Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Prophet T.B. Joshua preaching to the congregation
Prophet T.B. Joshua preaching to the congregation

What a Rewarder the Lord is for those who faithfully worship Him in Spirit and in truth! As is always the case, last weekend The SCOAN Live Sunday Service demonstrated the greatness of God through the power of the Holy Spirit, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. People came from all over the world to witness the might of God in action and went back with no doubt that God is the same yesterday, today and forever as God’s awesome power which was called onto the scene with faith, resulting in healings, deliverances and prophesies ministered both in the auditorium and at the Prayer Line through Prophet T.B. Joshua and the Wise Men.
The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, prepared the hearts of the congregants for the movement of God’s power by teaching with authority on the subject of‘FAITH’, saying faith must first be in the heart before there can be an acceptable confession. Drawing people’s attention to the book of Hebrews 11: 6 as the proof text, he said unless one has faith in the heart, calling upon the name Jesus is in vain. Said the prophet, “The word of faith is in two places: in our heart to believe and in our mouth to confess. This means that confession is part of salvation just as believing is part of salvation. Faith must therefore first be in the heart before there can be an acceptable confession.” He said this was the reason why some will call upon the name of the Lord and nothing would happen and yet others call the same name and wonders and miracles, such as healing and deliverance occur.
Wise Man Daniel also mounted the altar and preached on the topic, THE NEED FOR CHRIST’S ENABLEMENT. His proof text was from the book of Luke 9:1-2which talks about Jesus’ sending of the 12 disciples with power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and to proclaim the kingdom of God and heal the sick.
Wiseman Daniel addressing the congregants
Wiseman Daniel addressing the congregants
He said just as Christ Jesus empowered His disciples to change situations – to heal, to deliver, to bless and to save the world, He still empowers His true disciples today and that such empowerment is for whosoever wills or desires because to Christ Jesus, what is important is the ability to register one’s genuine willingness to receive of Him.


What cunning and poisonous serpent, yet utter loser, the devil is! He plants a field of land mines and covers them with roses for unsuspecting souls to step on. Such was the case with Mrs Sandra Shaw from Ghana who, over a decade ago, stepped into a booby trap of drinking alcohol and smoking, a lifestyle that ruined her life and destroyed her family.
Last Sunday, Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesied to her that she was addicted to alcohol and had in the course, been abused. Confirming the prophecy, she said apart from being abused by people after drinking herself to stupor, she would drive under
Mrs Shaw sharing her testimony
Mrs Shaw sharing her testimony
the influence, often waking up to find herself curiously parked on the side of the road with all of her valuables missing from her bag and car. In six years, she had eight terrible accidents. She drank and smoked every single day, felt sadness and hatred towards her husband and children on a regular basis At one point her husband, a foreigner to Nigeria, threatened with divorce because while drunk, she would call her husband’s employers and threaten to kill them, resultingin her husband losing his job.
Mrs Shaw joined by her family testify to the power of God in her life
Mrs Shaw joined by her family testify to the power of God in her life
Since her deliverance, one week ago, she has found the thought, appearance and smell of alcohol and cigarettes to be disgusting to her. That urge has been replaced with love for her family and peace in her heart. Mr Shaw described the 12 years of her addiction as hell, saying she had destroyed all the property in the house and was not a good mother. “But everything has changed since she was prayed for. We are a happy family. She no longer snaps at the children and they feel happy around her now,” said Mr Shaw, to the glory of God and shame of the devil.


Heal me, oh Lord and I will be healed indeed! So, it has been for Ms Senait Mesfin, an Ethiopian living in Sweden. For 40 years she had been suffering from multiple fibroids. In 2010 she went for an operation but because of excessive bleeding, they had to stop the operation. One day, in search of divine solution, she went on YouTube to look for Christian channels that would speak to her heart and soul. She came across Emmanuel TV where she discovered Prophet T.B. Joshua. She was soon hooked to his teachings and became amazed at the miracles God was manifesting through His anointed servant. She started to pray with him by touching the screen of her laptop. She later asked for and received the Anointing Water and Anointing Sticker from a friend of hers. She continued praying along with Prophet T.B. Joshua on YouTube and ministering the Anointing Water as she waited for a previously scheduled operation which would have seen her womb removed. Upon arriving at the same hospital for an ultra sound, behold, the doctors’ state-of-the-art machines could not detect any fibroid. Said the now-free and jovial woman, “When the doctors asked me where the fibroids had gone, I told them that Jesus had operated on me!”
Ms. Mesfin testifying to the healing power of Jesus Christ in the Anointing Water
Ms. Mesfin testifying to the healing power of Jesus Christ in the Anointing Water
She later went for a second opinion at another university hospital and truly, when Jesus heals, He heals effectually; He heals completely. The doctors confirmed the miracles that Jesus had done in her life and told her that as she had no fibroids, she had no need for an operation. To God be the glory!


