Thursday, April 2, 2015


Sunday March 29, 2015 witnessed the commemoration of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem with the Palm Sunday celebrations. The children at The SCOAN gave a symbolic enactment of that event as one of them rode on a donkey amidst shouts of Hosanna! The congregation was poised for an encounter with God even as they remained excited in anticipation of the showers of His blessings upon their lives. As usual, the Emmanuel Singers were on hand to dish out melodious tunes much to the edification of the entire congregation.
The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua spoke on the dynamics of the Word of God and its everlasting significance in the life of the Christian who desires to live above board in the Christian race: “You begin to believe the Word of God when it dominates your heart. There is no amount of the Word of God in your mouth that can influence your conduct and character. It is when the Word dominates your heart that you can go forth and go on in the discharge of your Christian duty”.
Pastor T.B. Joshua
Pastor T.B. Joshua
Continuing, Prophet T.B. Joshua observed that in teaching and preaching the Word, it must be in accordance with the Spirit of God. “The words we use in counsel, teaching and preaching must be in accordance with God’s Spirit. The more you think more about what you read, the more your heart acts upon the Word.”
On how we can nurture our faith, the man of God opined that we can only do so by steadily dwelling on God and His Word. According to him, when we look up to God in the totality of our affairs and build our trust around Him, it is only then that His power can be manifested in our lives: “How do we have faith? We have faith when we know God. Faith continues to grow as we continue to look unto God, look at God, and meditate on God. If you know God, you will simultaneously have faith. It grows”.
Concluding, Prophet T.B. Joshua urged Christians to continue to meditate on God’s Word at all times as it enables them to gain access to God and to understand His will: “Meditation in God’s Word is a visit with God. Do you know something is greater than all you are waiting for? Hearing from God is a much greater blessing than any other blessing you are waiting for.


He had resorted to consuming a cocktail of pharmaceuticals as well as Chinese tea on the advice of friends who showed concern for his condition. Mr. Mutimba Zulu, a Zambian national suffered obesity and was torn between finding a solution and managing the debilitating effects of his condition. He would wake up tired and sapped of energy. On some occasions, he would dose off in public much to his own embarrassment. His work life was affected as it was always difficult for him getting up from the bed. His weight was no doubt his greatest undoing.
Mr Mutamba
Mr Mutamba
In the midst of his frustrations, he had encountered the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua speaking about water therapy on Emmanuel TV and had decided to key into the directives of the man of God – to do water therapy every day. To his greatest surprise, things took a dramatically encouraging turn. His weight began to diminish while a new surge of energy popped up. A man who had once suffered constipation and excessive weakness now bubbles with energy and the zest of youth. He now enjoys waking up and preparing for work, a scenario that was once a huge burden.
Thanking God for what He had done in his life using the water therapy medium, he advised people to desist from consuming drugs that claim to offer solutions for obesity and instead embrace the instructions of the man of God on water therapy. He also testified to God’s intervention in his eviction saga when the landlord of his rented shop gave him an eviction notice, only for God to provide him a way out as he secured and bought a new property which he renovated and now uses as his own.


Mrs. Nwandu Comfort Okonkwo, a Nigerian living in Holland had two health problems that gave her serious concern. She had a tooth problem which doctors diagnosed as a bacterial infection. She was avoided by people because of the offensive odour that emanated from her mouth whenever she talked. She suffered headaches, jaw pains and used all kinds of medication but never got any results. Even her doctors had suggested the extraction of her tooth in order to thoroughly clean the inside of her mouth so that the bacterial infection and odour could stop.
Sceptical about the viability of the tooth extraction operation, she made up her mind to visit The SCOAN believing that God would intervene in her case. At The SCOAN, the man of God gave her a bottle of the Morning Water which she continued to apply while asking God to visit her as He had been visiting the multitudes who continually gave testimonies at The SCOAN.
When she got back to Holland, she called on God to manifest Himself in her situation declaring that if He could deliver many people from worse situations, then hers was a minor case. Establishing her total faith in God and His ability to heal her, she began to administer the Morning Water prayerfully. After three months of ministering the Morning Water, she went back to her doctor for a check-up. To her joyous amazement, the doctor declared her free from the infection that had greatly embarrassed her. Her elation knew no bounds!
Mrs nwandu Comfort  Okonkwo
Mrs Nwandu Comfort Okonkwo
Testifying before the congregation at The SCOAN, Mrs. Okonkwo also recounted the restoration of her hearing through the same Morning Water ministration. According to her, she had grown up with an ear ailment from which puss always came out. Because, nobody paid attention to her predicament, she grew up carrying that burden until it affected her hearing with the right ear. While battling with her right ear, her hearing with the left ear also suffered some setback after she was involved in an accident in which her left ear got perforated while deafness stared her in the face!
In order to get some help, she had gone to the hospital after the accident to correct the problem with her left ear. The doctors mistakenly operated on her right ear claiming that it was worse-affected from their diagnosis. After undergoing operations on both ears, she still could not hear. Her last hope was the Morning Water.
Just as she did in the case of her tooth infection, she called on God to prove Himself through the Morning Water. She appreciated the wonderful things He had done for other people in the past and declared that her case would not be different. With faith and absolute belief in God, she prayerfully applied the Morning Water on her ears. One day, after returning from work, she had put on her television but discovered that she could hear extremely louder than normal. Even when she turned down the volume, she still could hear the voice from the television. She also discovered she could hear the voices of people outside her room. That was how she got to know that her hearing has been restored. To further confirm the miracle, she put a call through to her friend and heard everything from the other side. To God be the glory!
In the spirit of thanksgiving and praise, she urged people all over the world to believe that nothing is beyond God stressing that He will always be there for those who put their trust in Him.


For three years, Miss Margaret Philip had tried in vain to secure redeployment from her northern Nigeria office branch to Lagos. But each time, she failed. As a contract staff with one of the Nigerian banks, she had been posted to Katsina State since 2012. She had contacted her superiors over there concerning her desire to be redeployed back to Lagos but they all told her that the final decision on whether she would be granted redeployment rested with their overall superior based in Lagos. Bothered by the situation of things, she decided to visit The SCOAN in search of a solution.
At the SCOAN, she received the Morning Water together with the Morning Sticker which she ministered as she prepared to keep an appointment with her overall superior in Lagos. One thing that surprised her was the pleasant conduct of her overall superior who only asked her why she wanted to redeploy to Lagos. And because of the power of God in the Morning Water medium, she found favour in the sight of her overall superior. To God be all the honour and praise, after that encounter with her overall superior, she was in church at The SCOAN when she received a call she could not pick because of the church service. After church service, she called the number back and was informed by another superior colleague that her request for redeployment to Lagos was granted.
Miss Margret Philip
Miss Margret Philip
In the end, she was redeployed to Lagos against all expectations. It was an ironic twist of fate through the power of God as some of her colleagues who were permanent staff approached her to help them facilitate their own redeployment through the woman (overall superior) who approved hers. It was like the case of a slave being sought after by a master for help. This can only happen when God is involved.
Expressing her bewilderment with the “magical” manner in which the Morning Water works, she advised people to have faith and believe in the medium because it works wonders in Jesus’ name.


