Thursday, April 2, 2015


God’s overflowing mercies remain the hallmark of worship and thanksgiving that have continued to characterise every Sunday Service at The SCOAN. On Sunday, March 8, 2015, that intense atmosphere of worship and praise radiated the entire congregation, creating a connection between the worshippers and the host of Heaven whose presence was felt in the depth of the soul-lifting songs delivered by the Emmanuel Singers. Every aspect of the service symbolised God. From the smiles that emanated out of hopeful countenances to the unhindered dance steps of those moved by the Spirit, the reality of God’s presence was written all over the gallery down to the overflows where great testimonies of His wonder-working nature never ceased to blossom like trees planted by the river side and watered by the Lord.
T.B. Joshua
Speaking generally on the ideal attitude of Christians to situations around them, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua urged Christians to desist from the act of worrying as it lays them back and disconnects them from the intervention of God. Instead of worrying, he says they should, at every point in time, cast their burdens unto God: “When one is thinking, worried and troubled, your spirit cannot be free to attract the Spirit of God. We cannot be available for God when we are worried. Maybe something is troubling or worrying you; you cannot be available for God’s Spirit. It is when we are free, our spirit is free. This is why 1 Peter 5:7 says, ‘Cast your cares, your troubles to God because He cares for you and loves you’. When we are troubled, we cannot be sensitive to the Spirit of God. You need a free spirit to pray. You need a free spirit to hear from God. You cannot hear from God when your spirit is troubled”. The man of God further admonished Christians from allowing burdens stand between them and the goodness of God. He observed that as soon as we are ready to commune with God in whatever way, we must ensure that all our burdens are forgotten: “When you want to open your Bible and read, it is time to give all your trouble. When you take up your Bible, immediately give all your cares and troubles to God. Leave all that is worrying you and bothering you before opening the Bible. If not, you will read but will not be able to obey what you read…It is not all up to God; certainly it is not all up to you. It takes your genuine willingness and God’s ability to achieve something. You can choose to overlook everything and open your Bible and read. Don’t look for the solution for the trouble you have in the Bible. Read the Bible for the salvation of your soul”.
The man of God also reminded Christians about the indispensable place of meditation in the walk and communion with God. According to him, meditation brings about insight and helps to erase mental obstacles from the mind: “Ask for a free spirit. Meditation reveals the burden in our spirit. Meditation exposes the burden in our spirit. That is why we have the Faith Bracelet. “Oh Holy Spirit, take more of me; give me more of You”.

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