Little seven years-old Wisdom Odion has all the reason to smile and thank God for his life. From birth, he was always sick. After a medical examination, he was diagnosed to have Sickle Cell Anaemia. He began taking medication but the sickness remained. He cried most of the time and was taken from one hospital to another, looking for a solution and a relief. He could not play with his friends and his education suffered.
Little Wisdom and father glorifying God
Little Wisdom and father glorifying God
Often, he was unable to sit for examinations because the pain would be too much for him to bear. His father was then referred to The SCOAN where he came to receive the Anointing Water. He prayed that God would flush out the Sickle Cell Anaemia through the blood of Jesus Christ and he ministered the Anointing Water to his son. Throughout the next few days, he monitored the condition with his son. He saw that he developed more strength, was able to play with the neighbourhood children and stopped complaining of pain. After some time, they went back to the hospital for a check up. To his great relief and joy, his son was diagnosed to be completely free from Sickle Cell Anaemia. The little boy testified that he is now perfectly healed, is attending school without any problems and can even play football – after receiving prayer with the Anointing Water!
Wisdom’s medical report showing he is completely healed


Mr Sunday Clement, a bricklayer from Benin Republic, came to settle in Nigeria in 1985. He had hoped for a new lease of life, to make money and take care of his family. That was not how it turned out. Upon arrival, earning money to feed his family or to pay school fees became impossible. He didn’t even have the money for his son to finish his university education and the young man later dropped out.
Sunday Clement glorifies the name of Jesus Christ for his breakthrough
Sunday Clement glorifies the name of Jesus Christ for his breakthrough
Last year, someone invited him to The SCOAN and as he came, he had the opportunity to receive the Anointing Water. He ministered the medium in Jesus’ name and, suddenly, everything changed. People from different regions started calling him for work and a once idle man became a highly sought after bricklayer. Now he has money enough to care for his family and to live his life comfortably.  “Look at me; am I dressed like any other bricklayer? I also have a car, an automatic Nissan Altima,” he said to the glory of God, car keys dangling in his right hand!


“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you…” How true the Scripture has proven itself in the life of South African, Ms Maza Soprano! Unwilling to watch her business continue to plunge to the bottomless pit of bankruptcy, she knocked on the right door and the blessing of Heaven was opened to her.
A once successful businesswoman, she testified that at a time, her businesses collapsed and she lost everything she had worked for. She became terribly poor and was not able to provide for herself any longer. She came to believe suicide was her only option until she encountered Emmanuel TV. After imploring people to finance her trip to
Ms Soprano and friend displaying the pictures of her store
Ms Soprano and friend displaying the pictures of her store
The SCOAN so that she could receive the Anointing Water, kind friends assisted her and she returned with the Anointing Water and newfound faith in Christ’s mercy. After ministering the Anointing Water in prayer, she slept and had a dream in which Prophet T.B. Joshua visited her and put money into her wallet. “They were all (US) dollars and I cried with joy and woke up laughing,” she said.
Immediately after that dream, her business took a swift turn and she now owns one of the biggest shops in South Africa, stocked full of goods. She was also able to purchase two brand new expensive cars, one of which she gave as gift to her sister. She is currently working on opening a second department store in another city, Durban


Mr and Mrs Ude proudly acknowledging the healing power of God in their lives
 Mr and Mrs Ude from Imo State came to The SCOAN to share their wonderful testimony of what God Almighty has done in their lives and in their marriage through the medium of the Anointing Water. They had been married for a long time but could not have a child. Mrs Ude later became pregnant but had a still birth. After the experience, she started complaining of persistent stomach pain. When they went to the hospital, the doctors ran tests and the results showed that she was having fibroids. The fibroid had caused complications during her first pregnancy, which resulted to the death of their baby. The doctors told them that she would not be able to conceive again until the fibroid was removed and that the only solution was to undergo an operation. They did not want to go for the operation because of the terrible things that could result from it. They came to The SCOAN and received the Anointing Water. They ministered the Anointing Water, in Jesus’ name and today, she is pregnant! Mrs Ude is no longer suffering from fibroids and the happy couple awaits the birth of their baby!