Mrs. Vera Stijf, a Nigerian living in Holland had been searching for the fruit of the womb for eight years without success. She had undergone many fertility treatments without any positive result. She had even tried the In-vitro fertilisation on six occasions without achieving results. She became downcast as a result of her situation more so because of the fact that her friends and other neighbours had children.
Mrs Vera Stijf
Mrs Vera Stijf
Having suffered under the yoke of childlessness for so long, her mother, an ardent follower of The SCOAN through the Emmanuel TV channel, introduced her to the ministry and convinced her to visit its Lagos, Nigeria headquarters. At The SCOAN, she was prayed for by the Wise Men as well as the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua who also gave her the Anointing Water which she ministered in faith through Christ Jesus.
Barely a year later, she testified to God’s intervention into her case. Radiating uncommon grace and divine favour with her baby boy, she advised people to believe in God and appreciate the many mediums through which He can transform their lives at The SCOAN


On Sunday March 22, 2015 the church service at The SCOAN created another great platform for the congregation to witness the outpouring of God’s power and glory. From the choral ministration of the Emmanuel Singers to the highly edifying message of the man of God, one thing was certain – the presence of God at The SCOAN cannot be over-emphasised! Testimony upon testimony, glory upon glory and favour inimitable, the people of God in the congregation, with their countenances animated by smiles from the depth of their hearts, gave glory, honour and adoration unto the KING OF KINGS in Whose hands lie the meaning of their lives.
PT.BJOSHUAIndeed, the Word of God is the foundation of our lives as Christians and remains the standard upon which our daily lives are built. Speaking on the BELIEF IN HIS WORD, Prophet T.B. Joshua engaged the congregation on salient factors that enhance our relationship with God. He defined the indispensability of God’s Word in the life of a true Christian and how the Faith Bracelet helps to connect the heart to God: Many of us don’t know the importance of this Faith Bracelet. The Faith Bracelet will actually help you to reset your belief on the outside because on the outside, there are distractions. Even while you are sitting down, there are a lot of distractions. This will take the theme of the message – BELIEF IN HIS WORD. That is, believe in God’s Word”.
Discouraging the attitude of some Christians who allow their circumstances to determine what they believe, the man of God urged the congregation to realise the need to place God’s Word above every other consideration: Many Christians today – their situation at hand determines what they believe. Paul preached the Word of faith in that book of Romans to the people in Rome. The Word of faith he preached is in two places – he told them that this Word is in two places: in their hearts to believe; in their mouths to confess”.

More so, the man of God explained the relationship between the Word of God and our faith without which it will be impossible to please God. In other words, it is only by professing our faith through the Word of God that we can unleash the power and presence of God in our lives: “Faith comes through the Word of Christ – in our hearts to obey, in our mouths to talk.  You can confess anything but what you believe is what you practice. It is what you believe that translates in the life you live. What I believe is what is translating in my life. You can’t just tell someone, ‘I am a Christian’ – you can say you are a Christian and not such in heart. What you believe in your heart influences your conduct and character”.
Concluding, the man of God urged the congregation to always engage their hearts in meditating on the Word of God as that would guarantee them constant connection with His will: “Even when you are making up, engage your heart. Are you in the restroom? Engage your heart. At the same time, you are reading but can be meditating on something different. For so long, your spirit man has been dormant. Something else has been using your spirit man. You are doing something else and your spirit man is engaged in something else. Engage your spirit-man… I have told you how to engage your heart – not thinking about your situation, condition. Think more – meaning meditation”.


For 19 long years, she had been battling with chronic Laryngitis and Bronchitis. Her whole life was reduced to an unending struggle with those ailments. Mrs. Diana Hara-Chileshe, from Zambia, would suffer severe congestions of the chest and throat which made a caricature of her job as a font desk officer. After several futile quests for solution, she eventually made up her mind to visit The SCOAN, the arena of liberty.
At The SCOAN, she was privileged to be at the Prayer Line where the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua laid hands on her and gave her a bottle of the Anointing Water which she continued to use back home in Zambia. To the glory of God, she eventually discovered that all the debilitating symptoms that held her health captive had disappeared. In order to confirm her victory over those ailments, she visited the hospital where tests showed that she was totally free with a clean bill of her health. Jesus is Lord! Through the medium of the Anointing Water, she has been unconditionally set free.
Radiating so much zest and joy, she counsels people to remain faithful with God and uphold the principle that His time is the best.


Mr. and Mrs. Pius Okoh suffered untold humiliation and mockery in the hands of their community and family. Their inability to bear a child became their greatest undoing. They had visited various hospitals and places all to no avail. Diagnoses showed that Low Sperm Count, Candida and Hormonal Imbalance were some of the medical reasons for their condition.
One fateful day, while watching Emmanuel TV, the couple had witnessed the testimony of another barren woman whom God blessed with fruit of the womb through Prophet T.B. Joshua’s prayer. That testimony strengthened their faith and inspired their visit to The SCOAN. At the Prayer Line, they fell to the great anointing of God when the man of God laid hands on them. According to Mr. Okoh, a great burden left him after the prayer by Prophet T.B. Joshua.
Equipped with the Morning Water and a Face Bracelet, the couple went home and continued to Pray and meditate in Jesus’ name. Within one month, Mrs. Okoh was diagnosed with pregnancy to the glory of the Most High God!
Advising the congregation during their testimony, the couple urged them to put their trust in God and belief that with Him, all things are possible.


In 2013, Mr. David Nwankwo, a native of Abia state was beset with financial difficulties that made life very miserable for him. Fortunately for him, he was in Lagos then and decided to seek the help of God at The SCOAN. When he got to The SCOAN, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for him and gave him the Anointing Water.
On getting home, he continued to use the Anointing Water and to his utmost surprise, his life turned around rather miraculously. His business soared financially as he was able to build five different houses within four months. Indeed, the goodness of God is always marvellous in our sight. Mr. David also testified to God’s protection over his life as he was saved from an armed robbery attack in which his car was sprayed with bullets and yet nothing happened to him and his driver. Thank God for the Anointing Sticker.
Thanking God for his turn-around, he urged the congregation to believe in the power of God present in the Anointing Water, Anointing Stickers and the Emmanuel TV channel.


Mr. Sebastian Onuorah came to The SCOAN with medical conditions that made him incapable of impregnating his wife. He had Staphylococcus infection and low sperm count. The social stigma associated with the inability of a couple to bear children continued to haunt him even as extended family members continued to mock him and his wife for their childlessness. Taking a leap of faith, he decided to seek divine intervention at The SCOAN.
When he got to The SCOAN, the man of God laid hands on him and gave him the Anointing Water which he went back home to minister together with his wife whenever they prayed. Within a short period, the expected manifestation of God’s power came to pass in a rather dramatic way. His wife had gone to her home-town to see her people on their invitation. Unknown to him, she had left their abode with pregnancy. It was the same mocker of their childless condition that called to inform him about his wife’s pregnancy. Whoever mocks God’s children mocks Him.
Testifying at The SCOAN in company of his wife and their baby, Miracle Onuorah, Mr. Sebastian urged the congregation to continue to trust and believe in God no matter the condition they find themselves in.


Robbed of identity. Bereft of a place called home. Raw talent mangled with fatiguing frustration. Such was the story of Stevenson Simplice, a young man from the Caribbean island of St Martins. A broken home led to a tumultuous upbringing characterised by suicidal thoughts and intense feelings of reject and neglect.
Traversing different countries in search of a place to settle down and start afresh, Stevenson eventually found himself in one of the Scandinavian nations. He was at that point based in Israel when a musical he was performing in was to tour Norway. The young musician came to The SCOAN prior to his Norwegian adventure and was privileged to be among those who received the Anointing Water.
His arrival in Norway was accompanied by an unprecedented peace and assurance that he had finally arrived ‘home’. After several months of staying in Norway, he decided to apply for residency – a practical impossibility given his short stay in the country and the facts that he was homeless and jobless. After ministering the Anointing Water and going to the police station to apply, he was incredibly given permanent residence within one hour!
His friend who had been applying for more than two years unsuccessfully to have residence was perplexed at his breakthrough, but Stevenson ministered the Anointing Water to her and told her to return the following day. She did and was also granted permanent residence!
Doors of mercy and favour kept opening in an extraordinary fashion as Stevenson was offered an unexpected job which enabled him to be financially secure. Still without a home, Divine providence arranged him to meet a couple who had a house which they offered for him to stay in free of charge! Showing pictures of the well-furnished, luxurious house, Stevenson’s testimony is evident – a radical transformation! “When I came here, God healed my heart and reinforced my identity as His son,” he told the congregation. “If He can do it for me, He can do it for anyone.” He ended with a recently composed song, encouraging people to put Jesus Christ first in everything!


