that Jesus Christ wrought this weekend, we recall the words of Wise Man Daniel earlier on as he  hit home the point that, “IT IS ALL ABOUT JESUS”.  In his message, he referred us to John 16:33, which says that though there are reasons to be troubled, there is a greater reason not to be. This statement is meant for peculiar people who find and attend to God’s Word, for God’s Word is Spirit and life. He said that God’s Word is life to those who find them and health to all flesh – that is, the flesh of those who find and attend to God’s Word in simple faith.
We leave you here in God’s Word and pray to meet you here in God’s Word, in Jesus’ name


The Saturday and Sunday services were characterised by a practical demonstration of the name, Jesus Christ working in the Spirit when the wise men prayed for pilgrims who had come from various countries in search of solution to their problems. T B JOSHUAProphet T.B. Joshua brought Jesus Christ on the scene with powerful prophecies penetrating into the deepest corners of people’s souls revealing their best concealed secrets.
WM DWise Man Daniel brought a message on Sunday morning with the title, Faith makes things happen. With Acts 3:1-8 as proof text, he said that Apostle Peter acted faith and consequently satan’s mandate was destroyed in the life of the crippled man.  Active faith makes those things that are against us to be for us. Therefore, active faith is not a product of the reasoning faculties but of the recreated spirit. It is the doer of the word that receives things from God.
The congregation was further richly blessed by Prophet T.B. Joshua’s message titled, Prayer Fruits. Using John 15:7 as proof text, Prophet T.B. Joshua said that Christ and the Word are one; it is the Word dwelling in you which is equivalent to Christ personally being in you. The Word here is dwelling in us, producing prayer fruit. The Word becomes a living thing in the lips of believers. We are made spiritual by living in the Word and the Word living in us.
Testimonies of the goodness of God in people’s lives were shared with the congregation and the church was filled with an atmosphere loaded with expectation that miracles would be wrought, in the name of Jesus Christ. Here are some of the faith-building testimonies that were listened to:


Mr Meschach Mpofu from Zimbabwe became very sick and could not breathe. He was rushed to hospital and placed on a breathalyzer. The next day, he was about to die. His wife was afraid when she saw her husband’s condition.  MESCHACH MPOFU FROM ZIMBABWEShe brought out the Anointing Water in her bag and poured the whole bottle in his mouth. Immediately, a heavy load was lifted from Mr Mpofu, he was able to breathe and the breathalyzer was removed. Four days later, he was out of the hospital. The doctors were dumbfounded at the wonderful miracle.


For many years, Miss Esther Mba had been looking for a job. Her family was looking at her for help since she finished school. ESTHER NNEKAShe had the Anointing Water and regularly ministered it on herself. When she visited The SCOAN, she received a phone call in the service to come for an interview; she told the caller that she was in church.  Later, she went for the interview.  To her greatest surprise, she was offered a job as a Managing Director immediately. She came back to The SCOAN with her appointment letter testifying what God has done for her through the Anointing Water.


Mr Eric Moseja and his wife from Botswana were heavy drinkers. Mr Moseja could drink 24 cans of beer at a time. He would miss his work and fight with his wife. His wife was also addicted to alcohol. They went to bars together to drink and would leave their child at home or in the car, sleeping because children were not allowed in the bar. One day, their son discovered Emmanuel TV. ERIC MOSEJA & WIFEThey saw people being delivered from the problem of alcohol addiction. While watching Emmanuel TV, Mrs Moseja started vomiting and received her deliverance instantly.  For more than a year, they have not been drinking alcohol.
Mr Eric Moseja also had difficulties in his career for a long time.  Although he had a Master’s Degree in International Relations, he could not get a suitable job. After ministering the Anointing Water, he went to the UN office to apply for a job. The receptionist at the UN office told him that usually people are not allowed to meet with the director without an appointment but she would see what she could do. God gave Mr Eric favour at the UN and he was ushered inside the building to see the director. When he told the director that he holds a Master’s Degree in International Relations, the director exclaimed that they had been looking for people with that qualification. Mr Eric Moseja was surprised because he had been applying for a job at the UN for a long time. Now, Mr Eric Moseja is the Principal Educational Officer at the UN.