Pastor Nicky Agyepong from Ghana could not hide his joy when he testified how God had made it possible for his wife to deliver normally a 4.3 kilogramme baby, contrary to doctors’ prognosis. The pastor is a believer in the Anointing Water as a medium through which God delivers His people. He therefore had the Anointing Water in his home when his wife’s labour started.
Pastor Nicky testifies of God’s delivering power
Pastor Nicky testifies of God’s delivering power
They went to the hospital and were told that the baby was too big to be delivered naturally. Mrs Agyepong stayed in labour for three hours but could not deliver. The doctors wanted to perform an operation but at that point, Pastor Agyepong remembered the Anointing Water. He sprayed it onto a face towel and dabbed it on his wife’s face with a prayer in the name of Jesus. It only took 15 minutes after that prayer for the baby to come out naturally, weighing 4.3 kilograms! Rejoicing in the Lord, he showed the photo of his beautiful baby, to the glory of God!


Mr Eddie with the breathing machine he was depended upon
Mr Eddie with the breathing machine he was depended upon
Mr Eddie Jakpor, a Nigerian living in Sweden, was suffering from sleep apnea, a type of sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing in which he would stop breathing up to four times each night. His condition was so critical that doctors told him he would die if he did not use a machine every night to ensure his breathing. Every morning, he would wake feeling exhausted and it became difficult for him to go to work. He had to take the machine with him anywhere he went so his travelling was hindered. The father of two could not look after his children well. His cousin introduced him to Emmanuel TV and The SCOAN videos on YouTube. At first, he did not believe that the healing and miracles he saw were genuine but became convinced after watching one testimony after another. His faith was lifted to another level and he came to The SCOAN last Thursday morning to attend the prayer line. Immediately Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for him, his sickness left him. He felt freedom in his system and that night, the first of many, he slept peacefully without the breathing machine! He testified that he is now breathing freely and glorified God by telling the world that Jesus is the great Physician and that He is the One who healed him. “I was paying 10 euros per month for the breathing machine. I got my healing for free. Seek your solution from Jesus; He is alive!” He said.


Mrs Perpetua Agwu came to The SCOAN for deliverance on the advice of her family. For several agonising years she had suffered from
Perpetua acknowledges the power of God
Perpetua acknowledges the power of God
the stigma of bedwetting. This affliction would come each time she dreamt of a someone coming to sleep with her in her dreams. During last Sunday’s service, Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesied that there was a woman there who was bedwetting. Ashamed, she refused to answer the prophet’s call until her husband, who was watching Emmanuel TV at home, called her phone and told her the prophecy was for her and that she should go out to confirm the prophecy or not come back home. She quickly jumped up and went to meet the prophet. Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for her and God manifested His power through just a sound, ‘kye’ uttered from the prophet’s lips. She fell down and was delivered instantly. Since that time, she said the nightmares ended and she no longer bedwets! She has been free for over one week, sleeping freely in the glory of God!
Commenting on the problem of bedwetting Mrs Agwu faced, Prophet T.B. Joshua stated, that you are sick does not make you an unbeliever, that you are facing challenges does not make you an unbeliever. He stated that many Christians, believers and even pastors, when facing challenges, sickness, depression, feel that God does not hear them – however, that you are having a challenge does not make you are an unbeliever. A man may be sick and yet be a friend of God. A man may face depression yet be a candidate of Heaven.
The wise men then came to the auditorium and closed out the service by ministering deliverance to the thousands who were in attendance, through the amazing power of the Holy Spirit. They were delivered; Jesus is the Deliverer! To God be the glory!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Source by thetbjoshuafanclub
 What another blessed day last Sunday was! The amazing power of the Almighty God was euphoric as the ministers of God walked among the congregants in the ministration of prayer, resulting in deliverances, healings and prophetic messages delivered through the power of the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus Christ.
Prophet T.B. Joshua delivered a powerful and enlightening message on the subject of faith, referring to Acts 5:14. “Faith is like a light switch. It starts the electricity flow,” he said, adding, “There is enough available anointing here for you to be healed; put your faith to a demand. Where there is a demand, there is a supply”.
Prophet T.B. Joshua
He announced that an Anointing Water Revival was underway in London, and showed live footage from the Troxy Theatre, London. To the benefit of those in attendance, Prophet T.B. Joshua led them in mass prayer and testimonies began to pour in from far away UK.
Mrs Evelyn Joshua likewise delivered an encouraging message entitled, ‘Reaching the Unreachable’. She noted that many people stop praying because they have no hope for an answer whereas the problem is that people want to instruct God in what to do and how and when to do it.
Mrs Evelyn Joshua
She admonished that God’s response is not for those in a hurry nor those who quit but those that endure


The case of Chief Vincent Okonkwo, from Port Harcourt, Nigeria, is a good example of the power of prophecy in setting those in bondage free. The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua had walked to him and had given him a message of prophecy, saying there was a medium in his house that was ‘tied with red and green’ which was the cause of his problem.