Mrs. Katarina Joshua Peter, a Slovakian nurse living in the UK and taking care of old people was confined to the use of crutches after she fell from the stairs and fractured her ankle. The doctor had said she would have to cope with their own usually long and painful recuperating regime. But she had a very big God that would do His things miraculously. Instead of resigning to fate, she continued to thank God in spite of the pain and incapacitation she was passing through. She would watch the Emmanuel TV continuously and minister the Anointing Water in faith. For three weeks, she had great moments with her father in heaven through those mediums.
After those weeks of prayer and meditation, she had a dream in which the cast on her leg fell off. By the time she woke up, her brother also told her about the dream he had in which she was healed at The Prayer Line. He declared that she was healed indeed. In order to get medical confirmation of her victory over a broken ankle, she visited her doctor who advised her to leave the cast on while the healing process continued. But when she got home, in demonstration of her faith, she removed the cast and walked freely without pain or inhibition – a confirmation that she has been completely healed. She urged the congregation to trust in God and hand over all problems to Him.


For ten years, Mr. and Mrs. Okafor wandered in the wilderness of childlessness. The doctors had diagnosed them with Candida infection, Staphylococcus and Low Sperm Count. All efforts to get help from herbalists proved fruitless until they found their way to The SCOAN, the final bus stop.
At The SCOAN, they received the Morning Water which they ministered months in prayer. After few months, Mrs. Okafor was confirmed pregnant. Clearly expectant, husband and wife thanked God for His wonderful work in their lives and urged the congregation to continue to trust in God at all times and in all circumstances.


Source March 19, 2015 by thetbjoshuafanclub
T.B JOn Sunday, March 15, 2015, the glorious atmosphere at The SCOAN service was a delight to behold. The Heavenly excitement never wanes as the congregation accompany the choristers in the rendition of heart-moving songs. That God is overwhelmingly present is a fact that cannot be over-emphasised. His presence is felt even in the humble conduct of the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua whose short message on faith left deep marks on the minds of the congregation.
Speaking about the faith bracelet, the man of God said “The Faith Bracelet helps on the outside to set your belief”. Citing Romans 10:8-10, the man of God elucidated the place of faith in cementing our relationship with God: “The message is very close at hand; it is on your lips and in your heart.” And that message is the very message about faith that we preach: If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.”
The man of God also explained, “A man may profess, ‘I am a Christian’ and not such in heart. A man may come out and say, ‘I am born again’ but not such in heart. Until trials come that you will know because trials and temptations are meant for our belief. The Holy Spirit uses our heart to guide our soul. Before we can be what we confess the Holy Spirit must use your heart to guide your soul”.


Mrs. Theresa Abisi had come to Lagos to live with her son in order to get quality medical attention for her diabetes and high blood pressure challenges. One fateful morning, she had tried to board a tricycle to keep an appointment with her doctor when she had her leg injured after the tricycle rider had miscalculated thinking that she was already inside and attempted to move. She found herself on the ground in a pool of her own blood with her leg badly battered.MRS THERESSA ABISI
In the ensuing commotion, sympathisers had gathered round her while she wallowed in pain. While she was still on the floor, she saw a picture of the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua telling her to get up that she was free. Meanwhile, in order to address the situation medically, she was taken to a hospital where the doctor concluded that her leg had to be amputated. She had to crawl to get around.
She was brought to The SCOAN with gory pictures of her fatally battered leg. Her case got the attention of the man of God who gave her the Morning Water with the sum of N150, 000. After ministering the Morning Water, the leg healed while both the Diabetes and High Blood Pressure disappeared in Jesus’ name. Walking majestically amid songs of praise, she glorified the name of God for what He had done for her through the medium of the Morning Water. She advised people to continue to trust God in all situations.


Miss Precious from Ghana got hooked into alcoholism, smoking and prostitution when she was only 15. It all started one fateful day while eating apples on her way to school, she had encountered a strange man who requested that she gave him the apple she was already eating. She obliged him the fresh one but he insisted on having the one she was already eating. After granting his request, that night, she dreamt of the man coming to have sex with her. When she woke up, she discovered blood on her bed sheet.
Back in school, she found herself hanging out with wild girls who introduced her into drinking and smoking. She was subsequently introduced to a big woman who took her with others on shopping sprees where they were gifted obscene dresses amid other ‘freebies’. But she was soon to discover that the devil gives no free gift. She was initiated into prostitution after the big woman took them to a herbalist who requested their pieces of their hair and nails for charms with which they could seduce men. Armed with charms, she destroyed many marriages and seduced big men like ministers, bank managers, lawyers and other wealthy people.
She eventually left the big woman but kept advancing in the world of prostitution. She was given a ring by the witchdoctor that enabled her to disappear whenever she found herself in difficulties. Her life continued to worsen on that destructive path. Her pictures were in many hotels and she had a lot of clients.
Her involvement in those evil ways became so deep that she began to see horrible creatures dance round her at night. In the confusion, she met a man who requested from her the only money she had on her. After giving the man the money, he told her that her sins were forgiven and instructed her to go to The SCOAN and be delivered.
At The SCOAN, she fell under the superior fire of the Holy Spirit and was delivered. Since then, her life has changed for the better. She advised the youth to desist from evil influences and hold on to God.


Healed from unable to Walk
Healed from unable to Walk
Mrs. Aroh Juliet, a Civil Defence Officer had an accident which fractured her tibia and fibula. On getting to the hospital, the doctor advised that she should be taken to a bigger hospital. After receiving treatment at a Teaching Hospital for one month, she was placed on POP for eight months during which she could not do anything on her own as she was always on crutches until she visited The SCOAN.
At the Prayer Line, the man of God, seeing her on crutches walked up to her and commanded her to rise up and walk in the name of Jesus. Immediately, she rose up and walked for the first time unsupported in many months. Her crutches became useless under the powerful anointing through the man of God in Jesus’ name. An ecstatic Mrs. Aroh thanked God for His wonderful work in her life and called on people to believe that with God, all things are possible.


MRS MADALITSON GODWINMrs. Madalisto Kamtambe, a Malawian Custom Officer had been suffering from career stagnation for over thirteen years. She had remained in one position for so long that feelings of inferiority and low self esteem began to set in as most of her colleagues were being promoted. She took her problems to many places in search for solution but all proved futile. Her disappointment got to a head and she made up her mind to visit The SCOAN.
At The SCOAN, she received the Morning Water and Morning Sticker which she prayerfully applied when she got back home. She would always minister the Morning Water declaring “This is the time for my breakthrough…I am promoted…I am the head and not the tail”. Then, she dreamt of two big lions chasing her but she conquered them using the Anointed Sticker. Subsequently, she received an invitation for an interview. She continued to declare her victory in Jesus’ name and asked God to favour her after ministering the Morning Water on her credentials. The moment she entered the interview room, everyone was smiling at her. She had prayed that if there was a question she had no answer to that God would give her special favour to scale through. To her surprise, the interviewers on a number of occasions completed the answers to the questions asked of her. She was promoted the following week from the lowest grade to a supervisor (team leader) of the company.
Thanking God for His miraculous intervention in her case, she advised people to put their trust in God and hand over every of their burdens to Him.