ASS. PROF. NKECHIAssociate Professor Nkechi had ceased menstruation for three years. Her mother brought the Anointing Water for her and she prayed and ministered it, in Jesus’ name. Within two days, her menstruation started flowing. She also had a toothache affecting her speech for seven years. She ministered the Anointing Water, in Jesus’ name and her toothache disappeared.


Mr Robert Tommy’s little daughter swallowed a needle one evening and was rushed to hospital. The doctors could not get the needle out of her throat. She was injected and started vomiting but the needle did not come out. NEEDLEAn x-ray showed that she had a needle lodged in her throat. She was referred to another hospital for an operation but that was not an option. By that time, the little girl could not swallow saliva or eat food. She was very weak, could not walk and was on a drip. They came to The SCOAN and collected the Anointing Water. After praying and ministering the Anointing Water, the little girl vomited the needle instantly!  needle 2The doctor was surprised that there was no scratch or knife cut on the little girl and took another x-ray to confirm that the needle was no longer in the little girl’s throat. The little girl testified that she did not have pain anymore and that she could eat and swallow freely. They advise the world to trust in the Lord with all their heart and lean not on their own understanding.


Mrs Gospel Akulue was supposed to travel with a particular bus but was told that her ticket was sold to someone else. She was given a seat on another bus. As she sat in the bus, she prayed and ministered the Anointing Water and also prayed with a recorded prayer of Prophet T.B. Joshua on her phone. GOSPEL AKULUEShe became very uncomfortable and heard a persistent voice telling her that she should come down from the bus. She came down from the bus and was able to return back to the first bus. Later she learned that the vehicle that she came down from, had an explosion, the vehicle burned out and everyone died. She advised everybody to believe in God and to pray with Prophet T.B. Joshua when he prays for the viewers


Mrs Ngouabazo Katy from the USA suffered from asthma for seven years and received injections thrice a week and had to use a nebulizer. Many a time, she was rushed to hospital. She could not perform her duties as a customer service officer because she could not talk for long hours. Her working hours were reduced. She was unable to do any domestic work and could not meet her husband as husband and wife.KATY NGOUABAZO
When she came to The SCOAN, Wise Man Daniel prayed for her and she was healed instantly. Since then, she has not experienced asthma. Upon her return to the USA, chemicals were sprayed around her to provoke an allergic reaction but to her doctor’s surprise, her body did not react negatively to any chemical. At her working place, she has even been transferred to the call centre and she is able to talk for eight hours straight without feeling tired.


Reverend Eze Okoroafor, a minister of God came to The SCOAN for deliverance because his ministry was going down. A family in the town where he established his ministry 24 years ago, called him to destroy their shrine which was killing the children in the family. After destroying the shrine, Rev Eze had a dream where masquerades warned him. REV. EZE OKOROAFORPhysically, he saw knives entering him and he fell sick. His ministry began to experience setback and he started to struggle with anger. He wanted to leave the ministry but saw other ministers delivered on Emmanuel TV and was encouraged to come for his own deliverance. At The SCOAN, Wise Man Daniel prayed for him and he was delivered. During his deliverance he saw a human being coming out of him.
After his deliverance, he received the Anointing Water from Prophet T.B. Joshua. That night, in a dream, he saw eight men and women rushing to him to tell him that they would deal with him. In the dream, he remembered that he had the Anointing Water and sprayed it and those people ran away. After the deliverance, he feels like a new born baby. He advised pastors to first come for deliverance before they establish a ministry.


