Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Reverend Eze Okoroafor, a minister of God came to The SCOAN for deliverance because his ministry was going down. A family in the town where he established his ministry 24 years ago, called him to destroy their shrine which was killing the children in the family. After destroying the shrine, Rev Eze had a dream where masquerades warned him. REV. EZE OKOROAFORPhysically, he saw knives entering him and he fell sick. His ministry began to experience setback and he started to struggle with anger. He wanted to leave the ministry but saw other ministers delivered on Emmanuel TV and was encouraged to come for his own deliverance. At The SCOAN, Wise Man Daniel prayed for him and he was delivered. During his deliverance he saw a human being coming out of him.
After his deliverance, he received the Anointing Water from Prophet T.B. Joshua. That night, in a dream, he saw eight men and women rushing to him to tell him that they would deal with him. In the dream, he remembered that he had the Anointing Water and sprayed it and those people ran away. After the deliverance, he feels like a new born baby. He advised pastors to first come for deliverance before they establish a ministry.

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