MR NAIDIKE GODWINMr. Naidike Godwin from Bayelsa state was torn between disappointment and frustration as he had been jobless for four long years. All his efforts to get gainful employment remained futile. In order to avoid being idle, he accepted the offer of cable TV installation from a friend who was not happy with his situation. There were even instances when he had to engage in menial labour such as carrying cement blocks to make ends meet. But certainly, those were not the dreams of the young man. He knew that life had more promises for him.
His mother, understanding that only God could change her son’s situation, brought him to The SCOAN where he received the Morning Water. After ministering the Morning Water, he saw the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, in a dream urging him to keep pressing and never give up. True to the Prophet’s counsel in the dream, he received a call from Abuja inviting him for a job interview. In spite of all the challenges, God provided money through his uncle to enable him board a flight to Abuja for the interview. Getting to the company, without conducting an interview with him, he was handed a letter of employment as an Environmental Scientist.
Describing his breakthrough as a rare miracle and divine intervention, he thanked God and urged people especially the youths to continue pressing and believing in God no matter the situation they are passing through.


EVANG SAMUEL1Evangelist Samuel Emmanuel was playing professional football in Oman and decided to visit Dubai to get a car on lease from a car rental company. However, having been fortunate to purchase his own car, he decided to return the rented car to the car rental company. Instead of cancelling the deal after he had returned the car, the company insisted that the deal was still in effect and refused to close his account with them. The implication was that he had to continue paying for a car he had already returned. That development affected his football career as the case was reported to the Dubai Police who took him to the High Court. His passport was seized and as a result he could not travel out of Dubai even when clubs were on his trail. The case continued for seven years.
One fateful day while playing football, he was spotted by a Nigerian coach who had come to visit Dubai. Surprised by the level of talent and skills he displayed in the round leather game, the coach queried his decision to remain there. He explained his predicament to the coach who offered to assist him. The coach invited him to his hotel room where he gave him a bottle of the Morning Water and Morning Sticker and instructed him to pray with them.
Having received and prayed with the Morning Water and Sticker, his confidence soared as he made his way to the High Court, specifically to the Chief Judge’s office where his passport had been for seven years. On getting to the Chief Judge’s office, he openly ministered the Morning Water. Upon sighting the Morning Sticker that he was holding, the judge confessed of knowing the man of God, Prophet Τ.Î’. Joshua. Immediately, the judge ordered seven policemen to search for Evangelist Emmanuel’s international passport. The passport was eventually found and returned to him, enabling him to continue his career.
Testifying at The SCOAN, evangelist Emmanuel also told the congregation how the Morning Water cured his strange stomach trouble. Exalting the name of God, he advised the youths to depend solely on God and imbibe the practice of ministering the Morning Water and using the Morning Sticker so that their talents will blossom.


Ms. Gladys, a 29 year-old Cameroonian prostitute was at The SCOAN during Sunday Service prophecy time. The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesied to the congregation that there was a harlot in the congregation who had come from the brothel. The man of God asked her to come out for deliverance. She knew the prophecy was for her but was reluctant to come out. But when the prophecy was repeated for the third time, she was compelled to come out. She was delivered in Jesus’ name and testified that all those evil urges had left her. She thanked God for her new lease of life and advised women to do nobler jobs for money rather than resort to prostitution. She also encouraged them to hold on to God at all times.


ANNAMrs. Anna Dakudzi, a Ghanaian by birth and Irish by naturalisation, was caught in a web of litigation after her children were found by social authorities in Ireland playing unsupervised. Being a child-friendly country with very stringent laws pertaining to the welfare of children, Mrs. Dakudzi was invited for questioning by the Social Works department, which took custody of her three children. After three weeks of investigations and explanations on both sides, her children were released to her.
However, after one year, the authorities wrote her a letter requesting her presence in court concerning the case of negligence in discharging parental care to her children. In the midst of all the legal fireworks, she was able to get the Morning Water which she ministered on all her documents, especially her certificates which are usually scrutinised in such cases to ascertain her fitness for parenting and work.
Two days before the case came up in court, she had a dream where she found herself in the ocean surrounded by people who tried to strangle her.  Then, Prophet T.B. Joshua appeared coming down from the sky into their midst.  Immediately, the people trying to strangle her fainted and died.
To her greatest surprise, on the day she appeared in court for the case, the judge who had been so hostile initially, struck out and dismissed the case brought against her and vindicated her fitness to be a parent. Filled with inestimable joy, Mrs. Dakudzi praised God for what he has done for her and advised people to repose their trust in God and continue to do His will.


God’s overflowing mercies remain the hallmark of worship and thanksgiving that have continued to characterise every Sunday Service at The SCOAN. On Sunday, March 8, 2015, that intense atmosphere of worship and praise radiated the entire congregation, creating a connection between the worshippers and the host of Heaven whose presence was felt in the depth of the soul-lifting songs delivered by the Emmanuel Singers. Every aspect of the service symbolised God. From the smiles that emanated out of hopeful countenances to the unhindered dance steps of those moved by the Spirit, the reality of God’s presence was written all over the gallery down to the overflows where great testimonies of His wonder-working nature never ceased to blossom like trees planted by the river side and watered by the Lord.
T.B. Joshua
Speaking generally on the ideal attitude of Christians to situations around them, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua urged Christians to desist from the act of worrying as it lays them back and disconnects them from the intervention of God. Instead of worrying, he says they should, at every point in time, cast their burdens unto God: “When one is thinking, worried and troubled, your spirit cannot be free to attract the Spirit of God. We cannot be available for God when we are worried. Maybe something is troubling or worrying you; you cannot be available for God’s Spirit. It is when we are free, our spirit is free. This is why 1 Peter 5:7 says, ‘Cast your cares, your troubles to God because He cares for you and loves you’. When we are troubled, we cannot be sensitive to the Spirit of God. You need a free spirit to pray. You need a free spirit to hear from God. You cannot hear from God when your spirit is troubled”. The man of God further admonished Christians from allowing burdens stand between them and the goodness of God. He observed that as soon as we are ready to commune with God in whatever way, we must ensure that all our burdens are forgotten: “When you want to open your Bible and read, it is time to give all your trouble. When you take up your Bible, immediately give all your cares and troubles to God. Leave all that is worrying you and bothering you before opening the Bible. If not, you will read but will not be able to obey what you read…It is not all up to God; certainly it is not all up to you. It takes your genuine willingness and God’s ability to achieve something. You can choose to overlook everything and open your Bible and read. Don’t look for the solution for the trouble you have in the Bible. Read the Bible for the salvation of your soul”.
The man of God also reminded Christians about the indispensable place of meditation in the walk and communion with God. According to him, meditation brings about insight and helps to erase mental obstacles from the mind: “Ask for a free spirit. Meditation reveals the burden in our spirit. Meditation exposes the burden in our spirit. That is why we have the Faith Bracelet. “Oh Holy Spirit, take more of me; give me more of You”.


MR AKINMUYISE OLAOLUWALife was so unfair to Mr. Olaoluwa Akinmuyise that he found it a herculean task to carter to the needs of his family, finding himself on the throes of penury and stagnancy. His donkey years as a truck driver did not avail much reward to his life. However, Mr. Akinmuyise’s encounter with a friend inspired his decision to start watching Emmanuel TV. Thereafter, the urge to visit The SCOAN became irrepressibly expedient.
A radical transformation soon took hold of his life after just one week of his visit to The SCOAN where he received the Anointing Water. After ministering it in prayer, life began to smile at him and things took a promising dimension, restoring hope to his once poverty-stricken life. The former truck driver who was once tossed around by the ruthless winds of an unfortunate faith has become a company director with numerous employees. He owns trucks and now smiles to the bank with millions. Within three months of visiting The SCOAN, he has built a duplex in which he resides. According to Mr. Olaoluwa, the Anointing Water is not just ordinary water; it is a wonder-working gift from God. The man who borrowed money to transport himself to The SCOAN is now a millionaire. According to the joy-filled Olaoluwa, Christians should never lose hope but rather put their trust in God as true transformation can only come from God.


