Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Happy Easter! The Sunday service started with the prayer line section where many people from across the globe came to seek a touch from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Many who came with neck collars, lumbar corsets, walkers and crutches received their miraculous healing through the power of God working in the lives of the wise men. We also saw many dramatic deliverances during the prayer line and laying on of hands sections of the service as the evil spirits in the lives of the people were exposed and expelled by the matchless power of Jesus Christ. Prophet T.B. Joshua also exposed the root cause of the problems in the lives of many as he moved around the auditorium prophesying.
Prophet T.B. Joshua explained the meaning of John 4:24, “God is Spirit, and His worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth” by saying that those who worship God without depending on God’s Spirit to worship Him, worship a god they do not know. When you worship a god you do not know, surprises come. He said that God’s power works through both His Word and His Spirit. He added that God’s power cannot work through His Word alone; we need both God’s Word and His Spirit to make it work in our daily lives.
WISE MAN HARRYIn his message titled, ‘The Supreme Sacrifice’, Wise Man Harry reminded us of the meaning of Easter.  He said that Easter is a day set aside by Christians to commemorate the resurrection of the One who paid the supreme sacrifice for our sin (Isaiah 53:3-6). The Easter period offers us the opportunity to once again reassess our lives in order to stay focused on Christ Jesus

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