Chief Vincent Okonkwo
The following Sunday, Chief Okonkwo came back, carrying with him the charm tied with red and green just as the man of God had prophesied to him. Twelve years prior, things started to go wrong in his home. A friend took him to a witch doctor who then gave him the charm for protection. Immediately afterwards, his health condition changed and he developed diabetes. Things were no longer the same; love and tranquility flew out of the home. Everyone went their way and nobody in the family had talked to each other for twelve years.

Chief Vincent Okonkwo & Family
He explained that he received the Anointing Water after the prophecy and two days after ministering it, his daughters called him on the telephone for the first time in twelve years! His daughter, now a movie producer, said, “We used to be a united and happy family until we were introduced to strange things. As children we could not stand such things anymore and we all left home. No one wanted to come back. We thank God for the word of prophecy which has restored our home.” The Okonkwo family went back home a united unit. How great is the God we serve!


Mr John Chukuwunike came on Sunday to testify to the goodness of God how heeding the voice of a true prophet of God has turned around his fortune. At the beginning of 2012, Prophet T.B. Joshua had prophesied that people should invest in agriculture. At that time, Mr Chukuwunike did not have a job. He only had 5,000 naira in his pocket, too little for any reasonable investment and the Anointing Water. But taking to the message he had heard from the man of God, he used the money to buy yam seedlings. He ministered the Anointing Water on them and planted them in Jesus’ name. When it was time to harvest, he could not believe his eyes. The yams were very large in size and up to four grew per stem!
Mr John Chukuwunike 
“I believed what the man of God said and today I have come to show you the miraculous yams I have in my garden,” he said, displaying just three of the gigantic yams for the world to appreciate what God has done in his life through His prophet!


Mr Tigistu Alemayehu came from Ethiopia. He said he had been addicted to smoking a drug similar to marijuana as well as drinking alcohol for 20 long years. This had affected his studies as he could not concentrate at school or in his career in later years. As a result of his addiction, he would easily get angry and unnecessarily. He would also stay home from work. One day, he discovered Emmanuel TV and started to pray along with Prophet T.B. Joshua for some time.

Mr Tigistu Alemayehu
One day, as he prayed, he discovered he no longer had the urge for the two: smoking or drinking beer – just by praying along with the man of God on Emmanuel TV.
“As I speak, the urge for beer and drugs is completely gone for three years now!” He exclaimed.


Another testimony to behold came from Rhoda Ayis. In 2011, she was involved in a horrific car accident and was rushed to the hospital. She found herself lying in a hospital bed in a terrible state. The doctors told her she had a serious femoral fracture and that they would need to amputate her leg. Her children were devastated and started crying. For them, all hope was lost. The idea of seeing their mother move around on one leg for the rest of her life was too much to accept. But something in her told her that the devil is a liar. She told her children not to cry, that she knew that the God of Prophet T.B. Joshua would heal her. The doctors scoffed at her belief and told her she was just deceiving herself because the only way out for her was the removal of the problematic leg.
Rhoda Ayis
Her family took her to The SCOAN and she had the opportunity to receive the Anointing Water. She ministered the Anointing Water on her leg in the name of Jesus Christ and immediately, her leg started to shake.
“I felt healing was taking place inside my bone and instantly, I stood up and started to walk!” she said. She had been using crutches but after ministering the Anointing Water, she no longer needed them. She is now completely healed and running around attending to her business.


“Doctors treat; God heals.” What a wonderful conclusion by a practicing medical doctor! Dr Karen Reid-Renner, a physician from Indiana in the USA, came to The SCOAN to share what God Almighty has been doing in her career through the medium of the Anointing Water. In her practice as a physician, she oftentimes prays and ministers the Anointing Water for her patients. This has rewarded her with miraculous healings at her clinic.
She said one of her patients had been suffering from the problem of lung cancer. After ministering the Anointing Water to him, he is 100 percent cancer free!
Dr Karen Reid-Renner
Another patient was a waitress who had lost her job, was unable to pay her bills and was depressed. After ministering the Anointing Water, she called one of her prospective employers, a restaurant owner, who told her they had lost her application letter. Nevertheless, they wanted to offer her the job, without an interview! She ended that day as a happy employee, amazed at what God Almighty had done for her through the medium of the Anointing Water.
In yet another case, one of her patients, a chronic alcoholic for most of his life, complained to her that the first thing he had the urge to do in the morning was drink beer. He could not go a day without it. However, after the ministration of the Anointing Water, the urge left him completely! His life, health and future has been transformed!
Another one of Dr Karen Reid Renner’s patients suffered from schizophrenia, a mental disorder characterized by problems with thought processes and poor emotional responses. The depressed woman would often cut herself. After ministering the Anointing Water, in Jesus’ name, the woman stopped cutting herself and is no longer depressed.
“People know me as the doctor who prays for her patients. I am no longer an ordinary doctor but one with a difference,” she said.


