Wednesday, April 17, 2013


An assistant pastor in a well-known ministry, Pastor Gabriel Ikpenwa, former president of Joint Campus Fellowship, former president of Nigerian Corpers Christian Fellowship (NCCF) and former guest speaker in Scripture Union, began to discover unusual calamities in his life. He said that these strange experiences resulted after taking it upon himself as a leader of the youth to spread negative stories about Prophet T.B. Joshua and The SCOAN.  Little did he know at that point in time that the place he warned people not to go to would be the same place he would receive his deliverance.
The first bizarre incident he had was when snakes entered his room, ready to attack him. He killed the snakes with a stick and burned them with kerosene.  That was not the end of the strange occurrences. One night, he was alone in his room when a tall, unknown man appeared in the room.  Startled to see a stranger in his house, he asked the uninvited guest how he had entered the room. The angry-looking man asked him why he wanted to marry ‘this girl,’ who was Pastor Ikpenwa’s then wife-to-be.  Stubbornly, he replied to the man that he would marry ‘the girl’ and attempted to give the tall man a heavy blow. To his dismay, he discovered that his hand went straight through the man and he was boxing the air. In front of Pastor Ikpenwa’s very eyes, the man mysteriously disappeared into thin air. That was when it dawned on him that he was fighting a demonic being.
That was the beginning of a long battle. When Pastor Gabriel wanted to take his wife-to-be to his village to introduce her to his family, they got lost on the same road that he had travelled many times without any incident. After roaming about looking for the way to his village, they eventually discovered the correct road and continued their journey. That was not the end of their troublesome journey as the vehicle broke down in the middle of the road and could not be repaired. They had to abandon the vehicle and continue the journey with public transport.
After the marriage, the calamities increased. The whole staff at his micro-finance company began to steal his money. He saw himself going down to a zero level. The evil spirit continued to afflict him with misfortune. The engine of his vehicle broke down and he took the vehicle for repairs. To this day, he has not received his vehicle back. Consequently, he purchased another vehicle, which also broke down. He acquired up to six vehicles at different points in time in his life. All six vehicles were grounded.
He was at the end of his rope when he started looking for a man of God to help him. He then remembered that there was a man of God whom God was using to deliver people in a mighty way on Emmanuel TV. This was Prophet T.B. Joshua whom he had preached against.  Because of his deplorable situation, he decided to watch Emmanuel TV secretly. He would lock himself in his room and draw the curtains. Soon, he introduced his wife to watching Emmanuel TV with him and in no time, they were hooked on the channel.PAST. GABRIEL & WIFE
After some weeks, Pastor Gabriel came to The SCOAN. He wore a disguise and sat at the back in the congregation to spy on the happenings in the church. What he saw supported the conviction he had when watching Emmanuel TV, that Prophet T.B. Joshua was a true man of God. He made his third visit to The SCOAN, this time with his wife, so that their problems could be solved.  From an early age, Mrs Ikpenwa said that she often felt as if she was pregnant and at night, she would give birth to children in her dreams, breast feed them and play with them. When she was pregnant in her dreams, her menstruation would stop physically and would only return after she had delivered the baby in her dreams. She also mentioned that since she was born, she had never seen a live snake but in her dreams, she would see snakes all the time. She believed that these were the same snakes that came to attack her husband in his house. Her family members were also not exempted from this curse that was following her as all the young ladies in the family could not get married. Just before her marriage, it baffled her and her fiancĂ© when her blood type which was AA suddenly changed to AS. The change of blood type to AS posed a big obstacle in the marriage since Pastor Ikpenwa was also AS causing them to run the risk of giving birth to a child who may suffer from sickle cell anaemia.  When they finally got married, there was no affection between her and her husband.
Arriving at The SCOAN, Pastor and Mrs Ikpenwa were placed at the prayer line section and the evil spirit inside of Mrs Ikpenwa started manifesting even before the wise men reached her.  During the prayer, the evil spirit that had been tormenting her for so many years, submitted to the authority in the name of Jesus Christ as one of the wise men prayed for her.
The couple came forward during the live Sunday Service, testifying to the peace of God they have received since their deliverance. Both of them were able to sleep very well at night. Pastor Ikpenwa expressed his heartfelt regret for his years of leading people astray regarding the ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua. He noted that the place that he was preaching against was the same place where he met the delivering power of Jesus Christ

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