Monday, April 29, 2013


Mr Pitang Manukibe was born with a terrible stigma. 43 years of his life had been plagued by a shameful affliction that tormented him on a nightly basis. Mr Manukibe was a bedwetter. Describing the severity of the situation, he said he would wake up ‘in a river’ of his own urine. His parents had sought treatment from several medical institutions and witchdoctors but the problem only got worse. The scourge affected him emotionally, shyness and shame overshadowing his resolve to make new relationships. The Togolese man, who is a resident of the USA, explained that even after getting married, the problem persisted. However, his wife encouraged him to believe that the problem had spiritual roots and would one day be over.
Mr Manukibe’s miracle came after a friend introduced him to Emmanuel TV. Whilst watching, he decided to join Prophet T.B. Joshua in prayer as the prayer for viewers was being ministered. That night, a Divine encounter unfolded. Mr Manukibe explained that he saw himself in The SCOAN arena in his dream with Prophet T.B. Joshua and the wise men. There, Prophet T.B. Joshua asked whether the wise men had prayed for him, to which they replied in the affirmative. That morning, he woke up to behold a wondrous sight. His bed was dry! Since 2010, Pitang has enjoyed a life free from bedwetting! In addition, after receiving the Anointing Water, he received a powerful breakthrough in his career, including getting his permanent residence approval that had been denied a number of times hitherto.

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