Moudy Nyambukamba, a Zimbabwean lady residing in South Africa gave her testimony of a gruesome past turned around by the mercy and power of God Almighty. She bears the same name as her late aunt who had murdered her husband and thrown his body out on the mountains instead of granting a befitting burial. The enraged spirit of her uncle returned to torment the family, eventually demanding that a new wife be donated to him. This was Moudy. Since the evil spirit took up residence in her, she felt she had great strength in her shoulders and hands to fight people with knives, bottles or just her bare hands. MOUDY NYAMBUKAMBAEvery day, she would go clubbing and at the age of 18, a friend introduced her into prostitution. She would always attract big ministers, politicians and men who paid her a large amount of money but the spiritual husband would never allow her to be satisfied. In the process of this life of violence and promiscuity, she got sick and underwent three painful operations. The last straw came when she was diagnosed with gall bladder stones which often left her in agony.
She came to The SCOAN and was delivered by Wise Man Christopher. She felt something fall from her stomach and the pain she was always experiencing vanished. Since her deliverance, she no longer had any urge to sleep with men and she feels embarrassed to wear her old revealing clothes. She advised people to come to Jesus and let Him wash all their unworthy past away.


Mr Moses Benson, a professional internet fraudster came to The SCOAN in search of deliverance of his unworthy past. He explained that he is from an idol worshipping family. He was born with the spirit of Idigun, the god of iron and the spirit of olokun, which is a marine spirit. He could not finish school and went to Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire where he was introduced to internet fraud. Before long, he was doing even better in internet fraud than the people who introduced him to it. He was into internet fraud for the past 14 years.
Some of the tactics that he used as an internet fraudster were the following: He would pretend to be a woman saying that he was the daughter of a late minister or president and that he had a huge amount in the bank and that he needed help to transfer the money from that bank account. He would give the name of a bank and a bank manager to the interested men and pretend to be the bank manager, saying that the funds were available and that a reactivation fee between $20,000 and $50,000 had to be paid. He would make a fake document and certificate as if the money had been transferred. He would then create some kind of form, saying that the funds were seized. Some of the people he collected money from, committed suicide when they could not pay the money back to the bank.
He would pretend to be a woman looking for a serious relationship and send a naked picture of a woman to a man.  He would tell the men that he wanted to see them on webcam naked to know how they would perform when they would meet. He would then record these men while they were masturbating. After that, pretending to be a policeman, he would contact these men telling them that they had been caught for doing pornography over the internet and that they had to pay between $10,000 to $15,000 to cancel the case in court.
He also hacked into bank accounts by putting computer software on public computers so that when people were doing their banking online, their personal information would appear on his computer at home. He was especially interested in the money other fraudsters collected because the amounts would be high. He would collect the money before the fraudsters could collect it.
His wife introduced him to Emmanuel TV and he decided to come to The SCOAN. He was delivered by Wise Man Christopher. After his deliverance, Mr Moses is like a new born baby. He thinks differently, talks differently and even walks differently. He is begging everybody for forgiveness for what he has done. He is asking God for forgiveness. He advised people out there who are living the life of a fraudster that they have nothing to gain. They must submit their lives to Jesus.


