Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Mr Oni Sky, a Nigerian living in Libya was brought up in a polygamous house; his father was a powerful witchdoctor who married approximately 30 wives and had over 60 children. As a young child growing up, he worked with his father in the shrine and his father trained him as a witchdoctor. Later in life when he was at school, he was initiated into a secret cult and soon rose up the ranks of the fraternity. He later became the cult leader. He started robbing people with other cult members and had many charms put in his body in order to protect him from different weapons such as guns and knives. As a wanted man in Nigeria, he fled to Libya and started duping people by feigning to invoke money. While in Libya, he introduced the secret cult to literally thousands of people there, many of whom proceeded to travel abroad to Europe and carried the cult with them. He said that millions of people had joined this cult as a result of his influence and the number of people he initiated who proceeded to initiate others wherever they travelled to.MR. ONI SKY {LIBYA CULT MAN}
He had 201 incisions on his head given by his father to diabolically ensure he would not die young, giving him boldness to carry out acts of armed robbery and fraudulent crimes. Prior to watching Emmanuel TV, he never believed anyone could deliver him and felt churches were also involved in duping people and the activities happening there were not real. After watching Emmanuel TV and listening to the messages from Prophet T.B. Joshua, he decided to come to The SCOAN. During his deliverance, he saw fire around the wise man erupting like a volcano and was unable to come close to him. Ever since his deliverance, he testified that he no longer smokes, drinks or takes drugs. He no longer has any urge to kill, steal and destroy people through armed robbery or initiate people into his cult. He said that he has even been calling people in all the countries he operated to come for their deliverance. His advice was that people should turn from worshipping idols and give their lives to God. He advised the youth involved in secret cults to drop their weapons and turn to Jesus.

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