Thursday, March 28, 2013

Three Keys to Receiving Your Miracle

Pastor BennyLet me mention an update about the revival that continues sweeping through Brazil. God has moved powerfully in Brasilia, Sao Paulo, and Manaus in a way I haven’t seen in years.
The filled altars are powerful examples of the greatest miracle—the miracle of salvation. We know that Jesus Christ, through His death and resurrection, provided eternal life for anyone who believes in Him, and that provision continues as those precious souls throughout Brazil have experienced by asking Him to be Savior and Lord!
Three KeysYet I also want to remind you that God wants to bless us in every area of our lives—spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially. For that to happen and for us to live in the midst of His overflow, we must understand and apply the three keys to receiving your miracle.
  1. Acknowledge the Lord as your Source for everything.
  2. Seek God’s direction and instruction before you ask for your miracle.
  3. Plant a sacrificial seed as a step of faith and give that seed an assignment for a specific result.
You cannot buy God’s favor, of course, but with your seed, you’ll tap into God’s supernatural power through your obedience and faith as you listen to His voice.
Giving Your Seed an AssignmentThe principle of sowing and reaping has been proven throughout history. This law means sowing what you have received from the Lord to create something else you have been promised by God.
Your seed is something you have been given to create your future. It’s something you have been given to sow. Your seed can be time, love, mercy, kindness, or anything else that will bless others.
Calvary is a perfect example of understanding the law of the seed. God planted His only Son in order to create a family!
A good farmer understands the principle of the law of the seed. He sows the seed into prepared, fertile soil to obtain a bountiful harvest.
The mistake we often make is keeping and using the seed for ourselves, rather than planting it. Yet when we plant seed with the Holy Spirit’s direction, the results can be utterly amazing.
Your Seed—The Difference Between Abundance and DebtWhen something leaves your hand, something also leaves heaven. On the other hand, nothing leaves heaven until something leaves the earth. Seed faith is sowing something you have received from God in exchange for something He has in store for you.
What you keep is your harvest. What you sow is your seed. And it is that seed that will make all the difference in the world!
God places such an importance on sowing and reaping, and He has given me a special word about 2013. He has told me to share with His people that He wants to deliver them from debt so that they can have the freedom to move into His purpose and destiny for their lives.
There are special seasons of anointing for prosperity and debt reduction. This is one of them. That is why we are dedicating December 31 as a special Supernatural Debt Reduction Day of Prayer.
If you want to be part of this extraordinary season, trigger the process in your own life by releasing your faith through sowing a sacrificial seed toward the Gospel and giving that seed an assignment for your miracle.
Don’t let debt continue to be your master. Follow God’s principles for giving toward the Kingdom, giving out of your need, and targeting your seed toward your debts and your financial future.
Be part of this unusual harvest season! What can you give today as a seed? $1,000? $500? $250? $100?
Whatever it is, assign your seed. Then believe for a major miracle in your life!
Imagine having all your needs met as you continue to move through 2013!
Assign Your Seed Now, Expecting Your Financial HarvestI will continue next week with another email on the seed that the Lord has put on my heart. I trust that the results will be powerful in your life!
Let me also mention again that God has moved mightily in Brazil for Miracle Healing Services in Brasilia, Sao Paulo, and Manaus. I appreciate your prayers and support, and I know we will spend eternity rejoicing over what our Lord Jesus has done during recent days!
I leave soon for South Africa, where there is such expectation and excitement in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Phoenix, and East London. And in upcoming months, I will be traveling to Florida, Washington, D.C., Kentucky, California, Ukraine, Belgium, Netherlands, France, New York, Indonesia, Ghana, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
Each of the remaining 2013 crusades requires a massive financial commitment right now as we sow heavily into the harvest of souls, and I ask you to prayerfully consider being part of it!
Plant your most generous financial seed today, expecting a powerful financial harvest in your life.
May God bless you mightily for the most generous gift you can give during this critical time. Give to the Lord your best seed-gift today, and be prepared for His blessings, for we know it is “not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6)…
Preaching the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ,
teaching the unchanging Word of God, and
expecting the mighty and miraculous
power of the Holy Spirit,

Benny Hinn
Contribute to Pastor Benny Hinn Ministries not to our ministries or visit


Prophet T.B. Joshua encouraged viewers worldwide this weekend when he stated that we must be awake to the fact of what Jesus said in Mark 5:36, ‘Do not be afraid; only believe’. If you can believe, the worry and anxiety vanishes. Some human plan or your mind may come between you and God’s Word but rest upon what God says, ‘If you can believe’. The kind of rest I am talking about is real, genuine, natural. It is not a pretentious calm, unnatural self restraint, acting as if nothing has happened. If our hearts are uneasy and restless, if we are afraid of this and that, this shows we have not yet believed. We must believe and rest unconditionally and absolutely upon the Word of God. Take note – faith does not rest in itself; God is the place where faith rests. This is our rest.
Prophet T.B. Joshua continued by stating, “As for me and my house, I have no other refuge than this command of Jesus, ‘Only believe’ ”. With these words ringing in their hearts, the congregation was energised in their faith and listened to testimonies of those who received the end to their worry and anxiety through the medium of the Anointing Water.