An assistant pastor in a well-known ministry, Pastor Gabriel Ikpenwa, former president of Joint Campus Fellowship, former president of Nigerian Corpers Christian Fellowship (NCCF) and former guest speaker in Scripture Union, began to discover unusual calamities in his life. He said that these strange experiences resulted after taking it upon himself as a leader of the youth to spread negative stories about Prophet T.B. Joshua and The SCOAN.  Little did he know at that point in time that the place he warned people not to go to would be the same place he would receive his deliverance.
The first bizarre incident he had was when snakes entered his room, ready to attack him. He killed the snakes with a stick and burned them with kerosene.  That was not the end of the strange occurrences. One night, he was alone in his room when a tall, unknown man appeared in the room.  Startled to see a stranger in his house, he asked the uninvited guest how he had entered the room. The angry-looking man asked him why he wanted to marry ‘this girl,’ who was Pastor Ikpenwa’s then wife-to-be.  Stubbornly, he replied to the man that he would marry ‘the girl’ and attempted to give the tall man a heavy blow. To his dismay, he discovered that his hand went straight through the man and he was boxing the air. In front of Pastor Ikpenwa’s very eyes, the man mysteriously disappeared into thin air. That was when it dawned on him that he was fighting a demonic being.
That was the beginning of a long battle. When Pastor Gabriel wanted to take his wife-to-be to his village to introduce her to his family, they got lost on the same road that he had travelled many times without any incident. After roaming about looking for the way to his village, they eventually discovered the correct road and continued their journey. That was not the end of their troublesome journey as the vehicle broke down in the middle of the road and could not be repaired. They had to abandon the vehicle and continue the journey with public transport.
After the marriage, the calamities increased. The whole staff at his micro-finance company began to steal his money. He saw himself going down to a zero level. The evil spirit continued to afflict him with misfortune. The engine of his vehicle broke down and he took the vehicle for repairs. To this day, he has not received his vehicle back. Consequently, he purchased another vehicle, which also broke down. He acquired up to six vehicles at different points in time in his life. All six vehicles were grounded.
He was at the end of his rope when he started looking for a man of God to help him. He then remembered that there was a man of God whom God was using to deliver people in a mighty way on Emmanuel TV. This was Prophet T.B. Joshua whom he had preached against.  Because of his deplorable situation, he decided to watch Emmanuel TV secretly. He would lock himself in his room and draw the curtains. Soon, he introduced his wife to watching Emmanuel TV with him and in no time, they were hooked on the channel.PAST. GABRIEL & WIFE
After some weeks, Pastor Gabriel came to The SCOAN. He wore a disguise and sat at the back in the congregation to spy on the happenings in the church. What he saw supported the conviction he had when watching Emmanuel TV, that Prophet T.B. Joshua was a true man of God. He made his third visit to The SCOAN, this time with his wife, so that their problems could be solved.  From an early age, Mrs Ikpenwa said that she often felt as if she was pregnant and at night, she would give birth to children in her dreams, breast feed them and play with them. When she was pregnant in her dreams, her menstruation would stop physically and would only return after she had delivered the baby in her dreams. She also mentioned that since she was born, she had never seen a live snake but in her dreams, she would see snakes all the time. She believed that these were the same snakes that came to attack her husband in his house. Her family members were also not exempted from this curse that was following her as all the young ladies in the family could not get married. Just before her marriage, it baffled her and her fiancĂ© when her blood type which was AA suddenly changed to AS. The change of blood type to AS posed a big obstacle in the marriage since Pastor Ikpenwa was also AS causing them to run the risk of giving birth to a child who may suffer from sickle cell anaemia.  When they finally got married, there was no affection between her and her husband.
Arriving at The SCOAN, Pastor and Mrs Ikpenwa were placed at the prayer line section and the evil spirit inside of Mrs Ikpenwa started manifesting even before the wise men reached her.  During the prayer, the evil spirit that had been tormenting her for so many years, submitted to the authority in the name of Jesus Christ as one of the wise men prayed for her.
The couple came forward during the live Sunday Service, testifying to the peace of God they have received since their deliverance. Both of them were able to sleep very well at night. Pastor Ikpenwa expressed his heartfelt regret for his years of leading people astray regarding the ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua. He noted that the place that he was preaching against was the same place where he met the delivering power of Jesus Christ


A clip was showed of the deliverance of Mrs Senanu and the evil spirit was confessing that it destroyed her husband by causing him to fall asleep at any time, at any place. The couple came forward to share their testimony. When Barrister Kwabla Senanu married his wife many years ago, they started to experience strange events. Barrister Kwabla Senanu would wake up in the middle of the night and find himself and his wife very high up in the air as if a hippopotamus was underneath the bed.
He was one of the lawyers in a court case of national importance. He fell asleep and was snoring loudly in court. The national newspapers in Ghana published the story and it caused a lot of embarrassment. He would fall asleep when he was driving his car and he had been in more than 18 car accidents. As a result of the evil attacks, he would lose his voice or his speech would be affected.BARR. KWABLA SENANU & FAMILY
He said when the wise man touched him, a tsunami of glory enveloped him. After their deliverance, he slept like a baby, his voice has come back and his strength has returned. Mrs Senanu said that after her deliverance, she also slept like a baby. She said her husband’s love for her has increased.
Jesus Christ has rewritten their history and He can rewrite yours too. All you need to do is believe. As Christians, we have no other refuge than the command of Jesus – only believe. As long as you believe, you are blessed. Just believe and you will see the proof that distance is not a barrier to the move of God.