Neh Claudette Warah is a medical personnel. She came all the way from Cameroon to testify to the goodness of God in her life. She had multiple fibroids for a long time. As a result of this problem, her menstruation had ceased. She had been watching Emmanuel TV and believing that the God of Prophet T.B. Joshua would deliver her one day. By the grace of God, she had the Anointing Water. She prayed and ministered it, in Jesus’ name and suddenly, her stomach became very painful and she started bleeding.
Neh Claudette Warah
She went to the doctor for tests and the doctor confirmed that there were no longer any uterine fibroids appearing on the scan result. She was healed from the problem of multiple fibroids. God is indeed real. She advised viewers all over the world to grab onto faith.


Mr Zebulon from Ghana is a computer engineer and a businessman. He had been facing problems in his career for 13 years. He was in abject poverty – riding a bicycle to and from meeting clients. He didn’t have a house – he had nothing. He explained that people would buy goods and services from him but would not pay for them. He was introduced to Emmanuel TV and believed that one day, he would receive his breakthrough. Later, he came to The SCOAN and had the opportunity to receive the Anointing Water. After ministering it, in Jesus’ name, one day, his boss entered his office and told him that he wanted him to prepare a proposal. This was strange and had never happened to him. Nobody had ever seemed to pay attention to his potential.
Mr Zebulon
“I said to myself, ‘it is a trick; they want me to fail so they will fire me’.”
He ministered the Anointing Water again and he left with his boss for the venue. To his surprise, he was not made to ride his bicycle but rode with his boss in his car. When he was asked to eventually make his presentation, he prayed and asked God to assist him. Everyone was mesmerized at his ideas and eloquence. He was like someone who had done a hundred presentations before and yet it was his first. Since that day, his breakthrough has continued. People who owed him money started to call him, begging him to come and collect his money. He has now registered two companies and God blessed him with a five bedroom flat and his very own vehicle. Praise God!
We hope you have been blessed by these testimonies and that yours is on the way. The live service ended with the Mass Prayer ministered by the wise men and many more people experienced the power of the Holy Spirit. We glorify God for His everlasting faithfulness towards The SCOAN.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


What is the purpose of life, if not for the glorification of God? This was the pivot of last Sunday’s message when the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua briefly preached to the congregation at The SCOAN headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria. Drawing the people’s attention to Job 1:21, the man of God reiterated the crux of the Scripture, saying Christians must exalt God irrespective of their circumstances. He cited Job whom he said, was never misled by his situation but continued to glorify Him even when he had lost all he had including his children.
 “The purpose of life is to glorify God in good times and hard times alike. The Bible made me to understand that those who bless God in trouble prove their sonship. That you are poor does not make you an unbeliever; a man may be sick yet a friend of God. Don’t let your situation mislead you,” said the man of God, who went on to share ‘Words of Wisdom’ regarding the matter.
He said it is never proper to base faith on your improvement after prayer, saying this is what satan is using to destroy people’s faith if there is no improvement in a situation [after prayer].
“The devil wants you to curse God while under pain and trouble. That is why he delights in inflicting pain on people. You know, when you have pain, you look at God in a bad light. Christianity lies in the heart. Faith is of man’s heart. Only faith pleases God. Those who bless God in temptation, prove their sonship. If your prayer in the past had been answered, who knows what would have happened to you? You are a Christian now and you have the fear of God. Salvation of your soul is greater than anything,” he said.
Prophet T.B. Joshua later went to The SCOAN Prayer Line where he ministered to people who had come from all over the world. Many were freed from various afflictions in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Earlier on, at the start of the service, Wise Man Harry preached about love under the title: THE GREATEST CHRISTIAN VIRTUE.
He drew the message’s proof text from 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, 13.
He said the Scripture implies that there are only three things on earth that will last: faith, hope and love, and that among the three, the greatest is love. This, he said, shows that love is the greatest Christian virtue.
“As essential as faith and hope is, Paul singles out love as the greatest virtue, because it is only through love that we are able to respond to God and to others at present. If love is the greatest, it means, faith cannot work without love; so also, hope cannot work without love. Without love, the power of faith will be short-circuited,” he said.
Wise Man Harry defined love by referring to John 14:27, saying there are two types of love; God’s love and human love. Human love, he explained, is but a shadow of God’s love.
“God’s love is unlimited, while human love is limited. God’s love is for salvation’s sake, while human love is for selfish, classic and material reasons,” he said, adding:
“If you love somebody based on his handsomeness or her beauty or because the person is successful in life, by the time that beauty is gone or when failure strikes, your love for that person will probably disappear. At that point, even the presence of the person would be irritating to you. Remember Job! When the goings were good, his dear wife said to him, “Glory be to the God of Job! I will serve your God till my last breath!” But when Job lost everything, his ‘beloved’ wife said to him, “Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die!”
He said God wants the kind of love that never gives up. ‘A love that puts up with anything, a love that is tolerant, a love that is determined; a love that perseveres.’
“This message is telling you today to act love; do love; let love lead, because love is the greatest Christian virtue,” Wise Man Harry summed up.