 Mary Nanyangwe had been involved in an accident on her way from her home in Zambia to  Botswana and had experienced a terrible spinal cord injury and fracture in her knee. The doctors in Botswana gave her a large waist corset and a walker to protect her spinal cord. She was bedridden and could not turn her back or neck.  The doctors booked her for an operation, telling her that the operation may leave her paralysed for life. If not, she would spend 2 years in the hospital before she would be able to walk. A nurse found her crying one day and connected Emmanuel TV in the hospital room for her to watch. She began watching and saw the Anointing Water. The nurse then brought her the Anointing Water and she ministered it the day before she was to go for the operation. In the morning, the doctor called and told her that the operation had been rescheduled. She rejoiced and continued to minister the Anointing Water. Before the operation, they redid her x-rays. The doctors had wanted to take T11 bone and put in a plate. The result of the x-ray showed that the bone of T11 started coming out all by itself. They were amazed and cancelled the operation!
That night, she dreamt that Prophet T.B. Joshua, standing on the altar, was holding three plates. He showed her the one the doctors wanted to fix and said, “This is what the doctors want to operate on but God said I should do the operation myself”.  When she woke up, she was immediately able to stand up, bend and walk! Not only was her spinal cord healed but her knee was also restored! Everything that had been damaged was restored, in Jesus’ name through the medium of the Anointing Water and a woman, once paralysed on a hospital bed, walked and moved freely in front of the congregation, encouraging all in their faith for a miracle!


 Agyei Boateng, a businessman from Ghana came with the problem of sleep apnea which he had suffered from for 10 years. He used a breathing machine every night and the doctors told him he must use it for the rest of his life. If he did not use it, he would stop breathing in the night. He went to many different hospitals around the world for a solution but the only solution was the breathing machine. His daughter introduced him to Emmanuel TV where they saw the power of God in action. He then accompanied his daughter to The SCOAN where he was arranged in the prayer line. Prophet T.B. Joshua met them in the prayer line and gave his daughter the Anointing Water to spray on her father. The prophet then gave the Anointing Water to him to spray on himself. As he sprayed it, he received his healing. Instantly, he removed the breathing machine and breathed freely. That night, he slept peacefully and deeply for the first time in 10 years without the machine!


Dr Wilson Nyako Tamfuh, for three years had written and published articles nationally and internationally. He fulfilled all requirements to become associate professor.
 He applied but was denied in 2010. In 2011, he applied again but was denied. In 2012, he came to The SCOAN and received the Anointing Water. He immediately sprayed the Anointing Water on his application documents in the name of Jesus Christ. The moment he returned to Cameroon, he received a message that the third promotion was taking place. A panel then interviewed him and told him he was fully qualified and they would appoint him as an associate professor in the College of Law. He was given a large office and a three bedroom house. Showing his appointment letter and ID Card, he appreciated God for His breakthrough power in the Anointing Water.


 Mrs Sibongile Khubisa, a South African married to a professor of education in South Africa, received the Anointing Water from someone who had visited The SCOAN in Nigeria. As she woke up one faithful morning, she was inspired to pray over her husband’s vehicle using the Anointing Water. Later that day, her husband drove the same vehicle to work. Three hours after her husband left home, she received a call that there had been a ghastly motor accident and her husband had been killed. Trusting in the power of God in the Anointing Water which she had sprayed over his vehicle, she confessed God’s protection over her husband’s life. In faith, she called her husband’s phone. After the first ring, the call was answered and to her great relief, she heard her husband’s voice! He told her that there had indeed been a serious accident but by the grace of God, he was perfectly okay and there was no injury sustained from the accident. To God be the glory!


A viewer of Emmanuel TV from Benue, Nigeria was Mr Joshua Kanyitor, a farmer of yams and groundnuts who was suffering from failure in farming for 5 years as his crops constantly perished. He came to The SCOAN and received the Anointing Water.
Mr Joshua Kanyitor
Mr Joshua Kanyitor
He returned to his farm and washed his seeds in the Anointing Water before planting them. That harvest season, all of the seeds developed into beautiful, large-sized yams and he harvested 1,800 tubers of yam. He reminded all of Prophet T.B. Joshua’s “Prophecies For Individuals For 2013”, in which he prophesied that 2013 would bring a boom for those involved in agricultural and foodstuff businesses. Let us thank God for His Word and His breakthrough in our lives


Trinidad Robert was working as an English and Spanish translator but had been jobless for 2 years. She was also pregnant during that period and life was very hard for her. Her sister introduced her to Emmanuel TV and invited her to watch with her. When Prophet T.B. Joshua began the viewer’s prayer, she prayed along and touched the screen of the TV. She suddenly felt vibrations all over her body. The following morning, she received a phone call from a subcontractor at the American Embassy that she should come to the embassy for an interview. She was worried about her appearance because she was nine months pregnant and would be interviewing with smart, well-dressed ladies. After the interviews, they were all leaving the embassy together. As she walked out with the smart-looking ladies, she received a phone call that she should quickly come back inside the embassy. As she entered, they congratulated her and told her that she had the job! She started work the next day and after working for only 6 days, the embassy told her they were sending her to Spain to deliver her baby, at their own expense. She spent one month in Madrid, delivered her baby and returned to the job they kept for her while she was gone. After some months of work, she was able to build a five bedroom house for her and her child in Equatorial Guinea. She testified that this was a major miracle in her life as previously, she was living in a one-room stick house. She also began construction on a house in Nigeria and showed photos of her two houses and the car she owns in Nigeria.


