Thursday, April 2, 2015


MR OBA ANTHONYThe pain transcended the limits of the ordinary after persisting for 32 long years. Mr. Oba Anthony Tokunbo’s medical consultation revealed he had stones in his gall bladder, a condition that prompted doctors to suggest an urgent operation in order to avoid total damage. Worried and fatigued as a result of excruciating migraines and an increasing blood pressure, Mr Anthony feared an operation. Looking elsewhere for solution, he chose to make his way to The SCOAN rather than the operating room and he received the Morning Water. On the date scheduled for his operation, Mr Anthony ministered the Morning water in prayer and headed to the hospital in faith.
As precursor to the anticipated surgery, the doctor carried out further tests. Upon receiving the results that day, he asked Mr Anthony, “How did it happen?” The ways of God are not the ways of man. The gall stones had disappeared! The doctor declared that Anthony was free to go. When Jesus sets a man free, he is free indeed.
Anthony urged viewers to believe in God and the reality of His incomparable power as he thanked God for what He has done for him through the medium of the Morning Water, in Jesus’ name.

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