Monday, April 29, 2013


Miss Delphine Ubanako had an addiction she couldn’t control. The Cameroonian was addicted to consuming alcohol at an alarming rate. What started as a casual glass of wine after meals soon graduated to drinking hard liquors to the point of ending in a stupor. Miss Ubanako would easily consume several bottles of alcohol on a daily basis including whiskey, wine and other spirits. The lust for liquor resulted in tragic scenarios unfolding in her health, career and marital life. Delphine’s fiancĂ© unceremoniously dumped her when she ended up urinating on the bed with him after drifting to sleep in a drunken state. She would usually arrive at work drunk and thus unable to discharge her duties, leading to her retrenchment on several occasions.
Miss Ubanako, who resides in Equatorial Guinea, had tried to stop on several occasions. She would often make up her mind to fast, praying that the spirit of alcoholism would be broken in her life. However, when the time to break her fast came, she would end up doing so with a bottle of whiskey, a force beyond her will pushing her to do so. Delphine explained that her problem originally began when her late father, who was also a notorious drunkard, fed her with alcohol from the age of nine and watched as she clumsily danced under its intoxicating influence. Realizing that stopping the debilitating addiction was beyond her power, she resolved to secretly come to The SCOAN without informing any of her family members of her plan lest they discourage her. Upon arriving, she was privileged to receive the Anointing Water. A single spray of the Anointing Water signaled the last alcoholic beverage she ever took! According to Delphine, she said that from that day forward, she became alcohol’s greatest enemy, the very sight and smell of it irritating her to the core. She has been free from taking alcohol for over two years now. Glory be to God!

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