A visitor to The SCOAN from Malawi was addicted to drinking alcohol for 10 years. She could drink up to 24 bottles of alcohol a day. She began watching Emmanuel TV and one day, decided to join Prophet T.B. Joshua in prayer through the screen of Emmanuel TV. She placed her hand on the screen during the prayer and suddenly began to vomit. Later that day, she tried to drink a bottle of alcohol. She was no longer able to stand the smell or taste and found herself vomiting again. Since that day, she has not had any drink of alcohol. The prayer she joined with Prophet T.B. Joshua took place four years ago and she has been free for that entire period of time


A man addicted to eating soap and candles for seven years was also delivered in Jesus’ name by prayer from one of the wise men. According to him, he preferred eating these items to normal food.
As one of the wise men prayed for him, the evil spirit behind the addiction began to manifest and was cast out of his life in that powerful name of Jesus Christ. After the prayer, the wise man asked him to taste the candles and soap, as he did before. Upon tasting the soap, he spat it out and said it was meant for washing clothes, not eating. Upon taking candle in his hands and putting it to his mouth, he explained that he could not eat it as it was meant for bringing light to a dark place, not for consuming. Glory be to God, another captive of satan has been set free!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013



Venue/Date: REXALL CENTRE - TENNIS CANADA (International Tennis Stadium) - June 20 - 23, 2013.

Have you been eager to see genuine Biblical Miracles of old in this generation? If so, then your dreams and visions have come to pass. Here comes the massive Revival wave! Make plans early to attend the four-day Bishop Zachary Kakobe Miracle Healing Crusade that will be held from June 20 through June 23, 2013 in Toronto, Canada, at the Rexall Centre - Tennis Canada (International Tennis Stadium). The Stadium is located at: 1 Shoreham Dr., Suite 100, Toronto, ON, M3N 3A6.







Tennis Stadium

 4869938621 67b0f448a7  Directions - How to get there

Click here
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Thursday June 20 - from 7pm

Friday June 21 - from 7pm

Saturday June 22 - from 5pm

Sunday June 23 - from 5pm






Tel: +1-617-884-1954

Fax: +1-617-884-1955


Worship with the world-acclaimed worship leader DON MOEN from USA, a man who many consider "the father of contemporary worship", and the House Worship Team KRYSTAAL based in Toronto, Canada; an award winning, multi-talented group of three brothers who excel in various genres of music. It will be a music extravaganza accompanied by Biblical signs, wonders and miracles! COME ONE, COME ALL!

donmoen krysatal wAwards




As you plan to attend the Toronto Miracle Healing Crusade, kindly note that the Crusade will be coupled with a RESTORATION RETREAT which will be held at TORONTO AIRPORT MARRIOT HOTEL. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you arrange your accommodation at this Hotel and enjoy Bishop Zachary Kakobe International Ministries special discounted rates. Book your Hotel rooms online 24/7, directly with Toronto Airport Marriot Hotel, 901 Dixon Road, Toronto, Ontario M9W 1J5 Canada.
To make your reservation online NOW click here


Bishop Zachary Kakobe's Word of Welcome:

bishopkakobe 2
Bishop Zachary Kakobe
Here is Bishop Zachary Kakobe's Word of Welcome to you, in his own words, "Are you a skeptic or a cessationist? Do you believe that the age of miracles is past and modern day miracles are mere hoaxes and mass hallucinations? If so, I cordially invite you to come to the Toronto Miracle Healing Crusade, and your mind-set will change as you see Biblical miracles of old, with your very own eyes! I preach the same Jesus who was preached by the Apostles of the Early Church, the Jesus who is alive and well and who does not change; whose Ability and creative Power remains the same yesterday, and today, and forever. I preach Him who performs miracles, now and always, without a shadow of a doubt! And to every one of you, come one, come all; and enjoy freely the Biblical physical miracles of old, and most important of all, the miracle of Salvation. See you in Toronto!"


Fourteen year old Justin had led the life of a top pupil, always working hard to stay at the top of his class until the age of eleven when he was initiated into a secret cult in his school. He hungered for more evil powers which led him to many witch doctors who made several charms for him.
They also made incisions in his body where some of the diabolic powers were implanted. Justin Pius explained some of the charms inserted into him would allow him to slap a person and the person would not be able to get up, cause people to start eating grass until he used the charm in his foot to release them, allow him to hit someone and cause that area of their body to be torn open and become an open sore like cancer, to make demands for money or any other thing that would be granted and to be protected from bullets and blades. If he wore an occult ring, drew a gun on the floor and hit the drawing, a gun would physically appear and he would use it with his gang. He began robbing fellow students of their phones and valuables and then sold them in order to be able to buy cigarettes and alcohol. He was also fighting with his teachers and had begun to prepare charms for his fellow classmates and was looking forward to becoming a witch doctor.
When he came with his family to The SCOAN, Wise Man Harry was used by God to arrest and deliver the evil spirit out of the young man’s life in the name of Jesus Christ. The evil spirit confessed all its evil deeds and plans in Justin’s life and was then cast out in the name of Jesus Christ. Justin came out to testify with his family that the evil thoughts had left him since the deliverance and his desire now was not for charms or evil power but for a relationship with Jesus and a new pursuit of his educational career. Truly, Jesus Christ receives repentant souls. The worst of sins can be forgiven!


