Monday, April 29, 2013


The experience of Miss Sibongile, a 15 year old from South Africa, is shocking to say the least. It reminds us of the reality of the spiritual world and how serious we need to remain in our relationship with God. An innocent child, Sibongile was deprived of motherly love and care after her mother died in her tender years, leading to a life of isolation, loneliness and depression. These were the platforms satan utilized as an avenue to enter her life. Aged 12, Sibongile had a dream of a lady who claimed to be her spiritual mother, instructing her to follow.
She was led into a world underneath the water, a world bent on the destruction of human beings – the marine world. There, she was initiated, crowned a princess and endued with powers to enable her to seduce men and bring their sperm to the marine kingdom – the assignment she was sent to accomplish. From that day forward, Sibongile’s life dramatically changed. The powers in her eyes, breasts and legs enabled her to seduce any man she desired, irrespective of their age or status in society. After sleeping with them, she would physically collect their sperm and thereafter take it to the marine kingdom in her dreams and submit it to her ‘spiritual mother’. Such men’s lives would take a steady downward spiral – their marriages would crumble, finances dwindle and careers meet stagnation.

Sibongile explained that night clubs and parties were the easiest way of meeting and seducing such men, adding that she would take excessive alcohol, sometimes almost 50 bottles of alcohol in a single outing! She also smoked cigarettes and hard drugs such as cocaine and marijuana, all of which fuelled her wild and reckless lifestyle. She would usually sleep with up to four men in a day, lying to them that she was 25 years old just to deceive them into bed with her. Sibongile also was used to initiate many of her age-mates who envied her wild lifestyle. After introducing them to alcohol, she would report to her ‘spiritual mother’ that they were candidates for initiation. The next day, she would see her friends in the same marine kingdom, being given similar assignments of destruction. During this period, Sibongile was suspended from school three times as she would usually run away from both her school and house, sometimes for up to two weeks, staying in various men’s houses.

Her coming to The SCOAN was truly a Divine arrangement. Sibongile explained that she was told she would be flying to Nigeria for a visit to her aunt but no mention of The SCOAN was made to her. Once she arrived in Nigeria, her aunt met her at the airport and took her straight to The SCOAN, knowing that her case was beyond human control and required spiritual intervention. At The SCOAN, Sibongile received a mighty deliverance from Wise Man Christopher, the demons exposed and expelled in her life by the superior power of Jesus Christ. After her deliverance, she testified that all connections to the marine kingdom in her dreams have been severed and peace is now reigning in her heart. She further explained that all desire for alcohol, drugs and men have left her! Sibongile advised young people like herself to be serious with God as she said the youth were satan’s main targets. She further admonished men to stay true to their wives and not chase after other women as that would simply serve as a catalyst for their destruction.

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