MR OBA ANTHONYThe pain transcended the limits of the ordinary after persisting for 32 long years. Mr. Oba Anthony Tokunbo’s medical consultation revealed he had stones in his gall bladder, a condition that prompted doctors to suggest an urgent operation in order to avoid total damage. Worried and fatigued as a result of excruciating migraines and an increasing blood pressure, Mr Anthony feared an operation. Looking elsewhere for solution, he chose to make his way to The SCOAN rather than the operating room and he received the Morning Water. On the date scheduled for his operation, Mr Anthony ministered the Morning water in prayer and headed to the hospital in faith.
As precursor to the anticipated surgery, the doctor carried out further tests. Upon receiving the results that day, he asked Mr Anthony, “How did it happen?” The ways of God are not the ways of man. The gall stones had disappeared! The doctor declared that Anthony was free to go. When Jesus sets a man free, he is free indeed.
Anthony urged viewers to believe in God and the reality of His incomparable power as he thanked God for what He has done for him through the medium of the Morning Water, in Jesus’ name.


MRS THERESA DIMYA (2)For Theresa, life was on the brink of total collapse. Hypertension, pain and terrible headaches became her lot and a family curse of recurrent death hung heavily on her senses, raising her suspicion that she was the next to go.
She was diagnosed of cervical spondylosis and was told she needed a neck collar which should be worn at all times. Her family decided to seek God’s intervention by bringing her to The SCOAN where Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for her in the Prayer Line. Her entire body responded to the anointing by shaking uncontrollably. Her sickness bowed to the healing power of God and the neck collar was removed as she moved her neck and entire body freely for the first time in years!
Returning to testify at The SCOAN, Theresa said her life, once plagued by incessant fear of death, has now been taken over by faith. She urged people with one challenge or the other to believe in God.


MR ABRAHAM LUBANGA (1)The revelation that he would have to live with pain-killers all his life was a big blow to Mr. Abraham Lubanga, a Kenyan living in Sweden. He could not fathom how what started as a little pain in his knee escalated to the point where he had to wear a knee brace amid daily pain that was both excruciating and disappointing. His doctors had given up, saying that there was nothing medically possible to reverse his knee condition. But all things are possible with God!
He began to see a glimmer of hope after he was introduced to Emmanuel TV via YouTube by friends who had visited The SCOAN. Having listened to the numerous awe-inspiring testimonies through the channel, he made a trip to Nigeria. On arriving at The SCOAN, he was placed at the Prayer Line. As Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for him, a chilling sensation run all through his leg and then, his knee was restored. The overjoyed Kenyan told The SCOAN congregants that since that day, he has been living a pain-free life to the glory of God! He encouraged people to have faith as it is the only connection between them and the Healer, Jesus!


MRS JUER KUAC (1)Juer Kuac, a South Sudanese living in Australia, was tormented by an embarrassing scourge of bed-wetting that had been a family curse. It gravely affected her self-esteem, marriage and relationships. For over 30 years, she labored under the strangulating manacles of that unholy yoke.
A decisive effort to seek solution brought her to Nigeria, to the Arena of Liberty. She was at The SCOAN service last week when Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesied that there was a lady who suffered from the yoke of bedwetting. Rushing forward, she received prayer in the power of the Holy Spirit and fell to the ground. Since then, she testified that she has been enjoying a new life and for the first time in 30 years, she sleeps peacefully without bedwetting. She thanked God for healing her through the name of Jesus.


Sunday, March 1, 2015 was another inspiring day at The SCOAN. The church service, as usual, witnessed a huge attendance of people from all walks of life and from different states and countries – all in search of God’s divine direction. They all came with their minds and hearts full of expectations; they know and believe that in His presence, there are deliverance and a great outpouring of grace, favour and love.

Prophet T.B. Joshua
Prophet T.B. Joshua
The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, took the congregation through symbolic Biblical truths concerning man’s relationship and walk with God. He stated that some of the fancies of the world are not truly those that make life worth living: “We need something more than money. The lame man was eagerly expecting a gift from Peter and John but they said to him, “We don’t have money for you. What we have makes money insufficient”. According to the man of God, what we need as Christians is more precious than money: “What you need now is more than money. Money cannot remove depression. The rich are the ones under depression today more than the poor. Money cannot remove pressure or tension. What we need is in the name Jesus. When we know we need more than money, the eagerness of getting money in whatever you do, will not be there, but good name. A good name will give you peace, comfort but today eagerness to get huge money, profit leads us to cheat our fellow brother, misappropriation, corruption. We need more than money. Getting money cannot give you what you need. Rather, it invites more trouble”.
Speaking further, the man of God analysed the life of the true Christian and the inevitability of attacks at some point in time: “Attack is to encourage you to move closer to God. Your attitude towards the attack will determine how soon you will receive the blessing. If you are sluggish towards the attack, trying to avoid the attack, dodge the attack, manipulate the whole system, the breakthrough will manipulate you and avoid you. No man at the beginning of his journey remains stable. Everyone goes down-up. At a certain time, he will remain stable. That is the life of everyone of us. Down means hardship, sickness, name calling, etc. they will put you in prison and then release you again. They will call you names and then call you good names as time goes on. Many when things are down commit suicide”.
Concluding, Prophet T.B. Joshua led the congregation in Mass Prayer, taking authority in the mighty name of Jesus to bind demons, loose those in bondage, set captives free, minister healing and deliverance and prophesy breakthrough in the lives of many: “Right now, I have the right to the authority of Jesus. Take the authority of the Father. You have a right as a Christian to that authority. Begin to command every situation to move, every sickness and disease. Open your lips and begin to move that mountain by the authority given to you. Move that cancer, sickness, diabetes, hypertension, kidney problem, liver problem”


Mr. Kelvin Edotimi
Mr. Kelvin Edotimi
Mr. Kelvin Edotimi, a Project Manager was at the SCOAN prayer service last year November and received a prophetic declaration from the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, urging the congregation to meditate on the Word of God. Personally inspired by that prophetic Word, Mr. Kelvin keyed into it and began to meditate on that Word with passionate commitment even though he did not have a faith bracelet. By December of that year, he had an encounter with the man of God in his dream. In what seemed like a deliverance service in the dream, he had asked the man of God why it was that the world is enmeshed in so much pain and agony with people suffering all over the world. He also tried to find out from the man of God what mankind had done to deserve their unfortunate fate. The man of God revealed to him that those who are suffering have departed and deviated from God’s divine will and purpose. Not satisfied, he went further to ask the man of God about his own case: why he was passing through some challenges. The man of God told him that whatever he is facing is but for a while; a short experience that would prepare him for a very bright future.
After he woke from the dream-laden sleep, he realised that he had been nonchalant about an important professional opportunity that had been waiting for him at his work place, where he is a member of the Board of Directors. A training opportunity overseas had been there all the while but for reasons he could not explain, he was just not interested. But after that encounter with the man of God in the dream, his passion and zeal for the opportunity became unusually ignited. Moved by the promising prospects unleashed by his encounter with undiluted anointing, he applied for the visa to enable him travel to the United States where the leadership course is to take place.
On the day of his interview at the U.S. Embassy, he had ministered the Morning Water and prayed for God’s favour. On getting there, he was delayed when one of the security men found a bottle of the Morning Water in his pocket. However, he had another weapon to pull his way through; He recalled that the man of God had also made another prophetic declaration that “The way out for me has come. Jesus Christ is the way out”. He kept meditating on that prophetic declaration until he eventually found his way. His interviewer did not waste much time with him. After few questions, he was asked to come back in three days to collect his visa. To the glory of God, he was granted a two-year multiple entry visa. Testifying to God’s goodness, he advised Christians to see their challenges as temporary just as he was told by the man of God in his dream. He also described the Morning Water as the blood of Jesus for the healing of our infirmities.