The power of God demonstrated throughout the services this weekend prompted all who witnessed them to lay their souls under God’s influences and operations, taking the best course to secure themselves and, as Wise Man John Chi admonished the congregation in his message on Palm Sunday, to “OBEY HIS INSTRUCTIONS”. In Matthew 21:1-3, Jesus did not send His disciples to look around for a donkey. The Bible says He sent His disciples to a particular one that was tied at a specific place. This was an instruction in righteousness, an instruction in power, an instruction in confidence and the disciples obeyed. Obeying God at first seems hard until we come to see that all He asks is for our good and makes life full and free. The way of obedience is the way of a bright future. Obedience is the only proof of our faith in Him.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Denise, a 28 years old who was brought up in the USA said she never knew that the devil had so much control over her life until she was set free at The SCOAN.
Her mother was a drug addict – at two months old, her mother gave her to her aunt in America who was unable to have children at the time. When her aunt had her own biological child, then she started maltreating her. The authorities heard of it and locked up her aunt. Later, her aunt decided to send her back to her mother but at this time, Denise did not know that the woman she had grown up with was her aunt and not her mother. She was deceived that she was going to Chicago to stay with her favourite uncle but found herself in Freetown, Sierra Leone. After this, she was to board a flight to Liberia, unbeknown to her, to meet with her mother for the first time. When she was about to arrive, they said there was a war on in Liberia and they could not enter the country at that time. Then she was taken care of by the flight hostesses until there was a ceasefire and they could enter.
Another lady saw her when she was crying in the airplane and started talking to her about Liberia where she was going. As soon as they got to Liberia, the war started again. Denise’s only clue as to where she was going was to find a lady called Gloria who she was going to be staying with. When she found Gloria, she said, she was told to take Denise to her biological mother. She had not been able to find her because the mother was always taking drugs and high. When they finally found her mother, the mother was dirty, smelly and carrying a newborn child. For a while however, she enjoyed the motherly love she had never had for the next three days. On the third day, her mother told her that she had to grow up now; this was not America. Her mother then started using her to get money by leaving her with men and it was just the grace of God she said that none of them ever raped her as the deal had been between them and her mother.
To escape from her mother, she found a rich boyfriend who was into and introduced her to drugs, smoking and drinking. But when the war restarted again, the man gave her money and fled. So, she also tried to flee and got to Ghana. In Ghana, she was wasting her money on her drug habit and when she got high on drugs, she would start singing. A day came when she tried singing at a Karaoke Bar, and the owner liked her voice so much, they employed her to be singing there. That was her first job. So, she started building up a new life again. She auditioned for MTN Project Fame and got to seventh place, whereas there were only five winners. The Project Fame organization did however give her a $2,000 prize with which she got her first apartment for two years. So, she realized that competitions were the only way she would be able to make clean money without sleeping with people. There were several older men who offered her help for sex which although she didn’t want to, she had no option as her money was all gone. After sleeping with such men, not one of them could fulfil their promise.
She got seriously sick and then, became suicidal. She tried to kill herself three times but someone would always come in and save her at the last minute. One of her friends said he would take her to The SCOAN and as she was wondering if it was another spiritualist or ‘juju man’, he said, ‘‘No, I am taking you to God.’’ She said, “Okay, if it is not God, after this, I am leaving this earth because I am tired”.
The road was rough and the devil really opposed her coming to The SCOAN, even making her to fight the man that tried bringing her to the church but in the end, she got to The SCOAN and received the deliverance she had never even dreamed of. Now, she is happy, delivered and free from all her addictions. She wants to give her life to Christ and asked Prophet T.B. Joshua for advice and instruction for her future.
What more can we say? Lives are changing, nations are changing and the world is changing through the Gospel of Jesus Christ on Emmanuel TV. Continue to be a part of it as you stay tuned and stay connected anywhere you are – distance is not a barrier.



Mrs Amaka
She started by asking for forgiveness from the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, stating she had blasphemed and said so many bad things, spreading rumours against T.B. Joshua and his ministry with the intention of destroying him and his ministry. “Every evil thing you could think of, I said it against him” she said.When she was young, she craved power. A spirit entered her and she saw herself always on top. When she went to university, she joined a female cult where she became the ‘number one’ in that cult. She took girls on the campus for initiation. She used to take the girls to a forest under the pretense that they were going to a party. She had a hundred powers she collected from a witch doctor and said “The more you looked at me, the less you would see me”. Once she raised her hand and said something, people would abide by whatever she said. She would consult a herbalist who would clear the coast for her any time her cult planned to do an initiation in the forest. The code was that they would wear a black bra. They would tie their eyes and she would bring the prepared concoction. She would bring out a razor and force the girls to take an oath during the initiation to take their blood. She would put the blood in the concoction and tell them to drink it which would make them high. After the initiation, the power would tell them the evil things they should do.
She said the day she started spreading a film blaspheming T.B. Joshua, that was the day things turned against her. She left school and got married but the curse on her life remained. A friend told her about the testimonies on Emmanuel TV. She went home and had a dream about T.B. Joshua, in which the man of God told her she should ask God for forgiveness, that she had sinned against the Holy Ghost. She began watching Emmanuel TV after which she came to The SCOAN and received her deliverance through Wise Man John Chi. She said she encountered Jesus that day through the prayer of Wise Man John Chi. She stated there was no gain in joining secret cults.


Miss Seeafahu Okoro
The man of God replayed a video of a prophecy he had given to a woman the previous week where he asked her who Lawson was. The prophecy had revealed that she went to Europe where she did prostitution. After showing the video, the woman who was present in the service said that the man the prophecy concerned, Lawson, was introduced to her by her sister. He had promised to take her to Europe to work in a bar and wash plates. So, they went to a herbalist to make a covenant by taking hair from her private parts, armpits and blood from her forehead that she would have to pay him 50,000 euro after she started working in Europe, to which she agreed. MISS SEEAFAHU OKORO {DADDY'S PROPHECY--WHO IS LAWSON}The man then slept with her before taking her to the airport to travel. When she got to Europe, she was surprised that the man gave her some sexy clothes and told her to work on the street as a prostitute. She was taken by 6 men on the first night and from there, slept with between 40 and 50 men every day over the next two years before she finally paid the money. She fell mysteriously sick and the hospital told her that her kidney was damaged and needed to be removed before it affected the other kidney and could become fatal. She had to undergo surgery and was left with only one kidney. She was repatriated to Nigeria when she cried out to her embassy and returned to Nigeria with nothing. She came to The SCOAN and received the word of prophecy that delivered her from this past life of pain and disgrace. The man of God said it was a lesson to many, that it is not where you are but what you are. “No continent can change you if you are not ready to change.” He said.
next two years before she finally paid the money. She fell mysteriously sick and the hospital told her that her kidney was damaged and needed to be removed before it affected the other kidney and could become fatal. She had to undergo surgery and was left with only one kidney. She was repatriated to Nigeria when she cried out to her embassy and returned to Nigeria with nothing. She came to The SCOAN and received the word of prophecy that delivered her from this past life of pain and disgrace. The man of God said it was a lesson to many, that it is not where you are but what you are. “No continent can change you if you are not ready to change.” He said.



