Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Pastor Nicky Agyepong from Ghana could not hide his joy when he testified how God had made it possible for his wife to deliver normally a 4.3 kilogramme baby, contrary to doctors’ prognosis. The pastor is a believer in the Anointing Water as a medium through which God delivers His people. He therefore had the Anointing Water in his home when his wife’s labour started.
Pastor Nicky testifies of God’s delivering power
Pastor Nicky testifies of God’s delivering power
They went to the hospital and were told that the baby was too big to be delivered naturally. Mrs Agyepong stayed in labour for three hours but could not deliver. The doctors wanted to perform an operation but at that point, Pastor Agyepong remembered the Anointing Water. He sprayed it onto a face towel and dabbed it on his wife’s face with a prayer in the name of Jesus. It only took 15 minutes after that prayer for the baby to come out naturally, weighing 4.3 kilograms! Rejoicing in the Lord, he showed the photo of his beautiful baby, to the glory of God!

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