Thursday, April 2, 2015


Robbed of identity. Bereft of a place called home. Raw talent mangled with fatiguing frustration. Such was the story of Stevenson Simplice, a young man from the Caribbean island of St Martins. A broken home led to a tumultuous upbringing characterised by suicidal thoughts and intense feelings of reject and neglect.
Traversing different countries in search of a place to settle down and start afresh, Stevenson eventually found himself in one of the Scandinavian nations. He was at that point based in Israel when a musical he was performing in was to tour Norway. The young musician came to The SCOAN prior to his Norwegian adventure and was privileged to be among those who received the Anointing Water.
His arrival in Norway was accompanied by an unprecedented peace and assurance that he had finally arrived ‘home’. After several months of staying in Norway, he decided to apply for residency – a practical impossibility given his short stay in the country and the facts that he was homeless and jobless. After ministering the Anointing Water and going to the police station to apply, he was incredibly given permanent residence within one hour!
His friend who had been applying for more than two years unsuccessfully to have residence was perplexed at his breakthrough, but Stevenson ministered the Anointing Water to her and told her to return the following day. She did and was also granted permanent residence!
Doors of mercy and favour kept opening in an extraordinary fashion as Stevenson was offered an unexpected job which enabled him to be financially secure. Still without a home, Divine providence arranged him to meet a couple who had a house which they offered for him to stay in free of charge! Showing pictures of the well-furnished, luxurious house, Stevenson’s testimony is evident – a radical transformation! “When I came here, God healed my heart and reinforced my identity as His son,” he told the congregation. “If He can do it for me, He can do it for anyone.” He ended with a recently composed song, encouraging people to put Jesus Christ first in everything!

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