Mr. Christian Otero, a Puerto Rican national was a Supervisor with a telecommunications company, Claro. For three years, he worked without promotion. At a time, one of his superiors even gave a bad evaluation about him.
Mr. Christian Otero
Mr. Christian Otero
Poised to turn things around, he headed to The SCOAN, where the man of God prayed for him and his family. After the prayer by the man of God, the same superior who gave a bad evaluation about him, promoted him to the position of Manager with a ten thousand dollars pay rise. To God be the glory, his wife who eventually gave birth to a bouncing baby boy named David, after they had been searching for a baby for twelve years. This is double divine visitation!


Mr&Mrs Okatu
Mr&Mrs Okatu
She had been told by her frustrated husband never to come back to their matrimonial home without being delivered by the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. The bone of contention had been her inability to get pregnant and bear children, the joy of every marriage. In her desperation, Mrs. Omoh came to The SCOAN hoping that God would touch her through the man of God. True to her expectation, Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesied to her and told her exactly what had transpired between her and her husband. The man of God went further to tell her that she was going to have a baby girl. In confirmation of Prophet T.B Joshua’s prophecy, she gave birth to a baby girl. Testifying to God’s wonderful work in her life, she and her husband brought along their baby named Emmanuela. They urged Christians to believe in the Word of God as it is capable of transforming their lives positively.


Before 2012, Mr. Joseph Mumuni, a Ghanaian, was a jolly good fellow who radiated so much zest and energy and was bubbling with life. In 2012, his health began to deteriorate; severe fatigue, chest pains and general debility became his lot. Trying to get to the root of the problem, he went for diagnosis and was told by doctors that he suffered from severe heart attack, news that put his entire existence on the precipice of doom. In his travails, he had resigned to fate, only searching for a living church to fellowship with before he bids goodbye to mother earth. But he was wrong – Jesus had greater plan for him.
Mr. Joseph Mumuni
Mr. Joseph Mumuni

Mr. Joseph Mumuni
Mr. Joseph Mumuni
Somehow, he got attracted to Emmanuel TV and had it installed in his house. One day, while watching Emmanuel TV, he was impressed with the charitable works of Prophet T.B. Joshua. He subsequently joined the man of God in prayer via Emmanuel TV. Even though he was weak, he believed he was strong and mustered enough stamina to declare his healing. True to his confessions, a new energy came over him even as he felt something leave his body. To God be the glory, Mr. Mumuni regained his health through faith. In the same manner, he also got healed of lumbar spondylosis through prayers with the man of God via Emmanuel TV and the ministration of Anointing Water. He proudly displayed his medical reports of before and after his healing, encouraging all those watching to put their trust in God.


Mr. Ignatius Kabiawu
Mr. Ignatius Kabiawu
Like a serial failure, Mr. Ignatius Kabiawu had been unable to secure entry visa to foreign climes since 2003. Even when he had genuine reasons to travel, securing the visa became a mirage. On five good occasions, his desire to fly out of the country hit the brick walls and left him in a state of humiliating disappointment. But he got connected to Emmanuel TV and soon developed interest in the Godly disposition and inimitable wonders that he watches on the channel. Encouraged by his brother, he decided to revisit the travel issue believing that this year, 2015 would not pass him by. He applied for the US visa and ministered the Morning Water in preparation for the interview. To God be the glory, after the interview, he was granted a two-year visa. He thanked God for His wonderful works through the Morning Water medium and urged all to seek God’s direction in every situation.


Mrs. Florence Edicco, a head teacher in a Ghanaian basic school had since 2012, enrolled into a Master’s programme in a bid to further her education. But things went wrong along the line. Computing her examination marks became a serious issue as most of her lecturers could not find her scores. She was even asked to re-sit some papers, an effort that was later discovered to be unnecessary. But somehow, she could not find a solution to the problem.
Mrs. Florence Edicco
Mrs. Florence Edicco
She summoned faith and decided to start praying along with the man of God via Emmanuel TV. All her family members joined her in prayer as they would always stretch their hands to the TV screen praying with Prophet T.B. Joshua. To God be the glory, in 2014, she was called to come for her graduation. Testifying to this miracle along with a copy of her certificate, she thanked God for intervening in her case and urged Christians to hold on to their faith and wait for God’s time.


Source February 26, 2015 by thetbjoshuafanclub
TB JOSHUA God’s omnipresent power radiated among the entire congregation at The SCOAN Sunday Service of February 22, 2015. The inspiring atmosphere, enriched by the beautiful and soul-lifting songs of the Emmanuel Singers, provided the platform for the flow of God’s undiluted grace amongst His people. And for sure, many souls were touched, favoured and blessed through the Word that was practically sent out through the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, to heal, to save and to bless.
In furtherance of his message OUR SUCCESS DEPENDS ON OUR MEDITATION AND CONFESSION, the man of God emphasised the significance and gains of trusting in God. He observed that there are certain principles governing the possibility of one’s heart being made God’s house. According to the man of God, the heart plays a very essential role in this arrangement: “How can Christ make His home in your heart? That is the place, the residence where Christ dwells. In our hearts we want to be like Jesus, not in our faces. Our heart is the communication point – a dwelling place for Christ. We hear from Christ in our heart. You cannot hear Christ from your ears but in your heart. This makes it possible for us to talk to each other and at the same moment talk to Christ. I will use my mouth to talk to you and use my heart to talk to Jesus because it is not the same medium. I am talking to you and talking to Jesus at the same time and Jesus is talking to me”.
The man of God elucidated the role and place of faith in man’s relationship with God. According to him, “…faith is perfected by our acting on the Word. That is the Word must dominate us, live in us. This is the secret of faith. If the Word is not dominating you, you cannot act faith. You can easily know a man of faith, merely by looking at him and his attitude”. He also described the nature of faith and the qualities of a true man of faith: “Faith does not neglect responsibilities. Faith is not a panic button to push only in times of trouble. It is a lifestyle of trusting in God. When the goings are good, you see them fasting, when the going are hard you do not know the difference, that is a man of faith”.
Again, Prophet T.B. Joshua urged Christians to embrace the practice of meditation as a connective tool between them and their Creator. He analyses the connection between meditation, confession and the heart: “Our success depends on our mediation and confession. The Word builds Christ nature in us. What is the nature? Christ possesses a nature that makes it easy for you to trust in God – faithfulness, purity, goodness, kindness, obedience – these are the natures of Christ”. According to the man of God, meditation brings about an increase in faith because it engages our minds deeply with the Word of God: “Nothing should stop your heart meditating this: ‘Take more of me and give me more of Your faithfulness, goodness, self control, humility’. This makes it possible for you to increase your faith. We have faith when we have more of the fruit of the Spirit. The more the meditation the more you have faith. You say until you read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation before you have faith. No, you must acknowledge His faithfulness and goodness”.
Concluding, Prophet T.B. Joshua encouraged Christians to hold on to meditation and enjoy the benefits that come from it. Apart from connecting us with our Creator, it prepares the way for us to receive our hearts’ desires from God: “There is a process before prayer. Meditation will take you to God. From here to God, there are many obstacles that will stop you from reaching God – disobedience, unfaithfulness etc. They are there to block your voice from reaching God. It is not all up to God and certainly it is not all up to you – you have a role – your role is meditation”.


Miss Ireti Rhoda Rowland, a graduate of Mass Communication from the University of Ilorin was filled with dismay when as a young lady of 28, she became incapacitated. Her body was becoming very swollen and she was not able to move around. The doctors conducted various tests and discovered her blood pressure was extremely high at 250/130. They then gave her a bottle of water to drink. After drinking the water, they examined her and were shocked to discover that the water had not gone to her bladder but instead to other parts of her body. The diagnosis was grave: chronic kidney failure.