Happy Easter! The Sunday service started with the prayer line section where many people from across the globe came to seek a touch from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Many who came with neck collars, lumbar corsets, walkers and crutches received their miraculous healing through the power of God working in the lives of the wise men. We also saw many dramatic deliverances during the prayer line and laying on of hands sections of the service as the evil spirits in the lives of the people were exposed and expelled by the matchless power of Jesus Christ. Prophet T.B. Joshua also exposed the root cause of the problems in the lives of many as he moved around the auditorium prophesying.
Prophet T.B. Joshua explained the meaning of John 4:24, “God is Spirit, and His worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth” by saying that those who worship God without depending on God’s Spirit to worship Him, worship a god they do not know. When you worship a god you do not know, surprises come. He said that God’s power works through both His Word and His Spirit. He added that God’s power cannot work through His Word alone; we need both God’s Word and His Spirit to make it work in our daily lives.
WISE MAN HARRYIn his message titled, ‘The Supreme Sacrifice’, Wise Man Harry reminded us of the meaning of Easter.  He said that Easter is a day set aside by Christians to commemorate the resurrection of the One who paid the supreme sacrifice for our sin (Isaiah 53:3-6). The Easter period offers us the opportunity to once again reassess our lives in order to stay focused on Christ Jesus


Mr Christopher Mba, a Nigerian residing in Togo, was among the thousands of those who received the Anointing Water upon his visit to The SCOAN. In subsequent journeys, he decided to minister the Anointing Water, praying for God to shelter him under the shadow of His protection. As he prepared to travel on another journey to The SCOAN, he ministered his Anointing Water before embarking on the trip. While on the journey, he and the other travellers with them encountered a group of armed robbers who halted their vehicle and demanded that they produce all of their belongings. The bandits were armed with heavy weaponry. ImmediatMR. CHRISTOPHER MBA {ARMED ROBBER ATTACK}ely, Mr Mba began to pray and announced to the robbers that the vehicle was travelling to The SCOAN. As soon as they heard this, the armed robbers stopped their operation and said everyone should continue their journey. Mr Mba was astounded as he was carrying finances in excess of N1million. He advised everyone travelling to minister the Anointing Water before embarking on any journey and commit their lives into the protecting hands of Heaven.


Mr Sibangani Mabode came to The SCOAN from Zimbabwe with the problem of joblessness, which had stretched for two long years. Despite his impressive professional qualifications, all applications he made were turned down for no clear reason. When he came to The SCOAN, he received the Anointing Water and was also privileged to meet with Prophet T.B. Joshua who told him that he saw him come to work in Nigeria.MR. SIBANGANI MABODE {PROPHETIC WORD -BREAKTHROUGH} Mr Mabode was initially confused because he had no intention to work in Nigeria and had never applied to a Nigerian firm for work. A few months later, a UK-based firm emailed him out of the blue, inviting him to head a project based in Nigeria. Shocked, Mr Mabode immediately remembered the prophetic word he received! Without even undergoing an interview, he was employed by the company and an impressive financial package was agreed on as his monthly salary for the duration of the project. After two years of joblessness and financial challenges, he is now fully employed and will begin work on a huge construction project in Nigeria in just a few days time. Indeed, a prophet of God shall say that which he shall live to see accomplished!


Mr Edema came to The SCOAN with the challenge of stagnancy in his professional career as a customs officer. After many years of faithful work in customs, he had not experienced any form of promotion and seemed to be staying at the same point. Upon going to The SCOAN, he was given the Anointing Water and Prophet T.B. Joshua prophetically told him that he would become a ‘king’ in his field of work.MR. EDEMA {KING IN YOUR CAREER} From that point forward, he continued to minister the Anointing Water and began to experience a huge breakthrough in his career. He led a team of customs officers for over two years and was subsequently given an award as ‘officer of the month’ as well as another award for exceptional bravery and heroism in his work. This year, he was promoted to the Head of Revenue and Customs Services, fulfilling the prophetic word that he would become a ‘king’ in his career. He advised people to always carry the Anointing Water with them in their activities and also encouraged leaders in various fields of life to involve God as they discharge their duties and responsibilities.