Never a sickness Jesus cannot heal and never a disease He cannot cure and how beautifully true it is when one considers the many illnesses that elude man’s wisdom only to surrender at the mention of the name, Jesus.
Fifty-two year old Annie Menka from Ghana came on Sunday to testify to the miraculous healing she received, in Jesus’ name. She came with the problem of difficulty in walking due to lumbar spondylosis which she had suffered from for four years. She said that as a result of the problem, she found it difficult to lift even things as light as a small bucket. She could not carry out her daily activities. Like many people, she went to the doctors in search of a solution and was given a lumbar corset to aid her when walking. Unable to find a permanent solution, she came to The SCOAN and had the opportunity to be placed at the prayer line. Wise Man Harry prayed for her, in Jesus’ name and that was it.
“I felt very hot and I knew then that I was free; I was healed,” she said, adding, “I can now bend down, move freely and lift things without feeling any pain.”
The 52 year-old woman then demonstrated to the congregation and the viewers of Emmanuel TV that she can now do what she could not, by jumping and stretching. Praise the Lord!


Mrs Nneoma Ukpabi, a Nollywood actress, came to testify how God delivered her from the problem of an overdue pregnancy. She had previously undergone two Caesarians for her other children. She was again booked for an operation for the third time because her placenta could not support the baby.  The doctor stated that she could not undergo normal labour because it could become life threatening. A friend brought her the Anointing Water from The SCOAN, sprinkled it on her and prayed with boldness that the God of Prophet T.B. Joshua had already done it.
Within 15 minutes of ministering the Anointing Water, Mrs Ukpabi felt something come out of her. It was the first phase of labour; her water broke. She was rushed to the same hospital where she had been booked for an operation and she gave birth normally and safely, to the surprise of her doctor. She came to The SCOAN with her baby girl as proof that Jesus never said goodbye and He still delivers and heals.
“This baby is just two months old and you can see how bouncing she is. This is a Synagogue baby,” she joyfully testified.
Addressing her fellow celebrities in the film industry she said: “Actors Guild of Nigeria, my fellow actors, I call you to come and receive your deliverance. Everyone needs to be delivered!”


Mrs Patience Asari from Ghana had been married for some years but found her marriage not to be the bed of roses she had hoped for. She was so frustrated with her life and marriage that she had began to give up of ever being happy again. There was just no affection in the home.
One day, she discovered Emmanuel TV and while she was watching, she saw someone who looked like the former president of Ghana. When she found out it was actually him, she began to take interest in the channel. As she was watching, Emmanuel TV, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, prophesied to the nation Ghana, that the country would vote three times.
“I could not believe my ears; how could this be? All we knew was that there was an election – how would we vote three times? The man of God said it would come in parts. Indeed, it was three times that we voted!”
She was so awe-struck at the precision of the prophecy that she was left with no speck of doubt regarding the man of God that she started to watch the telecast with faith. During live broadcasts, she would dress up and tell her husband she was going to ‘church in the living room’.
 She started to pray for a breakthrough in her marriage and her entire life. One day, a woman stopped her on the road and told her that she looked too beautiful and well dressed to be looking for a taxi; that she should have a car of her own. A short time later, on Emmanuel TV, Prophet T.B. Joshua instructed those praying along with him to ask God for the one thing their hearts desired. She picked up her husband’s car keys and pointed them at the man of God and said, “I want a car similar to the one my husband drives.”
That night, she had a dream. Prophet T.B. Joshua told her to ask her husband’s friend to buy her a car. When she woke up, even though she did not know him personally, she called him and asked him to buy one for her. He promised to buy the car for her but that she should get the money ready – 1.5 million naira. Having almost nothing in her bank account, she asked God, “What next?” When the car finally arrived, all she had was 50,000 naira in her hands. The man was dumbfounded and, although he accepted the money, he kept custody of the car documents.
One day, the man called her and told her not to worry about settling the bill, saying, “From now on, I will be dealing with your husband. He is the one who will settle this bill”. A short time later, her husband went to see his friend and came back with the car fully paid for. That is how she came to own a car!
Along with the problem of no affection for her husband and needing breakthrough in every area of her life, she said she was also having the spirit of drunkenness and was addicted to drinking alcohol. After ministering the Anointing Water, the urge for alcohol is completely washed out and she now has affection for her husband and breakthrough has come to her life.