Both her kidneys were damaged and could no longer function the way they were supposed to. The only temporary relief was that she had to go for dialysis three times a week, where her blood was pumped out and then filtered before being pumped back into her body. She would become very weak each time the dialysis was performed. She tried to stop herself from drinking water or liquids, because the more she drank, the more she needed the dialysis and each week of dialysis sessions cost N120, 000. She became so thirsty that she would ask her sister to drink water in her presence so that she could imagine how it would be to drink water herself. It got to the point where her parents, after selling all their property, had to borrow money to keep up the treatment. They became unpopular at the hospital as unpaid bills continued to accumulate. If her dialysis was delayed for one reason or another, her body would begin to swell and the fluid would begin to go to her brain. She would then become very angry and would behave abnormally. This was a sign that she desperately needed to go for the dialysis.

The alternative treatment she was offered was a kidney transplant operation in India. This would cost $14,000 which was far beyond their financial capabilities. Her only brother offered to donate his kidney to save her life as it matched with her own.

With her case worsening and no trip to India in sight, she confessed to her sister that she wanted to commit suicide. Tearfully, her sister told her that it was not the way out; she should instead hold onto God. Knowing that death was just around the corner, her mother asked her to examine herself and if she had any grievance against anybody, she should forgive them so that she would be accepted before God in Heaven. Mrs. Rowland came to The SCOAN to renew her membership pass and to collect one for Ireti as well. She was determined that whatever might happen to her daughter at last, she should be a member of a living church and would inherit the Kingdom of God. The coordinators asked to see her daughter but she explained that she could not come due to the sickness. They reported the case to the man of God who was touched and prompted by the Holy Spirit, decided to follow the case up. She was invited and placed on the Prayer Line.

At the prayer line, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua asked her a question, “If Jesus gives you another chance, will you live for Him?” She promised, crying out, “Jesus, give me another chance to serve You. I will live for You for the rest of my life!” The man of God explained this miracle, calling it, ‘Another kind of miracle’. He said, “Jesus has a warehouse. When a kidney is damaged and you call upon Him, He will open the warehouse. Every one of us has an extra spare part/ organ in the warehouse. He can open the warehouse and give you your own and give you another chance. My job is to set you aside, position you for the attention of Jesus”.

Before the man of God came to her, she began to feel fire all over her body, especially where her kidneys were located. After the prayer, the man of God gave her Morning Water and told her she would have a dream.

When she was afflicted, she would dream of seeing a very old woman who also had a kidney problem taking care of her and playing with her. That night, after taking the Morning Water, she slept and she saw the same old woman chasing her with a big stick and in the next minute, she saw Prophet T.B. Joshua in a white garment with open arms telling her he was ready to accept her even though the old woman was chasing her; she then woke up. The next day, to her immense surprise, she began to urinate normally for the first time in many months. Strength returned to her body and she began to walk normally and do things by herself. Previously, her siblings would have to physically carry her around anywhere she needed to go. It has now been 12 days since she last did dialysis! She now knows what it feels like to drink water and no longer feels thirsty. She knows what it feels like to sweat again. She can now plan for the future with a firm confidence and hope in Jesus Christ, her Saviour. This truly is another kind of miracle.


During Mass Prayer, the man of God took authority in Jesus’ name to loose the captives from the stronghold of the devil much as he bound demons and evil spirits that prowl around destroying destinies. With great power and anointing, the following prayer points resonated with charismatic zeal to the glory of God through Christ our Lord and Saviour: “Cover your career, business, finances, marriage with the blood of Jesus…Whatever you might have eaten knowingly or unknowingly in your dream, on the table of your enemy, flush it out, in Jesus’ name…Whatever pain in your system, be it in your kidney, blood, liver – command them out in Jesus’ name…Lord, Jesus, I receive You into my life. I believe that You save me now, thank You for my salvation”


PROPHET TThe SCOAN Sunday Service of February 15, 2015 was no doubt another huge success in the spiritual rejuvenation of God’s people. One thing that remains consistent with the church is its untiring resolve, passion for the salvation and redemption of mankind from all walks of life irrespective of gender or race. Hence, the name The Synagogue, Church of All Nations is not accidental but a fulfilment of the ministry’s God-given mandate to affect lives all over the world. It was therefore with an awe-inspiring approach that the entire congregation prepared their minds to receive the spiritual food dished out by the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua as well as the rich musical interjections by the spectacular Emmanuel Singers, a group whose reputation in musical ministration is soaring internationally.
Delivering his message titled CHRIST WILL MAKE HIS HOME IN YOUR HEARTS, the man of God affirmed that for our hearts to be qualified to be Christ’s home, we must put our trust in Him. We cannot claim to have Him in our hearts when our trust is on strange gods and deities. He cannot make our hearts his abode when our love for worldly pleasures supersedes our desire for Him. According to the man of God, who referred to the book of Romans 9:1, “Our heart is the communication/contact point. Christ dwells in our heart through faith. This means, it is the Word dwelling in you which is equivalent with Christ personally being in you. This means, Christ and the Word are one. If you know Christ and His Word are one, you bring Christ on the scene. Anytime you say, “In Jesus’ name”, you bring Christ on the scene instantly. Can’t you see the reason why you have not brought Jesus to the scene? Anytime you pray, you hear yourself, people around you hear you but Christ doesn’t hear you. When Christ doesn’t hear you and the people around you hear you, it is a dangerous mission”.

Animating the occasion with the popular Christian song Trust and Obey, Prophet T.B. Joshua analyses the way and manner in which Christ builds His home in our hearts through the Word: “As the Word dominates, rules and sanctifies our spirit’s nature, He is building Himself and making Himself a part of us. The faith bracelet will help you as you meditate the Word, it will dominate your heart; it will rule your heart and sanctify your spirit’s nature”. Speaking further, the man of God highlighted the relationship between meditating on the Word and uninhibited communion with God: “Meditation in the Word is a visit with God. As you meditate in the Word, it becomes part of us and we become a part of it. Meditation is not thinking but more than that because when we talk about thinking, we talk about the senses. Think more”.
Re-emphasising the essence of meditation in the life of a Christian, the man of God urged the congregation to embrace the practice as it affords them the opportunity of getting deeper insights into life and divine direction. He frowned on the lukewarm attitude of many towards the practice: “There is an area in our life we have neglected – meditation. There must be a quiet time when you sit down, imagine if this life is over, what is next. What you have never experienced before, think about that. Think of those who have gone. Think about what they left behind. This is what you have never heard. What you have never experienced before, think about it, if life is over. Think of those who have gone, friends, colleagues or relatives. After that, you can take your faith bracelet and begin to meditate”.
Explaining the role faith plays in our walk with God, Prophet T.B. Joshua stated that it is very difficult to please God without it. Hence, the need for Christians to exercise their faith at all times in order to be able to unleash their wonder-working potentials: “Only faith pleases God. Faith is perfected by our acting on the Word. How do you act on the Word? This is the secret. Faith comes through hearing the Word of God. There is more to that. Faith is hearing and obeying. You cannot obey that Word when the Word has not dominated, ruled and lived in your heart. Faith is like a coin. Faith is a Heavenly currency. You must take this Word to heart. It is what is dominating your heart that you can shout. This will replace everything”.
In conclusion, Prophet T.B. Joshua spoke on the secret of faith: “The secret of faith, the Word must dwell, live and rule your heart. Faith is perfected by our acting on the Word. The Word must dominate, rule and live in our heart. This is the secret of faith”. And for those who allow God to make His home in their hearts, Prophet T.B. Joshua describes them in the following words: “The Lord has given you a foundation. If today were your last day on earth, what will happen? You will begin to see revelation about yourself and others and from there, God will strengthen your mind to remember. The whole world doesn’t know what will happen next. This is what Christianity is all about – God’s opinion about yourself and others”.