Mrs Chinanu Nwali came to The SCOAN a few weeks ago with the problem of a spiritual husband. The spiritual husband used to appear to her physically and in her dreams, instructing her to kill her husband. The spiritual husband also gave her the spirit of anger which caused her to quarrel with her husband all the time and she eventually moved out of the house with her four children.MRS. CHINANU NWALI {A BROKEN MARRIAGE RESTORED} She came to The SCOAN a few weeks ago and received her deliverance through the prayer of one of the wise men. Mrs Nwali said that after her deliverance, she has reconciled with her husband and has moved back to the house. She said that she now has love and respect for her husband and they are happily living together. She said that she no longer sees the spiritual husband in her dreams and there is peace in her marriage. Mr Nwali confirmed what his wife said and added that their marriage is now ‘sweeter’ than before. The Nwalis advised that what man could not do, God had done in their lives. Therefore, don’t give up.


Rev Martins Ugo, a Nigerian residing in Ghana shared his testimony of how God had delivered him from his past that had haunted him. He said that the problem that brought him to The SCOAN was setback and instability in ministry. He explained how his grandfather was one of the greatest witchdoctors of his time before he died, renowned for his extraordinary occultic powers.REV. MARTINS UGO {DELIVERD FROMFROM A PAST OF WITCHCRAFT} When his mother was pregnant with him, a witchdoctor met his mother and explained to her that his late grandfather had met him and instructed him to tell her that the baby in her womb would be his late grandfather coming back and therefore, the child should to be initiated and trained to become a great witchdoctor. As he grew up, he was taught everything about the idols his grandfather worshipped and how to perform the diabolical acts of a witchdoctor such as preparing charms for people. He also joined many secret societies and wanted to become an even greater witchdoctor than his late grandfather. He served under more than seven witchdoctors – each depositing more evil powers in his life.
However, he was in an occult temple one day when he had a vision and saw a Man instructing him to repent and change his life. When he asked the Man who He was, He answered, “I am the Saviour of your soul, the King of kings and the Lord of lords”. After that encounter, his life changed and he eventually stopped practicing as a witchdoctor. He gave his life to Jesus Christ and was given an instruction to fast. He went to Bible school, became a pastor and started establishing church branches. Although he had surrendered his life to Christ and was a pastor, he continued to receive serious evil attacks in his dreams from the evil forces from his past life of being a witchdoctor. He realized that despite the fact that he had accepted Jesus Christ and stopped being a witchdoctor, he needed to be delivered from his past and started to go to different pastors in search of deliverance, without success.
He was introduced to Emmanuel TV by a friend and started watching it. He then had another dream and saw Prophet T.B. Joshua praying for him. Later, he had a vision and saw himself digging up all the idols he once worshipped. After digging up the idols, he sprayed Anointing Water on them and as he sprayed the idols with the Anointing Water in his dream, they all caught fire and was consumed. When he came to The SCOAN, one of the wise men prayed for him and he was delivered in Jesus’ name. He said that during his deliverance, he saw an angel pulling off black clothes from him and putting white clothes on him. He advised parents to bring up their children in the way of the Lord and also implored all ministers of God experiencing evil attacks to seek deliverance.


Mr Henry Osigbemue shared his testimony of how he was once a notorious armed robber and used to astral travel to survey the areas he wanted to rob physically. He was initiated into a secret cult when he was at school and soon became a notorious armed robber, stealing cars on the highways, breaking into shops and even robbing five churches. He was the leader of a gang of boys, all involved in armed robbery. In a search for more power to commit crime, he went to the internet and saw a website about astral travelling. On the website was an advertisement to order a package from a woman in France, to teach people to astral travel. He ordered the package and when he received and opened it, he saw a black cloth, mirror and a magnetic picture in it with instructions on how to use the items to astral travel. The woman who had sent the mystical items to him from France physically appeared to him in his room and performed an occult ceremony of initiation on him to enable him to start practicing it.MR. HENRY OSIGBEMUE {ASTRAL TRAVELLING ARMED ROBBER}
He explained that while he was astral travelling, if someone tried to wake him or move his body, his spirit would not be able to enter his body again and if his spirit was not able to enter his body within 21 days, he would die. He used these diabolical powers to steal as he would spiritually survey the areas he wanted to rob before physically going there the following day to do so. One day, he visited a friend and saw the Anointing Water in his friend’s room. He asked his friend what it was and his friend showed him Emmanuel TV and ministered the Anointing Water to him. He slept off and had a dream and saw Prophet T.B. Joshua telling him to repent and then invited him to come to The SCOAN for his deliverance. When he came to The SCOAN, one of the wise men prayed for him and he received his deliverance in Jesus’ name. After his deliverance, he said that he is a completely changed person and no longer experiences evil attacks or has the desire to rob or astral travel.