One other glorifying testimony was that of Mr and Mrs Oke Unamba who were unable to conceive for 11 years until they experienced God’s mighty power through the medium of the Anointing Water. In 2012, she had a stillbirth and since that time, she was not able to conceive again.
“We went from one medical specialist to another but none could find anything wrong with me,” she said.
They came to The SCOAN and had the opportunity to receive the Anointing Water. Upon returning home, they ministered it in Jesus’ name, prayed together and met as husband and wife. One month later, glory be to God, Mrs Unamba conceived. She came to The SCOAN last year to testify that she was finally pregnant. This time around, on Sunday, she came with her Image
husband, nine members of the family and their bouncing baby boy who they named Emmanuel, to testify once again. Indeed, this proves that delay is not denial. When you wait on God, you will receive the mother of miracles, in Jesus’ name!


Little five year-old Favour Green from Abuja in Nigeria, will only grow up to glorify how God saved her from a disease not known for its medical cure. She had sickle-cell anaemia, an illness they had been battling with ever since she was born. She had so many symptoms and was in and out of so many hospitals that, according to her father, Pastor Jerry Green, the hospital had become their second home.
“My daughter could not sleep. I tried to pray and fast but it just did not work,” said the little girl’s father.
The two, father and daughter, turned up at The SCOAN on Thursday for the prayer line after a friend introduced them to Emmanuel TV which strengthened their faith after watching people of similar cases get healed. That day, Thursday last week, while the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua was praying for those at The SCOAN Prayer Line, he did not even touch Favour but merely passed her in the line and declared her free, in Jesus’ name.
After the prayer, said Pastor Jerry Green, they went home and for the first time Favour had a peaceful sleep with no signs of the disease. They decided to go back to the hospital where the little girl was examined by doctors.  The results showed that she was genotype, AA. In other words, she was free from sickle-cell anaemia!
Mrs Green, Favour’s mother, added, “I told everyone who could listen what God had done for my family. Nothing is impossible with God.”
The joy in her heart could easily be seen on her face as two drops of tears rolled down her cheeks – an indication of a heavy load lifted off her shoulders and relief that her daughter, is finally free!
They came with their medical reports clearly showing that she has been healed of sickle-cell anaemia. Her eyes are now clear, no longer yellow and she can play like other healthy children


What a great Physician our Lord, Jesus Christ is! Mrs Kalame Opusunju testified how she got healed from a painful and ugly mouth ulcer, thanks to divine intervention by the Master Healer, Jesus Christ. She had been having serious tooth pain that would not allow her to sleep. It caused her severe headaches. When she went to the dentist, they told her that one of her wisdom teeth was coming in. This surprised her considering her advanced age. When she visited the hospital again, she received the harrowing news – she had a mouth ulcer!
“The doctors said the only solution was an operation,” she said.
Knowing that this was not her portion, she started to watch Emmanuel TV and pray along with Prophet T.B. Joshua. One day as she was praying, she touched the left side of her jaw that was affected to the screen of her television. Then, she dreamt of Prophet T.B. Joshua praying for her. In the dream, she vomited the sickness out of her body. Immediately she woke up, she found that the pain had gone and after a short time, the ulcer dried up and went away.
“I went back to the dentist for a check-up and it was confirmed that the mouth ulcer was gone. I can now talk, laugh and eat,” she said, to the glory of God.