Mr Ignatius Ochiba
To some, diabetes has become a normal way of life. It is just something they have to put up with. But in the Ochiba family, diabetes was a silent killer. After two of Mr Ignatius Ochiba’s brothers had died of diabetes, his family was shaken at the stunning news that he had himself been diagnosed as a diabetic. Instantly, his health fell into decline, perpetuated by weakness, pain and fatigue in addition to sleeplessness and restlessness caused by the frequent urination accompanying the sickness. On being diagnosed with the same killer disease of diabetes, Mr Ignatius Ochiba decided immediately to come to The SCOAN where he received the Anointing Water. He gathered his family together. They prayed and he ministered the Anointing Water to the entire family, himself included. He went for a routine check up and was awaiting the results. He received a call from the doctor congratulating him and inviting him to the hospital. They showed him that his fasting blood sugar range had come back to normal level indicating that he was free from diabetes. Previously, he urinated frequently both day and night as a result of the diabetes but since ministering the Anointing Water, he slept soundly without any disturbance or rushing to the bathroom. The family curse of diabetes which had claimed the lives of two of his brothers came to a sudden end as God Almighty used the Anointing Water to break every chain of sickness the devil had used to connect this family to himself. He advised all that they should not allow their situation to mislead them because man’s condition does not change God’s position.


Mr Harrison Ugboh
He and his wife were separated. He got a call from his mother that his wife was in The SCOAN. He laughed over it because he did not believe in The SCOAN. His wife called later saying she wanted to see him at the church. So he came. Wise Man Daniel touched him during the service and that was all he could remember of his deliverance. He used to go to a river to fetch water as a child. He went, caught a fish and went to eat it. That was the River Ethiope. He noticed a fair lady sitting at the riverbank that day. He noticed cowries on the riverbed where she was, bent and picked them up. A similar fair lady came in his dreams and demanded for her cowries back.MR. HARRISON UGBOH {DELIVERANCE TESTIMONY--SPIRITUAL WIFE} He was a teenager then and in fear, he awoke, ran out of the house and threw them away. The spirit of the River Ethiope appeared to him the next day in a dream and said that she owned him. Since then, she came in his dreams and he started having serious wet dreams. He would see her physically and if she wanted to come, she came with a cold presence and no matter what he was doing, he would have to look up and they would make love. His parents started suspecting him of being possessed and once found him on the floor crying and shouting where nobody else was.
This spiritual wife affected his life by addicting him to chatting with girls on the internet and giving him the spirit of lust to womanize. His career and business were also destroyed by the malicious spirit. One such instance occurred when a lady came to his travelling business and paid 300,000 towards travelling to the United Kingdom. As the money entered his account, his business folded up over the following weeks. Each time he was about to get somewhere in a business, the spiritual wife would come into his dreams and tell him that that business was dead. Every time the spiritual wife killed a business, she would give another idea for businesses which would immediately catch on until the evil spirit again would crush the business.
The spiritual wife was extremely jealous of him and any woman who came near to him, would face immediately attacks. There was a terrible case where a girl who stayed with him during his school times, started bleeding in her brain which stopped immediately she moved out from the same house as him. The spiritual wife then led to separation from his wife.
So, when he came to The SCOAN and was delivered through Wise Man Daniel, life changed entirely. The affection for his wife was fully restored and he had peace as the spiritual wife and wet dreams then became a thing of the past. While he was still at The SCOAN for a week, he got a call that he should come back to his state for an urgent parcel. The man of God said he should attend to it and when he did, he found that it was a document which he had not applied for but offering him a contract with AGIP oil company to the tune of $200,000 which was an equivalent of 38,000,000 naira. That was not the only breakthrough he received. He was also able to join partners to his company who landed a massive project for the three of them to supply over 100 million units of their oil product of which the proceeds would be shared between the three of them at the rate of 1 naira per unit! His advice was to encourage parents to be conscious of their little children and not to allow them to pick things up off the floor and that people should not wait for their case to get as bad as his, come to a living Church where the Holy Ghost was in control, Jesus Christ is waiting to receive them.


