Thursday, April 2, 2015


Miss Ireti Rhoda Rowland, a graduate of Mass Communication from the University of Ilorin was filled with dismay when as a young lady of 28, she became incapacitated. Her body was becoming very swollen and she was not able to move around. The doctors conducted various tests and discovered her blood pressure was extremely high at 250/130. They then gave her a bottle of water to drink. After drinking the water, they examined her and were shocked to discover that the water had not gone to her bladder but instead to other parts of her body. The diagnosis was grave: chronic kidney failure.

Both her kidneys were damaged and could no longer function the way they were supposed to. The only temporary relief was that she had to go for dialysis three times a week, where her blood was pumped out and then filtered before being pumped back into her body. She would become very weak each time the dialysis was performed. She tried to stop herself from drinking water or liquids, because the more she drank, the more she needed the dialysis and each week of dialysis sessions cost N120, 000. She became so thirsty that she would ask her sister to drink water in her presence so that she could imagine how it would be to drink water herself. It got to the point where her parents, after selling all their property, had to borrow money to keep up the treatment. They became unpopular at the hospital as unpaid bills continued to accumulate. If her dialysis was delayed for one reason or another, her body would begin to swell and the fluid would begin to go to her brain. She would then become very angry and would behave abnormally. This was a sign that she desperately needed to go for the dialysis.

The alternative treatment she was offered was a kidney transplant operation in India. This would cost $14,000 which was far beyond their financial capabilities. Her only brother offered to donate his kidney to save her life as it matched with her own.

With her case worsening and no trip to India in sight, she confessed to her sister that she wanted to commit suicide. Tearfully, her sister told her that it was not the way out; she should instead hold onto God. Knowing that death was just around the corner, her mother asked her to examine herself and if she had any grievance against anybody, she should forgive them so that she would be accepted before God in Heaven. Mrs. Rowland came to The SCOAN to renew her membership pass and to collect one for Ireti as well. She was determined that whatever might happen to her daughter at last, she should be a member of a living church and would inherit the Kingdom of God. The coordinators asked to see her daughter but she explained that she could not come due to the sickness. They reported the case to the man of God who was touched and prompted by the Holy Spirit, decided to follow the case up. She was invited and placed on the Prayer Line.

At the prayer line, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua asked her a question, “If Jesus gives you another chance, will you live for Him?” She promised, crying out, “Jesus, give me another chance to serve You. I will live for You for the rest of my life!” The man of God explained this miracle, calling it, ‘Another kind of miracle’. He said, “Jesus has a warehouse. When a kidney is damaged and you call upon Him, He will open the warehouse. Every one of us has an extra spare part/ organ in the warehouse. He can open the warehouse and give you your own and give you another chance. My job is to set you aside, position you for the attention of Jesus”.

Before the man of God came to her, she began to feel fire all over her body, especially where her kidneys were located. After the prayer, the man of God gave her Morning Water and told her she would have a dream.

When she was afflicted, she would dream of seeing a very old woman who also had a kidney problem taking care of her and playing with her. That night, after taking the Morning Water, she slept and she saw the same old woman chasing her with a big stick and in the next minute, she saw Prophet T.B. Joshua in a white garment with open arms telling her he was ready to accept her even though the old woman was chasing her; she then woke up. The next day, to her immense surprise, she began to urinate normally for the first time in many months. Strength returned to her body and she began to walk normally and do things by herself. Previously, her siblings would have to physically carry her around anywhere she needed to go. It has now been 12 days since she last did dialysis! She now knows what it feels like to drink water and no longer feels thirsty. She knows what it feels like to sweat again. She can now plan for the future with a firm confidence and hope in Jesus Christ, her Saviour. This truly is another kind of miracle.

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