Wednesday, April 17, 2013


DELIVERED FROM ANCIENT BEASTA clip was replayed in the service of an astonishing deliverance that had occurred the previous week. An evil spirit claiming to be a high ranking demon and ancient beast who had existed even before the creation of the world was exposed during an electrifying encounter with Wise Man Daniel. The demon touted itself as being seated at the left hand of satan, stating that it had last entered the earth over two millennia ago when it was defeated by Jesus Christ. It had destroyed the bright destiny of the young man it had possessed since birth and its intention was to warn Prophet T.B. Joshua and the Wise Men, whose activities were disturbing the kingdom of darkness. The demon exposed diverse satanic strategies and tactics through which it had ensnared so many people into a hellish existence and eternity before the final encounter ensued with the Wise Man. Shouting in a strange language, the demon grabbed onto Wise Man Daniel’s arm, screaming for his master in hell to send more power as the Wise Man commanded the demon to leave in the name and blood of Jesus Christ. At long last, the demon was defeated and the young man declared free!
Coming forward, Mr Alem Njoku accompanied by his parents, a sibling and close friend, shared a traumatizing experience that can only be described as hellish. The young Cameroonian explained that he hailed from a royal background, his father being the chief of a community that traditionally worshipped the skulls of their ancestors. It was this ancestral worship that provided the platform for the ancient demon to enter the young man’s life.
With a childhood plagued by strange demonic dreams, unusual bouts of sickness leading to an operation to remove his spleen, an uncontrollable urge for masturbation, a lonely existence of isolation and scholastic setback despite academic brilliance, Alem knew that something was wrong somewhere. However, it was only four months prior, in December 2012 that the demon behind Alem’s troubles revealed itself in the most alarming form. Lying on his bed, he physically saw a giant beast appear from his wall, trumpeting that it was sent from hell to destroy his life, stating that it was the ‘god’ he must serve and worship.
From that day forward, the 23 year olds life became enslaved completely to this ancient demon that would appear physically to him over 20 times every single day. Whenever Alem slept or just closed his eyes, he would find his spirit in the fiery depths of hell, seeing its horrors and the unimaginable torment being meted out to those condemned to live there. He also saw himself as a commander of an immeasurable amount of demonic soldiers, leading them in the battle against Christians and angelic forces. He said the demon invested powers within his hands and legs and forced him to crawl on his knees for several hours whenever he dared disobey any of his instructions. Whilst in hell, he saw his name being cancelled on a sheet of paper, signifying his spiritual death and the beginning of the satanic assignment they planned for him. As the spiritual attacks intensified, so did Alem’s desire to visit The SCOAN for deliverance, explaining that he saw the disastrous effect the prophet’s prayers had on satan’s kingdom as it erupted like lightning bolts within hell.
At this point, the demon who said it was ‘Dakunba’, declared that it would accompany him to The SCOAN as it had ‘a warning’ to give to Prophet T.B. Joshua. The day before the Saturday service where Alem received his deliverance, he explained that hundreds of other demons entered his body to reinforce him with powers for the ‘battle’ ahead. As Wise Man Daniel prayed for him, Alem described how he remarkably witnessed the encounter from the confines of hell where his spirit was chained. He said the ancient language spoken by the demon was a battle cry to draw all other demons in the area to come and fight. At a point where the demon grew weak, he said he saw satan stand up from his throne to send part of himself to The SCOAN where his shadow enveloped the street opposite The SCOAN, sending more powers to his agent in an attempt to defeat Wise Man Daniel. However, the demon was finally conquered by the superior power of Jesus Christ, and as the demon roared in anger, Alem saw his spirit suddenly lifted from the pits of hell and reenter his body on the floor of The SCOAN. He had been rescued by the power of the Holy Spirit!
After his deliverance, the young man said he had slept peacefully for the first time in his life and had no more encounters with the demonic beings that had possessed him since birth. Embittered, he even disclosed that the spirit had pushed him to sleep with hens, as well as causing him to be a bedwetter. Prophet T.B. Joshua told him to call the name of Jesus Christ which he said would be his refuge from this day forward. As Alem did so, his body began shaking and he fell to the ground under the power in Christ’s name. What a remarkable transformation! We thank Jesus Christ for this powerful deliverance which serves as an eye-opener to the reality of the spiritual world and the seriousness with which we must view our spiritual walk and warfare.

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