Thursday, April 2, 2015


Mr. Kelvin Edotimi
Mr. Kelvin Edotimi
Mr. Kelvin Edotimi, a Project Manager was at the SCOAN prayer service last year November and received a prophetic declaration from the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, urging the congregation to meditate on the Word of God. Personally inspired by that prophetic Word, Mr. Kelvin keyed into it and began to meditate on that Word with passionate commitment even though he did not have a faith bracelet. By December of that year, he had an encounter with the man of God in his dream. In what seemed like a deliverance service in the dream, he had asked the man of God why it was that the world is enmeshed in so much pain and agony with people suffering all over the world. He also tried to find out from the man of God what mankind had done to deserve their unfortunate fate. The man of God revealed to him that those who are suffering have departed and deviated from God’s divine will and purpose. Not satisfied, he went further to ask the man of God about his own case: why he was passing through some challenges. The man of God told him that whatever he is facing is but for a while; a short experience that would prepare him for a very bright future.
After he woke from the dream-laden sleep, he realised that he had been nonchalant about an important professional opportunity that had been waiting for him at his work place, where he is a member of the Board of Directors. A training opportunity overseas had been there all the while but for reasons he could not explain, he was just not interested. But after that encounter with the man of God in the dream, his passion and zeal for the opportunity became unusually ignited. Moved by the promising prospects unleashed by his encounter with undiluted anointing, he applied for the visa to enable him travel to the United States where the leadership course is to take place.
On the day of his interview at the U.S. Embassy, he had ministered the Morning Water and prayed for God’s favour. On getting there, he was delayed when one of the security men found a bottle of the Morning Water in his pocket. However, he had another weapon to pull his way through; He recalled that the man of God had also made another prophetic declaration that “The way out for me has come. Jesus Christ is the way out”. He kept meditating on that prophetic declaration until he eventually found his way. His interviewer did not waste much time with him. After few questions, he was asked to come back in three days to collect his visa. To the glory of God, he was granted a two-year multiple entry visa. Testifying to God’s goodness, he advised Christians to see their challenges as temporary just as he was told by the man of God in his dream. He also described the Morning Water as the blood of Jesus for the healing of our infirmities.

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