Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Prophet T.B. Joshua preaching to the congregation
Prophet T.B. Joshua preaching to the congregation

What a Rewarder the Lord is for those who faithfully worship Him in Spirit and in truth! As is always the case, last weekend The SCOAN Live Sunday Service demonstrated the greatness of God through the power of the Holy Spirit, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. People came from all over the world to witness the might of God in action and went back with no doubt that God is the same yesterday, today and forever as God’s awesome power which was called onto the scene with faith, resulting in healings, deliverances and prophesies ministered both in the auditorium and at the Prayer Line through Prophet T.B. Joshua and the Wise Men.
The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, prepared the hearts of the congregants for the movement of God’s power by teaching with authority on the subject of‘FAITH’, saying faith must first be in the heart before there can be an acceptable confession. Drawing people’s attention to the book of Hebrews 11: 6 as the proof text, he said unless one has faith in the heart, calling upon the name Jesus is in vain. Said the prophet, “The word of faith is in two places: in our heart to believe and in our mouth to confess. This means that confession is part of salvation just as believing is part of salvation. Faith must therefore first be in the heart before there can be an acceptable confession.” He said this was the reason why some will call upon the name of the Lord and nothing would happen and yet others call the same name and wonders and miracles, such as healing and deliverance occur.
Wise Man Daniel also mounted the altar and preached on the topic, THE NEED FOR CHRIST’S ENABLEMENT. His proof text was from the book of Luke 9:1-2which talks about Jesus’ sending of the 12 disciples with power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and to proclaim the kingdom of God and heal the sick.
Wiseman Daniel addressing the congregants
Wiseman Daniel addressing the congregants
He said just as Christ Jesus empowered His disciples to change situations – to heal, to deliver, to bless and to save the world, He still empowers His true disciples today and that such empowerment is for whosoever wills or desires because to Christ Jesus, what is important is the ability to register one’s genuine willingness to receive of Him.

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