Wednesday, November 6, 2013


What a great Physician our Lord, Jesus Christ is! Mrs Kalame Opusunju testified how she got healed from a painful and ugly mouth ulcer, thanks to divine intervention by the Master Healer, Jesus Christ. She had been having serious tooth pain that would not allow her to sleep. It caused her severe headaches. When she went to the dentist, they told her that one of her wisdom teeth was coming in. This surprised her considering her advanced age. When she visited the hospital again, she received the harrowing news – she had a mouth ulcer!
“The doctors said the only solution was an operation,” she said.
Knowing that this was not her portion, she started to watch Emmanuel TV and pray along with Prophet T.B. Joshua. One day as she was praying, she touched the left side of her jaw that was affected to the screen of her television. Then, she dreamt of Prophet T.B. Joshua praying for her. In the dream, she vomited the sickness out of her body. Immediately she woke up, she found that the pain had gone and after a short time, the ulcer dried up and went away.
“I went back to the dentist for a check-up and it was confirmed that the mouth ulcer was gone. I can now talk, laugh and eat,” she said, to the glory of God.

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