Dennis Samuels

From the time he became a partner of Emmanuel TV, he had been praying for the grace to be a committed one. He was among a few of the privileged who received an Emmanuel TV badge. A prayer partner was also assigned to him – one of the wise men. Each time he had an issue, the wise man would pray with him and counsel him over the phone. In January, 2012, his company received an invitation for a big exhibition in Burkina Faso. He managed to raise funds with his entire staff and set off for his j
ourney to the exhibition. When at the airport, his phone rang. It was his prayer partner, the wise man. He asked him where he was going and Mr Samuels explained that his company was elected to be a part of a big exhibition in Burkina Faso. The wise man counselled him and advised him to go ahead, that God would go with him. In accordance with the words of the wise man, Mr Samuels’ company was the star of the three day competition in Burkina Faso, as God favoured his company. Everything happened as the wise man had told him and he was given an award for ‘The Best Hope In Computer Security’. DENNIS SAMUEL {EMMANUEL TV PARTNERSHIP -DIRECTOR GENERAL FOR A COMPUTER COMPANY}
In a subsequent phone call from his prayer partner, the wise man, asked him, “When last did you check your blood pressure?” He said, “Please, can you go and check it and call me back”. Mr Samuels said that he went to the nearest clinic to test his BP. He was shocked when the doctor  who had asked him to wait came back with a perplexed look on his face asking Mr Samuels how he had come, that his BP was not only high but at the crisis level! The doctor advised him against driving and wanted to hospitalize him. Mr Samuels called his prayer partner who told him that that was the reason he had called him. His prayer partner then proceeded to pray with him and within a week Mr Samuels’ BP was back to normal.
He advised that to be a partner of Emmanuel TV was not about having a partnership number, “You need commitment. God is monitoring your activity. Be consistent and sincere in what you are doing. God is the rewarder of all things!”


Mrs Carine Virgine
A Cameroonian Health and Safety Officer in Dubai, Mrs Carine Virgine testified how distance was not a barrier to the real, authentic and forceful power of God. Despite all her qualifications, she was unable to secure employment. There were just four days left for her visa to expire and she would either be imprisoned or be forcefully repatriated to Nigeria according to the law in Dubai. She watched Emmanuel TV on the internet in Dubai and while praying with Prophet T.B. Joshua during the viewer’s prayer, she vomited out thick substances. A friend then came to visit her who had just left The SCOAN and gave her a bottle of the Anointing Water, telling her that if she believed, she would have her testimony within the next four days. She immediately ministered the Anointing Water. MRS. CARINE VIRGINE {CAMEROONIAN HEALTH & SAFETY OFFICER IN DUBAI}
The next day, a call came to her from a man who said her CV was before him and he had no questions for her other than if she was satisfied with the terms of the job she had applied for. He forwarded her CV to the Human Resources Department and she was invited for an interview. She was told to check her email box and discovered that a private jet was waiting to take her to Abu Dhabi, the Administrative Capital of the United Arab Emirates for the interview! She took the flight and committed the interview into the hands of God and the manager of the company even received her at the airport. To her further surprise, there was no interview at the end of the day. The interview was merely to show her round her new accommodation including a swimming pool, gym and restaurant on site! She is now appointed as the Health and Safety Officer of The Anatara Group Hotel Franchise, one of the biggest hotel chains in The Middle East. Her advice simply encouraged us all to truly believe in God and our prayers would be answered.


Prophet T.B. Joshua enlightened the congregation and viewers on how they could ‘bring Jesus onto the scene’ in his message titled, ‘Faith Comes Through The Word’. Mark 16:17, “In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues.” This Scripture is useless, baseless, until we act on it. Acting on the Word, brings Jesus on the scene. If you do not act on the Word, God is impotent in you. It is acting on the Word that builds faith in the believer. Jesus Christ preached the Word, healed the sick and broke the power of demons over men. Apostles preached the Word, the sick were healed and multitudes were recreated. To preach the Word means to preach Christ because Christ is the Word. John 15:16 “Whatever you ask the father in my name, I will do.” It’s not every time we say, in the name of Jesus we bring Jesus on the scene. Only faith pleases Jesus. Only faith brings Jesus on the scene. On the scene, means here, now. In our gathering here, if Jesus is involved, healing, deliverance takes place. By looking into the Word and acting on it, we bring Jesus on the scene.


The Saturday and Sunday Live services on Emmanuel TV were as exciting to the viewers worldwide as they were for the congregation thronging the seats of The SCOAN Headquarters. Starting with a dynamic prayer line service, the five Wise Men went forth cloaked in the light of God’s purity and the fire of His Holiness to dispel every shade of darkness in the life of the congregation. Whether the darkness appeared in the form of sickness, disease, demonic oppression, poverty, setback, limitation and failure, when the light of God came on the scene, darkness had no hiding place. Just as it was during the earthly ministry of our Lord, Jesus Christ, everyone who received a touch from the Wise Men received a touch from Heaven with the anointing to break every yoke.

Wise Man Harry preached an encouraging sermon titled: The Road To Your Divine Destiny In which he exhorted the listeners to look unto Jesus Christ in times of testing to see them through their dark moments into the bright futures set before them in Christ Jesus. He said, “The road to your divine destiny is not a bed of roses. There will be trials, temptations and challenges. Joseph believed his dream. To protect our dreams, we must stop the language or the vocabulary of the victim. Before Joseph got to the position of honour, he suffered humiliation, rejection, embarrassment, temptation, false accusation, and so on. For you to be in a position of honour, you must experience the same thing. On the road to your divine destiny, you need a vision to stay on the right track. As a man of vision, no matter what constitutes the obstacles on your way, you can never be stopped.”


A video was replayed of how Mr David Parkotyuk from the USA received his deliverance some weeks ago through prayer from Wise Man Racine. He narrated his life story of how the evil spirit that possessed him caused him to live a life of hard drug addiction, stealing and fighting. He said that his destructive lifestyle led him to prison many times where he met hardened criminals. He explained how one day he had a argument with his father while David was yet again high on drugs and the evil spirit within him drove him to attack and attempt to kill his own father, if not for the fact that he was restrained and tied up in order to stop him from hurting himself and others around him. He was then taken to prison yet again and David sadly recounted how his life had become hopeless and how everyone around him had given up on him believing that he could not change. He narrated how his family had taken him to many places and churches in search of a solution but to no avail and he thought that coming to The SCOAN would yield the same fruitless results but that he had nothing to lose. To his greatest shock, David received a powerful deliverance when Wise Man Racine prayed for him during a service day. He said that after his deliverance, he is completely free and is eager to follow Jesus Christ wholeheartedly.  He thanked Prophet T.B. Joshua for mentoring and caring for him physically and spiritually. Indeed, no one is hopeless whose hope is in Jesus Christ.


