Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Mrs. Joy Gersak, a Nigerian living in Austria came to The SCOAN with the problem of difficulty in walking due to bilateral knee osteoarthritis and was booked for an operation. Due to the extreme deterioration of her condition, she had already undergone nine operations where metal had been surgically fitted between the joints. Her life for many years was visiting different hospitals, taking countless injections and all types of drugs on a daily basis. She took more than 13 tablets every day. She was booked for more operations which could lead to amputation.
She had to take the injections every six hours. She spent thousands and thousands of dollars because of this problem. She arrived at The SCOAN and was placed at the prayer line where Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for her with a divine utterance from Heaven and a divine operation took place, removing the root cause of the deterioration. As the man of God prayed for her, Mrs Gersak was vibrating uncontrollably under the power of the Holy Ghost. Prophet T.B. Joshua then commanded her, in Jesus’ name to stand up and walk. She found herself walking freely to the glory of God. She said that after the prayer she was healed and no longer needed to take the numerous drugs, tablets and injections.
Said the man of God: “That was the theatre of God. It takes just seconds. If doctors operate on her, they will not find the plastic they inserted there.”
The Sunday service ended with the mass prayer ministered by the Wise Men during which many more people were located by the Holy Spirit and delivered in the name of Jesus Christ! We glorify God for all the deliverances and healings God is ministering through His living church. May the name of the Lord be glorified forever and ever!

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