AKE LISIYINE PIUS (1)Akelisiyine Pius came to The SCOAN from Ghana with the problem of abject poverty (to the extent that he could not take care of his family).  Before going back to Ghana, he received the Anointing Water and believed that his life would turn around. After ministering the Anointing Water in the name of Jesus, he dreamt that Prophet T.B. Joshua was walking with him through a school. When he woke up, he started praying, although he had never had any previous thought of starting a school project. A few weeks later, his attention was brought to an abandoned school in his area. He purchased and took over the school and started operating in the middle of the academiAKE LISIYINE PIUS (2)c year. Despite this, the process was very smooth because God was behind it. The school started with 65 students but before the end of that week, the school was filled up with 100 students. Now, to the glory of God, there are 330 students studying in his school. To add to the facility of the school, he bought a small van. Seeing the school was growing bigger and bigger, he had to buy a bigger school bus in addition to the small van. As the number of pupils continued to increase at a fast rate, he had to purchase an additional coaster bus to properly serve the pupils. Mr Pius advises everyone to do what God has put in their heart with faith.


MISS ASATU SHERIFFIf evil could be adequately defined in a story, Asatu’s would perhaps be a model. A background stooped in satanic secrecy opened the gateway for wickedness of unimaginable proportions to work through her. Initiated at a tender age into a cult that thrived on the belief in animal superiority, Asatu’s private parts were marked for destruction in a sick ritual. Her parents’ premature death led her to seek spiritual help in darker places that only ended up entangling her deeper in bondage. An attempt at marriage ended abysmally as the relationship that spawned two young children ended with her being thrown onto the streets. Desperate and smarting with anger, Asatu succumbed to the lure of ‘greener pastures’ abroad, following a strange lady to Nigeria.
Upon reaching Nigeria, the lady took her to a witchdoctor, whose charm, which promised to restore her marital bliss, ended up killing her estranged husband. Resorting to prostitution, Asatu roamed the four corners of Nigeria, sleeping with up to 30 men in a day to fend for herself. Burdened by her two young children, her willpower eventually whittled away to the point where the unthinkable became feasible – she ‘gave’ out her kids. “I have no ideas where they are right now,” she confessed to the shocked congregants at The SCOAN.
Eventually ending up in Lagos on the prostitution trail, the brothel where she ‘worked’ was broadcasting an unusual television station – Emmanuel TV. Upon watching and learning The SCOAN was located in Lagos, she made the decision to attend the service last week, tired of her dirty lifestyle. As Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for calmness to descend upon the congregants in the mass prayer, an incredible sequence of events unfolded for Asatu! A shocking, rumbling sensation welled within her stomach forcing her to her knees. Then, it came out. A disgusting item wrapped in red thread with a needle interwoven. The charm she had ingested many years ago in the home of a spiritualist had been forced out by God’s power!
After her deliverance, Asatu testified that the terrible dreams she previously had of dungeons and graveyards were gone as was the urge to engage in illicit prostitution.  “Believe in God,” she tearfully advised the somber congregation. “Leave evil and give your life to God. Only God has the final say in everything.”


MR & MRS DECKY ENYOINSM NUKURU (1)Mr. and Mrs. Decku alongside Miss Nukunu, Mrs. Decku’s younger sister came to The SCOAN with their lives full of challenges. While Mrs. Decku’s case was incessant miscarriages, her younger sister Miss Nukunu was suffering from abject poverty. Mrs Decku who had been married for three years would always have a nightmare anytime she MR & MRS DECKY ENYOINSM NUKURU (2)was pregnant and that experience always ended in her losing the pregnancy. Her husband was dejected about her condition and the state of things. The trio came to a conclusion to come to The SCOAN to receive the ministration of the Anointing Water. As the couple went back to Ghana, they prayed, ministered the Anointing Water in Jesus’ name and met as husband and wife. One day, while they visited the doctor to attend to his health, it was also confirmed that his wife was pregnant. Praise the Lord! Miss Nikunu on her own part, after receiving the ministration of the Anointing Water, received a call from a friend who owns a big company in Ghana. She was offered a job as a sales MR & MRS DECKY ENYOINSM NUKURU (3)representative for one of the branches of his company. Her salary was increased ten times more than what she earned before. Indeed, with God’s power, nothing is impossible!


MR GODWIN NWOKOLO (1)Nwakolo Godwin came to The SCOAN from Delta State, Nigeria with difficulty in walking due to lumbar spondylosis. As a result, he could neither walk well nor stand for more than five minutes. He could not sleep because of the excruciating pain he had. He had visited several places in search of solution to this problem but all to no avail. He then decided to come to The SCOAN for his healing. He was arranged at The SCOAN Prayer Line. Immediately Prophet T.B. Joshua touched him, he received instant healing. He could not explain how this happened; all he knew was that he was healed. Now that he is healed, he can do anything. Indeed, there is never a problem that Jesus cannot solve and there is never a sickness that Jesus cannot heal.MR GODWIN NWOKOLO (2)


The prophecy that his addiction to the internet had led to the collapse of his marriage hit him like a bolt out of the blues. Mr. Childress Simmons Jnr. Could not deny the cataclysmic turn his life had taken after the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua had uncovered the dark corner of his life.
His mother’s separation from his father was the beginning of his doom. With no choice, he went with his mother to live with her new found love, his step-father. There, his young life was infected with the spirit of pornography through his step-brother who actually introduced him into the evil practice, being in ownership of a rich library of pornographic magazines and videos. At the tender age of 10 he was already addicted. His young life was already shedding its innocence and was at the trench destruction. With time, the contagious hands of pornography continued to pull him down the abyss of deeper addiction. He would keep unholy vigils just to satiate his senses with pornographic videos. The act became some sort of escapist mechanism for him whenever he wanted to cure himself of depression.
Due to his excessive nocturnal ritual of watching pornographic videos, he became a social menace; he would sleep while driving as a result of exhaustion. His mindset was corrupted to the extent that he had no regard for women. After all, he had seen it all! Those things that made womanhood sacred were the same he saw and trivialised at will. Haunting him like a ghost passionate to destroy its target at all cost, his addiction to pornography became the Achilles Hill of his life. The only thing that motivated him into marriage was the satisfaction of his sexual fantasies – a disease which his addiction had brought about. His marriage eventually crumbled after few months when he realised that his appetites were insatiable just as his diseased thinking was incurable. His knack for masturbation increased with every successful pornographic exercise.
MR CHIDRESS SIMMONSMr Simmons was lost to world that was destroying him gradually. He was even unaware that he needed help. He was deeply engrossed in the unwholesome practices of masturbation and pornography even when a second marriage was consummated. “All this while, I knew I was killing myself but there was nothing I could do about it. In my second relationship I started looking for a solution. I started fasting and going to prayer houses”. It dawned on him that he needed God to deliver him from the dungeon of self-destruction he had thrown himself into.
At the peak of his evil engagement, he would be on the internet having sex with strangers via webcam. His lustful ways graduated rather pitiably and made him a sorry case. “The spirit of lust as a result of pornography led me to get married to women who were divorced and had bad marriages…
At the Prayer Line, Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for me and I immediately knew I was delivered. Since my deliverance, I don’t look at women as physical objects anymore; I see them as daughters of God that need to be respected and also my heart has been renewed. As a young man, I am now excelling in everything I put my hand to. I was at the rock bottom; I was hopeless before I came to The SCOAN. I advise young people to desist from pornography because it will only open doors for demons into their lives. I also want parents to keep good watch over the affairs of their children”.