Twenty one year old Mary-Jean Nleya from Botswana came to share her testimony with God’s people. She said that when she came to The SCOAN, she explained to the man of God that she did not have a father who could finance her education. Prophet T.B. Joshua told her that her father was Jesus Christ and that He would provide for her. She became a beneficiary of The SCOAN scholarship scheme sponsored by Prophet T.B. Joshua and the Emmanuel TV Partner.MARY-JEAN--A FIRST CLASS LAW DEGREE FROM SOUTH AFRICA Prophet T.B. Joshua counseled her to pray as if everything depends on God and work as if everything depends on her. She studied diligently and the messages of Prophet T.B. Joshua on Emmanuel TV inspired her to remain focused amidst distractions from the world. To the glory of God, she obtained a distinction in law, equal to a first class result, and was picked from millions of students worldwide to undertake an internship at the world-renowned International Criminal Court at The Hague, Netherlands. She has also applied for a master’s degree at the Oxford and Cambridge Universities and The London School of Economics.


Prophet Ebenezer Gabriel was in The SCOAN last week with his wife when he had a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ. First of all, Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesied to him in the service, asking of his father who had something to tell him and revealing that he went to a spiritualist which had adversely affected his life, despite his claim to have accepted Christ. Thereafter, as the Wise Men moved in the midst of the congregation, Wise Man John Chi prayed for Pastor Ebenezer and the evil spirit within him manifested, saying that it was an ancient altar over 250 years old that had destroyed his life and ministry with lust, anger and depression.PROPHET EBENEZER GABRIEL & WIFE {DELIVERANCE -ANCIENT ALTER}

Prophet Ebenezer explained that after attending Bible College, he was ordained as a prophet but still experienced severe demonic attacks emanating from the ancient shrine in his village that his family worshipped. The evil spirit that tormented Prophet Ebenezer gave him the spirit of lust, depression and anger. He said that after his deliverance, something that had been influencing him came out from him and he is now free. He feels light in his spirit and no longer has bad dreams.

His wife, Mrs Ebenezer explained how the spirit of lust had pushed him to watch pornography on the internet. His preoccupation with pornography left him with little time for his wife and also stopped him from reading his Bible and praying. She said that he especially loved watching pornographic images of large, fat women with fair complexions. She said that after his deliverance, he has started appreciating her and her marriage has been restored in Jesus’ name.


Mrs Okafor Omale came to The SCOAN for the first time last week and was surprised to receive a word of prophecy from Prophet T.B. Joshua while sitting on the gallery. Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesied that her senior brother was in grave danger due to a community clash close to he was doing his youth service. Mrs Omale came forward alongside her brother to testify to the accuracy of the prophetic message. Her brother, Mr Vincent, said that immediately he received the call from his younger sister, he left his vicinity and came straight to The SCOAN. Whilst in The SCOAN, one of his colleagues in the community he was serving in called him that during the course of that week, he was almost killed in that community by unknown gunmen.MRS. OKAFOR OMALE & BROTHER -PROPHECY-CALL YOUR BROTHER I SEE HIM BEING KILLED

Prior to that, there were serious clashes within the community that led to many deaths. Most of his colleagues rushed away from the community due to the severity of the clashes but he refused to leave and stayed behind. The crises continued to the point where most of the residents and all of the youth corp members in the community left but he was the only one that remained. He testified that God really used Prophet T.B. Joshua to save his life from certain death.  Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesied that the young man had a very bright future.


A video was replayed of a pinpoint prophetic message Prophet T.B. Joshua gave to a couple during the course of last week’s service. The prophecy centered on a controversy over a child which had resulted into a serious marital crisis. Mr & Mrs Ben Emenari came forward accompanied by their first son, the child the controversy concerned. Mr Emenari explained that he travelled to Italy after his wife conceived their first son and only returned three years later. He was surprised to see that his son’s development was abnormal because all his other children were academically excellent and showed no such signs.MR & MRS BEN EMENARI & SON - PROPHECY- THERE IS A CONTROVERSY OVER A CHILD

The issue caused arguments between the couple as Mr Emenari began believing it was not his child and demanded for another son, even though they had initially decided not to have children again. He explained that as a result of this problem, he sent his family back to Nigeria while he continued living in Italy. Mrs Emenari spoke further to confirm the prophecy, explaining that medical doctors in Italy told her that there was a blockage in his brain that affected his growth. She said that the problem with their child really affected the marriage to the point where she almost left her husband due to the constant fights. The couple thanked God for the prophecy which reconciled the couple. Prophet T.B. Joshua said that he was going to join the family and pray for the child’s full recovery.


Mr & Mrs John Gbasa from Nigeria and Mr & Mrs Benson from Ghana came to testify to the fulfillment of Prophet T.B. Joshua’s prophetic words. Mr John Gbasa heard Prophet T.B. Joshua’s prophecy that the year 2013 would be a year in which agriculture and the food supply industry would boom. He immediately went into cocoa, cassava and plantain farming regardless of the fact that he had no knowledge or experience in farming or food supply. Within a short period of time, his agricultural business started booming and international companies started partnering with them. His company represented Nigeria in a Japanese food exhibition a week ago where there was a huge demand for his products from foreign customers.MR & MRS JOHN GBASA FROM NIGERIA, MR & MRS BENSON FROM GHANA { A  BOOMING FARM INDUSTRY AFTER DADDY'S PROPHECY FOR 2013}

Mr Benson the company director representing the company in Ghana spoke and said that within six months they had harvested a mighty harvest of plantain, cassava and cocoa which should have taken more than one year to achieve. They advised everyone to take the prophetic words from Prophet T.B. Joshua seriously and act according to God’s instruction.


