Tuesday, November 26, 2013


“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you…” How true the Scripture has proven itself in the life of South African, Ms Maza Soprano! Unwilling to watch her business continue to plunge to the bottomless pit of bankruptcy, she knocked on the right door and the blessing of Heaven was opened to her.
A once successful businesswoman, she testified that at a time, her businesses collapsed and she lost everything she had worked for. She became terribly poor and was not able to provide for herself any longer. She came to believe suicide was her only option until she encountered Emmanuel TV. After imploring people to finance her trip to
Ms Soprano and friend displaying the pictures of her store
Ms Soprano and friend displaying the pictures of her store
The SCOAN so that she could receive the Anointing Water, kind friends assisted her and she returned with the Anointing Water and newfound faith in Christ’s mercy. After ministering the Anointing Water in prayer, she slept and had a dream in which Prophet T.B. Joshua visited her and put money into her wallet. “They were all (US) dollars and I cried with joy and woke up laughing,” she said.
Immediately after that dream, her business took a swift turn and she now owns one of the biggest shops in South Africa, stocked full of goods. She was also able to purchase two brand new expensive cars, one of which she gave as gift to her sister. She is currently working on opening a second department store in another city, Durban

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