Mr Oni Sky, a Nigerian living in Libya was brought up in a polygamous house; his father was a powerful witchdoctor who married approximately 30 wives and had over 60 children. As a young child growing up, he worked with his father in the shrine and his father trained him as a witchdoctor. Later in life when he was at school, he was initiated into a secret cult and soon rose up the ranks of the fraternity. He later became the cult leader. He started robbing people with other cult members and had many charms put in his body in order to protect him from different weapons such as guns and knives. As a wanted man in Nigeria, he fled to Libya and started duping people by feigning to invoke money. While in Libya, he introduced the secret cult to literally thousands of people there, many of whom proceeded to travel abroad to Europe and carried the cult with them. He said that millions of people had joined this cult as a result of his influence and the number of people he initiated who proceeded to initiate others wherever they travelled to.MR. ONI SKY {LIBYA CULT MAN}
He had 201 incisions on his head given by his father to diabolically ensure he would not die young, giving him boldness to carry out acts of armed robbery and fraudulent crimes. Prior to watching Emmanuel TV, he never believed anyone could deliver him and felt churches were also involved in duping people and the activities happening there were not real. After watching Emmanuel TV and listening to the messages from Prophet T.B. Joshua, he decided to come to The SCOAN. During his deliverance, he saw fire around the wise man erupting like a volcano and was unable to come close to him. Ever since his deliverance, he testified that he no longer smokes, drinks or takes drugs. He no longer has any urge to kill, steal and destroy people through armed robbery or initiate people into his cult. He said that he has even been calling people in all the countries he operated to come for their deliverance. His advice was that people should turn from worshipping idols and give their lives to God. He advised the youth involved in secret cults to drop their weapons and turn to Jesus.


Miss Florence Peters came to The SCOAN and received a mighty deliverance from an evil spirit that had sent her on an assignment to destroy men. Coming forward to share her confession, she explained that she had been possessed by a marine spirit right from birth. She was given the name, ‘Eze Nwanyi’ meaning ‘Queen of the coast’. When she was young, her mother took her around various spiritualists and churches in search of deliverance who then took her to a river for a ‘spiritual cleansing’. However, since she knew the spirit within her came from the water, the deliverance she went for served only to increase the powers she was given in the marine world. The assignment she was given in the marine kingdom was to seduce and destroy men, most especially those who claimed to be pastors and preached against the kingdom of darkness with pride.MISS FLORENCE PETERS {SPECIALIST IN SEDUCING PASTORS}
In the middle of the church service, she would enter and immediately attract the attention of the pastor by using the power in her eyes and wearing revealing clothing.  After the service, she would request for prayer from the pastor, in order to have a one-on-one encounter with him. When she entered the office of the pastor, she would pretend to request for deliverance and while the pastor was counseling her, she would look directly into his eyes as a form of seduction. Thereafter, instead of delivering her, she would go ahead to sleep with them and thereafter, their ministries would be under the influence and control of the demonic kingdom of darkness. She explained that she specifically was sent to attack pastors because the kingdom of darkness thirsted for souls and bringing down a pastor would bring more souls into that kingdom.
She said after her deliverance, she slept peacefully for the first time in her life, no more tormented by dreams of snakes, fishes and a strange man sleeping with her. She advised parents to be extremely careful about the names they give to their children, stating that the genesis of her problem was the name she was given. She further advised people to abstain completely from visiting witchdoctors and spiritualists as it will only compound their problems. Her advice to pastors was to be watchful of those who come pretending to ask for prayer, saying, ‘All that glitters is not gold.