Mrs Amos came to The SCOAN in August 2012 knowing that her marriage was in a rocky period. She had not heard directly from her husband living in Malaysia for nearly three months and he had sent a text message to her sister that he was no more interested in the marriage. Arriving at The SCOAN, Prophet T.B. Joshua located her in a word of prophecy, stating that he saw separation in her marriage but that she should not cry as her husband would return from abroad to apologize to her and reconcile. As Divine providence would have it, Mr Amos was watching the prophecy live and direct in a different continent and time zone in Malaysia. MR & MRS AMOS  {PROPHECY RECONCILIATION}He had already made up his mind to quit the marriage and told his friend that the only person in the world who could restore their relationship was Prophet T.B. Joshua. Shocked to see the accurate prophetic message, Mr Amos called his wife, forgave her for the past issues they were facing and asked for forgiveness for his previous actions. He testified that since that reconciliatory act, his business in Malaysia began booming miraculously. Upon returning to Nigeria, he went straight to meet his wife and they have been together since. He stated that before the prophecy, he was a womanizer and used to go out late at night with friends to smoke and drink. However, since the prophecy, he has been staying at home with his wife. Who else could bring about this reconciliation other than Jesus Christ!


Last week Sunday, we listened to Ms Chinonye Ubochi who said that she was pregnant but that the man who impregnated her rejected the pregnancy. As a result, she said she had wanted to sell her baby for 250,000 naira. She stated that she had already negotiated the said price for her unborn baby with a particular woman who was waiting for her to deliver. She said that she had told her mother about her intentions to sell her unborn baby and that her mother had said that she should do whatever was in her mind because her mother was already taking care of her other child and the familywere not financially capable of caring for another. She wanted to sell the baby because she did not have a job or any source of income. Prophet T.B. Joshua said Ms Ugochi needed deliverance as it was an evil spirit that pushed her to even contemplate such a inhumane act, promising that the ministry would provide scholarships for the unborn baby and her other child. Later in the service that day, she was prayed for in the power of the Holy Spirit by one of the wise men and delivered in Jesus’ name.MS. CHINONYE UBOCHI & MOTHER {UNBORN BABY FOR SALE}

During this week’s Sunday service, Ms Chinoye Ugochi shared her testimony and explained that she used to have evil attacks at night and had two pregnancies including the current one, from two different men who had each rejected the babies. She said that after her deliverance, she has been sleeping well and no longer experiences nightmares. Chinoye’s mother also thanked God for delivering her daughter. Chinoye was given a cash gift of 300,000 naira for her children’s scholarships from Prophet T.B Joshua and The Emmanuel TV Partners as well as four bags of rice and a copy of The Mirror. They rejoiced and thanked God for His mighty provision and restoration.


Mr. Patrick Benson came to The SCOAN unable to walk without a walking stick. After armed robbers viciously attacked him, he sustained a horrific injury on his foot after the robbers opened fire on him. A bullet ripped through his foot, leaving a gaping wound. Escaping with his life, he was rushed to the hospital where doctors recommended an immediate amputation of his foot due to the severity of the wound.2

Mr Patrick refused to undergo such operation and began desperately searching for solution. However, the condition of his foot kept deteriorating and the wound kept widening. 1After exhausting efforts moving around both conventional and unconventional hospitals and herbal homes, a friend recommended he come to The SCOAN. Hobbling painfully into the prayer line, fully dependent on a walking aid, Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for Mr Benson in the power of the Holy Spirit.healing Immediately he began to walk as he threw the walking aid away and placed weight fully on his foot for the first time since the robbery incident. He returned to The SCOAN to testify that since receiving prayer, the wound on his foot completely closed and covered over, enabling him to return to work and continue his daily activities freely! 3Within just a week, he returned to the doctors who were astounded by the speedy recovery and said he no longer needed to go for the amputation. Hallelujah!7


Mr & Mrs Steven Eze, Nigerians residing in South Africa came forward to share their touching testimony. During last week’s service, Mrs Ifeoma Eze was delivered from an evil spirit that had threatened to destroy their young marriage. The evil spirit had caused constant fraction in the marriage, leading to no affection and regular contemplation of separation. Mr Eze described living with his wife before her deliverance as being hellish, stating that it was as if she was a robot programmed to irritate him. Before their marriage, he was a thriving businessman living comfortably but since getting married, he stated that it was like someone pointed a remote control at him and pressed ‘pause’ as all his business investments and contracts ground to a halt. It was only after installing Emmanuel TV in their home that the couple began to realize the spiritual element to their marital problem and resolved to visit The SCOAN together.MR & MRS STEVEN EZE {DELIVERED FROM SPIRITUAL HUSBAND}

Mrs Eze testified that since her deliverance last week, she had slept peacefully without being tormented by a strange watery man in her dreams. She further stated that it was as if her eyes were opened after deliverance and she saw her husband’s handsomeness for the first time! Mr Stephen thanked God for his wife’s deliverance, explaining that even in the short period after her deliverance, he has seen huge changes in her attitude and relationship with him. The couple advised people to watch Emmanuel TV and attend a living church for deliverance if they realize they are facing a problem which is spiritual in origin.