Mrs Helen John had been suffering from the problem of bedwetting for 19 years. As a result of this problem, she was not able to stay overnight at another person’s house. If she did stay somewhere, she would stay up all night afraid to sleep because if she did, she would bedwet. In search of a solution, she went to a native doctor who gave her a scorpion to swallow but it did not provide her a solution but only made it worse.
“I would bedwet five times a day. My husband would wake me up and I would feel very angry,” she said.
Tired of her problem, she came to The SCOAN last Thursday. She was placed at the prayer line with only one hope – that Jesus Christ would set her free from the embarrassment and shame that enslaved her. Wise Man Harry prayed for her and she felt something leave her body. Since the prayer, she has not bedwet.
When she came on Sunday, it was to share the good news of how the demons that silently tortured her for two decades had finally surrendered to supreme powers of Heaven in the name of Jesus Christ. She advised every bedwetter to run to Jesus Christ for deliverance.


Getting a job, particularly those in the white collar category, is no longer an easy task. It no longer matters whether one has a university degree; the job market is just unfriendly especially to fresh graduates. Such was the case with Mr Matthew Idoko, a law graduate from Benin State but residing in Abuja.
He had been hustling for over six years, walking the streets in all weather and struggling to find work. He described his post-graduate life as frustrating and full of humiliation. His own younger brother who had graduated in Mass Communication got a job, married and settled down while he was still combing the cities for a job.
But, thank God, he had Emmanuel TV installed in his house and started to pray with it. He then came to The SCOAN and had the opportunity to receive the Anointing Water. When he went back to Abuja, he prayed along with Prophet T.B. Joshua on Emmanuel TV and ministered the Anointing Water to himself by faith, in Jesus’ name. When a vacancy appeared in the National Identity Management System, he applied alongside his young brother and they were both picked for the competitive position of Senior Officer, Grade Nine. Through the medium of the Anointing Water, God Almighty has turned his frustration into fulfillment. Today, Mr Matthew Idoko advises people that if one is faithful, “God will give you water even in the driest desert.”


Mr. Ezekwesili Stanley, 53, is a well-educated business man from Enugu, Nigeria. He works in the petroleum industry and came to The SCOAN with the problem of addiction to eating sharp sand, an ingredient or material that is used for building houses. Telling the genesis of his predicament, he said that one day as he was in a cab on a freshly constructed road, the smell that arose from the asphalt became extremely inviting to him and gave him an urge to taste. This urge continued to torment him until he was at his house where he was constructing a building. He picked up some sharp sand and tasted it, hoping that the urge would die. To his surprise, it tasted even better to him than normal food.
‘It tasted as good as yogurt,’ he said.
Mr. Ezekwesili tried prayer and fasting to break the addiction but it did not work. The sharp sand would give him constipation and often, he had to go to hospital for treatment. He discovered Emmanuel TV and decided to come down to The SCOAN for deliverance. On his arrival, he was placed at the prayer line. So embarrassing was the situation that for many years he tried to keep it to himself until he could no longer hide his secret from his wife. Even on the prayer line, he hid the sand until he swallowed his pride and came out in the open, crying out to the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua for help. He demonstrated how he would eat the sand.
The man of God prayed for him and commanded the evil spirit responsible for the addiction out of Mr. Ezekwesili, in the name of Jesus Christ.  The Spirit of God delivered him and he came to his senses. He vomited and the poisonous substances came out of his body.
“It was so shameful for a man like me to be eating sand. I now see sand as sand,” he said.
Prophet T.B. Joshua commended him, saying: “Your confession saves many souls.” He is now free – no more urge to eat sand, no constipation and he now enjoys normal eating habits.


Mrs. Joy Gersak, a Nigerian living in Austria came to The SCOAN with the problem of difficulty in walking due to bilateral knee osteoarthritis and was booked for an operation. Due to the extreme deterioration of her condition, she had already undergone nine operations where metal had been surgically fitted between the joints. Her life for many years was visiting different hospitals, taking countless injections and all types of drugs on a daily basis. She took more than 13 tablets every day. She was booked for more operations which could lead to amputation.
She had to take the injections every six hours. She spent thousands and thousands of dollars because of this problem. She arrived at The SCOAN and was placed at the prayer line where Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for her with a divine utterance from Heaven and a divine operation took place, removing the root cause of the deterioration. As the man of God prayed for her, Mrs Gersak was vibrating uncontrollably under the power of the Holy Ghost. Prophet T.B. Joshua then commanded her, in Jesus’ name to stand up and walk. She found herself walking freely to the glory of God. She said that after the prayer she was healed and no longer needed to take the numerous drugs, tablets and injections.
Said the man of God: “That was the theatre of God. It takes just seconds. If doctors operate on her, they will not find the plastic they inserted there.”
The Sunday service ended with the mass prayer ministered by the Wise Men during which many more people were located by the Holy Spirit and delivered in the name of Jesus Christ! We glorify God for all the deliverances and healings God is ministering through His living church. May the name of the Lord be glorified forever and ever!